Oct 27th Online Conference about OpenGov

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Lucas Cioffi

2016年10月20日 晚上10:02:062016/10/20
收件者:US Open Government
Hi All,

We're expecting about 50 opengov & civic tech advocates from around the world next Thursday, October 27th from 11am-2pm Eastern time for this free and highly interactive online conference.  Even if you can online drop in for an hour, we'd love to see you then.

Given the recent changes with some of the top non profits in open gov, this is a chance to catch our breath as a community, and to identify challenges and opportunities.

The two articles by Josh Tauberer and Daniel X. O’Neil which are (linked to from the event page) explain why this is a critical moment for opengov & civic tech.  Hope to see you there!

Lucas Cioffi
OpenGov Community Summit Series
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