Re: Show Soft Keyboard Workaround

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Robin Betala

2013年10月14日 上午8:39:592013/10/14
Hey Thanx for the app 

can you reduce the time as it take while to popup
and share the app

thankx in advance

On Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:12:21 PM UTC+5:30, Christopher Cote wrote:

The Soft Keyboard API call in Tasker is unreliable. It works on some devices/OS, but not others (I use JB/Gnex). This appears to be no fault of Tasker, but a limitation of Android. I found a workaround that may benefit others who would like to get the Soft Keyboard to trigger with Tasker.

It appears that the Soft Keyboard can be only called from the app running in the foreground. Tasker runs in the background so the Keyboard is never shown, unless you bring tasker to the foreground and THEN show Soft Keyboard will work. That can get messy.

However, you can take it a step further...

If you create a scene that is a dialog/activity it will work (since the dialog bring Tasker to the foreground) and you can then call the keyboard function as a button or after the scene is closed. It will NOT work with overlay under any circumstances!

You can clean it up a bit if you make the scene colorless and buttonless (invisible). Add a 100ms wait and you can call the keyboard function per normal.

Task: Show Keyboard (10)
	A1: Show Scene [ Name:Close Display As:Dialog Horizontal Position:100 Vertical Position:37 Show Exit Button:Off Continue Task Immediately:On ] 
	A2: Wait [ MS:100 Seconds:0 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ] 
	A3: Soft Keyboard 
	A4: Destroy Scene [ Name:Close ] 

I even took it a step further and used the super awesome extreme Tasker App Factory and made a small APK I can call from LMT.

I have no hardware buttons (Galaxy Nexus), and I turned off software nav buttons (full-full screen). The downside is I can't long press the menu key to get the keyboard to show in certain apps that require it, ScummVM and AGS.

LMT (you might be interested in this if you ever had a hardware key fail or use a Nexus 7 or Gnex):

APK from App Factory Here

Brandon Horwath

2013年10月14日 上午9:25:292013/10/14
Or, just test the oomadj value for the keyboard app running in the foreground.
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