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EJB finder error with Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere

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Allen Leung

Sep 19, 2001, 1:36:06 AM9/19/01

After deploy a very simple entity bean which using Sybase SQL Adaptive Server Anywhere
into weblogic 6.1.

The following codes inside a JSP file tries to use the bean:

try {
errSource = "InitialContext()";
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
errSource = "lookup()";
productEntityEJBHome = (ProductEntityEJBHome)ctx.lookup("productEJB.ProductEntityEJB");
productEntityEJB = productEntityEJBHome.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(1));
out.println("Product Name: " + productEntityEJB.getProduct_name());
} catch (javax.naming.NamingException ex) {
errMsg = "Naming Exception in calling productEntityEJBHome(" + errSource + "):
" + ex.getMessage();
} catch (Exception ex) {
errMsg = "Exception in calling productEntityEJBHome(" + errSource + "): " +

It is successful to get the home interface but when the findByPrimaryKey() function
is call,
an error message is produced as follows:

Exception in calling productEntityEJBHome(lookup()): Problem in findByPrimaryKey
while preparing or executing statement: 'weblogic.jdbc.jts.PreparedStatement@5a64e6':
com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException: ASA Error -143: column '@p0' not found
at com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.Tds.processEed( at com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.Tds.nextResult(
at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.ResultGetter.nextResult( at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.nextResult(
at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.nextResult( at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.queryLoop(
at com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybStatement.executeQuery( at
at weblogic.jdbc.jts.Statement.executeQuery( at productEJB.ProductEntityEJB_WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.ejbFindByPrimaryKey(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at weblogic.ejb20.cmp11.rdbms.PersistenceManagerImpl.findByPrimaryKey(
at weblogic.ejb20.manager.BaseEntityManager.findByPrimaryKey(
at weblogic.ejb20.manager.BaseEntityManager.remoteFindByPrimaryKey(
at weblogic.ejb20.internal.EntityEJBHome.findByPrimaryKey(
at productEJB.ProductEntityEJBBean_lyl1ud_HomeImpl.findByPrimaryKey(
at productEJB.ProductEntityEJBBean_lyl1ud_HomeImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke( at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ReplicaAwareServerRef.invoke(
at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(
at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.dispatch( at weblogic.rmi.internal.ServerRequest.sendOneWayRaw(
at weblogic.rmi.internal.ServerRequest.sendReceive( at
at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ReplicaAwareRemoteRef.invoke(
at weblogic.rmi.internal.ProxyStub.invoke( at $Proxy83.findByPrimaryKey(Unknown
Source) at jsp_servlet._testejb._jspService( at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute( at

It seems that there is something wrong with the container generated file "",
but looking at it(see the following) I have no clue for what happen. Is this problem
a bug? Any workaround?


* This code was automatically generated at 11:59:57 PM on Sep 18, 2001
* by weblogic.ejb20.cmp11.rdbms.codegen.RDBMSCodeGenerator -- do not edit.
* @version unknown
* @author Copyright (c) 2001 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package productEJB;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.ejb.EntityContext;
import javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException;
import javax.ejb.NoSuchEntityException;
import javax.ejb.EJBException;

import weblogic.ejb20.persistence.spi.PersistenceManager;
import weblogic.ejb20.persistence.spi.PersistenceRuntimeException;
import weblogic.ejb20.persistence.spi.CMPBean;
import weblogic.ejb20.persistence.spi.CMPBeanManager;

import weblogic.ejb20.cmp11.rdbms.PersistenceManagerImpl;
import weblogic.ejb20.cmp11.rdbms.RDBMSUtils;

import weblogic.utils.Debug;

public final class ProductEntityEJB_WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS extends productEJB.ProductEntityEJBBean

implements CMPBean
private static String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator");
private static boolean __WL_updateable = true;

// Snapshot Code to implement Tuned Writes
private boolean __WL_snapshots_enabled = true;

private boolean __WL_modified[] = new boolean [1];

// Snapshot variables
private java.lang.String __WL_snap_product_name;

// This method is called by ejbLoad, ejbPassivate, and ejbRemove
// to initialize the persistent state of the bean and its associated
// variables.
private void __WL_initialize()
// initialize persistent state.
product_id = null;
product_name = null;


private void __WL_print_byte_array(byte [] b) {

if (b == null) {
weblogic.utils.Debug.say("** NULL **");
} else {
weblogic.utils.Debug.say("Length: "+b.length);
for (int i=0; i<b.length; i++) {
weblogic.utils.Debug.say("** b["+i+"] = "+b[i]);


// Clear snapshot variables on passivation to free any associated
// memory

private void __WL_clear_snapshot_variables() {

__WL_snap_product_name = null;


private void __WL_take_snapshot() {

for (int i=0; i<__WL_modified.length; i++) {
__WL_modified[i] = false;

__WL_snap_product_name = product_name;


private String __WL_determineSetString() {

if (! __WL_snapshots_enabled) return "product_name = ?";

boolean nothingModified = true;

boolean needsComma = false;

StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(200);

__WL_modified[0] = product_name != __WL_snap_product_name;

if (__WL_modified[0]) {

nothingModified = false;

__WL_snap_product_name = product_name;

if (needsComma) {
sb.append(", ");
} else {
needsComma = true;

sb.append("product_name = ?");

if (nothingModified) {
return null;
} else {
return sb.toString();


private byte [] __WL_snapshot_byte_array(byte [] a) {

if (a == null) return null;

byte [] b = new byte[a.length];


return b;

private javax.ejb.EJBContext __WL_EJBContext;

private int __WL_method_state;

private boolean __WL_busy = false;

public javax.transaction.Transaction __WL_getBeanManagedTransaction() {
throw new weblogic.utils.AssertionError("Entity beans can't have"
+ " bean-managed transactions");

public void __WL_setBeanManagedTransaction(javax.transaction.Transaction tx)
throw new weblogic.utils.AssertionError("Entity beans can't have"
+ " bean-managed transactions");


public boolean __WL_isBusy() { return __WL_busy; }
public void __WL_setBusy(boolean b) { __WL_busy = b; }

public int __WL_getMethodState() { return __WL_method_state; }
public void __WL_setMethodState(int state) { __WL_method_state = state; }

public javax.ejb.EJBContext __WL_getEJBContext() { return __WL_EJBContext; }
public void __WL_setEJBContext(javax.ejb.EJBContext ctx) {
__WL_EJBContext = ctx;

// =================================================================
// Instance variable(s)
private EntityContext __WL_ctx;

// =================================================================
// Constructor.
public ProductEntityEJB_WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS() {

// =================================================================
// the CMP fields.

private boolean[] isModified = new boolean[2];

private PersistenceManagerImpl __WL_pm = null;
private static final boolean __WL_debug =
(System.getProperty(RDBMSUtils.RDBMS_CODEGEN_DEBUG_PROP) != null);
private static final boolean __WL_verbose =
(System.getProperty(RDBMSUtils.RDBMS_CODEGEN_VERBOSE_PROP) != null);

// =================================================================
// Implementation of CMPBean
public void __WL_setup(java.util.Map bmMap, PersistenceManager pm) {
this.__WL_pm = (PersistenceManagerImpl)pm;

public Object __WL_getPrimaryKey() {
java.lang.Integer __WL_pk = null;

__WL_pk = this.product_id;
return __WL_pk;


public EntityContext __WL_getEntityContext() {
return null;

public void __WL_store(boolean unregister) {}

public void __WL_superEjbLoad() {
int oldState = __WL_method_state;

try {
__WL_method_state = STATE_EJBLOAD;

if (__WL_snapshots_enabled) __WL_take_snapshot();

} finally {
__WL_method_state = oldState;

public void __WL_copyFrom(CMPBean otherBean) {}

public PersistenceManager __WL_getPersistenceManager() {
return null;

public void ejbRemoveWithoutDBUpdate()
throws javax.ejb.RemoveException {

public void makeCascadeDelList(Map mapCascadeDelBeans,
List listCascadeDelBeans,
List listCascadeDelBeansWithoutDBUpdate,
boolean withoutDBUpdate)
throws java.lang.Exception

//Finder methods.

public java.lang.Object ejbFindByPrimaryKey(java.lang.Integer param0) throws
if(__WL_verbose) {

java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt = null;
java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs = null;

try {
__WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
__WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
throw new javax.ejb.FinderException("Couldn't get connection: " +

java.lang.String __WL_query =
"SELECT product_id, product_name FROM dba.product WHERE (? = product_id)";

if(__WL_verbose) {
System.out.println("Finder produced statement string "
+ __WL_query);

productEJB.ProductEntityEJB_WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS __WL_bean = null;
try {
__WL_stmt = __WL_con.prepareStatement(__WL_query);
// preparedStatementParamIndex reset.
if (param0 == null) {
} else
__WL_stmt.setInt(1, param0.intValue());

__WL_rs = __WL_stmt.executeQuery();

if ( {
__WL_bean = (productEJB.ProductEntityEJB_WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)__WL_pm.getBeanFromPool();
__WL_bean.product_id = null;
__WL_bean.product_name = null;

__WL_bean.product_id = new Integer(__WL_rs.getInt(1));
if (__WL_rs.wasNull()) { __WL_bean.product_id = null; }
__WL_bean.product_name = (java.lang.String)__WL_rs.getString(2);
if (__WL_rs.wasNull()) { __WL_bean.product_name = null; }

} else {
if(__WL_verbose) {
Debug.say("Throwing FinderException because " +
"bean wasn't found.");
throw new javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException(
"Bean not found in 'findByPrimaryKey'.");

return __WL_bean;
} catch (javax.ejb.FinderException fe) {
throw fe;
} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) {
throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(
"Problem in findByPrimaryKey while preparing or executing " +
"statement: '" +
__WL_stmt + "': " + EOL +
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(
"Exception raised in findByPrimaryKey " + EOL +
} finally {
__WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);


//End finder methods.

//Home methods.

//End home methods.

// implementation of javax.ejb.EntityBean

public void ejbPostCreate()

int oldState = __WL_method_state;

try {
__WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_POSTCREATE;

// No return value


// No return result
} finally {
__WL_method_state = oldState;

public void ejbActivate()

int oldState = __WL_method_state;
try {
__WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_ACTIVATE;
} finally {
__WL_method_state = oldState;

public void ejbPassivate()

int oldState = __WL_method_state;
try {
__WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_PASSIVATE;
} finally {
__WL_method_state = oldState;

public void setEntityContext(javax.ejb.EntityContext arg0) {

int oldState = __WL_method_state;

try {
__WL_method_state = STATE_SET_CONTEXT;
this.__WL_ctx = arg0;
} finally {
__WL_method_state = oldState;

public void unsetEntityContext()

int oldState = __WL_method_state;
try {
__WL_method_state = STATE_UNSET_CONTEXT;
} finally {
__WL_method_state = oldState;

public java.lang.Integer ejbCreate() throws javax.ejb.CreateException {
int oldState = __WL_method_state;
try {
__WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_CREATE;

try {
return (java.lang.Integer)__WL_create();
} catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce) {
System.out.println("throwing create exception.");
throw ce;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (__WL_debug) System.out.println("throwing runtime exception");
throw e;
catch (Exception ex) {
if (__WL_debug) System.out.println("throwing ejbeception");
throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
} finally { __WL_method_state = oldState; }

private Object __WL_create() throws Exception {
if (__WL_verbose) {
java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt = null;
java.lang.Integer __WL_pk = null;
try {

__WL_pk = this.product_id;

__WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
if(__WL_verbose) {
"ProductEntityEJB_WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.__WL_create() got connection "
String __WL_query =
"insert into dba.product (product_id, product_name) values (?, ?)";
if(__WL_verbose) {
"ProductEntityEJB_WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.createMethodName() produced sqlString
+ __WL_query);
__WL_stmt = __WL_con.prepareStatement(__WL_query);

// preparedStatementParamIndex reset.

if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt, 1, this.product_id, "product_id")) {
__WL_stmt.setInt(1, this.product_id.intValue());

if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt, 2, this.product_name, "product_name")) {
__WL_stmt.setString(2, this.product_name);

int count = __WL_stmt.executeUpdate();
if (count != 1) {
throw new java.lang.Exception("Bean with primary key: '" +
__WL_pk + "' not created.");

if (__WL_snapshots_enabled) __WL_take_snapshot();

return __WL_pk;
} catch (java.sql.SQLException se) {
//ejb wants a duplicate key exception if that was what happened
if(__WL_verbose) {
"checking for duplicate key " + __WL_con);
boolean exists = false;
try {
exists = __WL_exists(__WL_pk);
catch (Exception e) {
throw se;
if (exists) {
throw new javax.ejb.DuplicateKeyException("Bean with " +
"primary key: '" + __WL_pk + "' already exists.");
else {
throw se;
} finally {
__WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, null);


private boolean __WL_exists(Object __WL_key) throws Exception {
if (__WL_verbose) {
System.out.println("ProductEntityEJB_WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.exists: " + __WL_key);

java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt = null;
java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs = null;
try {
java.lang.Integer __WL_pk = (java.lang.Integer) __WL_key;
__WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
__WL_stmt = __WL_con.prepareStatement(
"select * from dba.product where product_id = ?");

// preparedStatementParamIndex reset.
if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt, 1, __WL_pk, "product_id")) {
__WL_stmt.setInt(1, __WL_pk.intValue());

__WL_rs = __WL_stmt.executeQuery();
if ( {
if (__WL_verbose) System.out.println("exists returning true");
return true;
else {
if (__WL_verbose) System.out.println("exists returning false");
return false;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (__WL_debug) System.out.println("throwing runtime exception");
throw e;
catch (Exception ex) {
if (__WL_debug) System.out.println("throwing ejbeception");
throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);

finally {
__WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);


public void ejbRemove() {
int oldState = __WL_method_state;

try {
__WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_REMOVE;
if (__WL_verbose) {
System.out.println("ProductEntityEJB_WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.ejbRemove " +



java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt = null;
try {
java.lang.Integer __WL_pk = (java.lang.Integer) __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey();
__WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
__WL_stmt = __WL_con.prepareStatement(
"delete from dba.product where product_id = ?");

// preparedStatementParamIndex reset.
if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt, 1, __WL_pk, "product_id")) {
__WL_stmt.setInt(1, __WL_pk.intValue());

int i = __WL_stmt.executeUpdate();
if (i == 0) {
throw new NoSuchEntityException("Bean with " +
"primary key: '" + __WL_pk + "' not found.");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (__WL_debug) System.out.println("throwing runtime exception");
throw e;
catch (Exception ex) {
if (__WL_debug) System.out.println("throwing ejbeception");
throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);

finally {
__WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, null);

} finally {
__WL_method_state = oldState;


public void ejbLoad() {
int oldState = __WL_method_state;

try {
__WL_method_state = STATE_EJBLOAD;

try {
if (__WL_verbose) {
+ __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey());

java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt = null;
java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs = null;
try {
java.lang.Integer __WL_pk = (java.lang.Integer) __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey();
__WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
__WL_stmt = __WL_con.prepareStatement("select product_id, product_name from
dba.product where product_id = ?");

// preparedStatementParamIndex reset.
if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt, 1, __WL_pk, "product_id")) {
__WL_stmt.setInt(1, __WL_pk.intValue());

__WL_rs = __WL_stmt.executeQuery();
if ( {
this.product_id = new Integer(__WL_rs.getInt(1));
if (__WL_rs.wasNull()) { this.product_id = null; }
this.product_name = (java.lang.String)__WL_rs.getString(2);
if (__WL_rs.wasNull()) { this.product_name = null; }

} else {
if(__WL_verbose) {
Debug.say("ProductEntityEJB_WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.ejbLoad could not "
+ " find primary key " + __WL_pk);
throw new NoSuchEntityException("Bean with " +
"primary key: '" + __WL_pk + "' not found.");
} finally {
__WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);

} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (__WL_debug) System.out.println("throwing runtime exception");
throw e;
catch (Exception ex) {
if (__WL_debug) System.out.println("throwing ejbeception");
throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);


if (__WL_snapshots_enabled) __WL_take_snapshot();

} finally {
__WL_method_state = oldState;

public void ejbStore() {
int oldState = __WL_method_state;

try {
__WL_method_state = STATE_EJBSTORE;
if (__WL_verbose) {
System.out.println("ProductEntityEJB_WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.ejbStore "+

String setString = __WL_determineSetString();

if (setString == null) {
// nothing to write back to the database
if (__WL_verbose) Debug.say("** Skipping database write for" +
"read-only transaction");

if (__WL_updateable) {
if(__WL_verbose) {
"ProductEntityEJB_WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.ejbStore: bean is updatable.");
java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt = null;
try {
java.lang.Integer __WL_pk = (java.lang.Integer) __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey();

String __WL_query = "UPDATE dba.product SET " +
setString +
" WHERE product_id = ?";
if(__WL_verbose) {
Debug.say("sql: " + __WL_query);

__WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
__WL_stmt = __WL_con.prepareStatement(__WL_query);

int __WL_num = 1;
if((! __WL_snapshots_enabled) || __WL_modified[0]) {
if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt, __WL_num, product_name, "product_name")) {
__WL_stmt.setString(__WL_num, product_name);
__WL_modified[0] = false;

if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt, __WL_num, __WL_pk, "product_id")) {
__WL_stmt.setInt(__WL_num, __WL_pk.intValue());

int __WL_i = __WL_stmt.executeUpdate();
if (__WL_i == 0) {
throw new NoSuchEntityException("Bean with " +
"primary key: '" + __WL_pk + "' not found.");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (__WL_debug) System.out.println("throwing runtime exception");
throw e;
catch (Exception ex) {
if (__WL_debug) System.out.println("throwing ejbeception");
throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);

finally {
try {
if (__WL_stmt != null) __WL_stmt.close();
__WL_pm.releaseConnection (__WL_con);
} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
if (__WL_debug) e.printStackTrace();
throw new EJBException(e);
} finally {
__WL_method_state = oldState;



// end javax.ejb.EntityBean

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