[vim/vim] Cursor-position autocmd causes <C-x> (decrement number) when cursor is left on a number (#2003)

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Christoffer Aasted

Aug 22, 2017, 3:12:44 AM8/22/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.0 (2016 Sep 12, compiled Aug 22 2017 06:37:43)
Included patches: 1-983
Compiled by dza@adrafinil

tag: v8.0.0983 (3f9a1ff)

An offending legend of an autocmd did this in my self-compiled git-fetched vim. Not in Debian (stretch) and Ubuntu (xenial) provided Vim 7.4 included patches up to 8.x (Interesting way of explaining a version I hope to know someday why)

vim run as
vim --noplugin
so we can test our autocmd in action


  1: ~/.vimrc


--- Auto-Commands ---
vimrc  BufRead
    *         if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g`\"
" | endif


autocmd BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif

steps to reproduce

  1. Open a file and position your cursor on a number
  2. Make a single :write
  3. Quit vim
  4. Re-enter Vim and expect the number you positioned the cursor on to be decremented just like <C-x>

append into .vimrc also

map <C-x> <nop>

expect: no decrement

also tried

  • normal manually: g`"
    goes to same place as autocmd but no decrement
  • normal manually: g'"
    goes to first word in same line I guess.
    (screenshot: https://upl.io/fungwz)
    when autocmd is executed 46 is changed to 45 with cursor on "5"
  • launching without xserver/DISPLAY-variable
  • disabling matchparen with let loaded_matchparen = 1
  • set noshowmatch
  • tried running autocmd replaced exe "normal! g'\"" with echo 'test' just to check nothing else is affecting it.

cheers and thanks for many good years.

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Bram Moolenaar

Aug 22, 2017, 4:13:08 PM8/22/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Christoffer Aasted wrote:

> :version
> VIM - Vi IMproved 8.0 (2016 Sep 12, compiled Aug 22 2017 06:37:43)
> Included patches: 1-983
> Compiled by dza@adrafinil
> ```
> `tag: v8.0.0983` (https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/3f9a1ff141412e9e85f7dff47d02946cb9be9228)

> An offending legend of an autocmd did this in my self-compiled git-fetched vim. Not in Debian (stretch) and Ubuntu (xenial) provided Vim 7.4 included patches up to 8.x (Interesting way of explaining a version I hope to know someday why)
> **vim run as**
> `vim --noplugin`

> so we can test our autocmd in action
> **:scriptnames**
> ```
> 1: ~/.vimrc
> ```
> **:autocmd**
> ```

> :autocmd
> --- Auto-Commands ---
> vimrc BufRead
> * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g`\"
> " | endif
> ```
> **.vimrc**
> ```vim

> autocmd BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif
> ```
> **steps to reproduce**
> 1. Open a file and position your cursor on a number
> 2. Make a single `:write`
> 3. Quit vim
> 4. Re-enter Vim and expect the number you positioned the cursor on to be decremented just like `<C-x>`
> **proof**
> append into .vimrc also
> ```vim
> map <C-x> <nop>
> ```
> **expect:** no decrement
> **also tried**
> - normal manually: g`"

> goes to same place as autocmd but no decrement
> - normal manually: g'"

> goes to first word in same line I guess.
> (screenshot: https://upl.io/fungwz)
> when autocmd is executed 46 is changed to 45 with cursor on "5"
> - launching without xserver/DISPLAY-variable
> - disabling matchparen with `let loaded_matchparen = 1`
> - `set noshowmatch`
> - tried running autocmd replaced `exe "normal! g'\""` with `echo 'test'` just to check nothing else is affecting it.

> cheers and thanks for many good years.

I don't see anything in what you write here what could cause this. I
use similar autocommands all the time.

I suspect there is something in your vimrc that triggers the problem.
Please start with "vim --clean". If you don't see the problem then,
bisect your vimrc to locate the culprit (put "finish" somewhere and move
it around).

It might be caused by something that the terminal sends, thus also check
your 'term' setting and any termcap entries.

I learned the customs and mannerisms of engineers by observing them, much the
way Jane Goodall learned about the great apes, but without the hassle of
(Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

/// Bram Moolenaar -- Br...@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org ///

Christoffer Aasted

Aug 22, 2017, 4:21:39 PM8/22/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

I understand that you can't immediately recognize it- me and igemnace from #vim were puzzled as well.
Hello Bram. Like described in my issue the only .vimrc I have is what I embedded here

augroup vimrc
autocmd BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif
augroup END

Removing that would make the symptom go away because the offending code is now not executed at all. But the behaviour of normal ! g'" is different from different versions with no .vim or .vimrc at all.

Also Debian/Ubuntu 7.4 package were tested and did not have the same symptom nor do I remember ever having a similar problem.

If you have any commands I should run to verify please respond. But as I say - I have no sourced files whatsoever besides that embedded piece of vimrc.

Did you try to reproduce it given what I put here?

Marius Gedminas

Aug 23, 2017, 7:19:38 AM8/23/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

I cannot reproduce using vim -u yoursamplevimrc --noplugin file.txt. (I also added a set nocp to the top of your sample vimrc because without that vim doesn't write a .viminfo and g' doesn't jump anywhere).

I see vim jumping to the 1st column of the line where I left it, which starts with a number -- but the number is never decremented.

I'm on Ubuntu 17.04, testing vim 8.0.987 in gnome-terminal.

Christian Brabandt

Aug 23, 2017, 9:20:21 AM8/23/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

can't reproduce either. Does it happen in terminal, gui? please be specific, what terminal, what is your $TERM setting, Can you please also show the output of :set all

Christoffer Aasted

Aug 23, 2017, 12:59:50 PM8/23/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

@mgedmin you are correct.

I made some progress on this.

This is consistently reproducible for me in mintty specifically. It happens in files with numbers primarily if you leave them on a number.

What events gets translated in a terminal-emulator when you execute g'" in terminal would be very helpful in this case.

@chrisbra issue changed when I found out mintty could have something to do with it. However vim -u nocompatiblecursorposition --noplugin .ssh/config and :set all contains:

--- Options ---
  aleph=224           fileencoding=       maxmem=8364242    nosplitbelow
noarabic              fileformat=unix     maxmemtot=8364242 nosplitright
  arabicshape       nofileignorecase      menuitems=25        startofline
noallowrevins         filetype=           modeline            statusline=
noaltkeymap           fixendofline        modelines=5         suffixesadd=
  ambiwidth=single  nofkmap               modifiable          swapfile
noautochdir           foldclose=        nomodified            swapsync=fsync
noautoindent          foldcolumn=0        more                switchbuf=
noautoread            foldenable          mouse=              synmaxcol=3000
noautowrite           foldexpr=0        nomousefocus          syntax=
noautowriteall        foldignore=#        mousehide           tabline=
  background=dark     foldlevel=0         mousemodel=extend   tabpagemax=10
  backspace=          foldlevelstart=-1   mousetime=500       tabstop=8
nobackup              foldmethod=manual nonumber              tagbsearch
  backupcopy=auto     foldminlines=1      numberwidth=4       tagcase=followic
  backupext=~         foldnestmax=20      omnifunc=           taglength=0
  backupskip=/tmp/*   formatexpr=         operatorfunc=       tagrelative
  balloondelay=600    formatoptions=tcq nopaste               tagstack
noballooneval         formatprg=          pastetoggle=      notermbidi
  balloonexpr=        fsync               patchexpr=          termencoding=
  belloff=          nogdefault            patchmode=        notermguicolors
nobinary              guifont=          nopreserveindent    noterse
nobomb                guifontwide=        previewheight=12    textauto
nobreakindent         guiheadroom=50    nopreviewwindow     notextmode
  breakindentopt=     guipty              printdevice=        textwidth=0
  browsedir=last      guitablabel=        printencoding=      thesaurus=
  bufhidden=          guitabtooltip=      printfont=courier notildeop
  buflisted           helpheight=20       printmbcharset=     timeout
  buftype=            helplang=en         printmbfont=        timeoutlen=1000
  cdpath=,,         nohidden              printoptions=     notitle
  cedit=^F            history=50          prompt              titlelen=85
  charconvert=      nohkmap               pumheight=0         titlestring=
nocindent           nohkmapp              pyxversion=3      nottimeout
  cinoptions=       nohlsearch            quoteescape=\       ttimeoutlen=-1
  cmdheight=1       noicon              noreadonly            ttybuiltin
  cmdwinheight=7      iconstring=         redrawtime=2000     ttyfast
  colorcolumn=      noignorecase          regexpengine=0      ttymouse=xterm
  columns=80          imactivatefunc=   norelativenumber      ttyscroll=999
nocompatible          imactivatekey=      remap               undodir=.
  concealcursor=    noimcmdline           report=2          noundofile
  conceallevel=0    noimdisable         norevins              undolevels=1000
  completefunc=       iminsert=2        norightleft           undoreload=10000
noconfirm             imsearch=2        noruler               updatecount=200
nocopyindent          imstatusfunc=       rulerformat=        updatetime=4000
  cpoptions=aABceFs   includeexpr=        scroll=5            verbose=0
  cryptmethod=zip   noincsearch         noscrollbind          verbosefile=
  cscopepathcomp=0    indentexpr=         scrolljump=1        viminfofile=
  cscopeprg=cscope  noinfercase           scrolloff=0         virtualedit=
  cscopequickfix=   noinsertmode        nosecure            novisualbell
nocscoperelative      isprint=@,161-255   selectmode=         warn
nocscopetag           joinspaces          shell=/bin/zsh    noweirdinvert
  cscopetagorder=0    key=                shellcmdflag=-c     whichwrap=b,s
nocscopeverbose       keymap=             shellquote=         wildchar=<Tab>
nocursorbind          keymodel=           shelltemp           wildcharm=0
nocursorcolumn        keywordprg=man -s   shellxquote=        wildignore=
nocursorline          langmap=            shellxescape=     nowildignorecase
  debug=              langmenu=         noshiftround        nowildmenu
nodelcombine        nolangnoremap         shiftwidth=8        wildmode=full
  dictionary=         langremap         noshortname           wildoptions=
nodiff                laststatus=1        showbreak=          winaltkeys=menu
  diffexpr=         nolazyredraw        noshowcmd             window=23
  diffopt=filler    nolinebreak         noshowfulltag         winheight=1
nodigraph             lines=24          noshowmatch         nowinfixheight
  display=            linespace=0         showmode          nowinfixwidth
  eadirection=both  nolisp                showtabline=1       winminheight=1
noedcompatible      nolist                sidescroll=0        winminwidth=1
  emoji               listchars=eol:$     sidescrolloff=0     winwidth=20
  encoding=utf-8    noloadplugins         signcolumn=auto     wrap
  endofline           magic             nosmartcase           wrapmargin=0
  equalalways         makeef=           nosmartindent         wrapscan
  equalprg=           makeencoding=     nosmarttab            write
noerrorbells          makeprg=make        softtabstop=0     nowriteany
  esckeys             matchtime=5       nospell               writebackup
  eventignore=        maxcombine=2        spellfile=          writedelay=0
noexpandtab           maxfuncdepth=100    spelllang=en
noexrc                maxmapdepth=1000    spellsuggest=best
  breakat= ^I!@*-+;:,./?
  errorformat=%*[^"]"%f"%*\D%l: %m,"%f"%*\D%l: %m,%-G%f:%l: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once,%-G%f:%l: for each function it appears in.),%-GIn file included from %f:%l:%c:,%-GIn file included from %f:%l:%c\,,%-GIn file included from %f:%l:%c,%-GIn file included from %f:%l,%-G%*[ ]from %f:%l:%c,%-G%*[ ]from %f:%l:,%-G%*[ ]from %f:%l\,,%-G%*[ ]from %f:%l,%f:%l:%c:%m,%f(%l):%m,%f:%l:%m,"%f"\, line %l%*\D%c%*[^ ] %m,%D%*\a[%*\d]: Entering directory %*[`']%f',%X%*\a[%*\d]: Leaving directory %*[`']%f',%D%*\a: Entering directory %*[`']%f',%X%*\a: Leaving directory %*[`']%f',%DMaking %*\a in %f,%f|%l| %m
  formatlistpat=^\s*\d\+[\]:.)}\t ]\s*
  grepformat=%f:%l:%m,%f:%l%m,%f  %l%m
  grepprg=grep -n $* /dev/null
  paragraphs=IPLPPPQPP TPHPLIPpLpItpplpipbp
  printexpr=system('lpr' . (&printdevice == '' ? '' : ' -P' . &printdevice) . ' ' . v:fname_in) . delete(v:fname_in) + v:shell_error
  printheader=%<%f%h%m%=Page %N
  sections=SHNHH HUnhsh
  shellpipe=2>&1| tee
  shellredir=>%s 2>&1
  spellcapcheck=[.?!]\_[\])'"^I ]\+
  titleold=Thanks for flying Vim

Christian Brabandt

Aug 23, 2017, 1:05:43 PM8/23/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed


Well, is that correct for mintty? I suppose you are seeing some terminal ansi sequence, that causese it. You might try with some of the builtin terms, like :set term=builtin_ansi or something. Check :set term=zzzzz to see available builtin terminals. Does :set termcap show anything suspcicious?

Christoffer Aasted

Aug 23, 2017, 1:36:04 PM8/23/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

:set termcap (from within: vim -u nocompatiblecursorposition --noplugin .ssh/config) in a clean bash environment.

:set termcap
--- Terminal codes ---
  t_AB=^[[4%p1%dm     t_db=               t_mr=^[[7m          t_te=^[[?1049l
  t_AF=^[[3%p1%dm     t_DL=^[[%p1%dM      t_ms=y              t_ti=^[[?1049h
  t_AL=^[[%p1%dL      t_dl=^[[M           t_nd=^[[C           t_ts=^[]2;
  t_al=^[[L           t_EC=^G             t_op=^[[39;49m      t_u7=^[[6n
  t_bc=               t_EI=               t_RB=^[]11;?^G      t_ue=^[[m
  t_BE=^[[?2004h      t_fs=^G             t_RI=^[[%p1%dC      t_us=^[[4m
  t_BD=^[[?2004l      t_GP=^[[13t         t_RS=^[P$q q^[\     t_ut=y
  t_cd=^[[J           t_IE=^G             t_RV=^[[>c          t_ve=^[[?25h
  t_ce=^[[K           t_IS=^[]1;          t_SC=^[]12;         t_vi=^[[?25l
  t_cl=^[[H^[[2J      t_ke=^[[?1l^[>      t_se=^[[27m         t_VS=^[[?12l
  t_Ce=               t_ks=^[[?1h^[=      t_SH=^[[%p1%d q     t_vs=^[[?12h
  t_Co=8              t_le=^H             t_SI=               t_xn=y
  t_CS=               t_mb=^[[5m          t_so=^[[7m          t_xs=
  t_CV=               t_md=^[[1m          t_SR=               t_ZH=^[[3m
  t_da=               t_me=^[[m           t_sr=^[M            t_ZR=^[[23m

I believe you want me to put :set term=builtin_ansi in the example vimrc as well. This doesn't have the same behaviour.

Christian Brabandt

Aug 23, 2017, 3:39:06 PM8/23/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

I don't see any particular obvious keycode. If you are really interested, you might want to compare :set termcap output between a working terminal and the buggy terminal, and one by one try setting one of the differences.

Christian Brabandt

Aug 24, 2017, 2:27:20 PM8/24/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

fixed by 8.0.0993

Christian Brabandt

Aug 24, 2017, 2:27:30 PM8/24/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Closed #2003.

Christoffer Aasted

Aug 24, 2017, 5:08:13 PM8/24/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

What what whaaat!!

Awesome guys!

Will look into that commit right away!

Christoffer Aasted

Aug 25, 2017, 5:06:50 PM8/25/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Christoffer Aasted

Aug 25, 2017, 5:08:59 PM8/25/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Also if you completely exclude out_str(T_CRS); problem also goes away but breaks as well.

Excuse me for my first attempt :) not that accurate

Bram Moolenaar

Aug 26, 2017, 11:50:38 AM8/26/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Christoffer Aasted wrote:

> Also if you completely exclude `out_str(T_CRS);` problem also goes
> away but breaks as well.
> Excuse me for my first attempt :) not that accurate

It's still a mystery to me why xterm sends that CTRL-X when t_RS is
used. Note that CTRL-X is 24, which is the length of the received
escape sequence. This might be an xterm bug.

If they don't keep on exercising their lips, he thought, their brains
start working.
-- Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

/// Bram Moolenaar -- Br...@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org ///

Christoffer Aasted

Aug 26, 2017, 4:14:20 PM8/26/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Are you saying this is an old bug? I don't remember experiencing this before. I thought I could add two logs to my mintty issue mintty/wsltty#55 offending and non-offending.

Maybe he knows?

Bram Moolenaar

Aug 26, 2017, 4:26:59 PM8/26/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

It's totally unclear why sending t_RS causes the rgb response to have an additional CTRL-X.

Christoffer Aasted

Sep 6, 2017, 10:52:14 AM9/6/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Do you agree this issue should remain open?

I am willing to continue experimenting with this.

Can you clarify some things for me to aid me in debugging this;

  1. Is it expected that the RGB response contains a CTRL+X ?
  2. Have any of you reproduced this? Which terminal emulator?

Christian Brabandt

Sep 6, 2017, 11:23:41 AM9/6/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

you mean 8.0.0993 did not solve it for you? I think you seem to be the only person to reproduce the issue.

Christian Brabandt

Sep 6, 2017, 11:26:41 AM9/6/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

BTW: perhaps you can use script to catch those response?

Christoffer Aasted

Sep 8, 2017, 9:13:06 AM9/8/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed


Fixed this.


Christoffer Aasted

Sep 23, 2017, 10:33:37 AM9/23/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed


Still could be related to mintty?

Christian Brabandt

Sep 23, 2017, 1:40:21 PM9/23/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed



Oct 23, 2017, 3:51:51 AM10/23/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Released mintty 2.8.0, fixing the root cause.

Christian Brabandt

Oct 23, 2017, 3:56:44 AM10/23/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

thanks for noticing us.

Christoffer Aasted

Oct 23, 2017, 4:37:55 AM10/23/17
to vim/vim, Subscribed

Released mintty 2.8.0, fixing the root cause.

Yeah super nice. Thanks a lot. This was a fun ride !

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