On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 12:04 PM, <
xlco...@mirai-solutions.ch> wrote:
> Dear tikzDevice maintainers,
> first of all, thank you for this wonderful package. We're the maintainers
> of the XLConnect package and were recently contacted (amongst others) by
> the CRAN maintainers to remove references to the tikzDevice package since
> it has been removed from CRAN. We then found the current 0.6.3 release on
> r-forge which seems to fix some of the issues the CRAN guys were talking
> about - only missing thing may be the .Rinstignore file as suggested by R
> 2.15.1 R CMD check procedure. Are there any plans from your side to
> release a new version of the tikzDevice pacakge to CRAN in the near
> future?
> Thanks and Best regards,
> Martin
The development version of tiikzDevice does contain fixes for the issues
that caused the package to be archived. Unfortunately, the development
version also contains a lot of material that has not been properly tested
and is therefore unsuitable for a CRAN release.
I just got back from an extended vacation and am currently in the process
of moving to Portland so I don't really have the free time to prep a CRAN
release at the moment---house and job hunting has to come first. I tried to
explain this to the CRAN maintainers but they decided to archive the
package anyway.
I should have a new release ready around the beginning of August. Many
apologies to everyone who has been affected by this turn of events.
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