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James M. Atkinson

Jun 27, 2015, 7:17:31 PM6/27/15
to TSCM-L Professionals List
Many of you know that I am a pretty heavily published computer
programmer, and that i am skilled in C, C++, Objective C, assembler, and
embedded controllers, and programs to control devices, with a special
emphasis on software that is use to control TSCM gear, and which studies
the noise floor and then which detects and catalogs anything that is not
noise. I have also written a great deal of software to break ciphers and
codes, and published some fairly secure mechanisms of encryption that
subverts even the most aggressive of eavesdropping by government funded

For these who are interested, I have uploaded several tens of thousands
of pages of documents in PDF format to the restricted directory on my
website (www.tscm.com). The directory also contains hundreds of
thousands of lines of SOURCE code for computer programs that are of
value in the performance of TSCM, such as programs that you can load
directly on your spectrum analyzer and have it crunch through the
spectrum, and controllers I have written for all kinds of
Watkins-Johnson and Ma-com gear over the decades.

There is also a large flood of ITC student texts, and texts form the
National Crypto school which were acquired through a FOIA request. A
huge library of .gov TSCM reports spanning decades.

In order for you to access the directory I have to issue you a user name
and a password, and this user and passwords are solely for your use, on
your account. Do not share that user name or the passwords as the
account will automatically lock when it detects multiple people using
the same account. I also need a static IPV6 address for you (if you are
a TSCM person, I do not need to explain what this is) as the account is
locked to your device IPV6 address.

Due to the nature of the material in this directory I will only issue
User Name/Password data to a U.S. Citizen only, and the only way do to
this is to present an unexpired U.S. Passport that lists you as a U.S.
Citizen. Also, you have to agree in writing to not disclose the data to
any other person unless the person presents to you proof that they in
turn are a U.S. Citizen and the only mechanism is by them presenting an
unexpired U.S. Passport to you. No un-expired U.S. passport, means zero
access. Additionally, you can not have access to the directory (I will
not issue a user name or password) to any person who is a convicted
felon, or who has been dishonorably discharged from the U.S. Military. I
also will not issue user names or passwords to any person who I have
good reason to believe will disclose the information in the directory to
people who can not lawfully have access to this materials. I also will
not provide access to well know con artists who have a proven track
record of theft of intellectual property and claiming as their own. You
also actually have to be someone who actually performs big sweeps, and
not merely a fringe player, or someone with spy-shop grade gear.

The first step is the passport, no passport, no access, period. Prove
that you are a U.S. Citizen first in order to obtain consideration for
access, then prove you are not a convicted felon or that you have been
dishonorably discharged. Then ensure that your device has a IPv6 address
that can be routed through your ISP.

The directory currently holds over 285,000 printed pages.

Please remember that all of the source code is of my own creation, and
that I hold full copyright on it, so if you need to use it for a project
you are developing, then we will need to work out suitable
usage/licensing arrangements. You will notice that the software spans
form 1981 to the current date, and that I am sharing the actual source
code for the iPhone encryption program I developed two years ago to
place a massively powerful encryption system that is fairly bullet proof
into iOS.

Each user will be bandwidth restricted to 1 TB, per month in order to
moderate traffic to a reasonable level.

James M. Atkinson

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