Architectural Documentation

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Johannes Neu

Jul 31, 2016, 2:34:08 PM7/31/16
to Xtend Programming Language
Hi @all,

Is there an architectural document for xtend? I know that it's core expression language is Xbase, but just from looking at the repository I am a little bit lost.

Thank you very much in advance.

Sven Efftinge (

Aug 1, 2016, 1:57:44 AM8/1/16
Hi Johannes,

no there is no such document.
Do you have any specific questions?


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Johannes Neu

Aug 2, 2016, 11:53:52 AM8/2/16
to Xtend Programming Language
No, just a hint where to start. There is no or similar. It would be great if you could give me a short bullet list, how I can setup my IDE (Eclipse? IDEA possible?) to start changing something and rebuild Xtend (e.g. change the public `keyword` to `open` or the like ;) ).

All the best

Serbest Hammade

Aug 2, 2016, 8:08:02 PM8/2/16
to Xtend Programming Language
Hi Johannes,

- get Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers and Xtend, Xtext, MWE
- clone Xtend repository
- import Working Tree with Import as general project (for maven builds)
- import Working Tree with Import existing Eclipse projects, import all projects (for editing and running)
now you can edit the Xtend.xtext file in org.eclipse.xtend.core/src/org.eclipse.xtend.core/
when you are done run the mwe2 process on Xtend.xtext with Run as > Generate Xtext Artefacts

The default severity level for warnings and errors could be annoying, so check your settings (maven, plugin development) and set the severity level from error to warning if needed

to run an eclipse instance open org.eclipse.xtend.standalone/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and click on the Launch an Eclipse application link
or building the jars with maven on the project xtext-xtend with Run as > Maven build

for further information read the Xtext configuration documentation (MWE2, DI with google guice), than its easier to understand the Xtend projects

Johannes Neu

Aug 4, 2016, 2:58:30 AM8/4/16
to Xtend Programming Language
Thanks. I'll try that out.
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