Christmas Crap

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Yaoi Huntress Earth

Nov 14, 2006, 3:17:06 AM11/14/06
to Current Events Discussion
Tis the season for spoiled, obnoxious fundies and neo-cons to start
raising a stink about the War of Christmas. They bitch about the ACLU
and just because someone uses happy holidays instead of Merry
Christmas. Stores have been using that term for decades and they
haven't bitched about it until now. And instead of taking the most
posititive aspects of Christmas (both secular and religious), it's
about merchandizing their crappy "we're soooooo persecuted
merchandise", rudely shoving their beliefs down our throats, and acting
like Veruca Salt with PMS. The christmas they want isn't warm, caring,
or even religious. Just hateful, self-rightous and extremely
commercialized. The Christ-thing is just a tool to exploit what they

Which brings another thing. Have you ever noticed how much modern
Christmas movies are mirror this ugly side of what Christmas could
become if these assholes got their way. Sure there's the message of
the "true meaning of Christmas" but it's usually dwarfed by the meaness
and "I'm always right mentality". While that new movie on Christ's
birth looks like it has promise (at least Gibson isn't doing it), just
compare cool older Christmas movies like It's a Wonderful Life and
Bernard and the Genie (where a Brit finds this magic lamp and him and
the genie perform some Christmas miracles in honnor of the J-Man and
some mean people get what's coming to them) to modern stuff like
Christmas with the Cranks (where a couple who refuse to partake in the
commericalized version of Chrismas and are treated like crap by their
entire town until they give in, which they do) or the live-action
Grinch which has very little of the simplicity, warmth and charm (let
alone the lesson) of the animated version. Hell, even Santa Claus
Conquors the Martions has more of the idealized spirit of Christmas
than this new kind of Christmas that is being shoved down our throats.

Anyway, thanks for listening. I just had to vent.


Nov 14, 2006, 11:54:06 AM11/14/06
to Current Events Discussion
Ugh, not the "war on Christmas" shit again! I did have fun watching
Bill O'liely bitch about it last year, but I don't think I want to see
his cranky douche bag expression over it again. By the way, KKK
websites say the same thing on this "war on Christmas" as these

Psycho Dave

Nov 14, 2006, 12:34:41 PM11/14/06
to Current Events Discussion
My way of dealing with this is to simply hold a Roman-style Christmas,
or saturnalia.

We all get dressed in togas, have a Roman Feast, and celebrate the
holidays the REALLY old fashioned way -- the pre-Christian way.

I prefer it that way. i think it's better to celebrate the Roman Empire
than Christianity. Romans were cool and had better values. Christians
started out as party-poopers, and will always be party-poopers.

My special way of holding Saturnalia is to research Roman holidays, and
try to do what is feasable and possible on a low budget. We research
ancient roman recipes, and cook a buffet of selected ancient treats
(most of which are easy to make), usually have a lot of candles, watch
sword-and-sandal epic on DVD, Play pin-the-testicles-on-Uranus, and
otherwise have decadent fun.

Yaoi Huntress Earth

Nov 14, 2006, 3:49:50 PM11/14/06
to Current Events Discussion
You should see the Liberty Council's Friend or Foe campaign where they
act like pricks to the "foes" who refuse to believe in their version
Christmas. Interesting that you mention the KKK, I've noticed a number
of Neo-Cons are racist in their own right. Hannity calling America's
great melting pot a chamber pot because more MExicans were coming into
the country, Rush's infamous "get that bone out of your nose" comment
to a Black caller, and Coulter's "raghead" insults.

Yaoi Huntress Earth

Nov 14, 2006, 3:50:46 PM11/14/06
to Current Events Discussion
Sounds like fun. I'd like to see an article on how to do this.


Nov 14, 2006, 4:11:14 PM11/14/06
to Current Events Discussion

Yeah, Neo-cons are caught making racist comments all the time. I'd be
surprised to see a mainstream conservative who hasn't said something
racist in the past.


Nov 15, 2006, 10:48:27 AM11/15/06
to Current Events Discussion
You mean like Yule dave?

Pat Robertson

Nov 16, 2006, 12:46:27 PM11/16/06
to Current Events Discussion
Here are some more suggestions for secular Xmas films:
The Ref-Burglar, played by Dennis Leary, saves a dysfunctional family
from falling apart on christmas Eve. Home Alone, with Macauly Culkin.
Plus, Steven Speilberg's Gremlins.'
And, since Thanksgiving is next week, some godless Turkey Day flicks to
Dutch, starring Ed O'Neil of 'Married...With Children' fame. 'Planes,
trains, & Automobiles'-a funny, moving film. And finally, my favorite,
Al Pacino in 'Scent Of A Woman.' Hooo-ahh!
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