2/28/16 "The Friendly Face" ~12 Step Soul Food

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Feb 28, 2016, 9:26:57 AM2/28/16
to 12-Step-Soul-Food-for-the-Spirit, 12StepSoulFoodForTheSpirit, Twelve Step Soul Food for the Spirit

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*LAUGHTER Is HEALING*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

The weekly meeting topic is:
When was the last time one of your dreams came true?
What was it, and how did it happen?
Did you make it happen, or did it happen to you or for you?

This is a DIFFERENT Yahoo Club you MUST join this club in order to
participate otherwise your emails will bounce

to share please visit
or email

A Safe Place to Share , Discover and Recover.
This is a SLAMMING, STRONG support group with
a whole lot of EXPERIENCE, LOVE and HOPE that is available to you.
This a message bulletin board meeting, where people post on the
weekly topic. It takes only 1 minute to enter a password and
username. Please go this page on the upper right hand corner and click
the join club link, sign in and go to the left hand side and click
messages to read what others have shared and click on the post link,
now you can share on the topic of the week or whatever you would like.
There is a lot of good experience, strength and hope in here as well
as newcomers who need our support and love, PLEASE stop by,
we will leave the light on in the room and there is coffee in the back :)
Thanks for your participation and support !!!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Please Be There For The Newcomers*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

February 28 
I am at choice today.
I accept the responsibility of my life
with a new sense of maturity,
confidence, and even excitement.
written by ~ Ruth Fishel
"Time for Joy" 
Check out Ruth's collection of
light, nourishing and nurturing Books and CD's
& some touching inspirational SPIRITLIFTER messages by email
for inspirational messages email

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Just for Today*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

The Friendly Face

I used to be so empty
trying to fill this giant hole
with every thing that I could find
through it, I lost my soul.
But nothing ever seemed to work
no madness that I tried.
finally, I hit desperate knees
raised my head and cried.
"Help me please, somebody!
lead me from this place."
I felt a hand upon my shoulder
looked up into a friendly face.
The hand reached down,
pulled me to my feet
took me to a meeting
and helped me find a seat.
I sat listening intently
to everything they shared
and, looking at their faces
I could tell they really cared.
slowly days and weeks went by
and I kept coming back
to see if this was really real
or just another act.
Finally, I surrendered.
I gave up my life of drugs.
switched my addiction to recovery
and caring friends and hugs.
The emptiness inside of me
hasn't completely gone away
I still can feel its presence
when i forget to pray.
or when I start in acting out
the way I used to do
instead of following spiritual principles
which, to me are still quite new.
But more and more I fill that hole
with this program's shining light.
And thank God for sending that friendly face
to comfort me that night.

With love john h.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Don't Use*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

If anyone has any original recovery poetry that they
would like to share with us please copy and paste it into the body
of an email and send it to me, Thanks for your support and contributions.
What I can't do alone, We do together.
In loving service, Scott ~   YOUn...@gmail.com

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Make A Meeting*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Just For Today 
February 28                                        The Greatest Gift

"We examine our actions, reactions, and motives. We often find that
we've been doing better than we've been feeling."   Basic Text, p. 93

 When we begin coming to meetings, we hear other addicts talking 
about the gifts they have received as a result of this program, things 
we never thought of as "gifts" before. One such "gift" is the renewed 
ability to feel the emotions we had deadened for so long with drugs. 
It's not difficult to think of love, joy, and happiness as gifts, even if it's 
been a long time since we've felt them. But what about "bad" feelings 
like anger, sadness, fear, and loneliness? Such emotions can't be 
seen as gifts, we tell ourselves. After all, how can we be thankful for 
things we want to run from?! 

We can become grateful for these emotions in our lives if we place them
in their proper perspective. We need to remember that we've come to
believe in a loving Higher Power, and we've asked that Power to care for
us-and our Higher Power doesn't make mistakes. The feelings we're
given, "good" or "bad;' are given to us for a reason. With this in mind, we
come to realize that there are no "bad" feelings, only lessons to be
learned. Our faith and our Higher Power's care give us the courage we
need to face whatever feelings may come up on a daily basis.

 As we heard early in recovery, "Your Higher Power won't give you more
than you can handle in just one day:' And the ability to feel our emotions
is one of the greatest gifts of recovery.

Just for today: I will try to welcome my feelings, firm in the belief
that I have the courage to face whatever emotions may come up in
my life.

Just For Today Daily Meditation is the property of Narcotics Anonymous ©
1991 by World Service Office Inc.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Get Involved In Service*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

If you are enjoying this daily recovery email,
Please pass on 12 Step Soul Food For The Spirit to your online friends,
"We can only keep what we have by giving it away."
If you have received this as a forward
and  would like to subscribe please email
Thanks, In loving service, Scott :)

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Get A Sponsor*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Food For Thought Meditation

Each Day a New Beginning (Women) Meditation

Touchtones (Men) Meditation

Meditation of the Day

Viking Thought of the Day

Elder's Meditation of the Day

Sober Thought of the Day

Daily Zen

Grapevine Story Today

Daily Motivator

IN THE ROOMS (ITR), is the premier FREE online social network dedicated to the global recovery community for people seeking help, in recovery and their family, friends and allies of recovery worldwide.  Our mission is to augment or enhance traditional 12 step and other recovery programs by offering a place to not only find like minded people but also people who share the same interests, passions and hobbies. Our mantra is the acronym HITCH which is the Help, Inform, Touch, Connect and Heal. 

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Use Your Sponsor*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Our Paths Are Our Own

.  .  .  there was nothing left for us but to pick up the simple kit of
spiritual tools laid at our feet.

My first attempt at the Steps was one of obligation and necessity, which
resulted in a deep feeling of discouragement in the face of all those
adverbs: courageously; completely; humbly; directly; and only.  I
considered Bill W. fortunate to have gone through such a major, even
sensational, spiritual experience.  I had to discover, as time went on,
that my path was my own.  After a few twenty-four hours in the A.A.
Fellowship, thanks especially to the sharing of members in the meetings, I
understood that everyone gradually finds his or her own pace in moving
through the Steps.  Through progressive means, I try to live according to
these suggested principles.  As a result of these Steps, I can say today
that my attitude towards life, people, and towards anything having to do
with God, has been transformed and improved.

Daily Reflection In Loving Memory Of Scott Reeves

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Be A Sponsor*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Twenty-Four Hours A Day by Hazelden/ February 28th

A.A. Thought for the Day

Getting sober was a long and painful journey, but
we can truthfully say it was worth it.  We know
now that all we've been through led us to A.A. and
was part of our spiritual journey.  We found in A.A.
what we had been vainly seeking in the bottle.
We've learned that our journey goes on as we
continue to deal with our shortcomings and the
human problems everybody must face.  And when
we reach a crossroads or a roadblock, we know
that our Higher Power will come to our aid in
making the right choices and surmounting all
obstacles.  Do I turn to my Higher Power to sustain
me as I continue the spiritual journey that brought
me to A.A.?

Meditation for the Day

As I continue on my spiritual journey, I will seek
and follow Divine Guidance and know there is always
a but my own pride and place with God.  I need
not strain or struggle to obtain that which God
wants me to have.  My only responsibility is to accept
God's guidance and follow the highest principles
in all my affairs.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I'll continue to seek guidance as my
spiritual journey continues today.  I pray to trust
that I am always doing the right thing and am in
the right place when my Higher Power is leading me.

"Twenty-Four Hours A Day" is a © Copyrighted book of
Hazelden Foundation.  No portion of this publication may
be reproduced in any manner without the written
permission of Hazelden.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Work The Steps*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Today's Thought

You are reading from the book The Language of Letting Go.
Melody Beattie ©

Letting Go of Denial

    We are slow to believe that which if believed would hurt our 
feelings.    --Ovid

Most of us in recovery have engaged in denial from time to 
time. Some of us relied on this tool.

We may have denied events or feelings from our past. We may 
have denied other people's problems; we may have denied our 
own problems/ feelings, thoughts, wants, or needs. We denied 
the truth.

Denial means we didn't let ourselves face reality, usually 
because facing that particular reality would hurt. It would be a 
loss of something: trust, love, family, perhaps a marriage, a 
friendship, or a dream. And it hurts to lose something or someone. 

Denial is a protective device, a shock absorber for the soul It 
prevents us from acknowledging reality until we feel prepared 
to cope with that particular reality People can shout and scream 
the truth at us, but we will not see or hear it until we are ready.

We are sturdy yet fragile beings. Sometimes, we need time to 
get prepared, time to ready ourselves to cope. We do not let go 
of our need to deny by beating ourselves into acceptance; we 
let go of our need to deny by allowing ourselves to become 
safe and strong enough to cope with the truth

We will do this, when the time is right. We do not need to punish 
ourselves for having denied reality; we need only love ourselves 
into safety and strength so that each day we are better equipped 
to face and deal with the truth. We will face and deal with reality - 
on our own time schedule, when we are ready, and in our Higher 
Power's timing. We do not have to accept chastisement from 
anyone, including ourselves, for this schedule.

We will know what we need to know, when it's time to know it.

Today, I will concentrate on making myself feel safe and 
confident. I will let myself have my aware nesses on my own time 

©1990, Hazelden Foundation. All rights reserved. No portion of this
publication may be reproduced in any manner without the written 
permission of the publisher.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*You Are A Miracle*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

IN THE ROOMS (ITR), is the premier FREE online social network dedicated to the global recovery community for people seeking help, in recovery and their family, friends and allies of recovery worldwide.  Our mission is to augment or enhance traditional 12 step and other recovery programs by offering a place to not only find like minded people but also people who share the same interests, passions and hobbies. Our mantra is the acronym HITCH which is the Help, Inform, Touch, Connect and Heal. 

SpiritHaven and SpiritLifter

Alan Cohen

Marianne Williamson ~ 'Return to Love'

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Don Miguel Ruiz ~ 'The Four Agreements'

Oriah ~ 'The Invitation'

Deepak Chopra

Louise Hay ~ 'You Can Heal Your Life'

Spirit Site~ Home for Spirituality excerpts from books

Heal Your Life~ 'You Can'

Of Spirit ~ 'Healing Body Mind and Spirit'

In Light Times ~ 'Concepts for Conscious Living'

Vision Magazine ~ 'Catalyst for Conscious Living'

Transformation Magazine ~ 'Your Resource for Personal Development'

World Forgiveness Alliance

The Association for Global New Thought

A Course In Miracles

Finding Joy

Inspirational movie, about 3 minutes long

Inspirational Spiritual Flash Movies

Meditation Rooms

Native American 10 Commandments

The Secret

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Keep It Simple*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Freedom of Choice
by Randi B. Noyes

Many people convince themselves that they "have to" know so much, do so much, and be capable of so much. Seeing life as a series of "have to's" can be destructive. In reality, we don't have to do anything. On the contrary, we choose to do everything. If, in fact, you were governed by "have to's," you would be renouncing all responsibility for your life. Taking full responsibility for your existence on Earth gives you the key to recognizing your freedom of choice.

Of course, consequences follow from our decisions, and become apparent as we actively make choices. If we decide not to choose, there will be consequences nonetheless. Taking a step back from our lives lets us see that what we are, and where we are, results from the choices, conscious or not, that we've made along the way. That's why it's so important to try to be mindful of our choices. Take a moment now to give yourself the freedom to choose, and then think about how it would feel to be without it. What are your choices?

At the point where emotions interact with thought -- where a good mood leads you to think positively -- you can expect emotional intelligence to arise. You need to tap this emotional intelligence to make better choices, which create a better life.

Giving yourself the gift of choice can be overwhelming, especially if you're not in the habit. To help yourself, try to remember your happiest moments. Start this journey into the past by searching for five joyful memories. Once you identify them, dig a little deeper and consider why they made you happy. I promise that by doing this exercise you'll uncover new strength and an ability that will illuminate a goal.

Take care, though, not to be swayed by the events in your life that others deem "successful" or "exciting." It's dangerous to let other people's approbation define happiness for you. Instead, focus on those moments in your life that gave you the most pleasure, regardless of others' reactions.

When you've taken time to find out what you really like to do, the next step is to better understand why it makes you happy. Knowing will help you develop goals that fit your true nature. Aligning your passions with your goals produces a powerful energy that permeates your entire life.

Understanding and giving intention to your goals engenders a depth of meaning that creates a whole that's greater than the sum of its parts. If you feel you've lost the inner fire that propels you along, try to chart a new path for yourself.

Knowing that we have to get up and pay our bills or take out of the garbage isn't what makes us jump happily out of bed every morning. Our goals do that. Goals have to be rich and attractive enough to hold our attention. Psychologists often say that we should have realistic goals that are in proportion to our abilities. This might be true with respect to some goals, but I encourage you to grant yourself the luxurious pleasure of exciting, ambitious dreams. Dare to surpass the confining limits that you yourself have set. Let go of your inhibitions, and reach for a goal that makes your heart sing and your blood run faster in your veins.

Do you dare to achieve your goal? Do you care what other people say? Do you care if they laugh, or gloat over the fact that you didn't succeed? Remember that this isn't about the rest of the world, it's about you. Never abandon a goal that resonates deeply in your heart. That's the same as saying "No" to life. Don't give up on anything that really excites you, even if it looks impossible at first. And don't underestimate the tremendous power that comes from within when you truly believe in your goal and make a commitment to achieving it. That is when you can do the "impossible."

Imagine yourself when you're old, sitting in your rocking chair, a wool blanket covering your knees. Think of the joy you'll have remembering all the things you dared to do and say, and the choices you dared to make because you took control of your life. Now remember that being true to yourself is the same as being true to others.

Once, I attended a dinner for Fred, whose firm was honoring him for fifty years' loyal service. As Fred sat facing me, I felt great respect for his contribution and politely asked, "Have you been happy these fifty years?" His unhesitating reply was a shock: "Not for a minute."

I wondered how that could have been possible. "But wasn't there anything you liked about your job during all this time?" I asked. Fred told me that he had spent some time doing carpentry and had really enjoyed it, so I asked why he hadn't pursued that kind of work. He replied that he'd tried once but it hadn't worked out. Once! Only once! Why not a hundred times? I thought to myself. But then I reminded myself that these choices weren't mine to make; they were Fred's, and his alone. He had the right to choose as he wished, because his life was his responsibility and no one else's. As I sat staring at his hands, which were obviously made for carpentry, he perceived my disappointment. "Don't be so sad," he said. "I've just bought myself a carpenter's bench."

Think for a moment about all the people in the world who died without ever having chosen to buy themselves their carpenter's bench! When we believe strongly that something is possible, it becomes possible. If we see only impossibility, then that's what we guarantee ourselves. It's been said that perception is one hundred percent of reality. If we believe we're too young, then we are too young; if we think we're too weak, we are too weak. We need to be consciously aware of how we choose to view the world, because that's the reality in which we put ourselves.

It was a crucial day when I realized that my thoughts control my life. I had no money when I began my professional journey twenty years ago, but I believed that if I could see my goal clearly enough and wanted it badly enough, I'd be able to achieve it. The hardest part was being honest enough with myself to dare admit out loud what I was lacking. Honesty with ourselves can be difficult if we're out of practice; we need to be completely truthful and admit to what we really want.

Resist that hesitation you feel when you look around and see that no one in your family or your neighborhood has ever done what you want to do. Avoid the trap of believing that you won't succeed just because no one else has. You are unique; no one else can do what you can do the way you can do it. No one else can judge whether your goals are realistic. They can never be in your shoes, and they can never know what you can achieve. It is amazing what you can accomplish when you really want something and are willing to do all it takes to get it.
1. The Goal of Acquiring

It's normal to want things. The Western world is flooded with material goods, and wanting to acquire and possess them is a feeling familiar to all of us. We can actually have a lot of fun in the pursuit of getting things that interest us, and subsequently we often develop deep attachments to what we own. Do you remember your attachment to the first thing you saved up for when you were a kid -- a bike or a toy?

Some say that the urge to acquire material things has gone too far. I won't moralize about the joys of ownership, but I'll assert that we can't grow as human beings if acquiring is the only thing we strive for. Apart from a roof over your head and enough to eat, things are just amusements, not to be confused with necessities. The problem with this kind of amusement is that when we get bored with it, we think we can remedy a lack of meaning in our lives by replacing our old things with new ones. Instead, we create an endless cycle of discontentment. So, while the desire to acquire is an integral and acceptable part of life, it is only one piece of the puzzle.
2. The Goal of Achieving

I'll always remember Nick, a very angry man loaded with ideas that earned him no support from his employer. Nick felt misunderstood and badly treated. He didn't realize how hard it is to receive ideas from a very angry person. After mapping his talents and abilities, and convincing himself that he needn't be different than he was, Nick discovered a new peace. Accepting himself allowed him to look more closely at the anger that had dominated his life.

We needed to get to the root of Nick's anger. A long-time literary critic for a newspaper, he was greatly respected for his knowledge and insight into the world of books. He could talk about literature all day long, but never dared admit to himself that he actually wanted to be an author. When I learned this, I no longer had to wonder why Nick was so angry: he was denying himself the opportunity to achieve a goal that was at the very core of his being.

Once he'd articulated the goal of establishing himself as a writer, it was amazing how strong his commitment became. Now, ten years later, he has published several books. Not all of them have been well received, but that doesn't discourage him from continuing to write with passion. Most importantly, Nick is now engaged in a labor of love, and lives a happier, more fulfilling life because of his achievement. You too can discover the potent magic in uncovering what you really want to achieve.

Thomas came to me feeling dissatisfied with his job as a business manager. He was experiencing a host of conscious and unconscious conflicts around the life choices he had made. For Thomas everything felt like a struggle, and he was tired. Five years away from retirement, he told me that his goal was to endure those five years until he could afford to stop working. In other words, he just wanted to survive.

Through intensive questioning and exploration, we were able to map his talents and abilities. Then came the harder job of discussing his hopes and desires. Finally, Thomas was able to admit that he had long dreamed of living in Spain for six months and learning to speak Spanish. He imagined this time away would also give him the opportunity to work on his inner self and achieve greater peace. Through our work together, he decided to make his dream a reality.

Thomas's wife, who had become frustrated with his pessimistic attitude toward life, was wholly supportive of his decision to go. On the other hand, Thomas dreaded how his employer might react. Before confronting the boss, Thomas put all his thoughts on paper, preparing mentally to present himself and his situation constructively. He succeeded in making his boss understand that he needed a six-month leave of absence in order to achieve a greater understanding in his personal life, which would ultimately benefit his work at the firm. Not only did he receive a positive reaction, but he also became a role model: several of his colleagues have followed suit.
3. The Goal of Being

You can be whoever you want to be, and your awareness of this is fundamental to a fulfilling life. What qualities do you wish to have? I want to be honest. I want to be a loyal friend. I want to be true to myself. I want to be brave. I want to be an expert in my field. I want to be loving, patient, flexible, and open to growth and change. I want to be compassionate and much more. Often I slip and fall, but because I know what qualities I want to have, I can pick myself up again and continue my journey. I believe I can be whatever I want to be, as long as I know precisely what qualities I value. Leading yourself through life's journey is an exciting adventure made up of moments of being. You make choices about who you are and who you want to be at every moment, and by embracing those choices, you can be a person whom you cherish.

We're all looking for closeness and the possibility of contributing our best along the way. Material goods can't fill the vacuum inside us. Meeting our feelings, forgiving, and being true to ourselves will give life the meaning we crave, and the very powerful peace at our deepest core. When we honestly confront ourselves as we are we meet both our best and poorer sides. To meet the one we must also meet and learn to accept the other, and acknowledge that our darker side plays a key role in our contacting a force that's infinite and greater than we are, but is at the same time contained in us. Being what you are at this very moment is right, because you are exactly as you should be. By going through the dark of night we walk toward the light of day. The truth will free us to be just as we are.

Ann is a beautiful woman in her fifties. When I first met her I thought, "She's the picture of health:" I was amazed to hear her incredible story. For four years Ann had felt trapped in a tough job situation with two employers who couldn't stand each other. Both were her supervisors, and she felt that she was at the mercy of their decisions. She expended so much energy in her frustrating attempts to reconcile these two feuding forces that she neglected her commitment to herself.

Then Ann found out she had cancer. On getting the devastating news, she cried for three days. Somehow, in the midst of her misery, the realization came to her: "If I managed to make myself ill, I can manage to make myself well, too." Regaining her health became her primary goal. As discussed earlier, we've got to believe thoroughly in what we want in order to have any real chance of success. Ann fought bravely to strengthen a belief that might easily not have materialized -- the belief that she could get well.

Statistically, the odds were against her. Several doctors told her that her chances were slim, but that didn't erase Ann's hopes for a full recovery. She had to fight not only her illness, but also her doctors' pessimism. Ann's story is both an encouragement to patients who lose hope, and a caution to physicians who discourage the hopes of the sick.

Ann found the Oslo Creativity Center, where cancer patients gather to provide a nurturing environment and a place for healing. There, Ann was able to rid herself of her fear, aggression, and hopelessness. She battled her illness because she wanted to live, and her husband and friends supported her and fought right alongside. They all committed themselves to fight for faith and hope, because that's what Ann needed. Somehow, despite the pain and suffering, Ann knew that the "impossible" was possible. In the end, she cured herself.

We've all heard people talk about their tribulations, and it can help us to be mindful of the lessons they learned before we have to experience them for ourselves. As Ann put it,

"I'm very grateful for the difficulties I've had. Through them I learned so much about myself and about life. I learned that I have to take care of myself, because no one else bears that responsibility but me. I learned to set limits. I learned to be true to myself, instead of doing what I believed others expected of me. I learned what's important and what's not. I learned that love and closeness are the most essential components of a meaningful life. I learned to distinguish between true and false friends. I learned that life can't be taken for granted. I learned to take care of my body and get enough exercise and rest. I learned that life is lived at this very moment! I learned that there was nothing to wait for; it was life that had been waiting for me."

Randi B. Noyes is a pioneer in the practical application of emotional intelligence and president of Leadership International, Inc., a leadership consulting firm. For over twenty years, Randi has provided leadership coaching to hundreds of top executives and corporate clients in all industries. Based in Boston, Massachusetts and Oslo, Norway, she can be reached at: www.leadership-international.com

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*One Day At A Time*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

The Lord in the Tree
Alan Cohen 

  "Two men were walking in a field when a bull charged them.
One man scampered up a tree while the other stood defiantly
in the bull's path.  'Get up here, you idiot!' called the man in
the branches.

  'The Lord will protect me!' retorted the other man.

  The bull butted the man vehemently and went on his way
triumphantly, leaving the obstinate fellow dazed and confused.
The first man came down from the tree to help his bruised friend.

  'I thought for sure the Lord would help me!' complained the
  injured man.

  'He tried,' answered his friend.  'Didn't you hear Him calling you
  from the tree?'

  A request for help from an unseen power often manifests itself
through earthly channels.  God's wonders are not restricted to
supernatural miracles.  Often miracles occur through people and
tangible messages here on earth.

  If you are looking for an answer to a question or problem, you
may receive it through physical means.  Someone may hand you a
book, invite you to a lecture, or speak a phrase that resonates
within you.  You may feel a tingling in your spine, get goose bumps,
or simply feel a sense of clarity or fulfillment.  Be sensitive to your
feelings and energies when such a sign is presented.  The word
'angel' means 'messenger,' and your message may come anytime
through any means.  Stay awake to listen!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*First Things First*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Different Drums and Different Drummers

If I do not want what you want,
Please try not to tell me that my want is wrong.
Of if I believe other than you,
at least pause before you correct my view.
Or if my emotion is less than yours,
or more, given the same circumstances,
try not to ask me to feel more strongly or weakly.
Or yet if I act, or fail to act,
in the manner of your design for action, let me be.
I do not, for the moment at least,
ask you to understand me.
That will come only when you are willing
to give up changing me into a copy of you.
I may be your spouse, your parent, your offspring,
your friend, or your colleague.
If you allow me any of my own wants,
or beliefs, or actions, then you open your-self
so that someday these wants of mine
might not seem so wrong,
and might finally appear to you as right - for me.
To put up with me is the first step in understanding me.
Not that you are no longer irritated or disappointed
with me for my seeming waywardness.
And in understanding me you might come to prize
my differences from you, and far from seeking to change me,
preserve and even nurture those differences.

Author Unknown

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Easy Does It*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

The Butterfly

She sat by him and took a breath
Wondering what a mother says
When her child is sad, hurting so,
What could she do, what did she know?

She took his hand and led him to
A butterfly leaving its cocoon.
The creature struggled, would the creature live?
It seemed to have given all that it could give.

The child shuttered and pointed to
The place on the window by the cocoon,
“Mother, we just have to try
Without our help it may not survive.”
“Child,” she answered, “it sadly seems
That the creature will never free tightened wings;
But that’s really just the way it appears
Through eyes misted by human fears.

“For the struggle helps strengthen the butterfly,
Relieves it of fluid, part of learning to fly.
Any attempt of help that we’d give
Would not help the creature; it wouldn’t live.

“And you, too, leave your own cocoon.
Though I wish I could take all your pain from you,
I trust in you and would never try
For you and I both are just learning to fly.

She held her son and led him to bed
But the next day, eyes beaming, took her hand and he led,
His mom to the window:  a miraculous sight
That beautiful butterfly was free and in flight.

written by: CARA S.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Live And Let Live*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Whispers in the wind

When times get rough and you feel
the waves of unfairness breaking
against your very being
and the rage of the wind seems to be forcing
you back into the darkness,
stinging your eyes with tears of sorrow and pain...
Clouds of doom seem to darken the moon and you can't find the sun...
Remember the words of wisdom from the whispering winds...
"This too shall pass"..
Like a storm in the night it will pass...
The rage will mellow and the stars will once again shine...
The tears that once filled an ocean will pass away...
We face storms each and every day in our lives...
Some storms more severe than others...
However, through our faith we hang onto the hope of a better tomorrow... 
Sometimes it is just better to have faith and to let it be...
What will be will be...
We can not see into the future...
We can not dwell in our past....
We can only accept the gift of today and 
let it be the best day of our lives....
Reaping wisdom from the strength of the
whispering winds and just let it be....
Living everyday to it's fullest we will never have any reason 
to say I could have, I should have and/or I would have....

Written By Vee  

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Keep The Focus On You*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Growth as Rings

Growth occurs, not as a straight line
between  the larger spaces of our lives
But as circular projections and  retractions

A spiral of continuous dynamic cohesiveness
between  the small minutiae and the grandiose
between the ordinary obscure and  the
clear sharpness of revelations, illuminations

As the inside  of a tree trunk
shows us each year's ring, its age
as the circular  evidence of growing activity

We thus shine the timeless results of  our growth
under similar tensions and pressures
Sometimes we advance  forward, other times
it is a standing still that is required

A  balance between objectives and life
However manifested, growth is  change
Is a spiral, inevitable, inherent to all life  forms

Growth pushes; love shoves; the Dream appears
Expression  of our inner seasons is the
echo of Earth Nature's cycles

Like  trees, the life pressures we experience
force our growth in circles and  rings
And that is the natural order of things


©2004 Stella Raymonde Savoie Johnson 

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Let God and Let Go*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Adversity is the trial of principle.  
Without it man hardly knows whether he is honest or not.
 Henry Fielding (1707-1754)


The spiritual journey, the path of recovery and personal growth, 
is a detoxification process in which we 
bring up and out the negative beliefs we have carried with us 
from the past and that now poison the present.
Marianne Williamson

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Come To*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

The principles you live by create the world you live in; 
if you change the principles you live by, 
you will change your world.
Blaine Lee

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Come To Believe*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Sometimes there are no answers,
there are only examples.
Mark Kostew

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Look For The Beauty*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Anger taken out on myself,
is like picking up a hot coal to throw at you.
I get burned first.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Today Is A Gift*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

It is by sharing the pain 
that I learn how to laugh.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Keep Stepping*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

When I share my pain,
my disease loses weapons to use against me.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Stay In The Light*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Hatred is too powerful of an emotion to waste
on someone that you don't like.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Take A Moment To GIVE (NO COST)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

FREE Click to GIVE @ to STOP Violence Against Women
FREE Click to GIVE Rice
FREE Click to GIVE @ the STOP HIV SiteFREE Click to GIVE @ the Hunger SiteFREE Click to GIVE @ the Breast Cancer SiteFREE Click to GIVE @ the Rain Forest SiteFREE Click to GIVE @ the Animal Rescue SiteFREE Click to GIVE @ the Children in Need
FREE Click to GIVE @ to Save Our Oceans

Track Your Impact in GIVING

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*One Promise, Many Gifts*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

IN THE ROOMS (ITR), is the premier FREE online social network dedicated to the global recovery community for people seeking help, in recovery and their family, friends and allies of recovery worldwide.  Our mission is to augment or enhance traditional 12 step and other recovery programs by offering a place to not only find like minded people but also people who share the same interests, passions and hobbies. Our mantra is the acronym HITCH which is the Help, Inform, Touch, Connect and Heal. 

Adult Children of Alcoholics


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Created in 1997 , "12 Step Soul Food for the Spirit" is intended to give readers , inspiring and thoughtful messages. To help fulfill our primary purpose which is to carry the message to the alcoholic/addict who still suffers. A spiritual adventure, a journey inwards this has a vision of opening and touching, each and everyone, with the Loving Power and Presence of the Spirit within." We invite you to share the writings by forwarding today's message to others. Share "12 Step Soul Food for the Spirit" with friends and loved ones: Please keep passing this along to online recovery friends  "We can only keep what we have by giving it away." 

12StepSoulFoodForTheSpirit does not endorse any of the advertisements that may appear in this daily mailing. Advertising is the price that we pay for a free list server that yahoo groups and google groups provides.

Putting together these Daily Recovery Emails has been such a blessing for me, Thanks for your support and contributions, "What I can't do alone we can do together." If you have any original poetry or submissions that you would like to send to me you can email me at

Anyone can subscribe to this free daily  e-zine by sending an Email message to me and write subscribe in the subject line.

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By the grace of God and through your efforts of passing on this email, we are reaching many recovering people in different areas of the world. If you are receiving this, from a country outside of the USA please send me an email and tell me where you are receiving this. So far we reaching over 17,000 recovering people in 66 countries including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada , Columbia, Costa Rica, China , Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Guatemala, Germany, Greece, Honduras, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Lithuania, Mali West Africa, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia , Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa , Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, U.S.A., Venezuela, Wales, West Indies, Zimbabwe.

Even if your country is listed please email me, and let me know where you are from

When we hug we pray,
Stay in the Light, 
In loving service,
Scott H. from N.Y. ~ cleandate 10/27/88

       ==  ==      "we are each of us angels 
  <^\()/\()/^>       with but one wing,  
      \/  \/  \/       and can only fly by 
       /  \/  \        embracing each other"

Scott’s Daily Blog

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