Co-Working Thursday

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John Shaver

2015年8月12日 晚上11:13:432015/8/12
收件者:Utah Ruby Users Group
Hello Ruby Coding Peoples:

I offered to help Charles Max Wood in sending out this reminder email for Co-Working Thursday, tomorrow at Paradise Bakery and Cafe.  Do you work remotely, or for yourself, and would like the chance to work around some real actual people for a change?  Then something is wrong with you, but still you should come to Co-Working Thursday!

Here are the details for tomorrow:

Thursday, August 13, 2015
10:00AM - 4 or 5 PM
Paradise Bakery & Cafe
562 W Main St
American Fork, UT

And you can RSVP here:

I hope to see you there!

-John Shaver

John Shaver

2015年8月19日 上午11:50:322015/8/19
收件者:Utah Ruby Users Group
Just another heads up that we are having co-working Thursday tomorrow.
It's a good opportunity to work around others if you spend most of
your time locked in a room by yourself in front of a computer or if
you could benefit from the change of scenes.  Some of us are self
employed, others work remotely and are just looking for company.

Thursday, August 13, 2015
10:00 AM - 4 or 5 PM
(You can come earlier and stay later if you'd like)

Paradise Bakery & Cafe
562 W Main St
American Fork, UT

John Shaver

2015年8月19日 上午11:56:402015/8/19
收件者:Utah Ruby Users Group
Oops, I forgot to update the date to Auguest 20th (obviously) :)  No time travel necessary!
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