hide fields that don't apply during ticket entry

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Jan 15, 2009, 5:56:55 PM1/15/09
to Trac Users

We're setting up a project with both internal and external access
using Trac
We're using the BlackMagicTicketTweaks plug-in to restrict some
internal fields based on permissions.

But we would also like to hide other fields during ticket entry that
just don't apply until later in the process. It's not that the
reporter shouldn't ever see them, just that they don't apply to ticket

I thought the TIcketSubmitPolicy plug-in would do this but it doesn't
seem to handle checking the status field.

I'm wondering if anyone knows of another plug-in that might do the
trick? I've searched the list on trac-hacks but perhaps I've missed
something there or elsewhere.

- jevans

Jeff Hammel

Jan 20, 2009, 9:52:51 AM1/20/09
to trac-...@googlegroups.com
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 02:56:55PM -0800, jevans wrote:
> Hello,
> We're setting up a project with both internal and external access
> using Trac
> We're using the BlackMagicTicketTweaks plug-in to restrict some
> internal fields based on permissions.
> But we would also like to hide other fields during ticket entry that
> just don't apply until later in the process. It's not that the
> reporter shouldn't ever see them, just that they don't apply to ticket
> creation.
> I thought the TIcketSubmitPolicy plug-in would do this but it doesn't
> seem to handle checking the status field.

Ticketed, http://trac-hacks.org/ticket/4487

I can't promise I'll get to it anytime soon, however.

Jeff Hammel
IRC: jhammel, k0s

Jeff Hammel

Jan 20, 2009, 9:55:28 AM1/20/09
to trac-...@googlegroups.com

OOps, you beat me to it! #4463

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