FW: WA AGO - Attorney Posting (Utilities and Transportation Commission)

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Nightingale, Noel

Feb 6, 2015, 1:54:25 PM2/6/15
to Washington Attorneys with Disabilities Association (WashingtonAttorneyswithDisabilitiesAssociation@googlegroups.com)



From: Nakamura, Linda (ATG) [mailto:Lin...@atg.wa.gov]
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2015 9:40 AM
Subject: WA AGO - Attorney Posting (Utilities and Transportation Commission)


Greetings.  The Attorney General’s Office has an attorney opportunity available.  If you would be so kind as to share this information with your colleagues/membership, I would be most grateful.





Linda Nakamura

Linda Nakamura

Attorney and Law Clerk Recruitment Administrator

Washington State Attorney General's Office

800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000

Seattle, WA   98104

(206) 464-6446


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