Problems with websocket_messaging

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Martin Weissenboeck

21. sep. 2016, 06:29:0921.9.2016
til web2py-users
I have tried the websocket_messaging (gluon/contrib/ on a Windows 10 laptop - it works very fine!

The next step was an impementation on a Linux machine (Ubuntu 14.04.4, last Web2py version 2.14.6)

The line

websocket_send('http://localhost:8888', form.vars.message, 'mykey', 'mygroup')

​works, because after entering "aa" the tornado servers send something like ​
1474441282.49:MESSAGE to mygroup:aa

to the console.

But the javascript console shows an error:

WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:8888/realtime/mygroup' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSEDweb2py_websocket @ web2py.js:458(anonymous function) @ index:96j @ jquery.js:2fireWith @ jquery.js:2ready @ jquery.js:2J @ jquery.js:2

​What is wrong? Any ideas?
Regards, Martin

Zoltan Vincze

21. sep. 2016, 08:40:5521.9.2016
til web2py-users,
It seems to be a connection problem. Try to test whether tornado is installed correctly together with its dependencies. I used this to get the last version running on ubuntu a couple days ago:

You can make POST or GET request to the URL directly to test tornado. If it works than the problem may be caused by web2py.js
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