New Ideas for Projects

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Yashvardhan Didwania

Feb 15, 2018, 4:48:56 PM2/15/18
to Web and Coding Club IIT Bombay

We are looking for some interesting and cool ideas which can be floated as ITSP or SoC projects. I encourage everyone to share whatever ideas you may have which we can implement.

It would be nice if you could even suggest some general tech projects to keep the interested folks occupied over a longer duration.

Yashvardhan Didwania

Dilawar Singh

Feb 15, 2018, 9:26:45 PM2/15/18
to wncc_iitb, wncc_iitb
I usually find Arduino based projects to be very educational and useful.

Recently I tried to make a Arduino based text to speech, sppech to text using webrtc, and talking jackass ( it plays random sound If noise level in your vicinity crosses the threshold (neglect usual workbench noise, only human speech). Only last one worked to my satisfaction, and ended up irritating many people.

First one, text to speech, was doable but requires careful work in phoneme extraction (English version is on github, I tried Hindi version). It's not released et and I am very low on bandwidth to complete it now. Second one is probably too complicated to be put on Arduino.

As a wish list, if anyone knows how to get lua to work on Arduino; I'd love to port torch8 on Arduino mega for some AI related tasks.

Cheap handheld oscilloscope based on mega would be cool too, especially for neuro lab.

- Dilawar
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