search for institutional funding currently available for phc

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May 23, 2008, 2:24:19 PM5/23/08
to 15 by 2015
I hope this is not an inappropriate use of this mailing list, but
I am responsible for fund-raising for an already existing primary
health care program in rural Southwest Haiti. It is a 15 year old
program formerly sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee
(Quakers)--now a Haitian NGO. It has two Haitian physicians, three
Haitian nurses and a variety of other support staff including 34
village health workers serving a population of approximately 60,000
people. It is the kind of program that I believe 15 by 2015 would
like to see funds made available to support.
My question is: Is anyone aware of institutions already
supporting this kind of horizontal primary health care? I would very
much appreciate learning about any leads that anyone has so that we
can approach the potential funders. I would be happy to share more
information about the program with anyone who is interested.
Again, I hope this is not an inappropriate use of this space and
I apologize to anyne who feels that it is. Thank you for your
Paul Beach
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