I didn't know that there was a High Range PH, I've only gotten back into the
hobby this year after a many year hiatus. How is it tested ? May I ask what
test kit you use? I'd like to be as up-to-date on the hobby as possible
To add a bit more, the two kits have a different chemical that changes color at different pH. As Denizen said, once you max out the low- range pH kit at around 7.5, you have to switch to the high-range kit to get a reading. I'm a little confused at the results of 6.0 on one kit and 8.4 on the other. If your water is truly up at 8.4 (unusual) your low-range kit should be blue and at the top of its scale.
You might bring a water sample to your local aquarium shop, and pay the $0.50 to $1.00 to have them test it, first to figure out where you are in the pH range, and second to verify that your test method is giving you accurate results.
That question is largely unanswered.
http://tinyurl.com/6yxl2c is the abstract to a review on disinfection byproducts in drinking water to give you an idea of the current state of affairs.
Uh, yes. I see. I was able to understand enough of the abstract to understand that a whole new set of questions are waiting for answers.