fm5028 2.mr09 shukra SPEAKS .z22

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Mar 9, 2017, 9:36:33 PM3/9/17
to yoga vasishtha


fm5028 2.mr09 shukra SPEAKS .z22

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shukra.Bright SPEAKS



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vasiShTha continued—


अथ ते दानवास्_तत्र बलेर्_अनुचरास्_तदा तद्_गेहम् स्फाटिकम् सौधम् उच्चैर्_आरुरुह: क्षणात् ॥५।२८।१॥

atha te dAnavA:_tatra bale:_anucarA:_tadA | tat_geham sphATikam saudham uccai:_Aruruha: kSaNAt ||5|28|1||




the dAnava.Demon followers of bali.Strongman

there  & then

to his home

plastered with crystal

on high

ascended instantly


~sv. All the demons (followers or subjects of the king Bali) rushed to the palace and surrounded the king who was seated in deep contemplation.

#sudhA -> #saudha -n.- a stuccoed mansion, any fine house, palace &c +


डिम्भ-आद्या_ मन्त्रिण: धीरा: सामन्ता: कुमुद-आदय: सुर-AdyA:__एव rAjAno वृत्त-आद्या_ बल-हारिण: ॥२॥

Dimbha-AdyA_ mantriNa: dhIrA: sAmantA: kumuda-Adaya: | sura-AdyA:_ca_eva rAjAna: vRtta-AdyA: bala-hAriNa: ||02||




mantriNa: dhIrA:


sAmantA: kumuda

and the Tributary Princes

sura-AdyA: ca_eva

and other Brightlings also

rAjAna: vRtta-AdyA:





~vlm.2. There were his minsters Dimbha and others among them,

and his generals kumuda and others also. There were likewise the princes Sura and others in the number, and his champions Vritta and the rest.

~m. ministers like Dhira, feudatories like Kumuda, kings like Sura, soldiers and warrious like Hayagriva, many relatives, friends, Indra and gods, siddhas and other celestial denizens came to see him. They bowed to emperor Bali who was in samadhi. They were all shaken by fear, delight and sorrow. Then they all went into a conference and thought of their guru Sukra, the great Sage.

~va.2. Wise advisers Dimbha and others, ministers Kumuda and others, Sura and other princes, Vritta and other great champions;
#Dimbha-: (cf. 
म्ब) a (new-born), child , boy , young animal; an idiot.

मुद् #mud - modayati -> #kumud, #kumudvat -adj.- abounding in lotuses • kumudvAn m. the moon • N. of a wind • kumudvatI f. ‑ an assemblage of lotuses, place or pond filled with them. •• #kumudam - ku-muda - "exciting what joy", the esculent white water-lily (Nymphaea esculenta) • the red lotus (Nymphaea rubra) • m. camphor • the elephant of the south-west or southern quarter • -A f. a form of *durgA • -I f. the plant kaTphala (Myrica sapida) • -am n. camphor • silver. -> #kumud adj. unfriendly L. • avaricious. = kumuda. - y1.022.022 - kumudin ‑ y3015.020 -


हयगृइव.आदय: सैन्याश्__अक्राज.आद्याश्_ बान्धवा:

hayagRiva.Adaya: sainyA:_ca_akrAja.AdyA:_ca bAndhavA: |

लडुकाद्याश्_ सुहृदो बलूकाद्याश्_ लालका: ॥३॥

laDukAdyA:_ca suhRda:_ balUka.AdyA:_ca lAlakA: ||3||



and other Generals

akrAja and other relatives,

laDuka and his other friends,

balUka and other favorites


~m. … and warrious like Hayagriva, many relatives, friends, Indra and gods, siddhas and other celestial denizens came to see him...

~sv. VASISTHA continued: All the demons (followers or subjects of the king Bali) rushed to the palace and surrounded the king who was seated in deep contemplation.

Øtt.char. #hayagRiva.Horseneck - a daitya.Demon (also called brahma-veda-prahartR, as having carried off the vedas at the dissolution of the universe caused by brahma's sleep at the end of the past kalpa)  in order to recover them, viSNu became incarnate as a matsya or fish, and slew haya-grIva) *KSS.&c

लल् #lal -> #lAlaka, #lAlikA - (fr. Caus) fondling, caressing Nalo7d • m. a king's jester VarBr2S. Sch +  


कुबेर-यम-शक्र=आद्या उपायन-करा: सुरा: यक्ष-विद्याधरा नागा: सेव-अवसर-काङ्क्षिण: ॥४॥

kubera-yama-zakra=AdyA upAyana-karA: surA: | yakSa-vidyAdharA nAgA: seva-avasara-kAGkSiNa: ||4||


kubera the Treasurer

yama the DeathLord

shakra the Lord of Might

and the rest

sura.Brightlings in service of their guru

yakSha.Warders and vidyAdhara.Sorcerers

nAga.Snake people

sought his service



रम्भा-तिलोत्तमा-आद्याश्_ चामरिण्य: वर-अङ्गना:

rambhA-tilottamA-AdyA:_ca cAmariNya: vara-aGganA: |

सागरा: सरित: शैला दिशश्_ विदिशस्_तथा ॥५॥

sAgarA: sarita: zailA diza:_ca vidiza:_tathA ||5||



(the most beautiful girl in indra's heaven)

the Nymph tilottamA

and other girls waving their whisks



the oceans, lakes, mountains,

the 4 Directions and the 4 between



~vlm. ... the deputies of different provinces and of hilly and maritime districts, were also in attendance.

~va. ... denizens of oceans and seas, mountains and plains,
#diz -> #vidiz
-f.- #vidizA an intermediate point between the four diections (e.g. southeast).


सेवा-अर्थम् आययुस्_तस्य तम् प्रदेशम् तदा बले: अन्ये बहव: सिद्धास्_त्रैलोक्य-उदर-वासिन: ॥६॥

sevA-artham Ayayu:_tasya tam pradezam tadA bale: | anye ca bahava: siddhA:_trailokya-udara-vAsina: ||6||



they came to give their service to him

in bali's country;

others too

many siddha.Adepts who dwelt thruout the Three Worlds


~va.6. All came there from all parts of the world to show their readiness to serve Bali; many siddhas, inhabiting three worlds, arrived also.

ध्यान.मौन.समाधि-स्थम् चित्र-अर्पितम् इव_अचलम् नमत्_किरीट-अवलयो ददृशुर्_बलिम् आदृता: ॥७॥

dhyAna.mauna.samAdhi-stham citra-arpitam iva_acalam | namat_kirITa-avalayo dadRzu:_balim AdRtA: ||7||


he was seated in silent meditative samAdhi

still as a painting


honoring him

rows of crowned heads beheld bali.Strongman with respect



तम् दृष्ट्वा कृत-कर्तव्य-प्रणामास्_ते महासुराह् विषाद-विस्मय-आनन्द-भयम् अन्थरताम् ययु: ॥८॥

tam dRSTvA kRta-kartavya-praNAmA:_te mahAsurA: | viSAda-vismaya-Ananda-bhayam antharatAm yayu: ||08||


tam dRSTvA


having seen him

kRta-kartavya-praNAmA:_te mahA-surA:

those great Brightlings gave appropriate honors


to a state of sad-dismay/surprise-

their Happiness constrained by fear

they went





~vlm.8. Seeing him thus, the great Asuras made their obeisance to him in due form, and were stupefied with sorrow and fear, and struck with wonder and joy by turns at this sad plight of his.

~va.8. Seeing him, the great demons bowed down to him and become stupefied by the sight, smiling, feeling joy, fear and despair.

#sad -> #viSad -> #viSAda-: viṣādaḥ - Sadness, melancholy, depression; • Disappointment (e.g. in love), despondency; • Languor, drooping state; • Dulness, stupidity, insensibility; शास्त्र.विददृष्ट-कर्माकर्मसु zAstra.vid-adRSTa-karma.akarmasu viSAdam gacchet विषादं गच्छेत् Kau. A. • viSAdavan full of melancholy. •-• The heroic fear (resignation) felt in hearing the battle-cry, compared with the Songs of the Siddha Adepts: iti siddha-gaNa=udgItA gItA: zrutvA mahIpati: | viSAdam AjagAma_Azu #bhIru raNa-ravAt_iva || y5009.001.


मन्त्रिण: प्रविचार्य_अत्र किम् प्राप्तम् इति दानवा: भार्गवम् चिन्तयाम्.आसुर्_गुरुम् सर्व.विदाम्-वरम् ॥९॥

mantriNa: pravicArya_atra kim prAptam iti dAnavA: | bhArgavam cintayAm.Asu:_gurum sarva.vidAm-varam ||9||


the ministers having considered what was the case here

the dAnava.Demons thought of the bhArgava, who best knows everything


~vlm.9. The ministers kept pondering about what was the case with him, and the demons besought their all knowing preceptor Sukra, for his explaining the case to them.


चिन्तन-अन्.अन्तरम् दैत्या भार्गवम् भास्वरम् वपु:

cintana-an.antaram daityA bhArgavam bhAsvaram vapu: |

ददृशु: कल्पितम् प्राप्तम् गन्धर्व-नगरम् यथा ॥१०॥

dadRzu: kalpitam prAptam gandharva-nagaram yathA ||10||


as quick as thought

the daitya.Demons saw

the luminous bhArgava's body

envisioned like a city of the gandharvas


~vlm.10. Quick as thought they beheld the shining figure of Sukra, standing confest to their sight, as if they saw the phantom of their imagination appearing palpable to view.

~va.10. As soon as the demons thought of that, they saw the effulgent form of Shukra, appearing in front of them as an aerial castle in the sky.

पूज्यमानो_असुर-गणैर्_निर्विष्टो गुरु-विष्टरे

pUjyamAna:_asura-gaNai:_nirviSTa:_ guru-viSTare |

ददर्श ध्यान-मौन=स्थम् भार्गवो दानव-ईश्वरम् ॥११॥

dadarza dhyAna-mauna=stham bhArgavo dAnava-Izvaram ||11||


worshipped by the crowd of Darklings

when seated on the ground* before the guru

the bhArgava beheld the Demon.Lord settled in silent meditation


* nirviStara is not found anywhere.

MW has #saviStara = on a grass seat.

~vlm.11. Sukra being honoured by the demons, took his seat on a sofa; and saw in his silent meditation, the state of the mind of the king of demons.

~va.11. Greeted by the assembly of demons, Shukra settled down on the guru seat and saw Bali in the deep silent meditation.

विश्राम्य क्षणम् इव प्रेमवान्_अवलोक्य बलिम् विचारयन्_दृष्ट्वा परिक्षीण-भव-भ्रमम् ॥१२॥

vizrAmya sa kSaNam iva premavAn avalokya ca | balim vicArayan dRSTvA parikSINa-bhava-bhramam ||12||


vizrAmya sa kSaNam iva


premavAn_avalokya ca


balim vicArayan_dRSTvA




~m.10-13 . On their meditation. they saw the effulgent sage revealing himself before them. They worshipped him. Sage Sukra saw the King Bali in a state of Samadhi. He reflected for a little while and realized that Bali was in a perfect state free of all illusions.

~sv.11-12 Sukra saw that Bali was in a superconscious state.

~vlm.12. He remained for a while to behold with delight, how the mind of Bali was freed from errors, by the exercise of its reasoning powers.

~va.12. For a moment he stopped to behold with delight the deep state of Bali, devoid of delusions of the worldly being.

देह.रश्मि.शतैर्_दत्त.दीप्तभि: क्षीर.सागरम् क्षिपन्-न्_इव सभाम् आह हसन्_वाक्यम् इदम् गुरु: ॥१३॥

deha.razmi.zatai:_datta.dIptabhi: kSIra.sAgaram | kSipan-n_iva sabhAm Aha hasan_vAkyam idam guru: ||13||


his body shone with hundreds of rays

projected blazing light enuf to evaporate Milk Ocean

as the guru spoke to the Assembly

smiling, these words



अति.मात्रम् इदम् दैत्या: स्व.विचारणया_एव यत् सम्प्राप्त-विमल-आवास: सिद्धो_अयम् भगवान्_बलि: ॥१४॥

ati.mAtram idam daityA: sva.vicAraNayA_eva yat | samprApta-vimala-AvAsa: siddha:_ayam bhagavAn_bali: ||14||


he exceeds any measure, Demons, who

only by self.Enquiry

has attained the pure abode

this siddha.Adept Lord.bhagavAn bali.Strongman



अयम् तद्_एवम् एव_इह तिष्ठन्_दानव-सत्तमा: स्व.आत्मनि स्थितिम् आप्नोतु पदम् पश्यत्व्_अनामयम् ॥१५॥

ayam tat_evam eva_iha tiSThan_dAnava-sattamA: | sva.Atmani sthitim Apnotu padam pazyatv_anAmayam ||15||


so he is That.only here

resting, best of Demons


let him attain the state of his own.Self

let him observe a formless state


~vlm.15. Let him alone, ye good demons, remain in this position, resting in himself and beholding the imperishable one within himself in his reverie.

~va.15. O good demons, let him stay immersed in the Self, seeing the pure limitless Consciousness.

श्रान्तो विश्रामम् आयात: क्षीण-चित्त-भव-भ्रम: शान्त-सम्सार-नीहारो वाचनीयो दानवा: ॥१६॥

zrAnta:_ vizrAmam AyAta: kSINa-citta-bhava-bhrama: | zAnta-samsAra-nIhAra:_ vAcanIya:_ na dAnavA: ||16||


zrAnta: vizrAmam AyAta:



his delusive Affective feeling removed  



vAcanIya:_ na dAnavA:



~m.14-19 ... He is now reposed in his Self with all his mental delusions completely annihilated. The fog of the world is cleared. All perplexities are quietened. All afflictions of ignorance have disappeared and he is witness to the Self...

~sv.16 The mental activity that gives rise to the perception of the world has ceased in him: hence do not try to talk to him.

~vlm.16. Lo! here the weary pilgrim to have got his rest, and his mind is freed from the errors of this false world. Disturb him not with your speech, who is now as cold as ice.

~va.16. He arrived at the complete quietude, delusions of perceptions stopped in his mind, and the fog of samsara disappeared, so don’t try to talk to him, demons!

स्व एव_आलोके एतेन सम्प्राप्त:_अज्ञान-सम्कटे शान्ते_अत्र सम्भ्रमे सौर: दिनेन_इव कर-उत्कर: ॥१७॥

sva eva_Aloke etena samprApta:_ajJAna-samkaTe | zAnte_atra sambhrame saura: dinena_iva kara-utkara: ||17||


sva eva_Aloke

himself alone in light  

etena samprApta:

by him is attained  


x +

zAnte_atra sambhrame




dinena_iva kara-utkara:



~vlm.17. He has now received that light of knowledge amidst the gloom of ignorance, as the waking man beholds the full blaze of the sun, after dispersion of the darkness of his sleep at down.

~sv.17 When the dark night of ignorance comes to an end, the sun of self-knowledge arises: such is his state now.

~va.17. When the darkness of ignorance and delusions disperses, the light of knowledge shines, like when the night ends, the shining sun of the day arises.

स्वयम् एव हि कालेन प्रबोधम् अयम् एष्यति बीज.कोशात्_स्व.सम्वित्त्या सुप्त-मूर्ति:_इव_अङ्कुर: ॥१८॥

svayam eva hi kAlena prabodham ayam eSyati | bIja.kozAt_sva.samvittyA supta-mUrti:_iva_aGkura: ||18||


all by himself

with time

he will get to this awakening

as from the seed-shell

by self-awareness

a sleeping form comes from a shoot


~vlm. ... sprouting from the seed vessel in its proper season.

~sv. ... when the seed of world-perception begins to sprout in his consciousness.

#svap -> #supta‑ सुप्त p.p. - slept, sleeping, asleep; हि सुप्तस्य सिंहस्य na hi suptasya simhasya "never of a sleeping lion do the deer enter the mouth," pravizanti mukhe mRgA: • inactive, dull, latent •• #suptam - the Sleep state, sound sleep. •-• resting, inactive, dull, latent <yA supta-vAsanA nidrA sA suSuptir iti smRtA> y3022.006.


कुरुध्वम् स्वामि-कार्याणि सर्वे दानव-नायका: बलिर्_वर्ष-सहस्रेण समाधेर्_बोधम् एष्यति ॥१९॥

kurudhvam svAmi-kAryANi sarve dAnava-nAyakA: | bali:_varSa-sahasreNa samAdhe:_bodham eSyati ||19||


perform all your duties to your masters

the Demon.Lords



after a thousand years of samAdhi

will come to awakening



इत्य्_उक्त्वा गुरुणा तत्र हर्ष.मर्ष.विषाद.जाम् दैत्याश्_चिन्ताम् जहु: शुष्काम् मञ्जरीम् इव पादपा: ॥२०॥

iti_uktvA guruNA tatra harSa.marSa.viSAda.jAm | daityA:_cintAm jahu: zuSkAm maJjarIm iva pAdapA: ||20||


so it was said by the guru there

with joy & anger joined by sorrow

daitya.Demons' cares grew dry as the withered blossom of a thirsty tree


~m.20 When guru Sukra told thus, they all felt comfortable. All grief left them like a dried creeper falling off a tree.

~vlm.20. After Sukra the Guru and guide of the demons, had spoken in this manner, they were filled with alternate joy and grief in their hearts, and cast aside their anxiety about him, as a tree casts its withered leaves away.


वैरोचनि-सभा-सम्स्थाम् विधाय प्राग्.व्यवस्थया स्व.व्यापार-परास्_तस्थु: सर्व एव असुरास्_तत: ॥२१॥

vairocani-sabhA-samsthAm vidhAya prAg.vyavasthayA | sva.vyApAra-parA:_tasthu: sarva eva asurA:_tata: ||21||



the son of virochana the Luminous stood in the Assembly

vidhAya prAg.vyavasthayA

x +



sarva eva asurA:_tata:



~m.21-22 They went about their duties of administering the kingdom. All left for the earth. their respective planets and places.

~sv. Hearing this, the demons returned to their posts of duty and carried on the work of the realm.

~vlm.21. The Asuras then left their king Bali to rest in his palace in the aforesaid manner, and returned to their respective offices, as they had been employed heretofore.

~va.21. Leaving Bali in the assembly hall, all demons returned to their respective occupations, as before.

नरा मही महिपतयो रसातलम्

narA:_ mahIm ahi.patayo rasAtalam

ग्रहा नभस्_त्रिदश-गणास्_त्रिविष्टपम्

grahA nabha:_tridaza-gaNA:_triviSTapam |

दिशो_ऽद्रयो दिक्-पतयश्_ कम्दरान्

diza:_adraya:_ dik-pataya:_ca kamdarAn

वनेचरा गगन-चराश्_ खम् ययु: ॥२२॥

vanecarA gagana-carA:_ca kham yayu: ||22||



Humans to Earth

Serpent*Lords to Netherworld

Planets to the spacious sky

the 30 Gods to their Heavens

the Lords of the Four Directions to their places

Foresters to their caverns & Sky.rovers to their kha.Sky


*AS:  I suspect mahI mahipatayo should be one word and separated as .mahIm .ahipatayo thus "men to earth" and great serpents (ahipatayaH) went to rasAtala which is one of the pAtAla worlds. • planets went to sky (nabhaH) Gods (tridazAH) went to heaven (triviSTapam). Various mountains and lords of directions (adraya: and dikpatayaH) went in their respective directions (dizaH). Forest dwellers (vanacarAH) went to their respective caves. • Thus, skydwellers (gaganacarAH) went to sky (kham).

*jd. mahIm ahi-pataya: - I follow the AS variant reading below, altho 2 of my 3 texts have <mahI mahipataya:> "earthLords".  since TPD does not use spacing, its <mahImahi> supports either version.









saMtoSa: paramo lAbha: sat-saGga: paramA gati: |

vicAra: paramam jJAnam zamo hi paramam sukham ||3|103|19||

Contentment is the highest gain, Good Company the highest course,

Enquiry the highest wisdom, and Peace the highest enjoyment. 2.16.19






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चित् संवित्त्या_उच्यते जीव:

cit saMvittyA_ucyate jIva:

संकल्पात् मनो_ भवेत्

saMkalpAt sa mana:_ bhavet |

बुद्धि: चित्तम् अहंकार:

buddhi: cittam ahaMkAra:

माया-इति.आदि_अभिधम् तत:

mAyA-iti.Adi_abhidham tata:||







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Jiva Das

Mar 12, 2021, 9:22:33 AM3/12/21
to yoga vasishtha


FM5028 SHUKRA SPEAKS 2.MR12 .z22




सर्ग 5.

sarga 5.28

वसिष्ठ* उवाच

vasiSTha* uvAca |

अथ ते दानवास्_तत्र बलेर्_अनुचरास्_तदा

atha te dAnavA:_tatra bale:_anucarA:_tadA |

तद्_गेहम् स्फाटिकम् सौधम् उच्चैर्_आरुरुहः क्षणात् ॥५।२८।१॥

tat_geham sphATikam saudham uccai:_Aruruha: kSaNAt ||5|28|1||

डिम्भ.आद्या* मन्त्रिणो_धीराः सामन्ताः कुमुद.आदयः

Dimbha.AdyA: mantriNa:_dhIrA: sAmantA: kumuda.Adaya: |

सुर.आद्याश्__एव राजानो_वृत्त.आद्या* बल.हारिणः ॥५।२८।२॥

sura.AdyA:_ca_eva rAjAna:_vRtta.AdyA: bala.hAriNa: ||5|28|02||

हयग्रीव.आदयः सैन्याश्__अक्राज.आद्याश्_ बान्धवाः

hayagrIva.Adaya: sainyA:_ca_akrAja.AdyA:_ca bAndhavA: |

लडुक.आद्याश्_ सुहृदो_बलूक.आद्याश्_ लालकाः ॥५।२८।३॥

laDuka.AdyA:_ca suhRda:_balUka.AdyA:_ca lAlakA: ||5|28|3||

कुबेर.यम.शक्र.आद्या* उपायन.कराः सुरा:

kubera.yama.zakra.AdyA* upAyana.karA: surA: |

यक्ष.विद्याधरा* नागाः सेव.अवसर.काङ्क्षिणः ॥५।२८।४॥

yakSa.vidyAdharA: nAgA: seva.avasara.kAGkSiNa: ||5|28|4||

रम्भा.तिलोत्तमा.आद्याश्_ चामरिण्यः वर.अङ्गनाः

rambhA.tilottamA.AdyA:_ca cAmariNya: vara.aGganA: |

सागराः सरितः शैला* दिशश्_ विदिशस्_तथा ॥५।२८।५॥

sAgarA: sarita: zailA: diza:_ca vidiza:_tathA ||5|28|5||

सेवा.अर्थम् आययुस्_तस्य तम् प्रदेशम् तदा बलेः

sevA.artham Ayayu:_tasya tam pradezam tadA bale: |

अन्ये बहवः सिद्धास्_त्रैलोक्य.उदर.वासिनः ॥५।२८।६॥

anye ca bahava: siddhA:_trailokya.udara.vAsina: ||5|28|6||

ध्यान.मौन.समाधि.स्थम् चित्र.अर्पितम् इव_अचलम्

dhyAna.mauna.samAdhi.stham citra.arpitam iva_acalam |

नमत्_किरीट.अवलयो_ददृशुर्_बलिम् आदृताः ॥५।२८।७॥

namat_kirITa.avalaya:_dadRzu:_balim AdRtA: ||5|28|7||

तम् दृष्ट्वा कृत.कर्तव्य.प्रणामास्_ते महासुराः

tam dRSTvA kRta.kartavya.praNAmA:_te mahAsurA: |

विषाद.विस्मय.आनन्द.भय.मन्थरताम् ययुः ॥५।२८।८॥

viSAda.vismaya.Ananda.bhaya.mantharatAm yayu: ||5|28|08||

मन्त्रिणः प्रविचार्य_अत्र किम् प्राप्तम् इति दानवा:

mantriNa: pravicArya_atra kim prAptam iti dAnavA: |

भार्गवम् चिन्तयाम्.आसुर्_गुरुम् सर्व.विदाम्.वरम् ॥५।२८।९॥

bhArgavam cintayAm.Asu:_gurum sarva.vidAm.varam ||5|28|9||

चिन्तन.अन्.अन्तरम् दैत्या* भार्गवम् भास्वरम् वपुः daityA: bhArgavam bhAsvaram vapu: |

ददृशुः कल्पितम् प्राप्तम् गन्धर्व.नगरम् यथा ॥५।२८।१०॥

dadRzu: kalpitam prAptam gandharva.nagaram yathA ||5|28|10||

पूज्यमानो_ऽसुर.गणैर्_निर्विष्टो गुरु.विष्टरे

pUjyamAna:_asura.gaNai:_nirviSTa:_guru.viSTare |

ददर्श ध्यान.मौन.स्थम् भार्गवो दानव.ईश्वरम् ॥५।२८।११॥

dadarza dhyAna.mauna.stham bhArgava:_dAnava.Izvaram ||5|28|11||

विश्राम्य * क्षणम् इव प्रेमवान् अवलोक्य

vizrAmya sa* kSaNam iva premavAn avalokya ca |

बलिम् विचारयन्_दृष्ट्वा परिक्षीण.भव.भ्रमम् ॥५।२८।१२॥

balim vicArayan dRSTvA parikSINa.bhava.bhramam ||5|28|12||

देह.रश्मि.शतैर्_दत्त.दीप्तभिः क्षीर.सागरम्

deha.razmi.zatai:_datta.dIptabhi: kSIra.sAgaram |

क्षिपन्.न्_इव सभाम् आह हसन् वाक्यम् इदम् गुरुः ॥५।२८।१३॥

kSipan_iva sabhAm Aha hasan vAkyam idam guru: ||5|28|13||

अतिमात्रम् इदम् दैत्याः स्व.विचारणया_एव यत्

ati.mAtram idam daityA: sva.vicAraNayA_eva yat |

सम्प्राप्त.विमल.आवासः सिद्धो_ऽयम् भगवान् बलिः ॥५।२८।१४॥

samprApta.vimala.AvAsa: siddha:_*yam bhagavAn bali: ||5|28|14||

अयम् तद्_एवम् एव_इह तिष्ठन्_दानव.सत्तमाः

ayam tat_evam eva_iha tiSThan dAnava.sattamA: |

स्व.आत्मनि स्थितिम् आप्नोतु पदम् पश्यत्व्_अनामयम् ॥५।२८।१५॥

sva.Atmani sthitim Apnotu padam pazyatu_anAmayam ||5|28|15||

श्रान्तो_विश्रामम् आयातः क्षीण.चित्त.भव.भ्रमः

zrAnta:_vizrAmam AyAta: kSINa.citta.bhava.bhrama: |

शान्त.सम्सार.नीहारो_वाचनीयो_ दानवाः ॥५।२८।१६॥

zAnta.samsAra.nIhAra:_vAcanIya:_na dAnavA: ||5|28|16||

स्व* एव_आलोक* एतेन सम्प्राप्तो_ऽज्ञान.संकटे

sva* eva_Aloka* etena samprApta:_*jJAna.samkaTe |

शान्ते ऽत्र सम्भ्रमे सौरो_दिनेन_इव कर.उत्करः ॥५।२८।१७॥

zAnte_*tra sambhrame saura:_dinena_iva kara.utkara: ||5|28|17||

स्वयम् एव हि कालेन प्रबोधम् अयम् एष्यति

svayam eva hi kAlena prabodham ayam eSyati |

बीज.कोशात् स्व.संवित्त्या सुप्त.मूर्तिर्_इव_अङ्कुरः ॥५।२८।१८॥

bIja.kozAt sva.saMvittyA supta.mUrti:_iva_aGkura: ||5|28|18||

कुरुध्वम् स्वामि.कार्याणि सर्वे दानव.नायकाः

kurudhvam svAmi.kAryANi sarve dAnava.nAyakA: |

बलिर्_वर्ष.सहस्रेण समाधेर्_बोधम् एष्यति ॥५।२८।१९॥

bali:_varSa.sahasreNa samAdhe:_bodham eSyati ||5|28|19||

इत्य्_उक्त्वा गुरुणा तत्र हर्ष.मर्ष.विषाद.जाम्

iti_uktvA guruNA tatra harSa.marSa.viSAda.jAm |

दैत्याश्_चिन्ताम् जहु: शुष्काम् मञ्जरीम् इव पादपा: ॥५।२८।२०॥

daityA:_cintAm jahu: zuSkAm maJjarIm iva pAdapA: ||5|28|20||

वैरोचनि.सभा.संस्थाम् विधाय प्राग्.व्यवस्थया

vairocani.sabhA.saMsthAm vidhAya prAk.vyavasthayA |

स्व.व्यापार.परास्_तस्थु: सर्व* एव_असुरास्_ततः ॥५।२८।२१॥

sva.vyApAra.parA:_tasthu: sarva* eva_asurA:_tata: ||5|28|21||

नरा* मही महिपतयो_रसातलम्

narA: mahIm ahi.pataya:_rasAtalam

ग्रहा* नभस्_त्रिदश.गणास्_त्रिविष्टपम्

grahA: nabha:_tridaza.gaNA:_triviSTapam |

दिशो_ऽद्रयो_दिक्.पतयश्_ कंदरान्

diza:_*draya:_dik.pataya:_ca kaMdarAn

वनेचरा* गगन.चराश्_ खम् ययु: ॥५।२८।२२॥

vane.carA: gagana.carA:_ca kham yayu: ||5|28|22||









VASISHTHA continued—


अथ ते दानवास्_तत्र बलेर्_अनुचरास्_तदा

atha te dAnavA:_tatra bale:_anucarA:_tadA |

तद्_गेहम् स्फाटिकम् सौधम् उच्चैर्_आरुरुहः क्षणात् ॥५।२८।१॥

tat_geham sphATikam saudham uccai:_Aruruha: kSaNAt ||5|28|1||




the dAnava.Demon followers of bali.Strongman

there & then

to his home

plastered with crystal

on high

ascended instantly


atha te dAnavA:_tatra bale:_anucarA:_tadA | tat_geham sphATikam saudham

uccai:_Aruruha: kSaNAt


*sv. All the demons (followers or subjects of the king Bali) rushed to the palace and surrounded the king who was seated in deep contemplation.

#sudhA * #saudha *n.* a stuccoed mansion, any fine house, palace &c +


डिम्भ*आद्या* मन्त्रिणो_धीराः सामन्ताः कुमुद.आदयः

Dimbha*AdyA: mantriNa:_dhIrA: sAmantA: kumuda.Adaya: |

सुर.आद्याश्__एव राजानो_वृत्त*आद्या* बल*हारिणः ॥५।२८।२॥

sura.AdyA:_ca_eva rAjAna:_vRtta*AdyA: bala*hAriNa: ||5|28|02||



Dimbha the Youth &c

mantriNa: dhIrA:

corageous ministers

sAmantA: kumuda

and the Tributary Princes

sura*AdyA: ca_eva

and other Brightlings also

rAjAna: vRtta*AdyA:  bala*hAriNa:  *  



*vlm.2. There were his minsters Dimbha and others among them,

and his generals kumuda and others also. There were likewise the princes Sura and others in the number, and his champions Vritta and the rest.

*m. ministers like Dhira, feudatories like Kumuda, kings like Sura, soldiers and warrious like Hayagriva, many relatives, friends, Indra and gods, siddhas and other celestial denizens came to see him. They bowed to emperor Bali who was in samadhi. They were all shaken by fear, delight and sorrow. Then they all went into a conference and thought of their guru Sukra, the great Sage.

*va.2. Wise advisers Dimbha and others, ministers Kumuda and others, Sura and other princes, Vritta and other great champions;
#Dimbha*: (cf. म्ब) a (new*born), child , boy , young animal; an idiot.

मुद् #mud * modayati * #kumud, #kumudvat *adj.* abounding in lotuses • kumudvAn m. the moon • N. of a wind • kumudvatI f. * an assemblage of lotuses, place or pond filled with them. •• #kumudam * ku*muda * "exciting what joy", the esculent white water*lily (Nymphaea esculenta) • the red lotus (Nymphaea rubra) • m. camphor • the elephant of the south*west or southern quarter • *A f. a form of *durgA • *I f. the plant kaTphala (Myrica sapida) • *am n. camphor • silver. * #kumud adj. unfriendly L. • avaricious. = kumuda. * y1.022.022 * kumudin * y3015.020 *


हयग्रीव.आदयः सैन्याश्__अक्राज.आद्याश्_ बान्धवाः

hayagrIva.Adaya: sainyA:_ca_akrAja.AdyA:_ca bAndhavA: |

लडुक.आद्याश्_ सुहृदो_बलूक.आद्याश्_ लालकाः ॥५।२८।३॥

laDuka.AdyA:_ca suhRda:_balUka.AdyA:_ca lAlakA: ||5|28|3||



and other Generals

akrAja and other relatives,

laDuka and his other friends,

balUka and other favorites


hayagrIva.Adaya: sainyA:_ca akrAja.AdyA:_ca bAndhavA: | laDuka.AdyA:_ca suhRda: balUka.AdyA:_ca lAlakA:


*m. … and warrious like Hayagriva, many relatives, friends, Indra and gods, siddhas and other celestial denizens came to see him...

*sv. VASISTHA continued: All the demons (followers or subjects of the king Bali) rushed to the palace and surrounded the king who was seated in deep contemplation.

O*tt.char. #hayagRiva.Horseneck * a daitya.Demon (also called brahma*veda*prahartR, as having carried off the vedas at the dissolution of the universe caused by brahma's sleep at the end of the past kalpa) • in order to recover them, viSNu became incarnate as a matsya or fish, and slew haya*grIva) *KSS.&c

लल् #lal * #lAlaka, #lAlikA * (fr. Caus) fondling, caressing Nalo7d • m. a king's jester VarBr2S. Sch +


कुबेर*यम*शक्र.आद्या* उपायन*कराः सुरा:

kubera*yama*zakra.AdyA* upAyana*karA: surA: |

यक्ष*विद्याधरा* नागाः सेव.अवसर*काङ्क्षिणः ॥५।२८।४॥

yakSa*vidyAdharA: nAgA: seva.avasara*kAGkSiNa: ||5|28|4||


kubera the Treasurer

yama the DeathLord

shakra the Lord of Might

and the rest

sura.Brightlings in service of their guru

yakSha.Warders and vidyAdhara.Sorcerers

nAga.Snake people

sought his service


kubera*yama*zakra.AdyA* upAyana*karA: surA: | yakSa*vidyAdharA: nAgA:





रम्भा*तिलोत्तमा*आद्याश्_ चामरिण्यः वर.अङ्गनाः

rambhA*tilottamA*AdyA:_ca cAmariNya: vara.aGganA: |

सागराः सरितः शैला* दिशश्_ विदिशस्_तथा ॥५।२८।५॥

sAgarA: sarita: zailA: diza:_ca vidiza:_tathA ||5|28|5||



(the most beautiful girl in indra's heaven)

the Nymph tilottamA

and other girls waving their whisks



the oceans, lakes, mountains,

the 4 Directions and the 4 between



rambhA*tilottamA*AdyA:_ca  cAmariNya: vara.aGganA:  sAgarA: sarita: zailA*  

diza:_ca vidiza:_tathA


*vlm. ... the deputies of different provinces and of hilly and maritime districts, were also in attendance.

*va. ... denizens of oceans and seas, mountains and plains,
#diz * #vidiz *f.* #vidizA an intermediate point between the four diections (e.g. southeast).


सेवा.अर्थम् आययुस्_तस्य तम् प्रदेशम् तदा बलेः

sevA.artham Ayayu:_tasya tam pradezam tadA bale: |

अन्ये बहवः सिद्धास्_त्रैलोक्य.उदर*वासिनः ॥५।२८।६॥

anye ca bahava: siddhA:_trailokya.udara*vAsina: ||5|28|6||



they came to give their service to him

in bali's country;

others too

many siddha.Adepts who dwelt thruout the Three Worlds


sevA.artham Ayayu:_tasya  tam pradezam tadA bale:  anye ca bahava: siddhA:



*va.6. All came there from all parts of the world to show their readiness to serve Bali; many siddhas, inhabiting three worlds, arrived also.

ध्यान.मौन.समाधि.स्थम् चित्र.अर्पितम् इव_अचलम्

dhyAna.mauna.samAdhi.stham citra.arpitam iva_acalam |

नमत्_किरीट.अवलयो_ददृशुर्_बलिम् आदृताः ॥५।२८।७॥

namat_kirITa.avalaya:_dadRzu:_balim AdRtA: ||5|28|7||


he was seated in silent meditative samAdhi

still as a painting


honoring him

rows of crowned heads beheld bali.Strongman with respect


dhyAna.mauna.samAdhi.stham  citra.arpitam iva_acalam  namat_kirITa.avalaya:

dadRzu:_balim AdRtA:




तम् दृष्ट्वा कृत*कर्तव्य*प्रणामास्_ते महासुराः

tam dRSTvA kRta*kartavya*praNAmA:_te mahAsurA: |

विषाद*विस्मय*आनन्द*भय*मन्थरताम् ययुः ॥५।२८।८॥

viSAda*vismaya*Ananda*bhaya*mantharatAm yayu: ||5|28|08||


tam dRSTvA


having seen him

kRta*kartavya*praNAmA:_te mahA*surA:

those great Brightlings gave appropriate honors


to a state of sad*dismay/surprise*

their Happiness constrained by fear

they went


tam dRSTvA kRta*kartavya*praNAmA:_te mahAsurA: | viSAda*vismaya*Ananda*bhaya*mantharatAm yayu:


*vlm.8. Seeing him thus, the great Asuras made their obeisance to him in due form, and were stupefied with sorrow and fear, and struck with wonder and joy by turns at this sad plight of his.

*va.8. Seeing him, the great demons bowed down to him and become stupefied by the sight, smiling, feeling joy, fear and despair.

#sad * #viSad * #viSAda*: viṣādaḥ * Sadness, melancholy, depression; • Disappointment (e.g. in love), despondency; • Languor, drooping state; • Dulness, stupidity, insensibility; शास्त्र.विददृष्ट*कर्माकर्मसु zAstra.vid*adRSTa*karma.akarmasu viSAdam gacchet विषादं गच्छेत् Kau. A. • viSAdavan full of melancholy. •*• The heroic fear (resignation) felt in hearing the battle*cry, compared with the Songs of the Siddha Adepts: iti siddha*gaNa=udgItA gItA: zrutvA mahIpati: | viSAdam AjagAma_Azu #bhIru raNa*ravAt_iva ||FM.5.9.1.


मन्त्रिणः प्रविचार्य_अत्र किम् प्राप्तम् इति दानवा:

mantriNa: pravicArya_atra kim prAptam iti dAnavA: |

भार्गवम् चिन्तयाम्.आसुर्_गुरुम् सर्व.विदाम्*वरम् ॥५।२८।९॥

bhArgavam cintayAm.Asu:_gurum sarva.vidAm*varam ||5|28|9||


the ministers having considered what was the case here

the dAnava.Demons thought of the bhArgava, who best knows everything


mantriNa: pravicArya_atra  kim prAptam iti dAnavA:  bhArgavam cintayAm.Asu:_x

gurum sarva.vidAm*varam


*vlm.9. The ministers kept pondering about what was the case with him, and the demons besought their all knowing preceptor Sukra, for his explaining the case to them.


चिन्तन.अन्.अन्तरम् दैत्या* भार्गवम् भास्वरम् वपुः daityA: bhArgavam bhAsvaram vapu: |

ददृशुः कल्पितम् प्राप्तम् गन्धर्व*नगरम् यथा ॥५।२८।१०॥

dadRzu: kalpitam prAptam gandharva*nagaram yathA ||5|28|10||


as quick as thought

the daitya.Demons saw

the luminous bhArgava's body

envisioned like a city of the gandharvas

. daityA  bhArgavam bhAsvaram vapu:  dadRzu: kalpitam prAptam  

gandharva*nagaram yathA


*vlm.10. Quick as thought they beheld the shining figure of Sukra, standing confest to their sight, as if they saw the phantom of their imagination appearing palpable to view.

*va.10. As soon as the demons thought of that, they saw the effulgent form of Shukra, appearing in front of them as an aerial castle in the sky.

पूज्यमानो_ऽसुर*गणैर्_निर्विष्टो गुरु*विष्टरे

pUjyamAna:_asura*gaNai:_nirviSTa:_guru*viSTare |

ददर्श ध्यान*मौन.स्थम् भार्गवो दानव*ईश्वरम् ॥५।२८।११॥

dadarza dhyAna*mauna.stham bhArgava:_dAnava*Izvaram ||5|28|11||


pUjyamAna:_asura*gaNai: nirviSTa:_guru*viSTare | dadarza dhyAna*mauna.stham



worshipped by the crowd of Darklings

when seated on the ground* before the guru

the bhArgava beheld the Demon.Lord settled in silent meditation


* nirviStara is not found anywhere.

MW has #saviStara = on a grass seat.

*vlm.11. Sukra being honoured by the demons, took his seat on a sofa; and saw in his silent meditation, the state of the mind of the king of demons.

*va.11. Greeted by the assembly of demons, Shukra settled down on the guru seat and saw Bali in the deep silent meditation.

विश्राम्य * क्षणम् इव प्रेमवान् अवलोक्य

vizrAmya sa* kSaNam iva premavAn avalokya ca |

बलिम् विचारयन्_दृष्ट्वा परिक्षीण*भव*भ्रमम् ॥५।२८।१२॥

balim vicArayan dRSTvA parikSINa*bhava*bhramam ||5|28|12||


vizrAmya sa kSaNam iva premavAn_avalokya ca balim vicArayan_dRSTvA



*m.10*13 . On their meditation. they saw the effulgent sage revealing himself before them. They worshipped him. Sage Sukra saw the King Bali in a state of Samadhi. He reflected for a little while and realized that Bali was in a perfect state free of all illusions.

*sv.11*12 Sukra saw that Bali was in a superconscious state.

*vlm.12. He remained for a while to behold with delight, how the mind of Bali was freed from errors, by the exercise of its reasoning powers.

*va.12. For a moment he stopped to behold with delight the deep state of Bali, devoid of delusions of the worldly being.

देह.रश्मि.शतैर्_दत्त.दीप्तभिः क्षीर.सागरम्

deha.razmi.zatai:_datta.dIptabhi: kSIra.sAgaram |

क्षिपन्.न्_इव सभाम् आह हसन् वाक्यम् इदम् गुरुः ॥५।२८।१३॥

kSipan_iva sabhAm Aha hasan vAkyam idam guru: ||5|28|13||


his body shone with hundreds of rays

projected blazing light enuf to evaporate Milk Ocean

as the guru spoke to the Assembly

smiling, these words


deha.razmi.zatai: datta.dIptabhi: kSIra.sAgaram | kSipan_iva sabhAm Aha

hasan vAkyam idam guru:




अतिमात्रम् इदम् दैत्याः स्व.विचारणया_एव यत्

ati.mAtram idam daityA: sva.vicAraNayA_eva yat |

सम्प्राप्त*विमल*आवासः सिद्धो_ऽयम् भगवान् बलिः ॥५।२८।१४॥

samprApta*vimala*AvAsa: siddha:_*yam bhagavAn bali: ||5|28|14||


he exceeds any measure, Demons, who

only by self.Enquiry

has attained the pure abode

this siddha.Adept Lord.bhagavAn bali.Strongman


ati.mAtram idam daityA:  sva.vicAraNayA_eva yat  samprApta*vimala*AvAsa:  

siddha:_ayam bhagavAn bali:


avasa – food •• #Avasa – lodging ("room&board") +




अयम् तद्_एवम् एव_इह तिष्ठन्_दानव*सत्तमाः

ayam tat_evam eva_iha tiSThan dAnava*sattamA: |

स्व.आत्मनि स्थितिम् आप्नोतु पदम् पश्यत्व्_अनामयम् ॥५।२८।१५॥

sva.Atmani sthitim Apnotu padam pazyatu_anAmayam ||5|28|15||


so he is That.only here

resting, best of Demons


let him attain the state of his own.Self

let him observe a formless state


ayam tat_evam eva_iha tiSThan dAnava*sattamA:  sva.Atmani sthitim Apnotu padam pazyatu_anAmayam


*vlm.15. Let him alone, ye good demons, remain in this position, resting in himself and beholding the imperishable one within himself in his reverie.

*va.15. O good demons, let him stay immersed in the Self, seeing the pure limitless Consciousness.

श्रान्तो_विश्रामम् आयातः क्षीण*चित्त*भव*भ्रमः

zrAnta:_vizrAmam AyAta: kSINa*citta*bhava*bhrama: |

शान्त*सम्सार*नीहारो_वाचनीयो_ दानवाः ॥५।२८।१६॥

zAnta*samsAra*nIhAra:_vAcanIya:_na dAnavA: ||5|28|16||


zrAnta: vizrAmam AyAta: kSINa*citta*bhava*bhrama: his delusive Affective feeling removed zAnta*samsAra*nIhAra: vAcanIya:_na dAnavA:


*m.14*19 ... He is now reposed in his Self with all his mental delusions completely annihilated. The fog of the world is cleared. All perplexities are quietened. All afflictions of ignorance have disappeared and he is witness to the Self...

*sv.16 The mental activity that gives rise to the perception of the world has ceased in him: hence do not try to talk to him.

*vlm.16. Lo! here the weary pilgrim to have got his rest, and his mind is freed from the errors of this false world. Disturb him not with your speech, who is now as cold as ice.

*va.16. He arrived at the complete quietude, delusions of perceptions stopped in his mind, and the fog of samsara disappeared, so don’t try to talk to him, demons!

स्व* एव_आलोक* एतेन सम्प्राप्तो_ऽज्ञान*संकटे

sva* eva_Aloka* etena samprApta:_*jJAna*samkaTe |

शान्ते ऽत्र सम्भ्रमे सौरो_दिनेन_इव कर*उत्करः ॥५।२८।१७॥

zAnte_*tra sambhrame saura:_dinena_iva kara*utkara: ||5|28|17||


sva eva_Aloke himself alone in light etena samprApta: by him is attained

ajJAna*samkaTe  + zAnte_atra sambhrame  saura:  dinena_iva kara*utkara:


*vlm.17. He has now received that light of knowledge amidst the gloom of ignorance, as the waking man beholds the full blaze of the sun, after dispersion of the darkness of his sleep at down.

*sv.17 When the dark night of ignorance comes to an end, the sun of self*knowledge arises: such is his state now.

*VA.17. When the darkness of ignorance and delusions disperses, the light of knowledge shines, like when the night ends, the shining sun of the day arises.

स्वयम् एव हि कालेन प्रबोधम् अयम् एष्यति

svayam eva hi kAlena prabodham ayam eSyati |

बीज.कोशात् स्व.संवित्त्या सुप्त*मूर्तिर्_इव_अङ्कुरः ॥५।२८।१८॥

bIja.kozAt sva.saMvittyA supta*mUrti:_iva_aGkura: ||5|28|18||


all by himself

with time

he will get to this awakening

as from the seed*shell

by self*awareness

a sleeping form comes from a shoot


svayam eva hi kAlena  prabodham ayam eSyati  bIja.kozAt sva.saMvittyA  



*vlm. ... sprouting from the seed vessel in its proper season.

*sv. ... when the seed of world*perception begins to sprout in his consciousness.

#svap * #supta* सुप्त p.p. * slept, sleeping, asleep; हि सुप्तस्य सिंहस्य na hi suptasya simhasya "never of a sleeping lion do the deer enter the mouth," pravizanti mukhe mRgA: • inactive, dull, latent •• #suptam * the Sleep state, sound sleep. •*• resting, inactive, dull, latent <yA supta*vAsanA nidrA sA suSuptir iti smRtA> y3022.006.


कुरुध्वम् स्वामि*कार्याणि सर्वे दानव*नायकाः

kurudhvam svAmi*kAryANi sarve dAnava*nAyakA: |

बलिर्_वर्ष*सहस्रेण समाधेर्_बोधम् एष्यति ॥५।२८।१९॥

bali:_varSa*sahasreNa samAdhe:_bodham eSyati ||5|28|19||


perform all your duties to your masters

the Demon.Lords



after a thousand years of samAdhi

will come to awakening


kurudhvam svAmi*kAryANi sarve dAnava*nAyakA: |

बलिर्_वर्ष*सहस्रेण समाधेर्_बोधम् एष्यति ॥५।२८।१९॥

bali:_varSa*sahasreNa samAdhe:_bodham eSyati ||5|28|19||




इत्य्_उक्त्वा गुरुणा तत्र हर्ष.मर्ष.विषाद.जाम्

iti_uktvA guruNA tatra harSa.marSa.viSAda.jAm |

दैत्याश्_चिन्ताम् जहु: शुष्काम् मञ्जरीम् इव पादपा: ॥५।२८।२०॥

daityA:_cintAm jahu: zuSkAm maJjarIm iva pAdapA: ||5|28|20||


so it was said by the guru there

with joy & anger joined by sorrow

daitya.Demons' cares grew dry as the withered blossom of a thirsty tree


iti_uktvA guruNA tatra  harSa.marSa.viSAda.jAm  daityA:_cintAm jahu: zuSkAm  

maJjarIm iva pAdapA:  


*m.20 When guru Sukra told thus, they all felt comfortable. All grief left them like a dried creeper falling off a tree.

*vlm.20. After Sukra the Guru and guide of the demons, had spoken in this manner, they were filled with alternate joy and grief in their hearts, and cast aside their anxiety about him, as a tree casts its withered leaves away.


वैरोचनि*सभा*संस्थाम् विधाय प्राग्.व्यवस्थया

vairocani*sabhA*saMsthAm vidhAya prAk.vyavasthayA |

स्व.व्यापार*परास्_तस्थु: सर्व* एव_असुरास्_ततः ॥५।२८।२१॥

sva.vyApAra*parA:_tasthu: sarva* eva_asurA:_tata: ||5|28|21||


vairocani*sabhAsamsthAm the son of Virochana the Luminous stood in the Assembly vidhAya prAg.vyavasthayA  + sva.vyApAra*parA:_tasthu: sarva eva asurA:_tata:


*m.21*22 They went about their duties of administering the kingdom. All left for the earth. their respective planets and places.

*sv. Hearing this, the demons returned to their posts of duty and carried on the work of the realm.

*vlm.21. The Asuras then left their king Bali to rest in his palace in the aforesaid manner, and returned to their respective offices, as they had been employed heretofore.

*va.21. Leaving Bali in the assembly hall, all demons returned to their respective occupations, as before.

नरा* मही महिपतयो_रसातलम्

narA: mahIm ahi.pataya:_rasAtalam

ग्रहा* नभस्_त्रिदश*गणास्_त्रिविष्टपम्

grahA: nabha:_tridaza*gaNA:_triviSTapam |

दिशो_ऽद्रयो_दिक्*पतयश्_ कंदरान्

diza:_*draya:_dik*pataya:_ca kaMdarAn

वनेचरा* गगन*चराश्_ खम् ययु: ॥५।२८।२२॥

vane.carA: gagana*carA:_ca kham yayu: ||5|28|22||



Humans to Earth

Serpent*Lords to Netherworld

Planets to the spacious sky

the 30 Gods to their Heavens

the Lords of the Four Directions to their places

Foresters to their caverns & Sky.rovers to their kha.Sky


narA:_mahIm ahi.pataya:_rasAtalam  grahA* nabha:_tridaza*gaNA:_triviSTapam  

diza:_adraya:_dik*pataya:_ca kaMdarAn  vanecarA* gagana*carA:_ca kham yayu:  *  

*AS: I suspect mahI mahipatayo should be one word and separated as .mahIm .ahipatayo thus "men to earth" and great serpents (ahipatayaH) went to rasAtala which is one of the pAtAla worlds. • planets went to sky (nabhaH) Gods (tridazAH) went to heaven (triviSTapam). Various mountains and lords of directions (adraya: and dikpatayaH) went in their respective directions (dizaH). Forest dwellers (vanacarAH) went to their respective caves. • Thus, skydwellers (gaganacarAH) went to sky (kham).

*jd. mahIm ahi*pataya: * I follow the AS variant reading below, altho 2 of my 3 texts have <mahI mahipataya:> "earthLords". since TPD does not use spacing, its <mahImahi> supports either version.





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santoSaH paramo lAbhaH satsaGgaH paramA gatiH |
vicAraH paramaM jJAnaM zamo hi paramaM sukham ||

सन्तोषः परमो लाभः सत्सङ्गः परमा गतिः।
विचारः परमं ज्ञानं शमो हि परमं सुखम्॥

Contentment is the highest gain, Good Company the highest course,
Enquiry the highest wisdom, and Peace the highest enjoyment.
                             -- Yoga Vasishtha 

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Jiva Das

Jun 16, 2021, 10:17:34 AM6/16/21
to yoga vasishtha







VASISHTHA continued—


अथ ते दानवास् तत्र बलेर् अनुचरास् तदा

atha te dAnavA:_tatra bale:_anucarA:_tadA |

द् गेहम् स्फाटिकम् सौधम् उच्चैर् आरुरुहः क्षणात् ॥५।२८।१॥

tat geham sphATikam saudham uccai:_Aruruha: kSaNAt ||5|28|1||

. Dânava.Demon.a: tatra.there.aboutThat of/for Bali.the.Stout*e: anucara.follower/attendant*a: tadA.then/thereafter | tat.hit/that geha.home/house.m sphaTika.crystal/quartz.m saudha.whitewashed.mansion/*m uccais.above\very.much* Aruruhas.mounted/climbed**


*VLMitra/P.1. Vasishtha continued:—Bali’s attendant servant demons ascended hastily to his high crystal palace and stood at the door of his chamber.


डिम्भ.आद्या* मन्त्रिणो_धीराः सामन्ताः कुमुद.आदयः

Dimbha.AdyA: mantriNa:_dhIrA: sAmantA: kumuda.Adaya: |

सुर.आद्याश् _एव राजानो_वृत्त.आद्या* बल.हारिणः ॥५।२८।२॥

sura.AdyA:_ca_eva rAjAna:_vRtta.AdyA: bala.hAriNa: ||5|28|2||


Dimbha.AdyA: mantriNa:_dhIrA: sAmantA: kumuda.Adaya: | sura.AdyA:_ca_eva rAjAna:_vRtta.AdyA: bala.hAriNa:


*VLMitra/P.2 There were his ministers Dimbha and others among them, and his generals Kumuda and others also. There were likewise the princes Sura and others in the number, and his champions Vritta and the rest.

मुद् #mud * moda.ati * #kumud, #kumudva.adj.* a.a wind • a.age of lotuses, * ku* joy", the esculent white wa.aea.a) • the red lotus (Nympha.a rubra.amphor • the elepha.arter • *A f. a.ant ka.ala.a sa.a) • *a.amphor • silver. * #kumud a.ava.a. * y1.022.022 * kumudin * y3015.020 *


हयग्रीव.आदयः सैन्याश् _अक्राज.आद्याश् बान्धवाः

hayagrIva.Adaya: sainyA:_ca_akrAja.AdyA:_ca bAndhavA: |

लडुक.आद्याश् सुहृदो_बलूक.आद्याश् लालकाः ॥५।२८।३॥

laDuka.AdyA:_ca suhRda:_balUka.AdyA:_ca lAlakA: ||5|28|3||


hayagrIva.Adi.a: sainya.a: ca akrAja.AdyA:_ca bAndhavA: | laDuka.AdyA:_ca suhRda:_balUka.AdyA:_ca lAlakA:


*VLMitra/P.3 There were Hayagriva and the other captains of his armies, with his friends Akraja and others. His associates Laduka and some more joined the retinue, with his servants Valluka and many more.


कुबेर.यम.शक्र.आद्या* उपायन.कराः सुरा:

kubera.yama.zakra.AdyA* upAyana.karA: surA: |

यक्ष.विद्याधरा* नागाः सेव.अवसर.काङ्क्षिणः ॥५।२८।४॥

yakSa.vidyAdharA: nAgA: seva.avasara.kAGkSiNa: ||5|28|4||


kubera.yama.zakra.AdyA* upAyana.karA: surA: | yakSa.vidyAdharA: nAgA: seva.avasara.kAGkSiNa:


*VLMitra/P.4 There were also the gods Kubera, Yama and indra who paid him their tribute, and the yakshas, vidyAdharas and naagas who rendered him their services.


रम्भा.तिलोत्तमा.आद्याश् चामरिण्यः वर.अङ्गनाः

rambhA.tilottamA.AdyA:_ca cAmariNya:_vara.aGganA: |

सागराः सरितः शैला* दिशश् विदिशस् तथा ॥५।२८।५॥

sAgarA: sarita: zailA: diza:_ca vidiza:_tathA ||5|28|5||


rambhA.tilottamA.AdyA:_ca cAmariNya:_vara.aGganA: | sAgarA: sarita: zailA: diza:_ca vidiza:_tathA


*VLMitra/P.5 There were the heavenly nymphs Rambha and Tilottama in the number, with the fanning and flapping women of his court. The deputies of different provinces and of hilly and maritime districts were also in attendance.


सेवा.अर्थम् आययुस् तस्य तम् प्रदेशम् तदा बलेः

sevA.artham Ayayu:_tasya tam pradezam tadA bale: |

अन्ये बहवः सिद्धास् त्रैलोक्य.उदर.वासिनः ॥५।२८।६॥

anye ca bahava: siddhA:_trailokya.udara.vAsina: ||5|28|6||


sevA.artham Ayayu:_tasya tam pradezam tadA bale: | anye ca bahava: siddhA:_trailokya.udara.vAsina:


*VLMitra/P.6 These, accompanied by the spiritual masters inhabiting different parts of the three worlds, all waited at that place to render their services to bali.


ध्यान.मौन.समाधि.स्थम् चित्र.अर्पितम् इव_अचलम्

dhyAna.mauna.samAdhi.stham citra.arpitam iva_acala.m |

नमत् किरीट.अवलयो ददृशुर् बलिम् आदृताः ॥५।२८।७॥

namat kirITa.avalaya:_dadRzu:_balim AdRtA: ||5|28|7||


dhyAna.mauna.samAdhi.stham citra.arpitam iva_acala.m | namat kirITa.avalaya:_dadRzu:_balim AdRtA:


*VLMitra/P.7 They look at bali reverently, their heads bending down with the crowns upon them, their arms hanging loosely with bracelets upon them.


तम् दृष्ट्वा कृत.कर्तव्य.प्रणामास् ते महासुराः

tam dRSTvA kRta.kartavya.praNAmA:_te mahAsurA: |

विषाद.विस्मय.आनन्द.भय.मन्थरताम् ययुः ॥५।२८।८॥

viSAda.vismaya.Ananda.bhaya.mantharatAm yayu: ||5|28|8||


tam dRSTvA kRta.kartavya.praNAmA:_te mahAsurA: | viSAda.vismaya.Ananda.bhaya.mantharatAm yayu:


*VLMitra/P.8 The great asuras made their obeisance to him in due form, and were stupefied with sorrow and fear, struck with alternating wonder and joy at his sad condition.


मन्त्रिणः प्रविचार्य_अत्र किम् प्राप्तम् इति दानवा:

mantriNa: pravicArya_atra kim prAptam iti dAnavA: |

भार्गवम् चिन्तयाम्.आसुर् गुरुम् सर्व.विदाम्.वरम् ॥५।२८।९॥

bhArgavam cintayAm.Asu:_gurum sarva.vidAm.vara.m ||5|28|9||


mantriNa: pravicArya_atra kim prAptam iti dAnavA: | bhArgavam cintayAm.Asu:_gurum sarva.vidAm.vara.m


*VLMitra/P.9 The ministers kept pondering about what was the matter with him, and the demons sought their all knowing teacher zukra to explaining the situation.


चिन्तन.अन्.अन्तरम् दैत्या* भार्गवम् भास्वरम् वपुः daityA: bhArgavam bhAsvara.m vapu: |

ददृशुः कल्पितम् प्राप्तम् गन्धर्व.नगरम् यथा ॥५।२८।१०॥

dadRzu: kalpitam prAptam gandharva.nagara.m yathA ||5|28|10||

. daityA: bhArgavam bhAsvara.m vapu: | dadRzu: kalpitam prAptam gandharva.nagara.m yathA


*VLMitra/P.10 Quick as thought, they saw the shining figure of zukra standing before them, as if they saw the phantom of their imagination appearing tangibly to view.


पूज्यमानोसुर.गणैर् निर्विष्टो गुरु.विष्टरे

pUjyamAna:_asura.gaNai:_nirviSTa:_guru.viSTare |

ददर्श ध्यान.मौन.स्थम् भार्गवो दानव.ईश्वरम् ॥५।२८।११॥

dadarza dhyAna.mauna.stham bhArgava:_dAnava.Izvara.m ||5|28|11||


pUjyamAna:_asura.gaNai:_nirviSTa:_guru.viSTare | dadarza dhyAna.mauna.stham bhArgava:_dAnava.Izvara.m


*VLMitra/P.11 zukra, being honored by the demons, took his seat on a sofa. In his silent meditation he saw the state of the mind of the king of demons.


विश्राम्य * क्षणम् इव प्रेमवान् अवलोक्य

vizrAmya sa* kSaNam iva premavAn avalokya ca |

बलिम् विचारयन् दृष्ट्वा परिक्षीण.भव.भ्रमम् ॥५।२८।१२॥

balim vicArayan dRSTvA parikSINa.bhava.bhramam ||5|28|12||


vizrAmya sa* kSaNam iva premavAn avalokya ca | balim vicArayan dRSTvA parikSINa.bhava.bhramam


*VLMitra/P.12 He remained for a while to behold with delight how the mind of bali was freed from errors by the exercise of its reasoning powers.


देह.रश्मि.शतैर् दत्त.दीप्तभिः क्षीर.सागरम्

deha.razmi.zatai:_datta.dIptabhi: kSIra.sAgara.m |

क्षिपन्न् इव सभाम् आह हसन् वाक्यम् इदम् गुरुः ॥५।२८।१३॥

kSipan iva sabhAm Aha hasan vAkyam idam guru: ||5|28|13||


deha.razmi.zatai:_datta.dIptabhi: kSIra.sAgara.m | kSipan iva sabhAm Aha hasan vAkyam idam guru:


*VLMitra/P.13. The illustrious teacher, whose personal brightness put to shame the brightness of the Milky Ocean, then said smiling to the listening throng of the demons.


अतिमात्रम् इदम् दैत्याः स्व.विचारणया_एव यत्

ati.mAtra.m idam daityA: sva.vicAraNayA_eva yat |

सम्प्राप्त.विमल.आवासः सिद्धोयम् भगवान् बलिः ॥५।२८।१४॥

samprApta.vimala.AvAsa: siddha:_ayam bhagavAn bali: ||5|28|14||


ati.mAtra.m idam daityA: sva.vicAraNayA_eva yat | samprApta.vimala.AvAsa: siddha:_ayam bhagavAn bali:


*VLMitra/P.14 "Know you demons, this bali has become an adept in his spiritual knowledge. He has fixed his seat in holy light by the working of his intellect {Chit.Consciousness/Buddhi.Intellect.jd}.


अयम् द् एवम् एव_इह तिष्ठन् दानव.सत्तमाः

ayam tat evam eva_iha tiSThan dAnava.sattamA: |

स्व.आत्मनि स्थितिम् आप्नोतु पदम् पश्यत्व् अनामयम् ॥५।२८।१५॥

sva.Atmani sthitim Apnotu padam pazyatu_anAmayam ||5|28|15||


ayam tat evam eva_iha tiSThan dAnava.sattamA: | sva.Atmani sthitim Apnotu padam pazyatu_anAmayam


*VLMitra/P.15 Leave him alone, you good demons. Let him remain in his reverie in this position, resting in himself and beholding the imperishable one within himself.


श्रान्तो विश्रामम् आयातः क्षीण.चित्त.भव.भ्रमः

zrAnta:_vizrAmam AyAta: kSINa.citta.bhava.bhrama: |

शान्त.सम्सार.नीहारो वाचनीयो दानवाः ॥५।२८।१६॥

zAnta.saMsAra.nIhAra:_vAcanIya:_na dAnavA: ||5|28|16||


zrAnta:_vizrAmam AyAta: kSINa.citta.bhava.bhrama: | zAnta.saMsAra.nIhAra:_vAcanIya:_na dAnavA:


*VLMitra/P.16 Lo! here the weary pilgrim has got his rest. His mind is freed from the errors of this false world. Do not disturb him with your talking, who is now as cold as ice.


स्व_आलोकतेन सम्प्राप्तोज्ञान.संकटे

sva* eva_Aloka* etena samprApta:_ajJAna.samkaTe |

शान्ते ऽत्र सम्भ्रमे सौरो दिनेन_इव कर.उत्करः ॥५।२८।१७॥

zAnte_atra sambhrame saura:_dinena_iva kara.utkara: ||5|28|17||


sva* eva_Aloka* etena samprApta:_ajJAna.samkaTe | zAnte_atra sambhrame saura:_dinena_iva kara.utkara:


*VLMitra/P.17 He has received that light of knowledge amidst the gloom of ignorance, like a waking man beholds the full blaze of the sun when he awakes at dawn after the darkness is dispersed."


स्वयम् एव हि कालेन प्रबोधम् अयम् एष्यति

svayam eva hi kAlena prabodham ayam eSyati |

बीज.कोशात् स्व.संवित्त्या सुप्त.मूर्तिर् इव_अङ्कुरः ॥५।२८।१८॥

bIja.kozAt sva.saMvittyA supta.mUrti:_iva_aGkura: ||5|28|18||


svayam eva hi kAlena prabodham ayam eSyati | bIja.kozAt sva.saMvittyA supta.mUrti:_iva_aGkura:


*VLMitra/P.18 "In time he will wake from his samAdhi and rise like the germ of a seed sprouting from the seed vessel in its proper season.


स्वयम् एव हि कालेन प्रबोधम् अयम् एष्यति

kurudhvam svAmi.kAryANi sarve dAnava.nAyakA: |

बलिर् वर्ष.सहस्रेण समाधेर् बोधम् एष्यति ॥५।२८।१९॥

bali:_varSa.sahasreNa samAdhe:_bodham eSyati ||5|28|19||


kurudhvam svAmi.kAryANi sarve dAnava.nAyakA: | bali: varSa.sahasreNa samAdhe: bodham eSyati


*VLMitra/P.19 You leaders of demons, go from here and perform the duties that your master has assigned to you, for it will take a thousand years for bali to wake from his samAdhi."


कुरुध्वम् स्वामि.कार्याणि सर्वे दानव.नायकाः

kurudhvam svAmi.kAryANi sarve dAnava.nAyakA: |

बलिर् वर्ष.सहस्रेण समाधेर् बोधम् एष्यति ॥५।२८।१९॥

bali:_varSa.sahasreNa samAdhe:_bodham eSyati ||5|28|19||


kurudhvam svAmi.kAryANi sarve dAnava.nAyakA: | bali:_varSa.sahasreNa samAdhe:_bodham eSyati


kurudhvam svAmi.kAryANi sarve dAnava.nAyakA: | bali:_varSa.sahasreNa samAdhe:_bodham eSyati



त्य् उक्त्वा गुरुणा तत्र हर्ष.मर्ष.विषाद.जाम्

iti_uktvA guruNA tatra harSa.marSa.viSAda.jAm |

दैत्याश् चिन्ताम् जहु: शुष्काम् मञ्जरीम् इव पादपा: ॥५।२८।२०॥

daityA:_cintAm jahu: zuSkAm maJjarIm iva pAdapA: ||5|28|20||


iti_uktvA guruNA tatra harSa.marSa.viSAda.jAm | daityA:_cintAm jahu: zuSkAm maJjarIm iva pAdapA:


*VLMitra/P.20 After zukra, the guru and guide of the demons, had spoken in this manner, they were filled with alternate joy and grief in their hearts, and cast aside their anxiety about him, as a tree casts its withered leaves away.


वैरोचनि.सभा.संस्थाम् विधाय प्राग्.व्यवस्थया

vairocani.sabhA.saMsthAm vidhAya prAk.vyavasthayA |

स्व.व्यापार.परास् तस्थु: सर्व_असुरास् ततः ॥५।२८।२१॥

sva.vyApAra.parA:_tasthu: sarva* eva_asurA:_tata: ||5|28|21||


vairocani.sabhA.saMsthAm vidhAya prAk.vyavasthayA | sva.vyApAra.parA:_tasthu: sarva* eva_asurA:_tata:


*VLMitra/P.21 The asuras then left their King bali resting in his palace and returned to their respective offices, as they had been employed heretofore.


नरा* मही महिपतयो रसातलम्

narA: mahIm ahi.pataya:_rasAtalam

ग्रहास् त्रिदश.गणास् त्रिविष्टपम्

grahA: nabha:_tridaza.gaNA:_triviSTapam |

दिशोद्रयो दिक्.पतयश् कंदरान्

diza:_adraya:_dik.pataya:_ca kaMdarAn

वनेचरा* गगन.चराश् खम् ययु: ॥५।२८।२२॥

vane.carA: gagana.carA:_ca kham yayu: ||5|28|22||

. mahI*m ahi*pati*a: rasAtala*m graha*a: tridaza* triviSTapa*m | diz.direction.a: adri.mountain..a:*a: ca.&/also/too kaMdara*an vanecara*a:*a: ca.&/also/too kha.(personal)sky.m yayus*















*VLMitra/P.22 It now became night and all men retired to their earthly abodes, the serpents entered into their holes, the stars appeared in the skies, and the gods reposed in their celestial domes. The rulers of all sides and mountainous tracts went to their own quarters, and the beasts of the forest and birds of the air fled and flew to their own dens and nests.






santoSaH paramo lAbhaH satsaGgaH paramA gatiH |
vicAraH paramaM jJAnaM zamo hi paramaM sukham ||

सन्तोषः परमो लाभः सत्सङ्गः परमा गतिः।
विचारः परमं ज्ञानं शमो हि परमं सुखम्॥
Contentment is the highest gain, Good Company the highest course,
Enquiry the highest wisdom, and Peace the highest enjoyment.
                             -- Yoga Vasishtha 

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