Re: Most Unfortunate Incident of my life

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Chandramauli Kumar

Mar 15, 2017, 5:36:59 AM3/15/17
to, Rahul Sabharwal, srs security, VP1OG,,, Owners Association,,,,,, Shivaprasad H,, Nagananda HG, VP2OG, vbhc-phase3

What a SHAME..when the whole country is talking about women safety, here our are own family is not safe inside our own premises and that too by people I mean security agency  who are paid by residents pocket to open and close gate and manhandling  female and owners.

I believe SRS has disappointed us  on several front and this incident can be added in the list  may be achievement for them but for us ie family person an incident which is an eye opener and dreadful incident which i pray god that should not happen with any of our residents. I do not get satisfaction by getting a mere apology letter in their letter head. Our Security agency is not world leading or India's leading agency that letter holds value of their letter head.

I believe association Team should call a meeting this Sunday and call security agency too to discuss this further. I am sure many of us would stop coming out with family after such incident, forget our children and family when they are alone when we are at our workplace during day or night.

Should we assume that after repeated request and complain from residents, VBHC top management has not changed security agency hope there is no personal interest of them to keep such security agency.

We fail to understand which direction VBHC is taking us. Our friends from association have been struggling and chasing to form association but still long way to go if my assumption is right.
I feel pity that what  your team was doing all these days when it was known that you need to hand over to residents. Please tell us your problem hope we could be of your help. Sorry to mention this here but this is totally disappointing.

I would like to blame VBHC management only for hiring such a security agency which has become threat to our families residing inside.

I would request our  residents to come forward and ensure that such heinous incident doesn't recur inside our premises. I remember once we have shown our strength and unity forgetting caste and creed, when we had to stand whole day in Police station to support one of the owners whom I personally respect most to show our strength.

If needed lets up put in social media also about this incident before it becomes too late.

Let's us together make VAIBHAVA premises more secured and safe place to stay for everyone.


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From: Manish Jha <>
Sent: Tue, 14 Mar 2017 23:06:21 GMT+0530
To: srs security <>
Subject: Re: Most Unfortunate Incident of my life

Hello Sreeramana

Just happened to read the incident report that has beautifully been fabricated to point all the fingers of blame on me and my family.

In a time when my family needed justice and support t come out of the trauma, ironically we have been falsely accused of things which are even are not remotely related.

While i have provided my response to the incident report, i would like to ask a few questions which are not even covered in your report:

Why did the security personnel's assume that  i am a student and hence they have the authority to beat me and my family mercilessly?
Why did Anupam not make any attempt to dissuade the matter even after repeated requests?
What action will you take on the security people who were also drunk ( 3 out of many) who decided to beat us  inspite of repeated requests to talk and punish if found guilty?

Now coming to the integral part of your investigation, your report, the claims are baseless and need your honest investigation.

To conclude it is loud and clear that in all the premises that are insecurely secured by SRS Security,people especially WOMEN are NOT SAFE by the evils roaming in your  security uniform.


On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 8:46 PM, srs security <> wrote:

> >
> > >
> > > Dear Sir,
> > >
> > > Please find attached investigation report on the incident of manhandling of security at VBHC, Anekal for your kind perusal please.
> > >
> > > The incident has been communicated by Mr. Manish to Mr. Gopakumar, GM-SRS today morning and he had assured that, suitable action shall be taken on the subject and the defaulting guard shall be removed from the site, which has been agreed by the resident Mr. Manish.
> > >
> > > This is for your kind information please.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > A Sreeramana Rao
> > > Asst. General Manager
> > >
> > > On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 5:44 PM, Owners Association <> wrote:

>> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Hello SRS and VBHC Team,
>> >> >>
>> >> >> This is regarding the inappropriate behaviour and actions by the security guards on the night of 13th March 2017. 
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Considering the gravity of the situation where an owner was manhandled by multiple security guards among which the first guard (from construction site, in uniform) who started the issues was in a completely drunk state and was trying to eve-tease and grope a female resident. Photo (attaching) and video capture available depicting the drunk state of the guard and his aggression.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> We demand an official apology letter about the guard being drunk and misbehaving on SRS letter head. 
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Do send the Incident Report by Security without fail by EOD.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> SRS services will be terminated without further notice in future if any such incidents repeat.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Regards,
>> >> >> Jithesh Ambady | President - Adhoc Committee | VVAAOA
>> >> >>
>> >> >> On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 12:33 AM, Manish Jha <> wrote:

>>> >>>
>>> >>> >>>
>>> >>> >>> Hi VVAAOA Members
>>> >>> >>>
>>> >>> >>> With grave sadness and concern, it pains me to write about the security failure that has physically and mentally affected my family today.
>>> >>> >>>
>>> >>> >>> This happened during my post dinner walk with my family( my wife and 2 cousins) at around 10.15pm near phase 4, behind block 34. My wife was a little distance away talking over the phone. Seeing my wife Ms. Nidhi Jha alone, a drunk security personnel eve-teased my wife. By the time she could react, the security guard came to us. When we found him drunk, we took his photograph to report the matter to management and told him that it is incorrect and we would complain for the same. The drunk security guard was by that time accompanied by a supervisor. When we started to walk away, the drunk man started hurling abusing and threatening language.I folded my hands to the security guard and the supervisor and asked the latter to take him away. But the supervisor never seemed to take the drunk man away. While we walked 50-60 metres towards the park, the drunk man kept following us and kept instigating us by using abusive languages. Eventually after hearing him for more than 10minutes, we lost our patience and pushed him to go away from us. In the process he fell. Meanwhile my wife went to call the security as she intimidated by the entire incident. When the security guards (4-5 people) came they started beating me and my cousins and almost beat my wife who ran for her life by entering into one of the blocks.When the security guards were beating us, the drunk man also started following my wife. This is recorded in a video and can be shared.
>>> >>> >>>
>>> >>> >>> Being an owner and staying with family for more than 3 years in VBHC, I have always respected and followed the integrity of the society. However todays incident has alarmed me and the other owners and has sipped a feeling of insecurity among all of us.
>>> >>> >>>
>>> >>> >>> We sincerely hope that you will consider the above incident and take appropriate action that ensures us our safety.
>>> >>> >>>
>>> >>> >>> Regards
>>> >>> >>> Manish Jha
>>> >>> >>> Block 22, Flat 405
>>> >>> >>>

>> >>
>> >> >>

> >
> > >

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Gopal Sahoo

Mar 15, 2017, 7:15:20 AM3/15/17
to, Rahul Sabharwal,, srs security, VP1OG,,, Owners Association,,,,, Shivaprasad H,, Nagananda HG, VP2OG, vbhc-phase3

Dear All,

Really shocking incident!! This is the height of negligence and handicapped security service from SRS. SRS Security agency should have been fired long back after few other incidents where the owner's safety compromised. But as the VBHC Management and Association not taking it seriously and continuing with similar handicapped Security Service so now they are taking it as granted. This is the high time and we should stand unite against this for our future safety. Security has basic and major impact in gated communities so people prefer to stay. But here in VBHC Security service is seems least bothered about owner's safety and taking it as granted for their parade ground.

We definitely need a change in security standards. 

Please communicate me for any kind of help and support for protest/campaign against SRS Security Service. 

Thanks & Regards

Gopal Sahoo

Mobile: 8123472624

From: <> on behalf of Chandramauli Kumar <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 11:06 AM
To:; Rahul Sabharwal
Cc: srs security; VP1OG;;; Owners Association;;;;;; Shivaprasad H;; Nagananda HG; VP2OG; vbhc-phase3
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Nandan Keshri

Mar 15, 2017, 1:00:50 PM3/15/17
to, srs security,, Rahul Sabharwal,, VP1OG,, Owners Association,,,,, Shivaprasad H,, Nagananda HG, VP2OG, vbhc-phase3, Gopal Sahoo

Hi SRS Team,


Viewing the issues and reading the mail chain, I have some questions as well as suggestions with SRS security management.


1) How you are checking and looking if any security guard drunken at duty hour ?


2) How you are handling the situation when you found anyone is drunken and abuses you when you are performing your duties ?


Many times , I had seen security guys beaten the resident (a student) when they are drunken at esteem level and they are not in his own sense and abusing to you.   At that time , Is beating was the solutions ? later I came to know that student have serious injury.


3) If I will see the current case , here also I do not think that the security supervisor performed his role in a good way as he also started beating to the resident and not listening to them. In this society , sometime  I had seen that there is a language barrier as well and the resident is not able to understand the languages of security guard.


4) Do you think that  Indian Law has given any lawful permissions to your agency to beat anyone while you are performing your duty ?  if not then how you are looking and controlling those situations when it arises in such a big society ?


5) Are you even thinking and differentiating between the student and family while performing your duties in this society ?


6) Do you see your security guard have any co-ordination between them when they are performing their duties ?


7) Do you think that your security guard is well trained and working in a professional way ?


8) Are they himself taking a call for any issues and controlling the situations  ?


Many times, I had seen that the security guard is just sitting in a chair and in front of him people are making noises in the common area.


I am not sure how much we are paying them and what kind of services we are expecting from them but only I will request with you that DO NOT do any man handling with resident such as beating etc and trained them accordingly as it is not giving any solutions rather it is creating an issues, fear and unsecureness etc… in this society.


Nandan Keshri

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jasmon varghese

Mar 15, 2017, 2:22:11 PM3/15/17
to, Owners Association,, Rahul Sabharwal,, VP1OG,,,,, Shivaprasad H,, Nagananda HG, VP2OG, vbhc-phase3, Gopal Sahoo, Nandan Keshri, jasmon varghese, Chandramauli Kumar,, vinay soni

Dear Manish,

I can’t imagine the pain that you and your family are going through right now because of this heinous act by our security Team.  Like many others, I stand with you and fully support you not just because you are one of the residents because I think I would have done the same thing for the safeguard of my family.

Dear Association Members,

What are we going to do? As per the email from Manish on the incident report given by SRS, They have twisted the words and blaming Manish and his family for the real cause of the incident. I haven’t seen the incident report but if it’s true then I would like to know your stand on it? I am not asking you guys to accept everything with close eyes but it’s important to know your opinion?

There is video evidence that security guard was drunk. Are we going to do anything about it? There is evidence that his (Security person) entire team didn’t even listen to the victims (Manish & his family) even though they knew that their own person wasn’t in good shape. There is something called COMMON SENSE and if our security team doesn’t understand that then they aren’t fit for anything. Just anything at all!

I don’t want you to take sides just because a victim was resident but to think logically. You cannot hire/employee someone who comes to work in unethical condition. SRS has been informed many times about their employee’s unethical behaviors and we all know what action they have taken. ARE YOU GUYS STILL WANTS TO GIVE SRS A CHANCE? If yes, then I don’t want my share of maintenance to go for security from this month onwards. I don’t want to invest my hard earn money on something unethical.

Today, It happened with one of the resident and tomorrow it might happen with any one of us. We want to see the action on the ground and no close door meetings. PLEASE!

Thanks & Regards,


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Arvind Yadav

Mar 15, 2017, 3:14:20 PM3/15/17
to jasmon varghese,, Owners Association,, Rahul Sabharwal,, VP1OG,,,,, Shivaprasad H,, Nagananda HG, VP2OG, vbhc-phase3, Gopal Sahoo, Nandan Keshri, jasmon varghese, Chandramauli Kumar,, vinay soni
Hello Everyone,

Security team does not deserve the right to stay as it is; must be expelled from here with immediate effect.

Arvind Yadav

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Arvind Yadav

Brahmdeo Verma

Mar 15, 2017, 4:54:50 PM3/15/17
to Arvind Yadav, jasmon varghese,, Owners Association,, Rahul Sabharwal,, VP1OG,,,,, Shivaprasad H,, Nagananda HG, VP2OG, vbhc-phase3, Gopal Sahoo, Nandan Keshri, jasmon varghese, Chandramauli Kumar,, vinay soni

I completely agree with all and can see SRS team is taking lightly this recent incident happened with Manish and his family so we should not give any chance to improve their performance. Already, we are discussing from quite long time to change this useless security agency but it did not happen yet and not sure what is road block for it.

Also, I can see that elected Association members are looking apology letter from them so what we will be doing with that letter, in this case we are giving them chance again to repeat the same with some other residents. Who has given authority to beat resident as those stupid SRS security agency does not know anything. We should not give any chance them to repeat again.

If SRS security is granted to beat students, if they misbehave and not follow the society rules then we can understand but these stupid security agency does not know who is residents and who is students then how then can handled so without knowing fact start beating anyone?  

We have paid and are paying our hard earned money for what? If we are not safe then why we need to keep them? If we are not changing this security agency then there is no reason to pay maintenance for them.

Also, I can see poll has created in ADDA to cast vote to remove SRS security or not. Who is not staying in society and casting vote as they don’t know our pain so how we can decide based on vote. There is no use in this regards.

VBHC team,

I know, we have don’t have any registered association yet so they can take decision immediately and answer residents voice so am asking you guys that when you are going to REMOVE this SRS security agency from VBHC Vaibhava and putting other agency? We don’t want to see this SRS as they are not capable and we are simply paying to them. We don’t see them anymore here.

If you people are not taking action then there is no use to talk on this on Sunday or any other day we don’t to come on compromised talk.


Association Members and residents,

When we can remove this SRS security agency as we don’t have any other choice here after looking many incident in past 2-3 years?




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Best Regards..!
MCA, MCSD (Microsoft Certified Solution Developer)
Mob No: 9740396190

Owners Association

Mar 15, 2017, 5:06:08 PM3/15/17
to jasmon varghese, Manish Jha,, Rahul Sabharwal,, VP1OG,,,,, Shivaprasad H,, Nagananda HG, VP2OG, Gopal Sahoo, Nandan Keshri, jasmon varghese, Chandramauli Kumar,, vinay soni
Dear All,

We are aware of the entire situation and the incident description from both sides and from other sources. Our efforts definitely is not going in vain.

Kindly participate by casting your vote in the poll created via Adda to document majority decision and act accordingly regarding the security issue. Documentation is very important before any action for any future adverse questioning that might come up.

VVAAOA has been elected and formed mainly for the welfare of the owners apart from maintaining the premises and securing it. Hence the support and actions will be always there. We also request everyone to kindly attend the occasional general body meetings for being updated about day to day developments and enhancements in our community.


sivakumar mamillapalli

Mar 15, 2017, 5:08:49 PM3/15/17
This is unbearable incident ,take out all that security team and appolig publicly , we are all owner s ,we are paying for our security, 
Siva ,6th BKK,
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Manish Jha

Mar 15, 2017, 5:08:49 PM3/15/17
to srs security, Owners Association,, Jerry Rao, Rahul Sabharwal, Nagananda HG, Shivaprasad H, Tejus Chandra, Anuradhaa T. V, Sangeetha Kamath,,, Varwa Members, Phase 2A Owners Group
Investigation report - Manhandling of security on duty- VBHC, Anekal-Response-Manish Resident.doc

Jogender Singh

Mar 15, 2017, 5:19:47 PM3/15/17
to Arvind Yadav,, Anuradhaa T. V,, VP2OG, vinay soni, Nandan Keshri, vbhc-phase3, Gopal Sahoo,,,, Chandramauli Kumar, VP1OG,, Owners Association, jasmon varghese, Nagananda HG, jasmon varghese, Rahul Sabharwal,,, Shivaprasad H
Dear all,
I think this is a serious issue. This is beyond tolerance. We should change the security agency immediately . Asap

Jogender Singh

shrikant kumar

Mar 15, 2017, 9:17:34 PM3/15/17
Dear team VBHC,
What is your action plan on this. Simply you are believing on your hired security agency by our money. The meaning of security agency has got changed, and no one bothered about it. People were having the believe in VBHC, that's why, we have purchased and staying in rural area as well, only for peace, which had been assured by VBHC management. But where is the peace ? I have observed, entering in VBHC will be by face value, mean to say, security personnel is not asking any doc's from Dada type, where as asking every entry to a normal people. So no use on main  gate .
Simply security personnel are dominating any one because of no reason, if anyone opposing then statement is coming back as , " sorry we thought you are students ". And after that owners also thinking students case, leave it.
External Dada's coming and beating owners, but no one  security came to see  what happening. Even though the situation is came now security is beating us, and then also VBHC  is keep quite. 
Going forward, strongly required action from VBHC towards security agency. ( Put heavy penalty on them and remove all such kind of mindset security and supervisors also.)

Still we are having the believe in VBHC, WAITING FOR YOUR STRONG ACTION ON THIS, and assurance for not to repeat in future.


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Arvind Yadav

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Mar 16, 2017, 4:30:42 AM3/16/17
to Manish Jha, Anuradhaa T. V,, Jerry Rao, Nagananda HG, Rahul Sabharwal, Sangeetha Kamath, Shivaprasad H, srs security, Tejus Chandra, Varwa Members,, Phase 2A Owners Group,, Owners Association
In my view since this is manhandling, suggest to lodge a police complaint...

Vadiraj Rao C A
HDFC Bank Ltd. Prerana, No 71/2, Mirza Road, TMC Limits, Chandapura Road, Anekal, Bangalore-562106 wrote on 14-03-2017 23:06:19:

> From: Manish Jha <>

> To: srs security <>,
> Cc: Owners Association <>, ""
> <>, Jerry Rao <>, Rahul Sabharwal
> <>, Nagananda HG <>,
> Shivaprasad H <>, Tejus Chandra
> <>, "Anuradhaa T. V" <>,
> Sangeetha Kamath <>,
>, ""
> <>, Varwa Members
> <>, Phase 2A Owners Group
> <>

> Date: 15-03-2017 22:39
> Subject: Re: Most Unfortunate Incident of my life
> Sent by:
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "VBHC Phase 1 Owenrs" group.

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> [attachment "Investigation report - Manhandling of security on duty-
> VBHC, Anekal-Response-Manish Resident.doc" deleted by Vadiraj Rao/
> Retail Branch Banking/Anekal-Bangalore/HBL]

"The information contained herein (including any accompanying documents) is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee(s). If you have erroneously received this message, please immediately delete it and notify the sender. Also, if you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this message or any accompanying document is strictly prohibited and is unlawful. The organization is not responsible for any damage caused by a virus or alteration of the e-mail by a third party or otherwise.
Regd. Office : HDFC Bank Ltd., HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai - 400 013. "

natraj b.sali

Mar 16, 2017, 7:22:36 AM3/16/17
to Manish Jha, Anuradhaa T. V,, Jerry Rao, Nagananda HG, Rahul Sabharwal, Sangeetha Kamath, Shivaprasad H, srs security, Tejus Chandra, Varwa Members,, Phase 2A Owners Group,,, Owners Association
Dear Manish,

I fully agree this is totally manhandling, No where they have rights to do this....?

W i t h   B e s t   R e g a r d s

N a t r a j   B   S a l i . . . . .

From: "" <>
To: Manish Jha <>
Cc: Anuradhaa T. V <>; "" <>; Jerry Rao <>; Nagananda HG <>; Rahul Sabharwal <>; Sangeetha Kamath <>; Shivaprasad H <>; srs security <>; Tejus Chandra <>; Varwa Members <>;; Phase 2A Owners Group <>; "" <>; Owners Association <>
Sent: Thursday, 16 March 2017 10:07 AM
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Ravindra Maurya

Mar 16, 2017, 9:50:24 AM3/16/17
to Manish Jha,, Anuradhaa T. V, Jerry Rao, Nagananda HG, Owners Association, Phase 2A Owners Group, Rahul Sabharwal, Sangeetha Kamath, Shivaprasad H, Tejus Chandra,,, Varwa Members,, srs security
If you still feel SRS is the best security then why don't you use them to protect your family and organizations.
We are not high profile people like you guys who will be silent even after man handling of their daughter/mother/wife.

So I request please give us basic security team with all owners approval who respects values to people and residents and are capable of protecting residents.

@Owners Association,

It's shameful act by saying we are waiting for voting in apartment adda to take call for documentation.

Why haven't you guys have done this documentation process when you have done biometric,dewatering,bore well,tube lights ,solar cleaning.

Because you were doing right and you don't need any voting to do right job.

We owners are paying for security so it's our choice to keep any agency.
And you should listen to owners side only.

When you say you are listening both the party either you are taking money from both the party or not mature enough to take such responsibility.

I have always supported association and always been critics too if something looks wrong to me.

So I request you ,if owners are saying no to SRS then you should support them and take necessary action.

Please don't let people loose hope from association.

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Ravindra Maurya
Pepo me @ravindra

Chandramauli Kumar

Mar 16, 2017, 9:56:46 AM3/16/17
to Ravindra Maurya,, Vbhc Vadiraj, VP1OG, Jerry Rao, Owners Association, srs security, Sangeetha Kamath, Nagananda HG, Rahul Sabharwal, Anuradhaa T. V, Manish Jha,, Tejus Chandra, Varwa Members, Shivaprasad H, Phase 2A Owners Group

You are right Ravindra. We should not even discuss this further. In past also residents have given opinion about SRS and we are kind of bailing out even if they are inefficient. Specials thanks to Mr Jerry Rao and team for still keeping them for our project.


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> [attachment "Investigation report - Manhandling of security on duty-
> VBHC, Anekal-Response-Manish Resident.doc" deleted by Vadiraj Rao/
> Retail Branch Banking/Anekal-Bangalore/HBL]

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Regd. Office : HDFC Bank Ltd., HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai - 400 013. "
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Ravindra Maurya
Pepo me @ravindra

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Mar 16, 2017, 10:15:59 AM3/16/17
to Ravindra Maurya, Anuradhaa T. V,, Jerry Rao, Manish Jha, Nagananda HG, Rahul Sabharwal, Sangeetha Kamath, Shivaprasad H, srs security, Tejus Chandra, Varwa Members,, Phase 2A Owners Group,, Owners Association

Yes you are absolutely correct in all aspects...............

I pity that thick skinned entities will never understand the concerns of human being...emotions.... basic needs.....

This is right time to teach a lesson to the party Builder on their loose grip hold on the lower management and the basic human rights

Since the manhandling is being done to a Woman...

very well the case would stand in Human Rights commission as well Department/Ministry of Children and Women's Welfare Govt of Karnataka

and Mr/Mrs Manish Jha can take a firm and right decision on the same.

Vadiraj Rao C A
HDFC Bank Ltd. Prerana, No 71/2, Mirza Road, TMC Limits, Chandapura Road, Anekal, Bangalore-562106

Ravindra Maurya <> wrote on 16-03-2017 15:20:12:

> From: Ravindra Maurya <>

> To: Manish Jha <>,,
> Cc: "Anuradhaa T. V" <>, Jerry Rao
> <>, Nagananda HG <>, Owners
> Association <>, Phase 2A Owners Group
> <>, Rahul Sabharwal
> <>, Sangeetha Kamath
> <>, Shivaprasad H <>,
> Tejus Chandra <>, ""
> <>, ""
> <>, Varwa Members
> <>, "" <>,
> srs security <>

> Date: 16-03-2017 15:20
> Subject: Re: Most Unfortunate Incident of my life
> @VBHC,

> From: "" <>
> To: Manish Jha <>
> Cc: Anuradhaa T. V <>; "" <
> >; Jerry Rao <>; Nagananda HG <
> >; Rahul Sabharwal <>; Sangeetha Kamath <
>>; Shivaprasad H <>;
> srs security <>; Tejus Chandra <
>>; Varwa Members <>;
>; Phase 2A Owners Group <>; "
>" <>; Owners Association <
> Sent: Thursday, 16 March 2017 10:07 AM

> Subject: Re: Most Unfortunate Incident of my life

> In my view since this is manhandling, suggest to lodge a police complaint...
> Regards.........
> [image removed] Vadiraj Rao C A

> [image removed]
> Pepo me @ravindra
> [image removed]

Uttam Jha

Mar 16, 2017, 10:47:13 AM3/16/17
to Ravindra Maurya, Manish Jha,, Anuradhaa T. V, Jerry Rao, Nagananda HG, Owners Association, Phase 2A Owners Group, Rahul Sabharwal, Sangeetha Kamath, Shivaprasad H, Tejus Chandra,,, Varwa Members,, srs security

Dear Association,

We expect you to lead by example here, sure you will not disappoint your fellow owners.

We are not at all safe in the Hands of this security agency.

SRS cannot be given any further chance to continue provide Service in VBHC;
even in past, they have created many such scenes and filed Police complaints against owners itself, hijacking complete Situation.

Majority of residents have not been happy with the Kind of Service they have provided in last 3 years, we were unable to change then because we did not have authorised body to take decision for premise,but now we have, so please take right decision, your decision will create more faith among residents for Association.

Apölogy letter will give them encouragement to do such things more.
Please understand the Magnitude of misconduct that has been done to your fellow owners and his Family.

Put yourself in Manish shoe to understand the complete Situation.


rohit kumar

Mar 16, 2017, 5:11:19 PM3/16/17
to ., VP2OG, vbhc-phase3,,,, Owners Association, VP1OG,, srs security,, Nagananda HG, Rahul Sabharwal,,,, Shivaprasad H

There is no need to talk regarding SRS Agency..they should be fired from VBHC Campus...Who has given him right to beat anyone are they cop or para milatry forces??
We are giving them salary from our hard earned money believing they will safe guard us...if they will do such shameful act they should handover to police....

Hi Mr.jha
we all are stand with you..

Dear Association
Please take proper action against them...

Rohit kumar

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Lester Prince Fernandes

Mar 16, 2017, 9:00:28 PM3/16/17
to Ravindra Maurya,, Anuradhaa T. V,, Jerry Rao, Manish Jha, Nagananda HG, Rahul Sabharwal, Sangeetha Kamath, Shivaprasad H, srs security, Tejus Chandra, Varwa Members,, Phase 2A Owners Group, Owners Association

Hi All,

I personally say that The SRS is one of the slum security services ever. We need to fire them out.

They take money from us doing nothing. They are here for name sake. I think women are more capable of doing work than these male dominant SRS security guards and their managers.

We need to fire them ASAP. No use of even talking because they are not even our time to even think about. Not worth even to keep them near our blocks or gate.

SRS - you are fired ! Please walk out of VBHC if you can't behave. Your issues are more than anything. Nobody becomes a security just by wearing uniform.

Infact, SRS is hooligans in the name of security.

I urge the association to fire them. Thanks !

From: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 10:15 AM
To: Ravindra Maurya
Cc: Anuradhaa T. V;; Jerry Rao; Manish Jha; Nagananda HG; Rahul Sabharwal; Sangeetha Kamath; Shivaprasad H; srs security; Tejus Chandra; Varwa Members;; Phase 2A Owners Group;; Owners Association
Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and email-based groups with a rich experience for community conversations.

jasmon varghese

Mar 17, 2017, 4:58:47 AM3/17/17
to Owners Association, Arvind Yadav, Tejus Chandra, Anuradhaa T. V,, VP2OG, vinay soni, Nandan Keshri, vbhc-phase3, Gopal Sahoo,,,, Chandramauli Kumar, VP1OG,, jasmon varghese, Nagananda HG, Rahul Sabharwal, Manish Jha,, Shivaprasad H, Jogender Singh

Dear Association Members,

I noticed that “POLL” has been initiated to seek residents view on whether to keep the current security agency or to change it. In My opinion, the Current agency doesn’t stand a chance to serve us anymore. They have been given multiple chances to improve their services towards one of their BIGGEST customer (VBHC) but they seem to be taking us (VBHC) for granted.  IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE!

Now, we cannot change security overnight and have to make sure that we don’t take a decision is hurry. It’s important that we give our best to select the best agency possible even though we have to spend out some extra bucks. I urge all the members to keep the safety and security at first then MONEY.

The performance of the new agency will highly depend on their past performance and by setting the right expectation. Here are a couple of points that you guys can keep in mind during the selection process.

1)      Their Past record. We have to make sure that they have an experience of handling security in the apartments and not just corporate offices. We should reach out to those apartments to understand their security performance and the opinion of the residents of those apartments.

2)      Scenario Based Question. We all know what all things happen inside VBHC and how SRS has handled those situations so far. Please throw these scenarios to the new agency and analyze their approach towards each scenario.

3)      Proper Handover is very important. We have to make sure that SRS follows a proper handover to the new agency before they leave VBHC.

We know very well that it’s not going to be easy to select a good new agency but it’s not impossible. You guys have done some amazing work from the time you have taken the responsibility and we have full confidence that you will not disappoint us. ALL THE BEST

Best Regards,


Jerry Rao

Mar 17, 2017, 5:42:59 AM3/17/17
to Ravindra Maurya, Manish Jha,, Anuradhaa T. V, Nagananda HG, Owners Association, Phase 2A Owners Group, Rahul Sabharwal, Sangeetha Kamath, Shivaprasad H, Tejus Chandra,,, Varwa Members,, srs security, Ravi Ramu
Dear Sir:
Just for the record——we did have ANOTHER Security Firm before—they were called I-Security Agency.
We received EXTREMELY STRONGLY-WORDED COMPLAINTS against that firm from MANY residents—who insisted that we change the firm. Even at that time, I had tried to explain that it is quite likely that a new firm will also create similar problems. But the complaining owners were not satisfied—and raised questions as to whether VBHC had a vested interest in keeping I-Security Agency. Hence, we reluctantly agreed to look for a new firm. We did NOT choose the new firm—SRS. The new firm—SRS was chosen by a group of Owners after we had arranged meetings with a few firms. We simply went along with the views of the Owners, who were part of an early owners association group.
Let me state for the record:
  1. VBHC has no interest in any Security Firm.
  2. VBHC has repeatedly pointed out that irrespective of the firm, the likelihood that there will be difficult employees is always there. Changing firms may end up being a cosmetic decision. I am told (I am not sure how accurate this is) that different firms end up employing the same people.
  3. You are welcome to change SRS. We brought them in based on the recommendation of several owners—not on our own. And we are perfectly OK with letting them go, based on the recommendation of other owners.
  4. Incidentally, many times the Security firm complains that some (not all) residents are rude to their staff and sometimes even assault them. We have no way of verifying this. I am conveying this in order to keep matters in perspective.
  5. Exchanging strong words on E-mails is not going to solve the basic problem. We have experimented with various security agencies in different parts of the country. In our Chennai project, not only could they not prevent a theft of materials, they were unable to even give us basic details to help with police/insurance procedures. I am simply sharing this information with you in order for you to understand that the problem is pervasive.
Jerry Rao

Jaithirth Rao
Founder and Chairman, VBHC Value Homes
306/307, Panchsheel Plaza Estate Pvt.Ltd., 3rd Floor, Hughes Road, Next to Dharam Palace, Mumbai-400007, Maharashtra, India
Tel: (+91)-(22)-23643860 / 62 / 69
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

This email has been scanned by VBHC f-secure Email Security Service.
For more information visit

Ravindra Maurya

Mar 17, 2017, 7:35:17 AM3/17/17
to Jerry Rao, Manish Jha,, Anuradhaa T. V, Nagananda HG, Owners Association, Phase 2A Owners Group, Rahul Sabharwal, Ravi Ramu, Sangeetha Kamath, Shivaprasad H, Tejus Chandra,,, Varwa Members,, srs security
Dear Sir, 

Thank you for your transparent statement , it makes so many things clear.

We were in impression that VBHC doesn't want to change security due to silence from your  end.

We have always been appreciating the quality of building provided by Vbhc in given budget.

But there has been always issues with maintenance and security may be because of lower management purely.

Changing the security may not be permanent solutions but keep it same is permanent failure.

As we have clear approval from VBHC and all The owners , at my personal level I request association to take this forward and do thit needful to have smooth transitions.

I also want to clear that I support Association efforts and Vbhc support to sort out so many issues here but sometime due to unclear communication we have to use strong words to make ourself heard.

Hoping this security transition to happen soon with proper notice to SRS and everyone so that no one get affected in negative sense.


Lester Prince Fernandes

Apr 7, 2017, 4:55:35 PM4/7/17
to Manish Jha,, Anuradhaa T. V,, Jerry Rao, Nagananda HG, Rahul Sabharwal, Sangeetha Kamath, Shivaprasad H, srs security, Tejus Chandra, Varwa Members,, Phase 2A Owners Group, Owners Association

SRS - Shameless people. You guys are so shameless to take even the money from us. You are worst than a slut in the slums to put such allegations on owners.

Whoever is the manager - please speak up if you are a man !

From: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:30 AM
To: Manish Jha
Cc: Anuradhaa T. V;; Jerry Rao; Nagananda HG; Rahul Sabharwal; Sangeetha Kamath; Shivaprasad H; srs security; Tejus Chandra; Varwa Members;; Phase 2A Owners Group;; Owners Association
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