Asking for 10-701 Machine Learning Tutor With Payments

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Han Li

May 7, 2013, 4:48:00 PM5/7/13
Hi All,
Sorry for emailing you all in such a manner, but it seems urgent for me. 
Recently, I've been working hard on my preparation for ML final exam, and I do need an tutor who is expert in this area to help me with it mainly focusing on the lecture slides. The scopes of my expectations are:
*Mandatory:(Mandatory means the topics have to be covered)
  • Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
  • Sampling (MCMC, Rejection Sampling, Importance Sampling, Hastings-Metropolis, Gibbs Sampling)
  • Grapic Model (Direct & Undirect & Trees, etc)
  • Chains (MM & HMM, etc)
  • Gaussian Process
  • Past Exam Questions
  • Exponential families
  • Boosting (Not required int he final, can be omitted while I do want to have a idea of it)

* Less (below are less important topics)
  • Tails and bounds (Statistics, convergence, etc)
  • VC dimension

Requirements for the candidates:
  • You must be an expert in this area, which means you are deep understanding in all or most of above topics.
  • You shall have a well organised or big picture of different topic, and be able to look into problems.
  • Your midterm score will also be considered as an evaluation standard, while it may not a determinant factor. 

The payments shall base on the hours we spent together. I am willing to pay $30 per hour. However, the price is negotiable person to person. 

I prefer to spend around 4 hours at least to discuss above topics ASAP. The ultimate goal is to get all my questions solved before the final. I will be available after 7:00 PM Tuesday-Final time.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact anytime.
Thank you for your help and time. Do appreciate it.



May 7, 2013, 6:22:54 PM5/7/13
Hi All,
To make some corrections that, the tutor time shall be less than 3 hours, and only once. And the payment shall be $100. 
If I want another appointment, the price shall be $100 each. And less than 3 hours each.

If you are interested, please contact me personally via emails ASSP.


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