Position of included script

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Oleksandr Mandryk

2017年5月28日 下午5:14:572017/5/28
收件者:TopBraid Suite Users
Hi all,
I need to add custom JS file to the taxonomy page (where we can see tabs General, Metadata, Manage, ...).

In my .ui.ttlx file I've created sub-class of uiScripts, added "<script src=...'' tag" to ui:prototype, 
and added this class to ui:includeScript of swa:Elements (right after swa:jQueryScript).

After this my script appeared in the head section of the taxonomy page but on the very beginning.

Because it's functionality depends on jQuery library, I would like to put it in the end of head tag. 
So the question is how can I do it?

BTW: I've also tried to add it to teamwork:Elements (because _viewClass=teamwork%3AProjectPage) but my script haven't appear in the Head section at all.

I've also tried to play with ui:dependsOn for my script asset but it also doesn't work.

Thank you!

Holger Knublauch

2017年5月28日 下午6:44:172017/5/28
Hi Oleksandr,

we have moved away from using ui:Scripts for our default assets (including jQuery), so it would not be possible to explicitly declare a dependency on that. Instead, all these are attached to swa:Elements. The order of insertion implies that the best way would be to declare a subclass of swa:Elements and add the <script> into ui:headIncludes of that subclass. Have you tried that approach (instead of ui:includeScript)? If yes, and you're still stuck, please send the relevant parts of the class hierarchy along.

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Oleksandr Mandryk

2017年5月30日 凌晨3:09:292017/5/30
收件者:TopBraid Suite Users
Hi Holger,

Thank you for you answer! 
I've managed to solve my problem by adding my scripts to the ui:headIncludes in the teamwork:RestrictedPage :)

Best regards,
Oleksandr Mandryk
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