Doing FTS using external sqlite client

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Amos Bird

Nov 6, 2017, 5:12:38 AM11/6/17
to zotero-dev

I'm trying to do FTS via external sqlite client. I tested this query
select value, case substr(path,1,8)
when 'storage:'
then '/home/amos/Zotero/storage/'||its.key||'/'||substr(path,9)
else path
from itemData itd, itemDataValues itv, fields fs, items its, itemAttachments a, fulltextWords w, fulltextItemWords iw , fulltextItems i
where fs.fieldName = "title" and
itd.fieldID = fs.fieldID and
itd.valueID = itv.valueID and
itd.itemID = a.parentItemID and
w.wordID = iw.wordID and
iw.itemID = i.itemID and
a.itemID = i.itemID and
its.itemID = a.itemID and
itd.itemID not in (select itemID from deletedItems) and
word in ("test");

It has at least two problems.

1. It retrieves deleted items 
2. I cannot specify full text search terms approprietely. (I cannot do "foo and bar").

How does zotero achieve this internally? Is it possible to apply the method outside zotero?

best regards,
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