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Why is Islam so successful?

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Jun 12, 2017, 4:13:39 PM6/12/17
This is from 2010, and things have only gotten worse:


Jun 12, 2017, 5:17:01 PM6/12/17

Bernie Sanders??

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Jun 12, 2017, 5:34:17 PM6/12/17
On 06/12/2017 05:29 PM, Mattb. wrote:
> Bernie Sanders??

I would say 8 years of Obama.

> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

That's Karma


Jun 16, 2017, 11:47:53 PM6/16/17
#BeamMeUpScotty wrote:
> On 06/12/2017 05:29 PM, Mattb. wrote:
>> Bernie Sanders??
> I would say 8 years of Obama.

What would Bin Laden say?


Jun 16, 2017, 11:48:35 PM6/16/17
Mattb. wrote:
> Bernie Sanders??

You do know he's Jewish?


Jun 17, 2017, 6:37:57 AM6/17/17
On Fri, 16 Jun 2017 21:47:54 -0600, Gronk <inva...@invalid.invalid>

>What would Bin Laden say?

Osama bin Laden
September 24th statement published in Pakistan

"I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We
are against the system, which makes other nations slaves of the United
States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic
freedom. This system is totally in control of the American Jews, whose
first priority is Israel, not the United States. It is simply that the
American people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced
to live according to the principles and laws laid by them. So, the
punishment should reach Israel. In fact, it is Israel, which is giving
a blood bath to innocent Muslims and the U.S. is not uttering a single


Jun 17, 2017, 12:59:48 PM6/17/17
"Ow my balls!"
That's Karma


Jun 18, 2017, 9:40:48 AM6/18/17

Here is a quote from a very pro-Jewish book that was first
published in 1925. The book is "Stranger than Fiction" by Lewis

"The Jews had become the money lenders of Europe for quite
evident reasons. The Church sternly forbade all Christians to engage
in the pursuit...
"So the Jews became the money lenders of Europe. They developed
a great shrewdness and cunning in the one and only field of
opportunity left open to them. And with their shrewdness and cunning
they developed a certain cruelty and greed. That was natural. The
world was cruel to them, so when the chance was theirs, they were
cruel in return..."

The money system we have today is called the debt-money
system. It is corrupt and needs to be replaced. The only way money
comes into existence today is when it is borrowed. There is no freely
existing money supply, but only borrowed money that needs to be paid
back to bankers with interest. If all the money that was owed to
bankers was ever paid back there would be no money left in circulation
and this would be a great depression. What makes matters even worse is
that when money is created only the principle of the loan is created.
The money needed to pay the interest is never created. For this reason
it is impossible to pay back the principle plus the interest on all of
the loans that make up our money supply. The extra amount of money
needed to pay the interest was never created and does not exist.

The United States government borrows money from the Federal
Reserve Bank. This bank is not federal but owned by private
stockholders. It is in the business section of the phone book, not the
government section. Other banks also create the money in our money
supply. They are allowed to loan out much more money then they
actually have. Thus they create new money. No one else is allowed to
create money, only bankers have this privilege. All of our money is
debt-money and it is all owed back to bankers, plus the interest.

In the U.S.A. money is created by the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing which is a unit of the treasury, but the orders to print come
from the Federal Reserve Banks. The money is created for and owned by
the banks. And the Federal Reserve Banks are not Federal, in spite of
the name. Privately owned commercial banks own the stock of the
Federal Reserve Banks. The Federal Reserve Banks give the newly
created money to the government in exchange for government bonds. To
simplify: The United States does not make its own money. Bankers
create the money and loan it to the United States with an interest

The book War Cycles Peace Cycles puts it this way:

"If there is only $10 in existence, and you lend it to someone
under the condition that he repay $11, and if he agrees to this, he
has agreed to the impossible."

The book The Struggle for World Power put it this way:

"The Bank of England... was the first payment institution which
was legally empowered to issue state-authorized paper currency and ,
therefore, the Government itself became its debtor. Thus the State not
only renounced its monopoly on monetary emission, but also agreed to
borrow the privately-created money from the bankers...Not only the
thing being done, but even the very name was a deliberate fraud and
deception to conceal the essence of the deed. To create money out of
nothing is to make valid and effective claim on all goods and services
for no return, which is fraud and theft, made worse by the
circumstances that the money is lent out at follows that
those who have the power to 'create' out of nothing all the money in
each country and the whole world and lend it as stated, have total
power over all states, parties, firms, radio, press, individuals and
so on. Therefore the power of Parliament in general, and especially
with regard to money, is non-existent, and all the true sovereignty is
in the hands of those private individuals who issue all money"


Jun 18, 2017, 10:24:18 AM6/18/17
Topaz wrote

> Here is a quote from a very pro-Jewish book that was first
> published in 1925. The book is "Stranger than Fiction" by Lewis
> Browne.

Shicklegruber was said to have Jewish blood. And when he took on
the word, it was a roaring success.

You can't tell me that a chubby, chronically flatulent, cowardly
pervert with Jewish looks and a toothbrush moustache was a fucking
Aryan King! Look at you, you fool! You don't even speak
German. If you had met your hero Shicklegruber in the flesh, he
would toss you in the camps along with the other non Germans
because to him, you would be a babbling idiot.


Jun 24, 2017, 5:36:52 AM6/24/17
On Sun, 18 Jun 2017 14:24:17 +0000 (UTC), Skraeling
<> wrote:

>Shicklegruber was said (by Jews) to have Jewish blood. And when he took on
>the word, it was a roaring success.
>You can't tell me that a chubby, chronically flatulent, cowardly

Skraeling was said to have asshole blood.

The question of Mr. Hitler's ancestry is dealt with at the beginning
of Ian Kershaw's 840+ page book entitled Hitler (Harmondsworth,
Penguin: 1998).

<begin quote at p. 7>
The third possibility is that Adolf Hitler's grandfather was Jewish.
Rumours to that effect circulated in Munich cafes in the early 1920s,
and were fostered by sensationalist journalism of the foreign press
during the 1930s. It was suggested that the name Huttler was Jewish,
'revealed' that he could be traced to a Jewish family called Hitler in
Bucharest, and even claimed that his father had been sired by Baron
Rothschild, in whose house in Vienna his grandmother had allegedly
some time as a servant. But the most serious speculation about
Hitler's supposed Jewish background has occurred since the Second
World War and is directly traceable to the memoirs of the leading Nazi
lawyer and Governor General of Poland, Hans Frank, dictated in his
Nuremburg cell while awaiting the hangman...

Allegedly commissioned by Hitler to look into his family history,
Frank reportedly discovered that Maria Anna Shicklgruber had given
birth to her child while serving as a cook in the home of a Jewish
family called Grankenberger in Graz...

Frank's story gained wide circulation in the 1950s. But it simply does
not stand up. There was no Jewish family called Frankenberger in Graz
during the 1880s. In fact, there were no Jews at all in the whole of
Styria at that time, since Jews were not permitted in that part of
Austria until the 1860s. A family named Frankenreiter did live there,
but was not Jewish . . . Hans Frank's memoirs, dictated at a time of
when he was waiting for the hangman and plainly undergoing a
psychological crisis, are full of inaccuracies and have to be used
with caution. With regard to the story of Hitler's grandfather,
whoever he was, he was not a Jew from Graz.

The only serious contenders for the paternity of Hitler's father
remain, therefore, Johann Georg Hiedler and Johann Nepomuk Hiedler (or

<end quote>


Jan 30, 2019, 8:01:55 PM1/30/19
Topaz wrote

> Here is a quote from a very pro-Jewish book that was first
> published in 1925. The book is "Stranger than Fiction" by Lewis
> Browne.

Shicklegruber was said to have Jewish blood. And when he took on
the word, it was a roaring success.

You can't tell me that a chubby, chronically flatulent, cowardly


Feb 12, 2019, 11:00:35 PM2/12/19

A Science of money shows that issuing money belongs in the hands of
the nation to be used for the common good. A Plutocracy counters with
a mythology, the slur that government, the organized expression of our
society can't handle it.

Commodities can be improperly monetized by law. The result will make
the money system hostage to the commodities situation; hostage to the
people, companies, countries that control the commodity. Ultimately it
removes the monetary power from society and places it into the hands
of the wealthy.


The War of Private Vs Public Control of
Society's Money Power
The Order of Battle: Adam Smith vs Aristotle
by Stephen Zarlenga

A main arena of human struggle is over the monetary control of
societies. It's exercised through obscure theories where corrupt
interests have misdefined the nature of money to seize control of the
money power, dominating society and deforming humanity in the process.

The money system is society's greatest dispenser of justice or
injustice. A good one functions fairly, helping create values for
life. A bad, unjust one obstructs the creation of values; gives
special privileges to some and disadvantage to others causing unfair
concentrations of wealth and power; leading to social strife and
eventually warfare and a thousand unforeseen bad consequences -
physical AND Spiritual.

Because great power is exercised through money, power-hungry elements
from ancient times to the present pursued the political ambition to
dominate through the Money Power. Their main weapon has been the
manipulation of language and thought, where definitions serve as heavy
artillery. Those benefiting from the corruption see that
"professionals" are financed to promote their viewpoint with economic


"All goods must therefore be measured by some one this
unit is in truth, demand, which holds all things together...but money
has become by convention a sort of representative of demand; and this
is why it has the name nomisma - because it exists not by nature, but
by law or binding custom" (which in Greek was nomos)

Aristotle identified money as an abstract legal power - a social
invention. Its essence is not tangible wealth, but a power to obtain
wealth - A crucial distinction. Plato agreed and advocated such fiat
money for his Republic.

Aristotle explained that money is not a commodity. And in clear
demonstration of that principle, the Spartans purposely destroyed the
commodity value of their iron money, dipping it in vinegar while hot.


In Rome it became the plutocracy versus Rome. After the Punic wars
weakened Rome's money system, she regressed to silver then gold, and
then civil war contenders privately issued coinage. Wealth
concentrated and the general population regressed into slavery.

In England the struggle became the goldsmiths vs the Monarchy
representing society. Later it was the Bank of England vs. Society.

Those behind the Bank of England obscured the real source of the
Bank's power - ITS LEGAL PRIVILEGE - its notes were accepted in
payments to the government. Recovering the science of money, for the
private profit of a small group produced harmful results: 120 years of
continuous warfare spawned an unpayable national debt leading to
excessive taxation leading to horrors like the Irish Potato Famine.
Before then, when a nation's money system was used for taxation, the
revenue generally aided the society. But the Bank of England
concentrated society's resources in the wrong hands, crippling the
possibility for government to function properly, leading to a growing
contempt of government.

Today it's still the bankers versus the society. In philosophical
shorthand it can be expressed as Adam Smith, or present day Economics
vs Aristotle. But at base, the battle remains Private Money vs. Public
Money. The outcome determines whether the money system operates to
serve the few in control, or the whole society.


Smith helped erect a Mythology of Money obscuring the science of
money. History and thought shows moneys essence to be an abstract
legal power, but economists still argue whether it should be a
commodity like gold; or a private credit issued by banks. Economics
has never properly defined money! The "father of economics" himself -
Adam Smith - promoted this confusion by attacking the legal concept of


Those Promoting Usury viciously Attacked Aristotle's strong
condemnations of capitalism's brat - usury. He pointed out how usury
was against the nature/purpose of money:

"The most hated sort (of wealth getting), and with the greatest
reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself and not from
the natural object of it. For money was intended to be used in
exchange but not to increase at interest. And this term interest
(tokos), which means the birth of money from money is applied to the
breeding of money because the offspringresembles the parent. Wherefore
of all modes of getting wealth, this is the most unnatural." (1258b,

A curious book on money appeared, written anonymously by Calvinist
clergyman John Witherspoon. The book attacked Government money and
promoted Adam Smith's primitive view that only gold and silver are
money. It stonewalled our hard won colonial monetary experience.

The power for government to create money, long considered a necessary
part of sovereignty was already in the articles of Confederation, but
the Federalists fought to exclude this crucial power from the new
government, arguing that it could not be trusted with it! Some of them
intended to get hold of the power privately as had been done in

THE SUPREME IMPORTANCE of understanding the nature of money now
becomes evident: For if money obtains its value from "intrinsic"
qualities, it could be viewed more as a creature of merchants and
bankers rather than of governments.

But if money's essence is an abstract social institution obtaining
value through law, then its a creature of government and the
Constitution had better deal with it adequately. Describing how a
uniform currency is to be provided, controlled and kept reasonably
stable, in a just manner. The Constitutional Convention faltered on
this crucial question.

The delegates accepted Smith's primitive concept of money and didn't
firmly place the money power into government's hands, leaving it

The Constitution left the money power up for grabs. Alexander Hamilton
wasted no time in grabbing.

Hamilton's Federalists quickly put through legislation chartering the
First Bank of The United States, as a privately owned central bank on
the Bank of England model.

Thus the real question was whether it would be private banks or the
government that would issue paper money. Will the immense power and
profit of issuing currency go to the benefit of the whole nation, or
to the private bankers? That's always been the real monetary question
in America.

Gold and silver served as a smoke-screen. What the bankers counted on
were the legal considerations of the money. They knew that all that
was needed to give their paper notes value, was for the government to
accept them in payment for taxes. That, and not issuing too excessive
a quantity. Under those conditions, the paper notes they printed out
of thin air, would be a claim on any wealth existing in the society.

Even if the bank had "faithfully" stuck to gold and silver, the
nation's monetary power would still have been alienated to the east -
to the European holders of those commodities. Same people we'd just
fought the revolution against!

Thanks to Jefferson's efforts, the bank was liquidated in 1811. Three
quarters of it was found to be owned by English and Dutch.


A Science of money shows that issuing money belongs in the hands of
the nation to be used for the common good. A Plutocracy counters with
a mythology- the slur that government - the organized expression of
our society can't handle it. Centuries of propaganda raise the fear of
inflation and abuse under government money, even though the record
shows much greater monetary abuse by private systems.

Shaw's History of Currency, written in 1896, could identify only one
case of monarchical coinage irresponsibility:

"This instance of debasement (1545-46 under Henry VIII) is the only
one on record in English currency history," he wrote, and it amounted
to a grand debasement of about 15%! WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL? If your
mental impression of that case is a lot worse, it shows how effective
the propaganda is.

First THE CONTINENTAL CURRENCY of the American Revolution. $200
million were authorized and $200 million issued. They functioned well
until General Howe made New York City the center for British
counterfeiting. You Brits counterfeited billions of our Continentals.
If you ever find out how many, please let us know for the
record! Newspaper ads openly offered the forgeries; yet General
Clinton complained:

"The experiments suggested by your Lordships have been tried, no
assistance that could be drawn from the power of gold or the arts of
counterfeiting have been left untried; but still the currency...has
not failed."

The Continental Currency gave us a nation.

In the money battle White's short book Fiat Money Inflation in France
is a major propaganda weapon against government money and is direct
evidence of how the battle is fought. Stephen Dillaye writes us that
White, whose inherited fortune arose from banking, neglected to
mention that Britain counterfeited far more Assignats than the French
ever created. This was documented in English court cases where the
counterfeiters sued each other! Whites book has somehow been
continuously kept in print by conservative foundations, the latest
being the Cato Institute; Dillaye's important essay, out of print for
125 years is quite rare but we managed to find one, and will reprint

WELL SURELY GERMANY'S 1923 HYPERINFLATION condemns government money!!

Sorry - But in fact that occurred under a privately owned and
privately controlled Reichsbank. Furthermore the hyperinflation began
the very month that all German governmental influence on the bank was
removed and placed in private hands at the insistence of the
occupation forces. Furthermore Hjalmar Schacht tells us in his 1967
book The Magic of Money, that this private Reichsbank actually
facilitated the hyperinflation by financing the speculators short
sales of the mark. He didn't mention these things in his 1928 book on
the subject.Do you see the pattern that emerges from these monetary
fiascos? Can you see that the Austrian School, to say the least - is
not accurately relating the facts on these episodes?


Again this case doesn't stand scrutiny. $450 million were authorized
and $450 million were printed. Counterfeiters couldn't duplicate the
Greenbacks. Greenbacks were not promises to pay money later - they
were the money. Since they were not borrowed, they did not give rise
to interest payments and did not add to any national debt. The U.S.
Treasury printed them and spent them into circulation. Neither were
they public credit! Knowledgeable reformers - Butler - apparently
aware of this conceptual problem referred to them as certificates of
value - MONEY is the better term!

AND WHAT IF instead of being spent on destruction, they went into
building infrastructure, and canals and roads? Spending such money on
infrastructure need not be inflationary. THE GREAT LESSON OF THE
GREENBACKS Is That In Times Of Crisis - and other times too - our
nation has Power to do what's financially necessary. We don"t have to
beg or borrow from the wealthy and create an astronomical national
debt; or tax the middle class into oblivion, or cancel necessary
programs. We can use the nations' sovereign money power far more than
we presently have been allowed to realize.


First: Nationalize the Federal Reserve System. Reconstitute it in the
US Treasury, to evolve into a fourth branch of government. Only the
government would create money. What would such government money look
like? Well you have some in your pockets right now. Coin Vs Paper

SECOND: Remove the privilege which banks presently have to create
money. This is done through an elegant and gentle process which
automatically turns all the previously issued bank credit into real
American money. 100% reserves are reached not by calling in loans but
by increasing reserves. This would be neither inflationary or
deflationary. It would make real, what was thought to be the money
supply. UNDERSTAND This is very different from simply demanding 100%
reserves, which would wreck the economy.

THIRD: institute programs for automatic, constitutionally determined
government money creation, starting with the 2 trillion $ which the
Civil Engineers need to bring our infrastructure up to acceptable
levels. From there we go forward carefully determining how to best run
the monetary system, and thoughtfully use Aristotle's method, we learn
by doing.

What difference would reconstituting the money power in government
make? Government money goes into infrastructure; better life; better
jobs; education, safer roads, cleaner water; better health care;
social security, etc. Society is empowered by being able to direct the
money power to solve pressing problems rather than into useless
speculation. We no longer have to say we can't afford it, when so many
people and resources are unemployed!

These three reforms can be closer than we think; and in a crisis
situation if only 5% of the citizenry has an awareness of the
societal/legal nature of money, they could be enacted.

beware of:

The Money "error, the Attack on Society/Government; the Smithian Free
Trade Trap; and Smith's Selfishness Assumption.


Beneath the battle of public vs private money, there really lies an
attack on government, which really cannot be separated from society.
This is so important in monetary matters because we find that the
modern 250 year attack on government originated largely in Adam
Smith's efforts to keep the monetary power within the Bank of England.
Smith glorified the Bank and obscured its private ownership saying it
functioned as "a great engine of state." He attacked government issued

Smith's insulting attacks on the English Government marks the modern
beginning of a relentless attack on society - the belittling and
smearing of its organizational form - government. The single
organization potentially able to block plutocracy's encroachments.
Smith also inadvertently illuminates the major purpose of this attack:
- to keep the money power in private hands.

Every day in America we see examples of how this disease has reached
epidemic proportions. It has spread from the Austrian economists, and
Hayek and Ayn Rand to their intellectual heir Rush Limbaugh and his
propaganda radio.

Furthermore we find that the fraudulent monetary attack on government
is also at the base of sources of the freedom diversion as practiced
by the Libertarians. An example is how Robert Nozick launches his
State, Anarchy, Utopia book, one of the Libertarians bibles, on
Menger's false notion of the Origin of Money right on page 18. Thus
AMI Research Paper # 1 is A Refutation of Menger's Theory Of The
Origin of Money.


The "Freedom Mantra" is now placed on all sorts of doubtful practices
to cleanse their image and shield them from closer scrutiny. For
example, the Iraq horror is officially termed operation "Enduring
Freedom." By labeling any activity, however criminal, with the word
"free," you are expected to kneel and worship it.

"Free Market" Worship shows itself to be more a religion to be obeyed,
rather than an economic policy to be analyzed and critiqued. The
market is held to be omnipotent, omniscient, and beneficial - the
three attributes of a deity. A strange deity that abhors morality;
Served by an Austrian/Libertarian priesthood that confuses Ayn Rand
novels as historical evidence.

The Free Banking Movement is one example. They set aside the universal
condemnation of free banking as mere "anecdotal evidence" which they
think they can whitewash with theories. But in my book I point out the
six major errors of this so-called "free banking" movement (Ch. 16),
including their misidentifying the free banking period in America.

described Smith's Selfishness error:

"Buckles understanding of Political Economy was that it eliminated
every other feeling than selfishness." Wherein Smith 'generalizes the
laws of wealth, not from the phenomena of wealth, nor from statistical
statements, but from the phenomena of selfishness; thus making a
deductive application of one set of mental principles to the whole set
of economical facts. He everywhere assumes that the great moving power
of all men, all interests and all classes, in all ages and in all
countries is selfishness...indeed Adam Smith will hardly admit common
humanity into his theory of motives.'" (SPE, 89, 90)

Consider the negative impact on humanity of Smith's selfishness
assumption: If Man is defined in such a base manner and systems of
laws with their rewards and punishments are enforced along those
lines, then over time, they will tend to create a form of humanity in
"harmony" with their false concept of an economic mankind.

This de-evolutionary process, encouraging a lower form of humanity has
been ongoing especially in the English speaking world for well over 2
centuries. The work of great English novelists such as Charles Dickens
may have slowed it, but didn't stop it. Henry George saw exactly where
it would lead:

"Nor can we abstract from man all but selfish qualities in order to
make as the object of our thought...what has been called 'economic
man', without getting what is really a monster, not a man." (SPE, 99)

George substituted a different concept for Smith's destructive error:

"The fundamental principle of human action ... is that men seek to
gratify their desires with the least exertion."(P&P, 203)

Then taking a giant step, he poetically described the essence of


"It is not selfishness that enriches the annals of every people with
heroes and saints... that on every page of the world's history bursts
out in sudden splendor...that turned (Buddhas' back to his royal home
or bade (Joan of Arc) lift the sword from the altar; that held the
Three Hundred (Spartans) in the Pass of Thermopylae, or gathered into
Winkelreid's bosom the sheaf of spears...Call it religion, patriotism,
or the love of God - give it what name you will; there is yet a force
which overcomes and drives out selfishness; a force which is the
electricity of the moral universe; a force beside which all others are
weak...I call this force destiny toward human nature - a higher,
nobler nature than we generally manifest...And this force of forces -
that now goes to waste or assumes perverted forms - we may use for the
strengthening, and building up, and ennobling of society, if we but
will..."(P&P, 463)

Sun Tzu in the Art of War discussed amateur techniques compared to the
present methods used in the money battles. You know a lot of Wall
Street people were drawn to Sun Tzu as part of their ethos, comparing
themselves to warriors or grand strategists. He discusses how the best
victory is to convince the opponent that they can't win or even fight.


Jul 30, 2019, 6:57:11 PM7/30/19
Topaz wrote

> Here is a quote from a very pro-Jewish book that was first
> published in 1925. The book is "Stranger than Fiction" by Lewis
> Browne.

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