3/5/16 "Lucky One" ~12 Step Soul Food for the Spirit

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Mar 5, 2016, 8:28:44 AM3/5/16
to 12StepSoulFoodForTheSpirit, Twelve Step Soul Food for the Spirit, 12-Step-Soul-Food-for-the-Spirit
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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*LAUGHTER Is HEALING*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

The weekly meeting topic is:
Each month we will share on a step and
spiritual principles of the step.
Since it is March, PLEASE share on the 3rd step
Or if you haven’t done the 3rd step share on
Willingness, Faith and Surrender....

This is a DIFFERENT Yahoo Club you MUST join this club in order to
participate otherwise your emails will bounce

to share please visit
or email

A Safe Place to Share , Discover and Recover.
This is a SLAMMING, STRONG support group with
a whole lot of EXPERIENCE, LOVE and HOPE that is available to you.
This a message bulletin board meeting, where people post on the
weekly topic. It takes only 1 minute to enter a password and
username. Please go this page on the upper right hand corner and click
the join club link, sign in and go to the left hand side and click
messages to read what others have shared and click on the post link,
now you can share on the topic of the week or whatever you would like.
There is a lot of good experience, strength and hope in here as well
as newcomers who need our support and love, PLEASE stop by,
we will leave the light on in the room and there is coffee in the back :)
Thanks for your participation and support !!!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Please Be There For The Newcomers*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

March 5 
Today I will accept what I have and what I am
and what I see in this moment.
I will be fully alive in this moment
and feel the joy of knowing that
it is all that there is right now.
written by ~ Ruth Fishel
"Time for Joy" 
Check out Ruth's collection of
light, nourishing and nurturing Books and CD's
& some touching inspirational SPIRITLIFTER messages by email
for inspirational messages email

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Just for Today*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Lucky One

step right up --come on in... and i will tell you where i've been...


so many days and nights on end, chasing my desire.

it started out a friendly game for company and smiles...and carried me
through many joys, heartache blues and trials.

the friends that i once held dear, are nowhere to be found.... some are out
there, somewhere still... some are in the ground.

i can't remember exactly when the good times turned all  turned around...
and grabbed ahold of me and started dragging me around.

i fought with every breath i took to escape its grip... only to be lost at
sea on a sinking ship.

sinking further in despair... i cried for help... nobody cared.

some said that i had gone too far... hung out with thugs and in the bars.

they didn't care about my health... i didn't even love myself.

and then the law caught up to me... they locked me up... GOD set me free...

free from the drugs and free from the strain... free to start my life again.

time to mend my broken heart (and ) time to plasn a brand new start.

deborah k

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Don't Use*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

If anyone has any original recovery poetry that they
would like to share with us please copy and paste it into the body
of an email and send it to me, Thanks for your support and contributions.
What I can't do alone, We do together.
In loving service, Scott ~  YOUn...@gmail.com

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Make A Meeting*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Just For Today 
March 5                  From Rude Awakening to Spiritual Awakening

"When a need arises for us to admit our powerlessness, we may
first look for ways to exert power against it. After exhausting
these ways, we begin sharing with others and find hope."
Basic Text, p. 79

 We've sometimes heard it said in our meetings that "rude awakenings
lead to spiritual awakenings:' What kind of rude awakenings do we have 
in recovery? Such an awakening might occur when some undesirable 
bit of our behavior that we thought safely hidden away is suddenly 
revealed for all the world to see. Or our sponsor might provoke such 
an awakening by informing us that, just like everyone else, we have 
to work the steps if we expect to stay clean and recover.

 Most of us hate to have our covers pulled; we don't like being laid 
naked in full view. The experience delivers a strong dose of humility. 
Our first reaction to such a disclosure is usually shock and anger, yet 
we recognize the truth when we hear it. What we are having is a rude 

 Such awakenings often disclose barriers that block us from making
spiritual progress in our recovery. Once those barriers are exposed, we
can work the steps to begin removing them from our lives. We can begin
experiencing the healing and serenity which are the preludes to a 
renewed awakening of the spirit.

Just for today: : I will recognize the rude awakenings I have as
opportunities to grow toward spiritual awakening.

Just For Today Daily Meditation is the property of Narcotics Anonymous ©
1991 by World Service Office Inc.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Get Involved In Service*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

If you are enjoying this daily recovery email,
Please pass on 12 Step Soul Food For The Spirit to your online friends,
"We can only keep what we have by giving it away."
If you have received this as a forward
and  would like to subscribe please email
Thanks, In loving service, Scott :)

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Get A Sponsor*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Food For Thought Meditation

Each Day a New Beginning (Women) Meditation

Touchtones (Men) Meditation

Meditation of the Day

Viking Thought of the Day

Elder's Meditation of the Day

Sober Thought of the Day

Daily Zen

Grapevine Story Today

Daily Motivator

IN THE ROOMS (ITR), is the premier FREE online social network dedicated to the global recovery community for people seeking help, in recovery and their family, friends and allies of recovery worldwide.  Our mission is to augment or enhance traditional 12 step and other recovery programs by offering a place to not only find like minded people but also people who share the same interests, passions and hobbies. Our mantra is the acronym HITCH which is the Help, Inform, Touch, Connect and Heal. 

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Use Your Sponsor*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Mysterious Paradoxes

      Such is the paradox of A.A. regeneration: strength arising out of
complete defeat and weakness, the loss of one's old life as a condition 
for finding a new one.
A.A.  COMES OF AGE, p.  46

What glorious mysteries paradoxes are! They do not compute, yet when
recognized and accepted, they reaffirm something in the universe 
beyond human logic.  When I face a fear, I am given courage; when I 
support a brother or sister, my capacity to love myself is increased; when 
I accept pain as part of the growing experience of life, I realize a greater
happiness; when I look at my dark side, I am brought into new light; 
when I accept my vulnerabilities and surrender to a Higher Power, I am 
graced with unforeseen strength.  I stumbled through the doors of A.A. 
in disgrace, expecting nothing from life, and I have been given hope 
and dignity.  Miraculously, the only way to keep the gifts of the program 
is to pass them on.

Daily Reflection In Loving Memory Of Scott Reeves

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Be A Sponsor*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Twenty-Four Hours A Day by Hazelden/ March 5th

A.A. Thought for the Day

Sometimes we try too hard to get this program.
It is better to relax and accept it.  It will be
given to us, with no effort on our part, if we stop
trying too hard to get it.  Sobriety can be a free
gift of God, which He gives us by His grace when
He knows we are ready for it.  But we have to be
ready.  Then we must relax, take it easy, and
accept the gift with gratitude and humility.  We
must put ourselves in God's hands.  We must say
to God:  "Here am I and here are all my troubles.
I've made a mess of things and can't do anything
about it.  You take me and all my troubles and do
anything you want with me."  Do I believe that the
grace of God can do for me what I could never do
for myself?

Meditation for the Day

Fear is the curse of the world.  Many are our fears.
Fear is everywhere.  I must fight fear as I would a
plague.  I must turn it out of my life.  There is no
room for fear in the heart in which God dwells.  Fear
cannot exist where true love is or where faith abides.
So I must have no fear.  Fear is evil, but "perfect
love casteth out all fear."  Fear destroys hope and
hope is necessary for all of humanity.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I may have no fear.  I pray that I may cast
all fear out of my life.

"Twenty-Four Hours A Day" is a © Copyrighted book of
Hazelden Foundation.  No portion of this publication may
be reproduced in any manner without the written
permission of Hazelden.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Work The Steps*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Today's Thought

You are reading from the book The Language of Letting Go.
Melody Beattie©

Be Who You Are

    When I meet people or get in a new relationship, I start putting 
all these repressive restrictions on myself. I cant have my feelings. 
Cant have my wants and needs. Cant have my history. Cant do 
the things I want, feel the feelings I'm feeling, or say what I need 
to say. I turn into this repressed, perfectionistic robot, instead of 
being who I am: Me. Anonymous

Sometimes, our instinctive reaction to being in a new situation is: 
Don't be yourself.

Who else can we be? Who else would you want to be? We don't 
need to be anyone else.

The greatest gift we can bring to any relationship wherever we 
go is being who we are.

We may think others wont like us. We may be afraid that if we 
just relax and be ourselves, the other person will go away or 
shame us. We may worry about what the other person will think.

But, when we relax and accept ourselves, people often feel 
much better being around us than when we are rigid and 
repressed. Were fun to be around.

If others don't appreciate us, do we really want to be around 
them? Do we need to let the opinions of others control our 
behavior and us?

Giving ourselves permission to be who we are can have a 
healing influence on our relationships. The tone relaxes. We 
relax. The other person relaxes. Then everybody feels a little 
less shame, because they have learned the truth. Who we 
are is all we can be, all were meant to be, and its enough.
Its fine.

Our opinion of ourselves is truly all that matters. And we can 
give ourselves all the approval we want and need.

Today, I will relax and be who I am in my relationships. I will 
do this not in a demeaning or inappropriate way, but in a way 
that shows I accept myself and value who I am. Help me, God, 
let go of my fears about being myself.

©1990, Hazelden Foundation. All rights reserved. No portion of this
publication may be reproduced in any manner without the written 
permission of the publisher.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*You Are A Miracle*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

IN THE ROOMS (ITR), is the premier FREE online social network dedicated to the global recovery community for people seeking help, in recovery and their family, friends and allies of recovery worldwide.  Our mission is to augment or enhance traditional 12 step and other recovery programs by offering a place to not only find like minded people but also people who share the same interests, passions and hobbies. Our mantra is the acronym HITCH which is the Help, Inform, Touch, Connect and Heal. 

SpiritHaven and SpiritLifter

Alan Cohen

Marianne Williamson ~ 'Return to Love'

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Don Miguel Ruiz ~ 'The Four Agreements'

Oriah ~ 'The Invitation'

Deepak Chopra

Louise Hay ~ 'You Can Heal Your Life'

Spirit Site~ Home for Spirituality excerpts from books

Heal Your Life~ 'You Can'

Of Spirit ~ 'Healing Body Mind and Spirit'

In Light Times ~ 'Concepts for Conscious Living'

Vision Magazine ~ 'Catalyst for Conscious Living'

Transformation Magazine ~ 'Your Resource for Personal Development'

World Forgiveness Alliance

The Association for Global New Thought

A Course In Miracles

Finding Joy

Inspirational movie, about 3 minutes long

Inspirational Spiritual Flash Movies

Meditation Rooms

Native American 10 Commandments

The Secret

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Keep It Simple*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Anger: A Path to Awareness
by Erza Bayda,

When we are caught in anger, we are always cutting ourselves off from the
bigger picture and from a sense of our basic connectedness. If we could see
our angry emotional reactions clearly, it would become obvious that they
deplete us and narrow our life. We would see how they are aversions to life,
how they separate us and keep us closed.

Yet, in spite of the fact that we hurt ourselves and others with our anger,
we hold on to this restricting emotion with a puzzling tenacity. Even as we
continue to inflict pain by leaking our energy through angry emotional
reactions, even as we narrow our life to one of petty self-centeredness, we
continue to indulge in angry thoughts and behaviors with a stubbornness that
defies common sense.

What is anger really about? When life is not the way we want it, we react.
If we have expectations, we expect them to be met. If we have requirements,
we require them to be met. If we have strong desires, we will not be
satisfied unless they are fulfilled. Though life is neutral, with no bias
toward fitting our pictures of how it should be, we continue to believe that
life should go the way we want. And when it doesn't, the result is often
anger, in one form or another.

I'm not talking only about big explosions of anger. Even on mellow days, we
leak energy through anger, in subtle ways, from morning to night. We can be
angry in the form of impatience if we have to wait in traffic at a red
light. We can be angry in the form of irritability if our television remote
stops working. We can be angry in the form of self-righteousness if someone
arrives late. We can be angry in the form of frustration if our team loses.
We can be angry in the form of indignation if we feel we are ignored or not

Most of the time we don't even see how we leak away energy through anger,
how we narrow our life, or how we perpetuate our suffering through our
attachment to life's going a particular way. Most of the time we simply
follow one of the two characteristic ways we have been taught to deal with
anger when it arises.

First, if our conditioning tells us that it's not OK to be angry, we will
suppress our feelings. Even when we know this approach is not good for our
physical or emotional health, if the conditioning is strong, we will still
tend to stuff our anger. Interestingly we continue to do this even in
spiritual practice. It is not uncommon for meditators to unskillfully
suppress their anger in an attempt to fulfill some ideal picture of how
they're supposed to be. But whether we use meditative bypass or other
diversions such as food or television, pushing our anger out of awareness
does not free us from it. It continues to imprint on us, festering inside as
unhealed pain. Whether it visits us as disease, depression, passive
aggression, or an explosion of rage, sooner or later it will arise.

The second, more common, way of dealing with anger is to express it. We
express it internally through ruminating or wallowing; we express it
externally through blame. The point is that our expression always entails
believing in our reaction, with all the consequent self-justification. We
have a forceful determination to be right and to prevail, even if only in
our own mind.

Whether we suppress or express our anger, in neither case do we ever clarify
it, nor do we really experience it. Even when we're caught up in expressing
anger, we're rarely in touch with its energy. We're so lost in the juiciness
of believing our thoughts and in blaming that we don't experience the anger.
In fact, one of anger's functions seems to be that it allows us to avoid
facing what's really happening. What are we avoiding? We could be avoiding
the more painful emotions of hurt or grief. We could be avoiding facing the
core fears that almost always underlie our anger. It's so much easier to be
angry -- especially when the juices are flowing -- than it is to experience
hurt or grief or fear. No wonder we spend so much time indulging our anger!
But even when we feel the power and juiciness of being angry, of being
right, we are still shutting life out and closing our hearts.

It's necessary to acknowledge that we often love our anger, even when it
makes our life miserable. We often mistake the feeling of power that
accompanies our anger as being somehow authentic and self-validating. This
is the so-called ego at its work of perpetuating the self-centered dream.

One of the main difficulties in working with anger is that often it arises
suddenly or right in the middle of messy and complex circumstances that
aren't conducive to a focused attention on the emotion itself. Perhaps the
best we can do is to just watch ourselves go through our familiar angry
response. Or perhaps we have experienced the same old pain enough to know at
least to keep our mouth shut, to refrain from causing further harm. This in
itself could be a big step forward.

We have to understand that it's not bad to feel anger; anger is simply our
conditioned response to life when it doesn't match our pictures. We only
make matters worse by adding to the anger self-judgment and self-hatred,
both of which are rooted in more pictures of how we, or life, should be.
Instead, we can bring loving-kindness -- the essence of which is nonjudgment
to our practice, lightening the heaviness and self-importance of our own

To practice with anger, we have to be willing to work with it, not as the
enemy, not as the ancient burden of "my suffering," but as just the stuff of
our conditioned life. When we see this clearly, we also see that not
visiting our anger on others is a very big step in learning to clarify it.
Learning to keep our mouth shut when we would otherwise vent is no small
task. This is not to suppress, but to put our potentially harmful behavior
on hold for the time being.

Then, as time allows, we can revisit what actually happened. When we next
sit down to meditate, we can re-create the upset in our mind. We all do this
anyway when we wallow and self-justify, but I'm talking about doing it as
practice, intentionally and with awareness. When we deliberately re-create
an upset, we remember what actually happened -- where we were, what was
said, how we felt. If it's difficult to access the same emotional punch, we
can exaggerate the circumstances simply to reconnect with the original
feelings. The point is to experience the anger (or any emotion) within a
practice environment. Even if we can't re-create the exact emotional
reaction, we can still work with it in a way that would not have been
possible in the confusion and speed of the original episode.

One helpful tool that I learned from Joko [Charlotte Joko Beck, author of
Everyday Zen, Ordinary Mind and the earlier Nothing Special: Living Zen] is
to break down the re-created emotional experience into three components: the
objective situation, the emotion itself, and the behavioral strategy that
followed the emotional reaction. This helps bring clarity to the process.

For example, your mate or coworker criticizes you, and before you know it,
you're in an angry exchange. Later, when you re-create this experience, you
first ask yourself, "What was the objective situation? What actually
happened?" Often all that happened is that words were spoken, or even more
objectively, sounds connected with the tympanic membrane in your ear. The
words themselves had no emotional load. You grafted the emotional reaction
onto the objective events. Once you see this, you can then look at the
second component: the emotional reaction itself. What specific emotion or
emotions did you feel? Be as precise and honest as you can in identifying
your feelings; often we don't even know what they are. Then move to the
third component, the behavioral strategy. What was your strategy -- to
comply, to attack, to withdraw? Though the strategy is not the same as the
reaction, they are often connected in the same predictable pattern.

When we're caught in the behavioral strategy, we have little hope of
clarifying our anger. This is especially true if our strategy entails
blaming and self-justifying, with that accompanying sense of power in being
right. If we can refrain from blaming, we can focus on the initial reaction
itself. We first ask, "What are the believed thoughts?" Sometimes the
believed thoughts are right on the surface; other times they may not be
accessible. Either way, the next and most crucial step is to enter the
physical experience of the emotion. Truly residing in our anger has the
potential to take us down to the core fears that are often driving our
surface reactions. Practicing this way repeatedly will enlarge the sense of
spaciousness around our angry reactions. As we regard them less as "me", we
become less likely to get caught up in them.

When we see clearly how anger arises simply because life is not fitting our
little pictures, dropping the anger is not so difficult. What is difficult
is that we want to be angry. We can see how our anger comes from our
unfulfilled pictures and from our wanting to justify the anger. We can also
see that when anger arises, we don't have to express it, nor do we have to
justify it by defending the believed thoughts.

Sometimes we might have the thought that we must be angry to engage in life.
We might think that certain situations require action and that unless we are
angry, we won't act. When we see what we think is clearly an injustice,
isn't our anger the catalyst for our actions to remedy the situation? If we
weren't angry, what would motivate us to create positive change?

From a practice point of view, anger is never justified, no matter how
righteous we may feel. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't act when the
situation requires action. It means we can act without the negative aspect
of our anger. As long as we fuel this negativity by believing in our
thoughts, we impede ourselves from acting with clarity. As long as we are
being run by the powerful negative energy of anger, we are closing our
hearts tightly shut. In most cases we are still mainly in the grip of fear,
in which we make life -- whether in the guise of a person, a group, or an
institution -- the enemy. This roots us firmly in a narrow sense of "self."
When we justify our anger in this way, we have lost all sight of the bigger
picture, of our basic connectedness.

So notice your anger whenever it arises. Regard it as your path to
awakening. See how it arises out of your unfulfilled pictures. Notice
whether you stuff it or express it. If you express it, notice your flavor:
do you express it internally through stewing, or do you put it out there,
even in subtle ways? See whether you can identify your believed thoughts.
Then bring yourself back to residing in the physical experience of anger

Be open to experiencing your core fears. Remember, you can do this only when
you choose to stop blaming. Do you want to keep your heart closed in anger?
Feel the pain of continuing to live in that way and let that disappointment
penetrate your heart.

This article is excerpted from Being Zen, ©2002, by Ezra Bayda. Reprinted
with permission of the publisher, Shambhala Publications.

About the Author
EZRA BAYDA is a Zen teacher affiliated with the Ordinary Mind Zen School,
having received formal dharma transmission in 1998 from the school's
founding teacher, Charlotte Joko Beck. A student of meditation for more than
thirty years, he lives, writes, and teaches at the San Diego Zen Center in
San Diego, California. She is the author of the book: Being Zen.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*One Day At A Time*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Words From A Simple Heart

It's easy to become indifferent to the plight of others
when you're feeling overworked and under-appreciated.
How can you be expected to ease the troubles of someone else
when you've got troubles of your own that need easing?
Every ounce of your energy is spent on juggling the
different areas of your life - trying to keep it all together.

Unfortunately, the more you withhold your presence
from the world, the more difficult it is to know your worth.
The height of your flame is reduced and your light is hidden.

Imagine walking into a room and seeing faces light
up 'just because you're there'.
Imagine spending time in the company of people who only see the best in you.
Imagine the feeling of knowing that a few, well-spent hours of your time,
makes the world less lonely, fearful and cold for someone.

Imagine yourself squeezing a little time out of your hectic
and harried week, and being a better person,
inside, outside and sideways, because of it.

Your 'presence' is a gift.
Don't hold it back and make yourself smaller than you were meant to be.
There are limitless ways to volunteer your time.
You know what you're good at and what you like to do.
Turn up the flame, reveal the light.
Find a way to present your 'presence' to the world.

Living in love and loving life,

Terri McPherson
to subscribe email tmcp...@mnsi.net

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*First Things First*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

'Dance of the  Dragonflies'

In the afternoon sunlight streaming
In the  midst of hot humid air languishing
My body filled with a state of  dreaming
I witnessed a truly magical performance
There above the  gravelly drive

Under the boughs of maples and oaks
in a circle  wide
Came a troupe of dragonflies
and damselflies
and  sunbeams

They came upon this stage in innocence
They flew about,  dancing and lilting
To the tune of a fiddler fiddling:
the cicadas'  high pitched humming

The flight bowed into a waltz
Round and  round and up and down
As I stood, hypnotized
In my shady  retreat
Wondering the whys and wherefores
of Dragonfly  Dances

I gave praises for the bubbling of joy
rising in me at  this free spectacle
the shimmering wings
the buzzing and  diving
the damsels and dragons
thus behaving

A touch of  magic
on a hazy summer afternoon
to simply celebrate
their joyful  state of being


©2004 Stella Raymonde Savoie  Johnson

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Easy Does It*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


The life I once lived,
Wasn't living at all
I was killing myself
Always ready to fall.

I'd remember the nights
I'd scream out for help
Not knowing that people
Knew just how I felt.

The spike wasn't working
for me anymore
I finally gave up
And walked thru the door.

I knew I wasn't able
To stay clean on my own
Knowing the first step
Was to pick up the phone.

The people in NA
gave me love and some hope
That I no longer needed
To depend on just dope.

I was given a choice
to either live or to die
I admitted defeat 
and started to cry.

"Chase your Recovery,
like you chased your drugs,
We'll give you the answers
thru meetings and hugs"

The friends I've found
in the rooms of NA
Have given me courage
to live day by day.

No longer do I run 
from the demons inside
With the help of my sponsor
I don't have to hide

So if you want a chance
to live the right way
Get a sponsor, work the steps
Choose the life of NA.

Written by Melissa K.
Susquehanna Area, Maryland

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Live And Let Live*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

To Mary with Love

Mary, Mary quite contrary
I think for you this is necessary.

First of all I want you to know,
all I have to offer is love and lots of it!

I have no answers or cannot give you
any advice on how to quit.

Except to listen to others with an open mind.
And try to learn to live just one day at a time.

All those neat people are there to
give you a helping hand,
They have all been where you are now,
so they really understand.

I'd sure like to give you my God,
but I can't, He's so busy with me.
So you will just have to find one of your own,
to help you to become free.

You say you want me to be a mother,
not just a member of AA,
but if I was just a mother
it would be hard for me to accept you this way.

Thank God 7 years ago He led me to AA,
so when these things come about, I can understand.
I don't have to think where did "I" go wrong,
I just release and put you in God's hands.

I know what you all say,
I don't always practice what I preach,
But as I've said so many times,
if I say it enough, to my brain it may reach.

As long as I live one day at a time,
I'll grow and that means I'll have my up's and down's.
But as long as I don't take a drink and apply the 12 steps,
God will help me I've found.

Smile, God loves you and so do I!

This was written by my mother 23 years ago.
Through Gods grace I was able to get clean and sober
and stay that way for 22 years.
Mary Y. 8-5-81

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Keep The Focus On You*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Aristotle said:  "Those who say there is only one road
to Rome don't know Rome very well."
New Thought teaches us not only to tolerate but to honor all paths to God.
All religions have love at their core.
We are meant to learn to love one another,
love God and love ourselves.
No religion is bigger than God.
Mary Manin Morrissey

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Let God and Let Go*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

People see only what they are prepared to see.
Ralph Waldo Emerson


The difficulties of life are intended to make us better not bitter.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Come To*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Joy is the feeling of grinning on the inside.
Dr. Melba Colgrove

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Come To Believe*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

N.A. allowed me to get involved in living.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Look For The Beauty*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

It's my needs that I learn to cherish.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Today Is A Gift*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

A grateful addict will not use.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Keep Stepping*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

When I have no gratitude in my attitude
I am not centered.
When I am grateful,
I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be
and I trust the process.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Stay In The Light*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Addict: If I could drink like a normal drinker,
I'd drink all the time!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Take A Moment To GIVE (NO COST)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*One Promise, Many Gifts*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

IN THE ROOMS (ITR), is the premier FREE online social network dedicated to the global recovery community for people seeking help, in recovery and their family, friends and allies of recovery worldwide.  Our mission is to augment or enhance traditional 12 step and other recovery programs by offering a place to not only find like minded people but also people who share the same interests, passions and hobbies. Our mantra is the acronym HITCH which is the Help, Inform, Touch, Connect and Heal. 

Adult Children of Alcoholics


Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Artists Recovering through the Twelve Steps

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Nar-Anon is a family support group

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Spenders Anonymous 

Survivors Of Incest Anonymous

Workaholics Anonymous


Created in 1997 , "12 Step Soul Food for the Spirit" is intended to give readers , inspiring and thoughtful messages. To help fulfill our primary purpose which is to carry the message to the alcoholic/addict who still suffers. A spiritual adventure, a journey inwards this has a vision of opening and touching, each and everyone, with the Loving Power and Presence of the Spirit within." We invite you to share the writings by forwarding today's message to others. Share "12 Step Soul Food for the Spirit" with friends and loved ones: Please keep passing this along to online recovery friends  "We can only keep what we have by giving it away." 

12StepSoulFoodForTheSpirit does not endorse any of the advertisements that may appear in this daily mailing. Advertising is the price that we pay for a free list server that yahoo groups and google groups provides.

Putting together these Daily Recovery Emails has been such a blessing for me, Thanks for your support and contributions, "What I can't do alone we can do together." If you have any original poetry or submissions that you would like to send to me you can email me at

Anyone can subscribe to this free daily  e-zine by sending an Email message to me and write subscribe in the subject line.

Under Bill s.1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress this letter cannot be considered spam as long as the following words are included: 

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By the grace of God and through your efforts of passing on this email, we are reaching many recovering people in different areas of the world. If you are receiving this, from a country outside of the USA please send me an email and tell me where you are receiving this. So far we reaching over 17,000 recovering people in 66 countries including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada , Columbia, Costa Rica, China , Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Guatemala, Germany, Greece, Honduras, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Lithuania, Mali West Africa, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia , Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa , Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, U.S.A., Venezuela, Wales, West Indies, Zimbabwe.

Even if your country is listed please email me, and let me know where you are from

When we hug we pray,
Stay in the Light, 
In loving service,
Scott H. from N.Y. ~ cleandate 10/27/88

       ==  ==      "we are each of us angels 
  <^\()/\()/^>       with but one wing,  
      \/  \/  \/       and can only fly by 
       /  \/  \        embracing each other"

Scott’s Daily Blog

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