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Open Borders Advocate George Clooney Moving Back To U.S. - For Security Reasons

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Jul 9, 2017, 6:31:46 AM7/9/17
But the actor has decided to move his wife Amal and their newborn twins Ella
and Alexander back to Los Angeles because of security concerns at his
England estate, according to a report in Life & Style magazine.

"He doesn't feel like Amal and the twins are safe living in the English

But it gets worse. British officials divulged in May that some 23,000 known
jihadi terrorists are now in Britain - and that's just the "known"

Open Borders Advocate George Clooney Moving Back To U.S. - For Security

t must be nice to be a limousine liberal blowhard - you can say anything you
want and no one ever holds you to a word of it.
That means you can oppose a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border but surround your
Hollywood mansion in a gated community with a massive barricade. And no one
in the mainstream media will cry "hypocrite!"

Well, we will. Take George Clooney. He's been a fierce critic of President
Donald Trump and his plan to build a border wall. But the actor has decided
to move his wife Amal and their newborn twins Ella and Alexander back to Los
Angeles because of security concerns at his England estate, according to a
report in Life & Style magazine.

The 56-year-old Oscar-winner will move back to his mansion in Studio City,
California - which features a nice big wall. Some of his security advisers
decided his 17th century mansion in Sonning, England, was not secure enough.

Life & Style has exclusively learned that George Clooney has recently made
plans to move back to LA, for the safety of his family, after the latest
spate of terror attacks in England.

"He doesn't feel like Amal and the twins are safe living in the English
countryside," an insider says. "He's determined to move his family to LA,
where he feels much more secure."

George's safety concerns had been growing for years. The Oscar winner "has
been subject to very serious threats in the past," reveals the source,
because of his humanitarian efforts in Darfur, Sudan. And Amal's work as an
international human rights lawyer, along with her public pleas for foreign
governments to prosecute terrorists, has made her a potential target.

When George learned that he was going to be a father, those concerns went
into overdrive. "As soon as Amal found out she was pregnant, he hired former
Secret Service agents to assess all his properties and make recommendations
for improvement," the insider adds. "His mansion in Studio City [Calif.] was
deemed the most secure, and it's within minutes of an LAPD station."

"He's waited so long for this family," the insider continues. "He'll do
whatever it takes to keep them safe."

Clooney and his Hollywood brethren have been preaching love and tolerance
for Muslim immigrants, but England has been the site of devastating terror
attacks in recent weeks. Twenty-two people were killed in a terrorist
bombing at a concert by pop singer Ariana Grande in Manchester in June, and
eight more died the same month when terrorists drove a van into pedestrians
on London Bridge.

But it gets worse. British officials divulged in May that some 23,000 known
jihadi terrorists are now in Britain - and that's just the "known"

Meanwhile, Clooney has decried the Trump presidency and, along with his
wife, advocates open borders and the free flow of refugees. He has praised
German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her acceptance of hundreds of thousands
of refugees while calling Trump a "xenophobic fascist."

But, see, none of that matters, because now, a Hollywood star is going to
say one thing, and do an entirely 'nother thing.

And the MSM won't say a word.


Jul 9, 2017, 12:58:06 PM7/9/17
I'm so surprised...

Ned Latham

Jul 11, 2017, 4:41:07 PM7/11/17
BurfordTJustice wrote:
> But the actor has decided to move his wife Amal and their newborn
> twins Ella and Alexander back to Los Angeles because of security
> concerns at his England estate, according to a report in Life & Style
> magazine.
> "He doesn't feel like Amal and the twins are safe living in the English
> countryside,"
> But it gets worse. British officials divulged in May that some 23,000
> known jihadi terrorists are now in Britain - and that's just the "known"
> terrorists.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Open Borders Advocate George Clooney Moving Back To U.S. - For Security
> Reasons
> t must be nice to be a limousine liberal blowhard - you can say anything
> you want and no one ever holds you to a word of it. That means you can
> oppose a wall at the US-Mexico border but surround your Hollywood
Okay, people... Is any of the above false? Or distorted in any way?

Is "Life & Style" a reliable source?


Jul 11, 2017, 4:55:37 PM7/11/17
Hypocrites are a dime a dozen. Does anyone really care what George
CLooney, or any other celebrity, does? Of course, people without actual
lives do, but the rest of us with lives don't. How sad it must be to
remain focused on trivial issues surrounding celebrities lives.

Farmer Giles

Jul 11, 2017, 5:02:51 PM7/11/17
Probably not, but no doubt the usual suspects and shills here will
manage to find a way to make it so.


Jul 11, 2017, 5:30:08 PM7/11/17

//Clooney supported President Obama's campaigns in the 2008 and 2012
presidential elections. He is a supporter of gay rights. In 2003, he
opposed the Iraq war, saying, "You can't beat your enemy anymore
through wars; instead you create an entire generation of people
seeking revenge... Our opponents are going to resort to car bombs and
suicide attacks because they have no other way to win... I believe
[Donald Rumsfeld] thinks this is a war that can be won, but there is
no such thing anymore. We can't beat anyone anymore." In 2016, Clooney
endorsed Hillary Clinton for the 2016 presidential election.//

As you can see, that sort of confirms the story of why he
wants to live under Trump. Or not.

Oh wait:

//Clooney's main home is in Los Angeles. He purchased the
7,354-square-foot (683.2 m2) house in 1995 through his George
Guilfoyle Trust.//

So he's not moving to the US at all. That's where he LIVES.

Hum, I'd say the article is #FAKENEWS

Did you check the poster's reputation ? On a good day, it's

Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012


Jul 12, 2017, 2:22:36 AM7/12/17
On 11/07/2017 21:41, Ned Latham wrote:
> Is "Life & Style" a reliable source?

No. It is a gossip weekly that fabricates stories or stretched truth to
the breaking point and claims to have an 'inside source' usually an
unnamed 'insider' or 'a close friend'. This is the magazine that broke
the story of the Clooney's impending divorce in 2015. Remember when they
got divorced in 2015, I guess they must have remarried.

Gossip rags have been doing clickbait techniques to sell papers since
before the internet


Good cop

Jul 12, 2017, 6:52:11 PM7/12/17
Admissions by AndyW:

> Mad Ned Latham:
Be as it may, stop crossposting this obvious tabloid nonsense topic into
Do yourself and us a great favour and stop responding to Mad Ned Latham
who was already generally plonked by all sane posters in the newsgroup.
Deny him
the newsgroup oxygen he so badly craves.

That was a good!
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