Receiving Form Information

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Joel Bassett

Oct 31, 2016, 1:29:04 PM10/31/16

A coworker wrote an HTML script that contains a form for the user to submit a TMR ( a JSON object used our natural language processing lab ) to my python script so that can ultimately be stored in a database.

I am having difficulty receiving the data from his HTML form into my python server. 
Here is the relevant HTML (extracted from inspecting the source code via my browser).
        <form id="tmr-form" method="post">
<input id="action-input" type="text" placeholder="Put desination address here">
<textarea id="tmr-input" name="goldTmr" placeholder="Put TMR object here"></textarea>
<button id="submit-tmr" type="submit">Submit</button>
The first text field recieves the URL of my server, and the text area recieves the TMR that will be sent to my server.

I have tried the following POST() functions:
# This version crashes and reports that goldTmr is not defined
def POST(self):
        form = web.input(goldTmr)
        data= "%s" %(form.goldTmr)

# This version receives a byte string and converts it into a string, but it is not a JSON 
# object anymore. Somewhere in the process of transmitting the data, all of the  curly 
# braces, square braces, and parentheses are replaced by a set of garbled  characters.
def POST(self):
        sdata = (

I would prefer to not ask my coworker to reprogram his HTML script, but I can not find tutorials online that use match our situation.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
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