hw1 problem2 and problem3

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Feb 3, 2013, 9:11:07 PM2/3/13
to 10-701-spri...@googlegroups.com
What does the random variable X~D mean? can you tell me the exact expression of this distribution? 

If we bining according to the discrete values of the feature, what if the feature is Integer? Integer is discrete, but it seems that it's impossible to bining for each possible value.

Alex Smola

Feb 4, 2013, 12:05:58 AM2/4/13
to Helen, 10-701-spri...@googlegroups.com
hi helen,

What does the random variable X~D mean? can you tell me the exact expression of this distribution? 

hint - you don't need the exact expression.  

If we bining according to the discrete values of the feature, what if the feature is Integer? Integer is discrete, but it seems that it's impossible to bining for each possible value.

correct. so you might want to have larger bins in this case. this is part of the problem. alternatively pick a dataset that only has categorical and scalar variables.



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| Prof. Alexander J. Smola             http://alex.smola.org       |
| 5000 Forbes Ave                      phone: (+1) 408-759-1044    |
| Gates Hillman Center 8002            Carnegie Mellon University  |
| Pittsburgh 15213 PA    (   )   Oooo. Machine Learning Department |
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Apr 18, 2013, 9:55:53 AM4/18/13
to 10-701-spri...@googlegroups.com
I am sorry to post the question here, but i have met the problem of invalid tag when trying to post new tag.

hi everyone!
I am a student in China, and I am learning this ML lesson by myself. it is really interesting and helpful to me.
Now I am working on hw1, but i meet some problem in 3.4
in function[Y, X, w]=gen_synthetic (n,p,rho, sigma ), so we have to write the problem that produces synthetic data? 
I am use cpp to do the job, but how do i use rho in producing data? Can anyone explain the process for me. It is better to use a small example.
Thank you for your kindness!
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