Aerohive prices have gone up!

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Simon - OBHS

Jun 2, 2015, 7:31:52 PM6/2/15
So we are an aerohive school and recently i got a quote for some more AP330 units. I was shocked to find out that they have essentially doubled in price since the start of the year.
My supplier has tried a few channels and all their upstream suppliers have increased their pricing. From what i was told, they have essentially left/leaving the education market.

So, just a word of warning to any other aerohive schools out there.

The bulk load of our licensing on these runs out at the end of the year, might start looking at ubiquiti again...

Simon - OBHS

Jun 2, 2015, 10:23:28 PM6/2/15
Ok, so it seems that i wasn't given quite the full story....
The AP330's are being phased out, but there is better pricing on the new AP230 which is essentially the same except it does AC as well as N.
Feeling a little better now.

Haydn Stoevelaar

Jun 4, 2015, 12:05:46 AM6/4/15
Yeah I saw this also, it has put some strain on now as we dont have long to decide to upgrade or re-license our existing fleet.

If we do upgrade there is also no option to trade in APs we will effectively be left with 16 APs of no use to us. Also cannot let the licence lapse either.

200 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton | Phone: 078552089 | Fax: 078559023

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Garth Johnson

Jun 17, 2015, 6:39:19 AM6/17/15
We have Aerohive here. After some dud info from our support company, we now have a pretty good wifi system. Interestingly, we have had to nearly double the units to achieve consistent connection States for our BYOD boys, and as long as the HMOL management system behaves, it performs really well. I have recently replaced 6 330 units with the new 230 units,, and have not regretted it. With the new pricing regime, I am going to have to replace the last of our 120 units 3 months early, but if it means I will save nearly the cost of 2 units by doing so, then, where's my chequebook?
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