Win7 - How to convert mkv with dts-audio in mkv with aac-audio

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Apr 12, 2017, 6:31:23 PM4/12/17
to WinFF

Hi, I'm using WinFF 1.5.4 with windows7.

I want to convert only the audio-stream of a mkv-video with dts-audio to an mkv with aac-audio.

If I'm using "only" ffmpeg, this syntax works perfect:

ffmpeg -i inputvideoname.mkv -c:v copy -c:a aac outputname.mkv

In WinFF I want do create a preset. Which is the right syntax to put into the "Preset Command line Parameter" in WinFF?

This one (-strict -2 -c:a aac) works, but it take to much time. What's about " libvo_aacenc", is it also possible?

Last question: How to change the language (xxx.po - File)?

Thanks for your help!!!


Apr 15, 2017, 4:34:49 AM4/15/17
to WinFF
Last question: How to change the language (xxx.po - File)?

Hi, If you want to force, say, French, on a Spanish system, you can rename to If you want to edit a .po, use Poedit.

This one (-strict -2 -c:a aac) works, but it take to much time. What's about " libvo_aacenc", is it also possible?

Support for libvo_aacenc has been removed from ffmpeg.

The command-line I use for converting to aac is something like:  -c:v copy -c:a aac -ar 48000 -b:a 192k

If the sound needs to be downmixed to stereo, I add: -ac 2 -clev 1.414 -slev .5

in order to correct the balance between dialogue channel and others (dialogue channel is generally too low when using default ffmpeg settings, because it has only one mono track).

Encoding the audio track takes longer than only remuxing, but it does not take that much time. Speed is about 14x without downmixing on my PC. Perhaps you are still re-encoding video? 
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