Announcing TestNG 6.13

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Cédric Beust ♔

Nov 26, 2017, 7:14:09 PM11/26/17

TestNG 6.13 is now available on JCenter and Maven Central. Here are the release notes:

Fixed: GITHUB-1619: ConcurrentHashMap doesn't secure insertion order.(Yehui Wang)
Fixed: GITHUB-1616: Test cases with priority and dependsOnGroups dependencies, execution order is chaos. (Yehui Wang)
Fixed: GITHUB-1613: The constructor removed from TestRunner would stop Eclipse working.(Yehui Wang)
Fixed: GITHUB-1600: Updated in afterInvocation() testResult.status is not used in willRetry condition (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1598: Injected types parameter and optional parameters cannot be used together. (Yehui Wang)
Fixed: GITHUB-1594: Cannot filter by "testnames" when suite xml is a suite of suites (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1584: Can't run tests from IDEA (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1589: TestNGAntTask should be consistently using the Ant Log API for writing log messages (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1587: TestNG can not guarantee the ExecutionListener Instance as singleton(Yehui Wang)
Fixed: GITHUB-217: exception in DataProvider doesn't fail test run (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-987: Parameters threadCount and parallel doesn't work with maven (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1472: Optimize DynamicGraph.getUnfinishedNodes (Krishnan Mahadevan & Nathan Reynolds)
Fixed: GITHUB-1566: Invalid XML characters in Params in testng-results.xml (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1554: @Parameters and parameter injection not wroking when used on the same method (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-990: NullPointerExceptions after a superclass configuration method fails with configfailurepolicy="continue" (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-461 : Annotate annotations with @Documented (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-778 : XmlSuite toXml() does NOT add the suite time-out property (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1029: Issue with getting XmlTest from test method (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-212: Enable support for providing a URI as suite file location (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-161 : Provide a way to customize SAXParserFactory implementation (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1455: Configure XML output of XmlSuite (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1465: Failure policy CONTINUE handling is broken for tests that are skipped in @BeforeMethod method (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1533: Duplicate child suites get added when working with parent/child suite scenario (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-949: dependsOnMethods with alwaysRun = true and inheritance fails to find method (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1519: Possibility to retry a test until it FAILED (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-980: TestNG run inherited method twice (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1409: Regression: on expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp expected and actual messages are not printed (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1517: TestNG exits with a zero when there are configuration failures (Krishnan Mahadevan)
New  : GITHUB-1490: Add a listener for data provider interception (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1456: Remove/Warn support of constructor with String param (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1509: Improve error message when data provider returns a null value (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1507: TestNG runs all methods when filtering via <include> fails (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-1493: Wrong exception msg when timeout on test (Krishnan Mahadevan)
Fixed: GITHUB-328: Attempt to fix unnecessary execution of @Factory-ctors (@beverage & Julien Herr)
Fixed: GITHUB-1384: Huge performance issue between 6.5.2 and 6.11 (Denis Bazhenov)
New: Remove Serializable (Julien Herr)
Fixed: GITHUB-1496: If method contains "$", run only one method, all methods will be run (@JF-Rabbit & Julien Herr)
Fixed: GITHUB-1220: Recognize annotations on default methods in implemented interface
New: GITHUB-861: Add @Ignore annotation which disables all tests in a class or a package (Julien Herr)

Huge thanks to Julien, Krishnan and all the other contributors!


Cédric Beust ♔

Nov 27, 2017, 12:24:08 PM11/27/17
If you don't have JCenter in your repo list, please use 6.13.1 instead, which just landed in Maven Central.


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