HideIfEmpty for magic properties in customized SWA Forms

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Carl Burnett

2017年9月11日 下午5:08:382017/9/11

I maintain, using TBC, a customized SWA Form for our EVN projects. In general, I assign to each ui:Group a default:hideIfEmpty value of ‘true,’ so that unused properties are not displayed in EVN when in View mode. The problem is that magic properties do not seem to respect arg:hideIfEmpty; they appear in View mode even when the magic property’s SPIN function returns no result.


Is there any way around this problem? Thanks.




Carl Burnett

Ontology Engineer  |  Healthwise

cbur...@healthwise.org  |  www.healthwise.org

(208) 489-8485


Healthwise helps people make better health decisions.


Holger Knublauch

2017年9月11日 晚上9:52:052017/9/11
Thanks, Carl. Fixed for 5.4. If you get a chance (and remember about this issue then), please download the beta of 5.4 to confirm for your specific use case. (There is no release date for the beta yet, but we'll announce it here on the list).

Thanks again,
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