adding the (hopefully) final three features to the spec

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Michiel B. de Jong

Nov 25, 2013, 1:49:10 PM11/25/13

our new spec is feature-complete, and now almost ready to be published:

as you may know, we publish a version of our remoteStorage internet
draft every six months. We will do this again on 10 December. I
personally was hoping to cruise it through with just a few typo fixes
and clarifications, but at the contributors meeting last week
there was a consensus between Garret, Basti, Jan & Nick (all veteran
core contributors to the project, and also representing storage
providers, and several relying unhosted web apps like
Litewrite and Dogtalk), that we should not be afraid to add a few more
simple features.

I have always been holding this off to avoid an avalanche of featuritis,
but fact is (and several people in the meeting pointed this out), during
the past year, the list of feature requests has basically stabilized
onto three features. Given this stabilization, we decided to add all
three of them, and then not add anything else. They are:

- finding out the Content-Type and the Content-Length of a document from
either the folder listing, or by sending a HEAD request. at the same
time we updated the folder description format to json-ld.
- putting the bearer token in a URI query parameter. this allows
'hotlinking' of media resources like images and videos.
- support for Content-Range headers on GET requests. this makes video
and audio playback from html5 media tags much more efficient.

we can of course add infinite features, but these three really seemed to
stand out as things that current app developers would like to see
supported by the spec.

the text is now more or less finished - we will keep publishing an
updated version each 6 months, but the idea is that with these three
feature additions, the protocol can do pretty much all the things we
want it to do.

I digged up the historic versions our spec has gone through - this is
its seventh version now. We can always develop extensions in the future
of course, but I think with this version we have finally reached

Comments welcome! if you find any typos or errors, we can still edit it
until 10 December, which will be the day we publish it officially at the


Nick Jennings

Nov 25, 2013, 2:06:31 PM11/25/13
to unhosted
Awesome! I'm very much looking forward to our progress around the unhosted movement in 2014, I think we'll finally start to get our heads above the water, as this year we're starting to see actual real applications surfacing beyond proof of concepts.

This coming year, If we can continue to deliver more, quality, applications for users and focus on stabilized, tested, libraries and services for developers, we will be in a very good place.



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