Creating more than hope | 'Autonomy, self-determination & economic sustainability are achievable.' | Dameyon Bonson | The Stringer

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Apr 26, 2016, 6:20:37 PM4/26/16
to WGAR News Public Google Group
* Analysis / Opinion:
Creating more than hope
'Solutions need to be about creating more than hope.
Autonomy, self-determination and economic sustainability are achievable.'

Dameyon Bonson | The Stringer

WGAR News Public Google Group:

twitter WGAR News @WgarNews
WGAR News - Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

Newsletter date:
27 April 2016, 8:30am AEST


* Collection of Articles:
Aboriginal Specific News – Australia | The Stringer

* Analysis / Opinion:
Creating more than hope

'Solutions need to be about creating more than hope.
Autonomy, self-determination and economic sustainability are achievable.'
Dameyon Bonson | The Stringer

* Bio:
Dameyon Bonson by The Stringer

'Dameyon Bonson is a First Nation Australian.
He is currently looking at the affect of the compounding aggressions, racism and homophobia,
on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBQTI people and
the link to suicide using intersectionality as a methodology.'

* Analysis / Opinion:
I don’t hate White people – I hate racism

'In Australia – and throughout much of the western world
– racism is bound in a cast of aspersions that it is borne of Whiteness
despite that racism has nothing to do with Whiteness.
Racism is borne of exploitation'
Gerry Georgatos | The Stringer

* Analysis / Opinion:
‘Oppression’ is the critical cognitive factor in the majority of the suicides

'In societies where the people are exposed to relentless oppression,
suicide is a normal response
– the ultimate form of resistance to the prolonged violence of oppression.'
Gerry Georgatos | The Stringer

* Analysis / Opinion:
Disaggregate or discriminate
– are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders really only 10 years behind in life expectancy?

'It is estimated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’
life expectancy is 10.6 years lower than that of the non-Aboriginal population. Is this really true ... "
Gerry Georgatos | The Stringer

* Bio:
Gerry Georgatos by The Stringer

'Gerry Georgatos is a life-long human rights and social justice campaigner,
and a multi-award winning investigative journalist.
His predominant work is in suicide prevention research and
in unveiling racism and in articulating the ways forward.'

* Donate:
Fund The Stringer
The Stringer

* Analysis / Opinion:
Increasing suicide rate in Australia highlights social crisis

'An Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) report,
Causes of Death Australia, 2014, released last month,
revealed a sharply rising suicide rate over the past decade,
with steep increases among children and young women.'
Mary Beadnell | World Socialist Web Site

* Analysis / Opinion:
Aboriginal – Māori:
how Indigenous health suffers on both sides of the ditch

'we compare how both countries fare in key health indicators:
life expectancy at birth, low birth weight, diabetes and youth suicide.'
Graeme Maguire & Bridget Robson | The Conversation

Previous newsletters at WGAR News Public Google Group:
twitter WGAR News @WgarNews
WGAR News - Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

- Collection of Articles:

Aboriginal Specific News – Australia

The Stringer

- Analysis / Opinion:

Creating more than hope

Dameyon Bonson | The Stringer

27 Apr 16:

" ... Solutions need to be about creating more than hope.
Autonomy, self-determination and economic sustainability are achievable.
But to get to that point we need to cut through the bias, prejudice and racism
that has metastasised in agencies, departments, organisations and governments;
perpetuating powerlessness, forsakenness and oppression.
These cancerous behaviours have manifested into behaviours that isolate,
marginalise and bully Indigenous people; tenements to mental health illnesses,
depression, anxiety and the ilk. As Indigenous people we are not born
predisposed to mental health illnesses. But we are born into environments that
cause them; triggered by bias, prejudice and racism. ... "

"Dameyon Bonson is an independent researcher and advocate in the field of
preventing Indigenous suicides. He advises to the federally funded Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation Project (ATSTISPEP) and is
the Founder of Black Rainbow Living Well for the Prevention of Indigenous LGBTI
Suicide. You can follow him on Twitter @DameyonBonson "

- Bio:

Dameyon Bonson by The Stringer

"Dameyon Bonson is a First Nation Australian.
He is currently looking at the affect of the compounding aggressions, racism and homophobia,
on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBQTI people and the
link to suicide using intersectionality as a methodology.
He is regularly asked to speak on this topic and he has presented internationally.
Dameyon is also Male Health advocate. He lives in holiday, Broome, Western Australia."

" – the crowdfunding  – facebook – twitter "

- Analysis / Opinion:

I don’t hate White people – I hate racism

Gerry Georgatos | The Stringer

27 Apr 16:

"In Australia – and throughout much of the western world – racism is bound in a
cast of aspersions that it is borne of Whiteness despite that racism has
nothing to do with Whiteness. Racism is borne of exploitation, of the oppressor
and the oppressed dichotomy and its dynamical structures.
The rest – the cruelty, propaganda, the justifications, the prejudices and the
punitive and retributive consequences – wash through the masses that are the
workforce of the oppressor; and lauded in western neo-colonialism as
‘White Privilege’.
I do not hate White people. I hate only racism. ... "

"Gerry Georgatos is a suicide prevention researcher and a human rights advocate
with the Institute of Social Justice and Human Rights.
Gerry is a prolific writer on the ways forward from racism."

- Analysis / Opinion:

‘Oppression’ is the critical cognitive factor in the majority of the suicides

Gerry Georgatos | The Stringer

27 Apr 16:

"In societies where the people are exposed to relentless oppression, suicide is
a normal response – the ultimate form of resistance to the prolonged violence
of oppression. It is not the individual who takes her or his life who is
responsible for this culmination but the act of relentless oppression that is
responsible. The impacts of colonisation wherever in the world have come with
dehumanisation, demonisation and repression of peoples, all in the name of
justifying dispossession. In the last four years I have written more than 300
articles for the public domain on suicide and to the ways forward. In general,
I have translated most of my research into easy consumption for the everyday
reader. ... "

"Gerry Georgatos is a suicide prevention researcher, suicide prevention campaigner
and human rights advocate with the Institute of Social Justice and Human Rights."

- Analysis / Opinion:

Disaggregate or discriminate
– are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
really only 10 years behind in life expectancy?

Gerry Georgatos | The Stringer

26 Apr 16:

"It is estimated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) that
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ life expectancy is 10.6 years lower
than that of the non-Aboriginal population. Is this really true or are
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples dying decades earlier than what
is being sold to us. I have long been a critic of the calculations used to
determine life expectancy and of other trends. Furthermore, to fail to
disaggregate to population groups, culturally and demographically, makes
invisible marginalised peoples and minorities. ... "

"Gerry Georgatos is a suicide prevention researcher with
the Institute of Human Rights and Social Justice"

- Bio:

Gerry Georgatos by The Stringer

"Gerry Georgatos is a life-long human rights and social justice campaigner,
and a multi-award winning investigative journalist.
His predominant work is in suicide prevention research and
in unveiling racism and in articulating the ways forward. ... "

- Donate:

Fund The Stringer

The Stringer

"We know how much you like reading the news on The Stringer website.
If you’d like to help us continue to shine a massive great big flood lamp
on the political injustices of this country and, indeed, the world
then please contribute whatever you feel able to using the form below. ... "

- Analysis / Opinion:

Increasing suicide rate in Australia highlights social crisis

Mary Beadnell | World Socialist Web Site

Published by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)

26 Apr 16:

"An Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) report, Causes of Death Australia,
2014, released last month, revealed a sharply rising suicide rate over the past
decade, with steep increases among children and young women. The media barely
mentioned the report, and it was quickly buried by the parties of the political
establishment—Liberal-National, Labor and Greens. ...
Northern Territory (NT) reported the worst rate of child deaths due to suicide ...
Because the NT has the highest proportion of indigenous people among
Australia’s states and territories, this indicates a terrible impact on
Aboriginal people, who are among the most oppressed layers of the working class ... "

- Analysis / Opinion:

Aboriginal – Māori:
how Indigenous health suffers on both sides of the ditch

'we compare how both countries fare in key health indicators:
life expectancy at birth, low birth weight, diabetes and youth suicide.'

Graeme Maguire & Bridget Robson | The Conversation

21 Apr 16:

"Indigenous people in Australia and New Zealand, despite the distance
separating them and varying histories, have one disturbing issue in common:
poor health. ... "

"Indigenous Australians:
Medical conditions are also exacerbated by poverty – not just the sort of
poverty that means you don’t have enough money, but the extreme poverty that
translates to educational and environmental disadvantage. ... But even this
often fails to explain why young people are driven to the finality of suicide,
at a rate nearly five times higher among Indigenous youth between 15 to 19
than other Australians of the same age. ... "

- - -

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

About WGAR News:

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'WGAR News' monitors the media, including alternative media, focusing on:

* The Freedom Summit's National Freedom Movement;
* the Australian Federal government intervention into Northern Territory (NT) Aboriginal communities;
* Plans to close Aboriginal homelands / remote communities in Western Australia (WA), South Australia (SA), [and Northern Territory (NT)?];
* Treaties with Aboriginal Sovereign Nations of Australia;
* the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies;
* Justice Reinvestment, Aboriginal imprisonment and Aboriginal Deaths in Custody;
* Aboriginal land rights and mining;
* Suicide and self-harm in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities;
* Removal of Aboriginal children and the continuing Stolen Generation;
* Aboriginal peoples and the impact of the Australian Federal Budget;
* Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing;
* other Aboriginal rights issues; and
* upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia.

'WGAR News' gives priority to grassroots Aboriginal voices
and grassroots voices in solidarity with Aboriginal peoples' rights.

The role of 'WGAR News' is to facilitate the voices of others,
and as such, 'WGAR News' rarely writes its own articles.

'WGAR News' publishes information and opinions from a wide range of sources.
These opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of WGAR.

The e-newsletters include media releases, opinion pieces, news items, audio, videos and events.

Subscribers can expect to receive about 4 to 7 e-newsletters each week.

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

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