Disable default SPIN constraints

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Oleksandr Mandryk

May 15, 2017, 8:29:52 AM5/15/17
to TopBraid Suite Users
recently I found that generating constraint violations report takes much more time than previously (probably after updating to EVN 5.3).
After investigation I found that owl:Thing has a set of constraints which are checking during generating violations report.
Is it possible to disable these constraints? And if yes, how can I do it?


Best regards,

Oleksandr Mandryk

Holger Knublauch

May 15, 2017, 7:42:27 PM5/15/17
to topbrai...@googlegroups.com
Hi Oleksandr,

the specific constraints from your screenshot originate from the file TopBraid/SPIN/spinowl.ttl. That file is usually not owl:imported so I am wondering how it ended up in your EVN vocabularies. If you can track that back, there would be an owl:imports or spin:imports triple pointing at the file, which you can remove (see below). It is possible that the checking of these constraints has become slower in 5.3 because we had to make adjustments to the way that SPIN loops through the values of ?this due to changes in the variable scoping of the underlying SPARQL engine.

FWIW I am also working on redoing (and actually extending) the default teamwork constraints (from http://topbraid.org/teamworkconstraints) that are imported by default into every new EVN/EDG vocabulary. In 5.3 and older versions there are two SPIN-based constraints that interpret owl:FunctionalProperties and owl:maxCardinality restrictions with closed world semantics, implemented in SPIN. I believe I will simply remove those for 5.4 because people should use SHACL sh:maxCount to express such things. Likewise the constraints from spinowl look outdated now that SHACL is around the corner. Once everything is in SHACL, users will be able to disable any constraint using sh:deactivated in 5.4. Meanwhile, for users who don't want those tests, your best bet to get rid of them is to remove the triple <urn:x-evn-master:XY> owl:imports|spin:imports <http://topbraid.org/teamworkconstraints>. There is no way to do that from the UI right now for the default "system" includes, so I am afraid you may need to run a SPARQL update with a DELETE via the SPARQL endpoint as a quick fix.

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Oleksandr Mandryk

May 16, 2017, 4:02:51 PM5/16/17
to TopBraid Suite Users
Hi Holger,

thank you very much for the detailed answer! 
Removing spinowl.ttl from imports works fine.

Best regards,
Oleksandr Mandryk
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