SpaceChem - New Year's Eve Launch Party!

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Zach Barth

Dec 30, 2010, 8:53:00 PM12/30/10
We'll be flipping the switch to make SpaceChem available at the Zachtronics Industries New Year's Eve party. To spare you all from having to wait until midnight here on the West Coast, you'll be able to purchase the game starting at 12:01 AM EST on January 1st!

If you're interested in joining the party, hop on IRC - we'll be hanging out in #zachtronicsindustries on the GameSurge IRC network from 11:00PM to 3:00AM EST.

Hate paying full price for things? You're in luck! For the first 48 hours after launch, SpaceChem will be 25% off!

Hate paying for things at all? Drop by our IRC channel twenty minutes before launch for a chance to win a free copy of SpaceChem!
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