Github security enhancement causing pain

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Timothy Lethbridge

Feb 24, 2018, 5:02:17 PM2/24/18
to Umple Development Discussions, Cruise Group

Two days ago Github increased their security by preventing users with
TLS1.1 or earlier from accessing it for https requests, such as git
operations on repositories.

This is impactful for Umple since our cruise server is running a pre-1.2
version of TLS. And as a result I can't get new versions of Umple into

This will require some devops that will consume my time over the net few
days. As a result please anticipate delays in whatever I have promised to
deliver to you.

And I will not be able to properly merge Umple pull requests until the
matter is resolved (I can merge them, but the master Umple will not


Timothy C. Lethbridge, PhD, P.Eng., I.S.P., CSDP
Professor of Software Engineering and Computer Science
/ Professeur Titulaire de génie logiciel et d'informatique
Faculté de genie / Faculty of Engineering
University of Ottawa / Université d'Ottawa
Tel: 613-562-5800x6685 Fax: 613-562-5664 Mobile: 613-252-1850
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