[web2py] dbio=False proper way to update every fields not only the one that had changed

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Mar 4, 2015, 4:35:37 PM3/4/15
to web...@googlegroups.com

I need to do control record update in order to clear some fields values in case a flag is set to false. But doing the update like this :

db(db[request.args(0)].id == request.args(1)).update(**{f: v for f, v in form.vars.iteritems()})

prevent a compute field to be trigger and updating properly as well...

So, to make sure my compute field get it I am doing another update() like this

(db[request.args(0)].id == request.args(1)).update()

Which work in one case by not in the other where I actually clear some values like this :

(db[request.args(0)].id == request.args(1)).update(f1=None, f2=None, **{f: v for f, v in form.vars.iteritems() if f not in ('f1', 'f2')})

Maybe I should do a db.commit() before my second "blank" update() though it seems to me that it should be a better way and I am concern in reducing db hit.




Mar 4, 2015, 4:44:23 PM3/4/15
to web...@googlegroups.com
Does form.vars include all the variables needed by the compute function?

Also, instead of:

**{f: v for f, v in form.vars.iteritems()}

you can do:


_filter_fields will filter out the "id" field as well as any form.vars that are not fields in the table.


Richard Vézina

Mar 4, 2015, 4:55:01 PM3/4/15
to web2py-users
Thanks for answering Anthony,

Actually f1 and f2 belongs to the table, I am filtering them because I want to treat them separately... 

About your question, I am investigating why my compute didn't work... My first impression is that it is not include in form.vars so it not get hit at all... But I am not sure of that...


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Mar 4, 2015, 5:05:56 PM3/4/15
to web...@googlegroups.com
The update should calculate the computed field as long as all the values needed for the calculation are included with the update.

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Richard Vézina

Mar 5, 2015, 10:17:26 AM3/5/15
to web2py-users
Futher check make me confirm which I thought : 

**{f: v for f, v in form.vars.iteritems()}

Prevent my compute to work since it return only the fields modify by the user... I need to understand how web2py really update on form submit and why compute works in this case...

Or how can I make sure that every fields get update even if there is not any values change which should be what web2py do...


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Mar 5, 2015, 3:17:59 PM3/5/15
to web...@googlegroups.com
web2py doesn't know if a field has been edited or not. form.vars (for a standard web2py form) holds EVERY value, irregardless of the ones touched or not by the user...
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Richard Vézina

Mar 5, 2015, 4:18:06 PM3/5/15
to web2py-users
Yes I struggle with it to make compute works...

I come up with something like this :

after .accepted

for f in db[request.args(0)].fields:
            if f != db[request.args(0)]._id and f != db[request.args(0)].record_review_status:
                form.vars[f] = form.vars.get(f, db[request.args(0)](request.args(1))[f])

record_review_status being my compute field, so I make sure form.vars contain all the missing values which for differents reason may lack from SQLFORM and user input... But still not working, so I am confuse...



Mar 5, 2015, 5:14:57 PM3/5/15
to web...@googlegroups.com
On Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 4:18:06 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
Yes I struggle with it to make compute works...

I come up with something like this :

after .accepted

for f in db[request.args(0)].fields:
            if f != db[request.args(0)]._id and f != db[request.args(0)].record_review_status:
                form.vars[f] = form.vars.get(f, db[request.args(0)](request.args(1))[f])

If it is an update form, all the fields should be in the form already (unless they were explicitly excluded from the form). Also, the above does a separate database select for every missing field -- it would be better to fetch the record just once and then read the fetched record.


Richard Vézina

Mar 6, 2015, 8:58:23 AM3/6/15
to web2py-users
Yah right!

        row = db[request.args(0)](request.args(1))
        for f in db[request.args(0)].fields:
            if f != db[request.args(0)]._id and f != db[request.args(0)].record_review_status:
                form.vars[f] = form.vars.get(f, row[f])

My table is kind of not normalized... Many fields are just showed (not writeable) and the user check a box to review them... These records are missing, but they are not all required for the compute to work.

Should my compute have to be in the form.vars to compute?

Should I explicitly have to redifined it or append it like so :

form.vars[mycompute] = db.table.mycompute.compute





Mar 6, 2015, 10:19:35 AM3/6/15
to web...@googlegroups.com
No, the compute field should not be in the form/form.vars. Hard to say what the problem is. Maybe create a minimal app that reproduces the problem.

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Mar 6, 2015, 3:11:06 PM3/6/15
to web...@googlegroups.com
IMHO the "hiccup" comes from the fact that fields that are writable = False are not rendered as an input/select/whatever, but they're just a TD cell filled with data. Of course the form isn't submitting it.
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Richard Vézina

Mar 17, 2015, 11:57:59 AM3/17/15
to web2py-users
Finally, I figured out!!

My compute need the record id, so I shouldn't do this :

if f != db[request.args(0)]._id 

To filter out the record id from the update... I have been miss leading by some example, but I can't recall where they were from, I just search bit and can't retrieve any (neither from book and from sqlhtml.py)...

Anyway, it works now...


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