[TW5] Problem mixing leftmenu and default tiddlers

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David Gifford

May 19, 2014, 2:49:18 PM5/19/14
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi everyone

This doesn't seem to be a bug of TW5 but something I may have done wrong. I know that never happens, but there is a first time for everything, right?

The following file:


has a default tiddler called 'Instrucciones'. But it doesn't appear on the screen at startup.

However, if you open any other tiddler (in this case you can do so by clicking the E or the P in the top right corner), then close that tiddler, the default tiddler will then appear. The default tiddler is like a disappearing then suddenly appearing tiddler.

The navigation bar gives the following URLS

http://www.giffmex.org/experiments/judas.html - at startup
http://www.giffmex.org/experiments/judas.html#%24%3A%2F_leftmenu - after opening a tiddler $:/_leftmenu
http://www.giffmex.org/experiments/judas.html# - after closing that tiddler, which suddenly reveals the default tiddler.

Trying the same in an empty TW5 works as it should. My problem seems to have something to do with the leftmenu, or else something else I screwed up. Any ideas as to how I can fix this? I would like to have my TW set up so that upon startup, the user views the leftmenu and the default tiddler, and the right sidebar is hidden by default until opened. I also want the navigation bar to only show the current tiddler, not all open tiddlers.

Despite this hiccup, I am pretty excited about 5.0.12. I am at the point now where I will be able to use TW5 much more freely for my Spanish materials the way I have always been hoping to do. Way to go, Jeremy and team!

David Gifford

May 19, 2014, 3:03:35 PM5/19/14
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Also, feel free to chime in, if you wish, with any suggestions to make the layout more adaptable to smaller screens and mobile screens. I have a wide laptop so it looks great on mine, but on my iPad the right side of the tiddler gets pushed offscreen until one swipes it left, at which point it covers over part of the leftmenu. I would prefer a roughly 35-40% leftmenu / 60-65% tiddler ratio where the two sit side by side without overlapping, and expand or contract side to fit the screen width as needed, and the sidebar opens up only when I need it.

I would try to learn CSS that works for every screen, but TW takes all my learning curve energy, and I would only use that knowledge for one or two projects, so it almost doesn't seem worth it. I manage fairly well without it, for my personal projects. It's doing stuff for others that gets me in trouble.


Ton Gerner

May 20, 2014, 1:22:31 PM5/20/14
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Dave,

I don't know if you upgraded from a "working" TW5.010-beta, but I have seen a few 'strange' things when upgrading (from the kind of to be published in the Journal of Irreproducible Results ;-) ).
Did you try importing your judas.html into an empty TW5.0.12-beta?
I downloaded your TW and imported it into an empty TW5.0.12-beta and switched of permalink/permaview (otherwise DefaultTiddlers does not make much sense).
As far as I can see, now it works: it opens 'Instrucciones' on start-up.



David Gifford

May 20, 2014, 1:58:32 PM5/20/14
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Ton, thanks for taking the time to look at this. I just tried doing what you described: I downloaded an empty TW5. From there I imported from my Judas file. And I turned off permalinks and permaview and hit save, and reloaded. But unlike you, I am not seeing my default tiddler of Instrucciones upon refreshing. Same thing happens in both Chrome and Firefox.

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David Gifford
Christian Reformed World Missions, Mexico City

David Gifford

May 20, 2014, 6:03:24 PM5/20/14
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Ton, the problem turned out to be zoomin mode. I prefer to have only one tiddler open at a time, but for some reason when I switched to normal or classic view mode it worked fine. So I guess for now I will have to live with classic view mode.

Ton Gerner

May 20, 2014, 6:59:36 PM5/20/14
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Dave,

And that is why it worked for me; I don't use zoomin mode normally and switched to classic mode when I imported your stuff ;-)

Anyhow, you know what was happening.



Jeremy Ruston

May 26, 2014, 9:57:38 PM5/26/14
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks Dave, that's a bug. Fixed for 5.0.13:

Best wishes


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Jeremy Ruston
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