There is no documentation to enable the events for webRTC. is there any sample where the subscription as well as the peer events are shown..

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Srivishnu Pasumarthy

Aug 13, 2015, 3:58:03 PM8/13/15
to XSockets.NET Developer forum
There is no documentation to enable the events for webRTC. is there any sample where the subscription as well as the peer events are shown.. 

 peer.onpeerconnectionstarted = function(peer){
                log("onpeerconnectionstarted", peer);
            peer.onpeerconnectioncreated = function (peer) {
                log("onpeerconnectioncreated", peer);
            peer.onpeerconnectionlost = function (peer) {
                log("onpeerconnectionlost", peer);

fail with Xsocket. Subscription undefined title error

Ulf Björklund

Aug 14, 2015, 4:42:32 AM8/14/15
to XSockets.NET Developer forum

Not sure I understand the question.

And documentation and source code at


Srivishnu Pasumarthy

Aug 14, 2015, 1:03:51 PM8/14/15
to XSockets.NET Developer forum
Hi Ulf, as my question stated there is no example to implement rtc offers such as when one of the peers is calling another peer from a different context there is no way of negotiating whether I pick up the call or decline it.

Can you provide an example of such implementation.

Ulf Björklund

Aug 16, 2015, 4:41:27 AM8/16/15
to XSockets.NET Developer forum

No, there is no such API built in since that is basic communication in XSockets.
It can be built in many ways, but as you say there is no sample.

I tried to attach a sample project, but something was currently wrong in google forum :(
I will send you the sample over email instead.

The basic sample contains a client that can call an agent and the agent can choose to accept/deny the call.

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