Re: Who The Heck Is Femi Odere? Matters Arising.

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adeyemi bukola oyeniyi

Jun 12, 2009, 5:21:57 AM6/12/09
to Pamela Christopher,,,, NIDOA, USAAfricaDialogue
I have read with pleasure all congratulatory messages that followed
Femi Odere's appointment as Laison for the Nigeria Assembly and
Nigerians in the Diaspora. I do not know Femi and have never come
across any of his works. I suppose those who are congratulating him on
the new appointment knew him and his qualifications. But i just want
to know if there is reason enough to congratulate him.

In a typical Nigeria style, i am sure that adverts would be dorning
newspapers and magazines now congratulating him for this 'attainment'.
Churches and mosques would have their own fair share of the rave to
congratulate and thank God for such a feat. The point is, a position
is a call to serve and when the so-called appointee is yet to serve,
there is not a reason yet to either congratulate him nor thank God.
Yes, congratulation can only be meaningful after his tenure.
Congratulation for a job well done is necessary, but definitely not
when the work is yet to be done.
I have a fear here: what processes produced Femi? Was the position
advertised or done on man-knows-man Nigeria style? If Abike Dabiri
nominated him, we deserve to know the basis of the nomination and if
it ought to be by nomination.
I know this position is unAfrican, but, if Nigeria must be great, as
we all wish, we should adhere to standards. Is Femi the most eminently
qualified person for the job? What qualifies him, besides a knowledge
of a few individuals in NASS?
If he was nominated by a few individuals, then there is no reason for
the Nigerian diaspora communities to rejoice, as Femi, although one of
them, was chosen by another master, if not masters.
We all know that, now that the gentleman has joined the home of all
manners of fraud...electoral, economic, political, social, cultural,
etc....a new being is born.
I think it is the ease with which we celebrate certificates rather
than products that made politicians see themselves as beings different
from us. After casting them in the image of a demigod through
celebrations and worship even of ordinary appointment; they then
become monsters. As monsters, they turn round to feed on us.
I was in the US when Obama was making most of his appointments, it was
not celebrated like we are fond of doing here.

Appointment is a call to service and not tea party where we pat backs.

On 6/11/09, Pamela Christopher <> wrote:
> CONGRATULATIONS Femi!!  Way to go!
> Pamela N. Mojekwu.
> Chicago, IL. USA.
> If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in
> life if you help enough other people get what they want.
> Zig Ziglar
> --- On Wed, 6/10/09, Adey <> wrote:
> From: Adey <>
> Subject: [NIDOA] Roteh: Who The Heck Is Femi Odere? [1 Attachment]
> To:
> Cc:, "NIDOA" <>
> Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 10:53 PM
> [Attachment(s) from Adey included below]
> For Immediate Release
> H. Femi Odere
> fodere@yahoo. com
> Chicago, IL: June 1, 2009 --- Nigeria’s House of Representatives Committee
> on Diaspora, under the Chairmanship of Hon. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, AC (Ikorodu
> Constituency) has appointed Mr. Femi Odere to represent it in the Nigerian
> community in the United States of America. Mr. Odere was appointed the
> Liaison Officer (USA) to the House Committee on Diaspora.
> Among the many functions of Mr. Odere in his letter of appointment as the
> Liaison Officer to the House Committee on Diaspora are to:
> • Articulate the position of the Committee to the Nigerian community in the
> US on any given circumstance or issue that affects Nigerians in the US;
> • Represent the Committee and network with Nigerians professional and
> socio-cultural organizations and associations in the US;
> • Gather and collate relevant information and data of Nigerian professional
> organizations for the committee;
> • Assist in finding ways where Nigerian professionals and willing ones can
> become part of the efforts in nation building;
> • Assist the Committee in the areas of specifically- targeted policies and
> legislations that are geared towards the participation of Diasporic
> Nigerians for the nation’s growth and development;
> • Assist the Committee in identifying the problems and the challenges that
> Nigerians in the Diaspora may be facing in the US where govt. interventions
> may be needed.
> A veteran media practitioner resident in Chicago, Femi Odere, has served in
> several Nigerian professional and social organizations in the United States
> either as their Publicity Secretary or PRO. Among his many accomplishments
> in the media environment in the United States is his successful handling of
> media and public relations in the United States for the government of
> Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu of Lagos State from 2001-2007, a feat that has
> continued under the current government of Babatunde Raji Fashola (SAN) of
> Lagos State.
> A native of Akure in Ondo State, Nigeria, Mr. Odere’s appointment took
> effect from January 16, 2009. He now divides his time between Nigeria and
> the United States.
>> ____________ _________ _________ __
>> From: Femi Odere [mailto:fodere@yahoo. com]
>> Sent: Wed 6/10/2009 5:46 PM
>> To: president@egbayewa. org
>> Subject: Appointment
>> Dear Sir/Madam:
>> Please feel free to pass on the attached info. to people in
>> your mail group for further awareness. Thanks.
>> FO

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Bukola Adeyemi, OYENIYI
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adeyemi bukola oyeniyi

Jun 12, 2009, 12:25:17 PM6/12/09
to Pamela Christopher,,,, NIDOA, USAAfricaDialogue

Let us be careful here. I stated earlier that i do not know him or his
qualifications for the post. Besides, i am here in Nigeria and not in
the Diaspora. So, i think it is not a question of 'Bad Belle'. It is a
question of a honest desire for change.

The fact that he is your friend never makes him the most qualified
person for the job. Again, the fact that he was appointed is not
enough to paint the street red with congratulatory messages. I can
tell you this; even if Prof. Falola, a diasporan that i respect a lot,
is appointed; i will still ask the same question.
If Nigeria must develop, all sentiments apart, we need to know the
processes that produced Femi? We need to know who and why he was

If you or Femi could not tell us, then it is a shame on the diasporan
communities. Why then the noise that things are not done according to
the rules at home?

Pamela, i am not the kind that cares what position you hold or what
certificate you carry. I celebrate achievements and not appointments.
I think that is the difference and not bad belle, as you think.

Just as Femi himself had asked: who the heck is he that i would nurse
any bad belle over or against him? Can you remember these lines? 'What
tributaries follow him to Rome?' That is not the kind of thing i am
talking about. My question bothers not on Femi at all, but the process
of his emergence.

If it were to be an elective office, i wont have raised any question.
But it is not.

We all know what sort of people get into government these days. They
are not the wise and the moderate. They are not lovers of peace and
good order. They are not men fittest for the trust.

They are the strong and men and women of indefatigueable activities
geared primarilly toward their own ends. So, when i read the
congratulatory messages and i noticed that he, in deed, wrote the news
and send it to his friends who passed it on. I have a feeling he might
as well be one of them.

If, instead of answering my questions, you decided to attack me; i see
no reason replying you any further. Yes, I know it is unAfrican to say
what i said earlier, but I see no reason why we should congratulate
him yet. What tributaries follow him to Abuja, if i may ask?

I think i am through on this matter.


On 6/12/09, Pamela Christopher <> wrote:
> Your message reeks of what is called : Bad Belle!  So what is he was
> nominated or given the job or whatever you are saying?  For me, I have known
> Femi for many years and he deserves the position he got.
> Make  it a great weekend!

> Pamela N. Mojekwu.
> Chicago, IL. USA.
> If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in
> life if you help enough other people get what they want.
> Zig Ziglar

> --- On Fri, 6/12/09, adeyemi bukola oyeniyi <> wrote:

adeyemi bukola oyeniyi

Jun 13, 2009, 3:35:01 AM6/13/09
to Wilson Iguade, Pamela Mojekwu,, adey oynuga,, NIDOA,, Esan Community,
Wilson Iguade,

Obviously you are ignorant of how this thread came about. I suggest
you find out. You will make more sense of my questions, which appears
to Pamela as bad belle and another contributor as jealousy, if you
bother to read previous posts before jumping on your keyboard.

To be candid, i am begining to make sense of what two members of this
forum said to me last March at Austin. 'Many are on this forum who
care less about the substance of an argument, especially when it
concern them and their own'. I am glad someone has also thought of the
process that produced Femi as suspicious. The point is not about your
friend, but about the 'friend-friend' syndrome, which ruined Nigeria
and has produced another potent weapon to get at the Diasporan
communities. That i wonder aloud why we allow the syndrome to cross
the Atlantic and to the Diaspora is, for me, not a sin. Abike Dabiri
nominated another Media guru, as Pamela was rubbing it on me, is not
an excuse. In fact, it confuses the issue more. It makes it appear as
if a friend has just helped another to the cake.

I dare to say: If Femi's credentials are as good as good itself, it
would has failed to pass the process the process that produced Femi as

Look at it this way: Alao-Akala was put in place by Adedibu. Abike
Dabiri put Femi Odere in place. Adedibu cared less about the people's
will. I simply asked if Abike was different. If she asked the Diaspora
communities all over the world if her fellow media man is their will.
Akala's political antecidents are not different from Femi. They have
both recorded landmark achievements in their respective fields. One
manages Ogbomoso and Oyo State politicians so well that Adedibu saw
him as the best fit for Oyo State. Femi did well in managing Tinubu's
image here and in the US that Abike Dabiri saw him as the best fit to
manage NASS image among the overtly over-critical Nigerians overseas.
That Akala is ruinning Oyo State today is not surprising. The process
that produced him had their scripts, which Akala is following. What is
Dabiri's script for Femi?

These are my thought processes when i responded to Pamela's adulation
of Femi. Now that the issue has attracted more abuse and name calling
than honest, content-focused responses; i think i better keep mute.
Afterall, it is the Diaspora that Femi is dealing with and if you
people see nothing wrong with the process that produced him, then, who
is this 'bad belle' and 'jealous man' to ask questions.

Regarding when it is fit to say congratulation; i think it is a
question of what appointment connotes to different individuals. Just
as a certificate is nothing than a proof of learning a profession or
trade, so also is a product the value derivable from a trade or
profession. I simply think we should move away from celebrating
certificates to celebrating products.


On 6/13/09, Wilson Iguade <> wrote:
> my sister, Pamela long time no talk, i hope sey you dey well well o!
> (smiling!)
> i beg mak you naw mine dis man full of jealousy and of the opinion that one
> must come from a CERTAIN family in Nigeria, many of which have looted the
> people dry in other to serve. i am confused, we say we want new leaders and
> when new leaders are given the opportunity to serve we question their
> existence as if they fall from the sky, ehn! see mi trouble o! hehehe!
> i cannot understand why "congratulation" is not in order to a person who has
> been given a position. even if this dude, Femi, was sleeping in his house
> and someone miss e road and come knock on his door and say to the brodaman
> please take dis position and serve the people and the dude say - YES I CAN!
> such deserve CONGRATULATIONS! at least for saying yes.
> it is out of place to pose the question in the subject line - Who The Heck
> Is Femi Odere? Matters Arising - a proper question should be, can the man do
> the job? or is he qualified? NOT "who" the heck is Femi Odere? is the writer
> suggesting that ONLY he can and no one else? please be nice my friend and
> wish the man well and hope that you get your chance at whatever it is that
> your seek, assuming that you are in pursuit of some goal for yourself that
> will benefit a community. God bless. Iguade
> "Believe nothing, no matter where you read or who
> has said it, not even if I have said, unless it
> agrees with your own reason and your own
> common sense" BUDDHA
> ‘We ask ourselves: Who am I to be
> brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
> Actually, who are you NOT to be?
> You are a child of God. Your playing
> small does not serve the world.
> We were born to make manifest
> the glory of God that is within us.
> It is not just in some of us,
> it is in everyone.’ By Nelson Mandela
> To:;;;
> From:
> Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 09:52:04 -0700
> Subject: [NIDOA] Re: Who The Heck Is Femi Odere? Matters Arising.
> Veteran media practitioner resident in Chicago, Femi Odere, has served in

> several Nigerian professional and social organizations in the United States
> either as their Publicity Secretary or PRO. Among his many accomplishments
> in the media environment in the United States is his successful handling of
> media and public relations in the United States for the government of
> Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu of Lagos State from 2001-2007, a feat that has
> continued under the current government of Babatunde Raji Fashola (SAN) of
> Lagos State.

> You are entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to mine. Femi is a
> friend but most importantly, I know how dedicated he is to any task that he
> is faced with. I am SATISFIED that the right man got the job.

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King Ade

Jun 14, 2009, 1:52:28 AM6/14/09
to,,, NIDOA, USAAfricaDialogue, adeyemi bukola oyeniyi, Pamela Christopher,
Yes, Femi Odere is a consultant to the FGN House Committee on Diaspora  just like you also can if you are also willing to volunteer for the betterment of Nigeria.
Mr Femi Odere was appointed to consult for Chicago.`Others who are equally qualified may be appointed as time goes on [as needed].
Sources close to the Chairman revealed that until the Structural change of NIDOA is complete that will allow the Organization to proved itself as being able to represent the interest of all Nigerians Abroad, there is the need to get additional feedback from credible Organizational sources including individuals like Mr Femi Odere. The MOU is not to be construe as a job offer. Mr Odere comes with a journalistic background that the committee viewed as an asset towards accomplishing it's missions.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 6/12/2009 2:28:20 PM
Subject: [NIDO-USA] Re: Who The Heck Is Femi Odere? Matters Arising.

Veteran media practitioner resident in Chicago, Femi Odere, has served  in  several Nigerian professional and social organizations in the United  States  either as their Publicity Secretary or PRO. Among his many accomplishments  in the media environment in the United States is his successful handling  of  media and public relations in the United States for the government of Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu of Lagos State from 2001-2007, a feat that has continued under the current government of Babatunde Raji Fashola (SAN) of  Lagos State.

You are entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to mine.  Femi is a friend but most importantly, I know how dedicated he is to any task that he is faced with.  I am SATISFIED that the right man got the job. 

Pamela N. Mojekwu.
Chicago, IL. USA.

If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.
Zig Ziglar

--- On Fri, 6/12/09, adeyemi bukola oyeniyi <> wrote:

On 6/12/09, Pamela Christopher <> wrote:
> Your message reeks of what is called : Bad Belle!  So what is he was
> nominated or given the job or whatever you are saying?  For me, I have known
> Femi for many years and he deserves the position he got.
> Make  it a great weekend!
> Pamela N. Mojekwu.
> Chicago, IL. USA.
> If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in
> life if you help enough other people get what they want.
> Zig Ziglar

> --- On Fri, 6/12/09, adeyemi bukola oyeniyi <> wrote:

> On 6/11/09, Pamela Christopher <> wrote:
>> CONGRATULATIONS Femi!!  Way to go!
>> Pamela N. Mojekwu.
>> Chicago, IL. USA.
>> If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in
>> life if you help enough other people get what they want.
>> Zig Ziglar

>> --- On Wed, 6/10/09, Adey <> wrote:

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adeyemi bukola oyeniyi

Jun 14, 2009, 8:15:10 AM6/14/09
Mr. King,
It is pleasant reading your piece, especially given the fact that
others who were holding forth for Odere failed to separate my message
from the messager. If Odere is holding forth with full knowqledge and
support of the unmbrella body, it is all in a day's job.
I am not seeking positions and your inuendoes that opportunities and
time abound for others who are seeking positions are, to say the
least, misplaced. Your message, nonetheless is appreciated.
I think it should convince Pamela and her co-travellers that questions
such as the ones that i raised are necessary if NIDOA or the
communities it claims to represent must show examples of credible
leadership that we at home expect from it.
I thank you and think the matter can rest in peace now.


On 6/14/09, King Ade <> wrote:
> Yes, Femi Odere is a consultant to the FGN House Committee on Diaspora just
> like you also can if you are also willing to volunteer for the betterment of
> Nigeria.
> Mr Femi Odere was appointed to consult for Chicago.`Others who are equally
> qualified may be appointed as time goes on [as needed].
> Sources close to the Chairman revealed that until the Structural change of
> NIDOA is complete that will allow the Organization to proved itself as being
> able to represent the interest of all Nigerians Abroad, there is the need to
> get additional feedback from credible Organizational sources including
> individuals like Mr Femi Odere. The MOU is not to be construe as a job offer
> Mr Odere comes with a journalistic background that the committee viewed as
> an asset towards accomplishing it's missions.
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Pamela Christopher
> Date: 6/12/2009 2:28:20 PM
> To:;;; NIDOA;
> USAAfricaDialogue; adeyemi bukola oyeniyi
> Subject: [NIDO-USA] Re: Who The Heck Is Femi Odere? Matters Arising.
> Veteran media practitioner resident in Chicago, Femi Odere, has served in
> several Nigerian professional and social organizations in the United States
> either as their Publicity Secretary or PRO. Among his many accomplishments
> in the media environment in the United States is his successful handling of
> media and public relations in the United States for the government of
> Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu of Lagos State from 2001-2007, a feat that has
> continued under the current government of Babatunde Raji Fashola (SAN) of
> Lagos State.
> You are entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to mine. Femi is a
> friend but most importantly, I know how dedicated he is to any task that he
> is faced with. I am SATISFIED that the right man got the job.
> Pamela N. Mojekwu.
> Chicago, IL. USA.
> If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in
> life if you help enough other people get what they want.
> Zig Ziglar
> --- On Fri, 6/12/09, adeyemi bukola oyeniyi <> wrote:
> From: adeyemi bukola oyeniyi <>
> Subject: Re: Who The Heck Is Femi Odere? Matters Arising.
> On 6/12/09, Pamela Christopher <> wrote:
>> Your message reeks of what is called : Bad Belle! So what is he was
>> nominated or given the job or whatever you are saying? For me, I have
> known
>> Femi for many years and he deserves the position he got.
>> Make it a great weekend!
>> Pamela N. Mojekwu.
>> Chicago, IL. USA.
>> If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in
>> life if you help enough other people get what they want.
>> Zig Ziglar
>> --- On Fri, 6/12/09, adeyemi bukola oyeniyi <> wrote:
>> From: adeyemi bukola oyeniyi <>
>> Subject: Re: Who The Heck Is Femi Odere? Matters Arising.
>> On 6/11/09, Pamela Christopher <> wrote:
>>> CONGRATULATIONS Femi!! Way to go!
>>> Pamela N. Mojekwu.
>>> Chicago, IL. USA.
>>> If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want
> in
>>> life if you help enough other people get what they want.
>>> Zig Ziglar
>>> --- On Wed, 6/10/09, Adey <> wrote:
>>> From: Adey <>
>>> Subject: [NIDOA] Roteh: Who The Heck Is Femi Odere? [1 Attachment]
>>> To:
>>> Cc:, "NIDOA" <>
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