Announcing TiddlyWiki 5.0.11-beta

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Jeremy Ruston

May 16, 2014, 9:57:21 AM5/16/14
to TiddlyWiki
I'm please to announce the release of 5.0.11-beta of TiddlyWiki at:

As ever, when upgrading please exercise caution with your irreplaceable data and take care to work on a backup until you're confident that your configuration works with the new version.

The release note gives the full details, and in the process shows off permalinks, one of the key features of this release:

The permalink mechanism in TW5 incorporates the functionality of permalink and permaview at the same time. The permalink consists of the title of the tiddler to be navigated to, a colon, and a filter expression specifying the tiddlers that should be displayed in the story sequence.

For example, to open the tree tiddlers HelloThere, GettingStarted and Features and navigate to GettingStarted:

Or to open all tiddlers with a particular tag:

By default, the address bar is continuously updated as you navigate between tiddlers but this can be switched off. Another option determines whether tiddler navigation should affect the browser back and forward buttons. It's off by default, but with it switched on you can use the browser back button to rewind back through the tiddlers you've opened.

The permalink implementation also provides a way to use tiddler links in MarkDown tiddlers.

This release also sees:

* the introduction of the `[ext[mylink]]` syntax for explicitly specifying an external link
* the departure of the hamburger, replaced with a much clearer double chevron icon
* an improved implementation of vertical tabs that is much more reusable
* new filter operators: "before", "after" and "get"

Another big change will only affect users under Node.js. Now, by default, the commands that output files do so into an 'output' subfolder of the wiki (the folder is created if required). You can change this behaviour with the new --output command.

For example, this command writes index.html to mywiki/output/index.html:

tiddlywiki mywiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain

While this example writes index.html to the current directory:

tiddlywiki mywiki --output . --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain

Finally, developers will appreciate the new startup task mechanism, which gives much better control over the startup processing, allowing plugin authors to easily extend and modify it.

I'd like to thank the many contributors to this release here on the group and on GitHub.

Best wishes


Jeremy Ruston

Ton Gerner

May 16, 2014, 2:05:40 PM5/16/14
to, TiddlyWiki,
Hi all,

@Jeremy: a list of nice additions. I have to look into it better.

The following just to inform you.

Problems I had with upgrading one of my TW5s:

A relatively small "test" TW5 (44 tiddlers) contained 3 plugins and a modified $:/core/ui/PageMacros


I started with Firefox v29.01
I renamed $:/core/ui/PageMacros and thereafter upgraded to 5.0.11-beta
After saving and reloading I got a Javascript error "widget getVariable is not a function"
Thereafter I could not:
* Switch tabs in the Sidebar
* Close tiddlers (no "reaction", although the browser url/permalink changed)
* Close all tiddlers (no "reaction", although the browser url/permalink changed to *.html#:)
* Edit a tiddler (no "reaction", although the browser url/permalink changed to 'Draft of ...')
* Open a tiddler by clicking a link (no "reaction", although the browser url/permalink changed)
* New tiddler (no "reaction", although the browser url/permalink changed to 'Draft of ...')

After some saving/refreshing I could delete a "new" tiddler with a Javascript error: "tiddler is undefined"

N.B. Opening the "upgraded" TW in Chrome gave another Javascript error: "undefined is not a function"

Removing $:/plugins/skeeve/newtiddler.js did not help but after removing the other plugins: $:/plugins/bj/taglist and $:/plugins/bj/jsoneditor totally (a lot of tiddlers for the json plugin) everything was back to normal.

Adding $:/plugins/bj/taglist did no harm.
Adding $:/plugins/bj/taglist did no harm.
Adding $:/plugins/skeeve/newtiddler.js did no harm.
Adding modifications to $:/core/ui/PageMacros did no harm.

Removing certain plugins, upgrading to 5.0.11-beta and re-adding the plugins gave a working system again.



Ton Gerner

May 16, 2014, 2:26:20 PM5/16/14
to, TiddlyWiki,
Hi all,

I was not clear enough:
After the first upgrade experiment which was not successful, I removed the plugins from the *old* TW5.0.10 version *before* upgrading.



Alex V

May 16, 2014, 3:56:56 PM5/16/14
to, TiddlyWiki,
 Thanks Jeremy! I updated without any issues. Mods included, but my $:/core/ui/PageMacros was unmodified.

Ton Gerner

May 16, 2014, 4:07:14 PM5/16/14
to, TiddlyWiki,
Hi Jeremy,

1) In TW5.0.10-beta I could tag $:/AdvancedSearch with $:/tags/SideBar so it showed up as tab in the Sidebar, see e.g. [1]
2) In TW5.0.11-beta this doesn't work anymore.

I made a workaround by transcluding $:/AdvancedSearch in a tiddler $:/_search tagged with $:/tags/SideBar and that works as expected.

Why does tagging $:/AdvancedSearch with $:/tags/SideBar not work?
Is it not allowed anymore (if yes are there more things not allowed?) or is it a bug?




On Friday, May 16, 2014 3:57:21 PM UTC+2, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

Alberto Molina

May 16, 2014, 5:05:02 PM5/16/14
to, TiddlyWiki,
Hi Jeremy,

Nothing happens when removing the tag $:/tags/ViewTemplate from $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle and $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tags

I tried with an empty TW v.5.0.11 and with


Jeremy Ruston

May 16, 2014, 8:02:12 PM5/16/14
to Alberto Molina, TiddlyWiki
Hi Ton, Alberto

I can confirm that I'm seeing the same bug - it appears to be a problem with misreading tags on overridden shadow tiddlers. I'm investigating and will report back -- expect a 5.0.12 shortly.

Best wishes


Alberto Molina

May 17, 2014, 12:01:54 PM5/17/14
to, TiddlyWiki,
Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for the fast release!

Another thing I noticed when upgrading with both 5.0.11 and 5.0.12 is that empty fields are removed (for instance in template tiddlers). Not a big issue, but it's good to know.



Jeremy Ruston

May 25, 2014, 6:05:02 PM5/25/14
to Alberto Molina, TiddlyWiki
Hi Alberto

Another thing I noticed when upgrading with both 5.0.11 and 5.0.12 is that empty fields are removed (for instance in template tiddlers). Not a big issue, but it's good to know.

Thanks for the report. I haven't been able to reproduce this problem. I tried:

* Creating a new tiddler on, adding a blank field called "test" and clicking "done"
* Dragging a link to that tiddler into another browser window loaded with empty.html
* Checking that the blank field survived the import

Best wishes






May 26, 2014, 5:56:15 AM5/26/14
to, Alberto Molina,
I also noticed the issue that Alberto reported :

- importing (a TW file via the button) -> empty fields disappear
- drag and drop a single tiddler -> empty fields are kept

Jeremy Ruston

May 26, 2014, 12:48:06 PM5/26/14
to Julie, TiddlyWiki, Alberto Molina
Thanks Julie and Alberto, the issue with importing blank fields is fixed for 5.0.13:

Best wishes


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