Urgent Cry for Help to Stop DAPL, from the Investigative Team With the Necessary Evidence

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Bill Homans

Feb 26, 2017, 5:23:18 PM2/26/17
to Wolf PAC Mississippi, ericbe...@gmail.com

Dear Eric, and Mississippi WolfPAC folks,

This is what my investigative team of Vietnam veterans has been doing. I am a WolfPAC Lieutenant, and I need to speak with Cenk Uygur or Mike Monetta immediately about the photosurveillance evidence we have that the pipeline company, Energy Transfer Partners, was drilling the entire time after the denial of he easement to drill under Lake Oahe-- the Missouri River-- by the Army Corps of Engineers. That the pipeline drilling is finished  was reported now almost two days ago by The Young Turks, and by a local CBS affiliate.

We have known about this since the last week of December 2016-- two months-- and have been fighting to be heard. Lawyers have been too busy defending Water Protectors, or trying to press the EIS order, by an Assistant Secretary of the Army that Trump fired, that has now been countermanded.

I've been a sustaining monthly member for about two years, and proud of it. I have said from the beginning that my primary potential values to this organization were two: first, as an investigator, and second, if it was ever part of the TYT M.O. to hire musicians for fundraising, a musician of at least B-list recognition (in my field, the blues, I'm A-list...).

Part of the reason for the first is because of my network of competent life-long activists. It began as a coincidence, in this case (hough it is now the circumstance of most importance, that one of our number happens to be a 30-year veteran of 9 pipelines. His explanation of the evidence showing that ETP was defying the denial of easement is unimpeachable, a slam dunk in court or in a Senatorial Investigation. 

We still have a few days to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. Our team is unanimous in our conviction that TYT is the organization with the guts and the credibility to break this story of rapacious, cheating Big Oil scum who have spearheaded this war against indigenous peoples. Jordan Chariton is to be commended, and protected.

Now, as you can see below, I have written to him. I would like to ask anyone in this organization to use your contacts and resources to contact Cenk Uygur and make sure we can get this evidence to him. You may confirm my identity with Mike Monetta, with whom I spoke at some length when I was just getting into WolfPAC.

I have sent the entire transcript of the communications. and attempted communications, among my team members between my team and Jordan Chariton and TYT, and also the attorney Daniel Sheehan at the Romero Institute, which is legal consultant to he Lakota Peoples' Law Project, since the news (astounding news to everyone, but not to us) that the pipeline drilling was complete. 

I cannot possibly overstress the crucial necessity to act immediately. We have as few as eight days to act before oil flows in that pipeline. Please, Wolf Brothers and Sisters, get howling! 😉 Put us in touch with Cenk Uygur immediately. Please also call Bill Perry at 215-589-9413, Ron Arm at 608-712-6281, or myself at 405-227-4245. Bill Perry is our pipeline expert so call him first. We can still stop this. 

Mni Wiconi!!

William P. Homans
VVAW Life Member,
VVAW/OSS Operations Co-coordinator
Clarksdale, Mississippi

aka Watermelon Slim

From: Bill Homans <bluede...@hotmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2017 1:11 AM
To: DJa...@fielding.edu; vfp-stan...@googlegroups.com; bpvetf...@aol.com
Cc: ProjectS...@hotmail.com; kenm...@vfp-santafe.org; elro...@gmail.com; binna...@gmail.com; Daniel.pet...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: {vfpaction} Re: {VFP Standing Rock} Standing Rock Lives On! (FOUR ARROWS on bp's Drilling analysis)

Hola Brothers,

I have made several attempts to contact Chase IronEyes about this over the last month, and he's either never gotten them or else, given not only his responsibility for representing the Water Protectors but also defending himself, he's just really been to busy to pay it any mind. A number of weeks-- maybe six weeks-- ago, when we were trying to get Angela Bibins to run with this, I suggested that we were going to have to make a personal appearance, send an individual or delegation, to get to the lawyers with the evidence.

Now, as I said on the TYT Live Feed, everyone else is suddenly catching up to the truth that only we knew, due to Bill's expertise. I will suggest again that we need to possibly make a full-court press in person with the various lawyers that are directly or potentially involved, and that would mean at the least, Daniel Sheehan at the Romero Institute in Santa Cruz (I hope you are getting my inclusions, Mr. Sheehan), Chase IronEyes, and perhaps even Senator Carper himself.

I also agree that the evidence needs to go to TYT, because they have come out and speculated what we already knew for sure two months ago. I have sent this letter to the TYT and WolfPAC addresses I know (I am a WolfPAC Lieutenant, a sustaining member at $300/year), if anyone has more direct contact with Cenk, it would be good to use it now.

I hope Daniel Sheehan will advise us whether to go straight to the Senator, since our expert is not far away.


Bill Homans


CRUCIAL Evidence On Dakota Access Pipeline
Bill Homans
Fri 2/24, 7:22 PM

Dear Jordan Charlton, Cenk Uygur, Mike Monetta, Ken Weston, or any TYT or WolfPAC executive,

I don't know whether you will get this, but:

I am William P. Homans, a WolfPAC Lieutenant, and part of an investigative team of Vietnam veterans. I just watched Jordan, your TYT reporter, reporting that the DAPL drilling is done. Our team has had the evidence that they were illegally drilling since December! We have photosurveillance evidence that drilling has been ongoing in defiance of the ACE denial of easement, now reversed under the Trump Administration, and one of our team is a pipeline expert who will explain the photographic evidence. The lawyers-- Jan Hasselman, Angela Bibins, Chase IronEyes-- have been so busy with the rear-guard action of defending the already arrested Water Protectors that they have been unable to evaluate and use our evidence, which is a slam dunk, I promise you.  

We can stop this yet, but the time is utterly crucial. Your reporter-- and CBS-- have reported that the pipeline is FINISHED, and oil could flow as early as March 6. You're all just catching up with the truth now. Please call me at 405-227-4245, Bill Perry (our pipeline expert) at 215-589-9413, or Ron Arm at 608-712-6281. Hurry: every minute, every hour counts in organizing against this. Also, call Sara Nelson at the Romero Institute, at 831-459-6143, and ask to speak with Daniel Sheehan, Atty., ASAP.

Mni Wiconi!!  

William P. Homans
843 Catalpa Street
Clarksdale, Mississippi 38614

aka Watermelon Slim

From: bpvetforpeace via VFPACTION <vfpa...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2017 10:30 PM
To: DJa...@fielding.edu; vfp-stan...@googlegroups.com
Cc: ProjectS...@hotmail.com; kenm...@vfp-santafe.org; elro...@gmail.com; binna...@gmail.com; bluede...@hotmail.com
Subject: {vfpaction} Re: {VFP Standing Rock} Standing Rock Lives On! (FOUR ARROWS on bp's Drilling analysis)
re:   ETP Drilling since early September?

Four Arrows says:
Recall Bill Perry showed this and I got it published but the lawyers did not believe us.  If it can be proved, I wonder what possibilities exist?
Others are reporting it now.
      This is the time to get Bill’s report out there again. Maybe this time the lawyers will listen?
bp sez:
Four Arrows, Gerry Condon, Bill Homens, Ron Arm, Ken Mayers, Sam Adams, Barry Reish, and other interested parties;

My analysis of Drone Pilot Myron Dewey's December 20, 2016 Aerial shots of the EAST bank of the Missouri River, coupled with the Standing Rock WEST bank "drill pad" revealed (to my PipeLine experienced eyes, having  participated in 9 major PipeLines over my 30 years in the Building Trades) that it appeared that DAPL was clearly boring (drilling) from the Emmon County EAST bank of the Missouri River, to the Morton County WEST bank (Standing Rock)

On December 29th, I released my narrative to accompany the December 20th DSS video, explaining ALL the visual evidence, visible on the East Bank, that any experienced PipeLiner would agree that HDD (Horizontal Directional Drilling) was occurring, in REAL TIME, as shown by the movement of numerous construction machines, ALL on the East Bank, while the West Bank (Standing Rock side) all the machines were stationary, and NOT boring.   (TWO videos attached, one from Dec 20, & one from February, 2017) PLUS, links to good aerial STILL shots, and my comments, next to them

On January 5, I re-released my 3 page narrative, with editing, to remove the HDD & Construction jargon, because so many folks had great difficulty following the story.   
Four Arrows, The Bluesman, Bill Homans (WaterMelon Slim), and 2 VVAW & 1 VFP "shopped" the Video & my narrative around, to MSM, and independent media, but couldn't get any takers, because "the public has a hard time grasping anything longer than 140 characters"

SEE my explanation "comments", on Standing Rock  videographer/Live Streamer Trip Jenning's "still" shots, from Feb 9th. 

This aerial shot of the EAST Bank "drill pad" includes my comments~

 and read my "comments" on Trip Jennings' STILL shots

ETP said, numerous times, it'll take 83 to 90 days to complete drilling under the Missouri River.

They were ordered to stop on Dec 4th.
They got the Fed Easement on J-30

J-30 plus 83 days = Circa April 23, 2017

My analysis, of continual drilling/boring, from Dec 6th, or so = 83 days from 12/6 = February 26th completion

NEWS Link to ETP saying they'll be ready to run oil under the River by MARCH 6th

VFP/VVAW Brother Bill Homen has been in touch with Sioux Nation Lawyers, and Legal Advisors and they want to present ALL this stuff to Delaware Senator Carper 

Senator Carper serves as ranking member, or the highest ranking Democrat, on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. He also serves on the Environment and Public Works Committee and the Finance Committee.
I could drive to Delaware from my crib, outside of Trenton, NJ, in about an hour, but I'm inclined to turn ALL this over to Cenk Uigher, Jordan, and TYT (The Young Turks), b/c they have the Platform & the $$$ & the connections to get this out there IMMEDIATELY.

Thoughts, opinions?
HEY, WAKE UP~ I know it's hard to follow this stuff, BUT, it's important~
Thoughts?   Opinions?

Bill Perry, Service Officer
Disabled American Veteran CSO
Make ANY ERROR in the VA Claims maze,
& you'll be forced into a 2 year Appeal process
Get Expert Advice, Evaluations, & Treatment

215-945-1269                           215-945-3350

-----Original Message-----
From: Four Arrows (aka Don Jacobs) <DJa...@fielding.edu>
To: vfp-standing-rock <vfp-stan...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Feb 24, 2017 11:02 pm
Subject: Re: {VFP Standing Rock} Standing Rock Lives On!

Have a look at this comment from Chase Iron Eyes where he says he has  heard the pipe laying is complete and speculates this could only have happened if they had been working on it before Trump’s order.  Recall Bill Perry showed this and I got it published by the lawyers did not believe us.  If it can be proved, I wonder what possibilities exist?
Look at 5 minutes….Others are reporting it now.
      This is the time to get Bill’s report out there again. Maybe this time the lawyers will listen?
From: <vfp-standing-ro...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Brian Trautman <trau...@veteransforpeace.org>
Date: Friday, February 24, 2017 at 12:52 PM
To: Gerry Condon <projects...@hotmail.com>
Cc: "vfp-standing-ro...@googlegroups.com" <vfp-standing-ro...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: {VFP Standing Rock} Standing Rock Lives On!
Four Arrows does a brilliant job in his analysis and description of the challenges the water protectors faced from ongoing settler colonialism, environmental racism and state terrorism. The ideas and suggestions for countering and ending the injustices that Four Arrows have outlined, which embrace and apply the beautiful legacy of the resistance, offer us a powerful and time-tested philosophical and strategic approach (Wolokolkiciapi) for struggling against and defeating the hegemonic and anthropocentric forces that produce the militarism, fascism and other forms of violence and oppression that consistently violate human rights and destroy Nature. -Brian

Peace at Home, Peace Abroad!

Brian Trautman, M.Ed.
Treasurer, National Board of Directors
Veterans For Peace (VFP)
City, State: Albany, NY
Friend me on Facebook
Follow me on Twitter
On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 9:55 AM, Gerry Condon <projects...@hotmail.com> wrote:
Great reflection from Four Arrows 
Standing Rock Lives on as a Model for Peaceful Resistance!
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Eric Benevides

Feb 27, 2017, 8:27:52 AM2/27/17
to wolfpac-m...@googlegroups.com
Hi Bill,

You replied to Cenk so he should get it. Mike Monetta is solely with Wolf-PAC so he is focused on our fight for Campaign Finance Reform. I'm sure if you tweet @JordanChariton he will be interested in the evidence you have. Thanks for being active!

Eric Benevides

National Coordinator



"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens

can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."  

- Margaret Mead

On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 5:23 PM, Bill Homans <bluede...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Dear Eric, and Mississippi WolfPAC folks,

This is what my investigative team of Vietnam veterans has been doing. I am a WolfPAC Lieutenant, and I need to speak with Cenk Uygur or Mike Monetta immediately about the photosurveillance evidence we have that the pipeline company, Energy Transfer Partners, was drilling the entire time after the denial of he easement to drill under Lake Oahe-- the Missouri River-- by the Army Corps of Engineers. That the pipeline drilling is finished  was reported now almost two days ago by The Young Turks, and by a local CBS affiliate.

We have known about this since the last week of December 2016-- two months-- and have been fighting to be heard. Lawyers have been too busy defending Water Protectors, or trying to press the EIS order, by an Assistant Secretary of the Army that Trump fired, that has now been countermanded.

I've been a sustaining monthly member for about two years, and proud of it. I have said from the beginning that my primary potential values to this organization were two: first, as an investigator, and second, if it was ever part of the TYT M.O. to hire musicians for fundraising, a musician of at least B-list recognition (in my field, the blues, I'm A-list...).

Part of the reason for the first is because of my network of competent life-long activists. It began as a coincidence, in this case (hough it is now the circumstance of most importance, that one of our number happens to be a 30-year veteran of 9 pipelines. His explanation of the evidence showing that ETP was defying the denial of easement is unimpeachable, a slam dunk in court or in a Senatorial Investigation. 

We still have a few days to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. Our team is unanimous in our conviction that TYT is the organization with the guts and the credibility to break this story of rapacious, cheating Big Oil scum who have spearheaded this war against indigenous peoples. Jordan Chariton is to be commended, and protected.

Now, as you can see below, I have written to him. I would like to ask anyone in this organization to use your contacts and resources to contact Cenk Uygur and make sure we can get this evidence to him. You may confirm my identity with Mike Monetta, with whom I spoke at some length when I was just getting into WolfPAC.

I have sent the entire transcript of the communications. and attempted communications, among my team members between my team and Jordan Chariton and TYT, and also the attorney Daniel Sheehan at the Romero Institute, which is legal consultant to he Lakota Peoples' Law Project, since the news (astounding news to everyone, but not to us) that the pipeline drilling was complete. 

I cannot possibly overstress the crucial necessity to act immediately. We have as few as eight days to act before oil flows in that pipeline. Please, Wolf Brothers and Sisters, get howling! 😉 Put us in touch with Cenk Uygur immediately. Please also call Bill Perry at 215-589-9413, Ron Arm at 608-712-6281, or myself at 405-227-4245. Bill Perry is our pipeline expert so call him first. We can still stop this. 

Mni Wiconi!!

William P. Homans
VVAW Life Member,
VVAW/OSS Operations Co-coordinator
Clarksdale, Mississippi

aka Watermelon Slim

From: Bill Homans <bluede...@hotmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2017 1:11 AM

Cc: ProjectS...@hotmail.com; kenm...@vfp-santafe.org; elro...@gmail.com; binna...@gmail.com; Daniel.pet...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: {vfpaction} Re: {VFP Standing Rock} Standing Rock Lives On! (FOUR ARROWS on bp's Drilling analysis)

Hola Brothers,

I have made several attempts to contact Chase IronEyes about this over the last month, and he's either never gotten them or else, given not only his responsibility for representing the Water Protectors but also defending himself, he's just really been to busy to pay it any mind. A number of weeks-- maybe six weeks-- ago, when we were trying to get Angela Bibins to run with this, I suggested that we were going to have to make a personal appearance, send an individual or delegation, to get to the lawyers with the evidence.

Now, as I said on the TYT Live Feed, everyone else is suddenly catching up to the truth that only we knew, due to Bill's expertise. I will suggest again that we need to possibly make a full-court press in person with the various lawyers that are directly or potentially involved, and that would mean at the least, Daniel Sheehan at the Romero Institute in Santa Cruz (I hope you are getting my inclusions, Mr. Sheehan), Chase IronEyes, and perhaps even Senator Carper himself.

I also agree that the evidence needs to go to TYT, because they have come out and speculated what we already knew for sure two months ago. I have sent this letter to the TYT and WolfPAC addresses I know (I am a WolfPAC Lieutenant, a sustaining member at $300/year), if anyone has more direct contact with Cenk, it would be good to use it now.

I hope Daniel Sheehan will advise us whether to go straight to the Senator, since our expert is not far away.


Bill Homans


CRUCIAL Evidence On Dakota Access Pipeline
Bill Homans
Fri 2/24, 7:22 PM

Dear Jordan Charlton, Cenk Uygur, Mike Monetta, Ken Weston, or any TYT or WolfPAC executive,

I don't know whether you will get this, but:

I am William P. Homans, a WolfPAC Lieutenant, and part of an investigative team of Vietnam veterans. I just watched Jordan, your TYT reporter, reporting that the DAPL drilling is done. Our team has had the evidence that they were illegally drilling since December! We have photosurveillance evidence that drilling has been ongoing in defiance of the ACE denial of easement, now reversed under the Trump Administration, and one of our team is a pipeline expert who will explain the photographic evidence. The lawyers-- Jan Hasselman, Angela Bibins, Chase IronEyes-- have been so busy with the rear-guard action of defending the already arrested Water Protectors that they have been unable to evaluate and use our evidence, which is a slam dunk, I promise you.  

We can stop this yet, but the time is utterly crucial. Your reporter-- and CBS-- have reported that the pipeline is FINISHED, and oil could flow as early as March 6. You're all just catching up with the truth now. Please call me at 405-227-4245, Bill Perry (our pipeline expert) at 215-589-9413, or Ron Arm at 608-712-6281. Hurry: every minute, every hour counts in organizing against this. Also, call Sara Nelson at the Romero Institute, at 831-459-6143, and ask to speak with Daniel Sheehan, Atty., ASAP.

Mni Wiconi!!  

William P. Homans
843 Catalpa Street
Clarksdale, Mississippi 38614

aka Watermelon Slim

From: bpvetforpeace via VFPACTION <vfpa...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2017 10:30 PM
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Three Steps to Reverse Citizens United and Restore Representative Democracy in America:
1. Find a state representative or state senator to introduce this resolution in your state: http://bit.ly/13E87Y3
2. Once introduced, the resolution will be assigned to a committee, so ask members of the committee for their support (helpful talking points: http://bit.ly/14Z2yEp).
3. Once through committee, it will get a vote in the legislature, so ask legislators for their support (contact info for legislators in your state: http://www.wolf-pac.com/states).
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To post to this group, send email to wolfpac-mississippi@googlegroups.com.
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Bill Homans

Feb 27, 2017, 9:39:09 AM2/27/17
to wolfpac-m...@googlegroups.com, bpvetf...@aol.com, Sam Adams, Ron Arm, Kenneth Mayers, Four Arrows (aka Don Jacobs)

This fellow from WolfPAC Mississippi says we should tweet Jordan Chariton, and has sent us a Twitter address, link below. Do any of you fellers "tweet"? I've never tweeted. Bill, or Sam, or Ron, can you tweet him? He says Cenk should respond to what we have written. Do any of you WolfPACers have a more direct address for Cenk? Eric, like I said, this is more than time-sensitive, this is time-crucial. We're not some kind of spammers, we're not trying in any way to disrupt, slow down or in any way disturb the WolfPAC political-transparency work. But as our expert, Bill Perry, stated back in December, when, literally, we were the only ones who actually KNEW the truth about ETP's continuing drilling in defiance of ACE's denial of the easement, oil could be flowing in a matter of days after the completion if the drilling under Lake Oahe.


From: wolfpac-m...@googlegroups.com <wolfpac-m...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Eric Benevides <ericbe...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2017 7:27 AM
To: wolfpac-m...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [WP MS] Urgent Cry for Help to Stop DAPL, from the Investigative Team With the Necessary Evidence
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