Error running a suite-file from a particular location.

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Vasty Jay

Aug 26, 2014, 6:54:01 AM8/26/14
I have the following Maven structure for my automation project
qa-automation-module (root maven module)
  ==> Pom.xml(Grand Parent pom)

  ==> company-module
    ==> Pom.xml (parent pom)     

        ====> orders-module
               ==> Pom.xml (child pom)
               ==> src\test\java\com.orders_package (java package)
               ==> orders_testng.xml   

        ====> invoices-module
               ==> Pom.xml (child pom)   
               ==> src\test\java\com.invoices_package (java package)
               ==> invoices_testng.xml   
               ==> AllSuites.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite verbose="2" name="SINGLE TEST RUN ORDERS" thread-count="1">

<test name="Orders Test">
    <parameter name="module" value="Orders"></parameter>
           <class name="com.orders_package.OrdersTest"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite verbose="2" name="SINGLE TEST RUN INVOICES" thread-count="1">

<test name="Invoices Test">
    <parameter name="module" value="invoices"></parameter>
           <class name="com.invoices_package.InvoicesTest"/>

I can run each testng.xml file from their respective locations with out any errors.

However i would like to combine them into one suite file.
hence I have created a Suite-file named AllSuites.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite verbose="2" name="SINGLE TEST RUN - UK - Chrome" thread-count="2" parallel="classes">
     <listener class-name="org.uncommons.reportng.HTMLReporter"></listener>

    <suite-file path="/invoices_testng.xml"/>
    <suite-file path="../orders_testng.xml"/>


When I run AllSuites.xml, I get the following error message in the console

Cannot find class in classpath: com.orders_package.OrdersTest
    at org.testng.xml.XmlClass.loadClass(
    at org.testng.xml.XmlClass.init(
    at org.testng.xml.XmlClass.<init>(
    at org.testng.xml.TestNGContentHandler.startElement(

from the error message I can deduce that the path ../orders_testng.xml is not the problem because it
reads the xml file correctly and hence displays the name of the test I want to run i.e. OrderTest, but I do not
understand why its displaying "Cannot find class in classpath: com.orders_package.OrdersTest"

If I remove this line <suite-file path="/invoices_testng.xml"/> from AllSuites.xml and move AllSuites.xml into orders-module folder and run it from there,
it runs perfectly and does not complain about Cannot find class in classpath: com.orders_package.OrdersTest, so the class file
ordersTest.class is there alright.

How can I combine my two testng.xlm files, i.e. invoices_testng.xml and orders_testng.xml into
one suite file and run them succesfully without getting them error "Cannot find class in classpath: com.orders_package.OrdersTest"

Any pointers will be very much appreciated.


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