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A Rare Moment Of Truth From Gun Nut Tucker Carlson

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Bradley K. Sherman

Mar 2, 2018, 9:27:43 AM3/2/18
| The pain in Tucker Carlson's face was obvious tonight as he
| had to admit that Saint Donnie the Trump had made a
| terrible, terrible error in yesterday's meeting when he
| said, "Take the guns first, go through due process second."
| Of course, that's because we all know entire bodies would
| be lit on fire if President Obama had said anything close
| to that, which Tucker was forced to admit.
| After noting that Trump also went after Republicans for
| being tools of the NRA, Tucker asked, "Now, I mean, how
| honest do you want to be? Imagine if Barack Obama had said
| that? Just ignore due process and start confiscating guns?"
| "Obama would have been denounced as a dictator," he
| admitted.
| ...



Mar 2, 2018, 10:11:12 AM3/2/18
Trump is being egged on by Democrats.... that was a stupid thing to
say. The Constitution is always the most important thing. Liberals
whining is always least important but in the face of tragedy emotions
are high and rhetoric flows like vinegar.

Satisfying the Democrats fear and petty wish list is a waste of time.

The Constitution is the PRIME DIRECTIVE and everything the government
does should be to satisfy the Freedoms of the people in the Constitution.

If anything needs to be limited then let the people do it with an
Article 5 Amendment to the Constitution.

TRUMP pops off all the time with quips and ideas and so far most have
been pretty good, so one bad one tossed out in the heat of passion and
emotion is NOT all bad... at least we know he's human and has empathy,
unlike Obama the sociopath. Obama used emotional moments to make cold
calculated steps to undermine the constitution, Trump is making an
impassioned statement proving it was not calculated but ill informed and
very real. Now we know he has a desire to stop the mentally ill....

And that is still on the right track even if it was a little zealous in
the heat of the moment, Trump won't undermine the Constitution as Obama
did. And if he tried that I'll be one the people to voice an opposition.

No doubt Trump will be forced by the Constitution to revise his heart
felt plea for sanity and the mentally ill will all be more closely
monitored but it will be done Constitutionally. The mentally ill were
monitored more closely in the past and plenty of them were put in State
mental facilities.... today they run loose. Crazy doesn't fit well in
a free and open society (it's hard enough for sane people to function
without great self control), and that will have to be reviewed. I'm
sure TRUMP will arrive at the same conclusion in his own time.

That's Karma

112 - They tell me that Liberalism is dead... I tell them it lives in a
constant state of failure.

Bradley K. Sherman

Mar 2, 2018, 10:38:10 AM3/2/18
#BeamMeUpScotty <> wrote:
>> | ...
>> | After noting that Trump also went after Republicans for
>> | being tools of the NRA, Tucker asked, "Now, I mean, how
>> | honest do you want to be? Imagine if Barack Obama had said
>> | that? Just ignore due process and start confiscating guns?"
>> |
>> | "Obama would have been denounced as a dictator," he
>> | admitted.
>> ...
>Trump is being egged on by Democrats.... that was a stupid thing to
> ...

It's the Democrats fault? You're going with that? Yow!



Mar 2, 2018, 11:09:44 AM3/2/18
#BeamMeUpScotty wrote:

> On 03/02/2018 09:27 AM, Bradley K. Sherman wrote:
> > |
> > | The pain in Tucker Carlson's face was obvious tonight as he
> > | had to admit that Saint Donnie the Trump had made a
> > | terrible, terrible error in yesterday's meeting when he
> > | said, "Take the guns first, go through due process second."
> > |
> > | Of course, that's because we all know entire bodies would
> > | be lit on fire if President Obama had said anything close
> > | to that, which Tucker was forced to admit.
> > |
> > | After noting that Trump also went after Republicans for
> > | being tools of the NRA, Tucker asked, "Now, I mean, how
> > | honest do you want to be? Imagine if Barack Obama had said
> > | that? Just ignore due process and start confiscating guns?"
> > |
> > | "Obama would have been denounced as a dictator," he
> > | admitted.
> > | ...
> > <
> > s-due>
> >
> > --bks
> >
> Trump is being egged on by Democrats....

Trump says something stupid so it
is all the faut of Democrats?


Mar 2, 2018, 11:49:00 AM3/2/18
Your words not mine....

I think it's Democrats whining about guns that prompted TRUMP to speak
to that State crime.....

I don't really think Trump needed to speak on laws against guns but
rather speak about helping the mentally ill, but it does show his
humanity and empathy to the community that was victimized, something
that was lacking in the Sociopath Obama who tried to use such events to
attack guns in a cold calculating attempt to gain more power.

If Democrats prompted Trumps public display of compassion to the parents
and friends.... then so be it.

I consider Trumps genuine display of sympathy and helplessness and
frustration to be genuine and of great value. That you look at it as a
failure caused by Democrats is more telling of what you believe than
what I believe.

That's Karma

Remember when Obama said "that's NOT who we are" well *this is* who
Democrats are.....


Mar 2, 2018, 12:19:50 PM3/2/18
Being egged on, and being at fault are not the same.... I actually think
the Democrats did Trump a service by getting him to lash out
emotionally. We can see Trump isn't a sociopath like Obama.

If you want to blame the Democrats for helping Trump then so be it. I
say they just used their usual hate and manipulation and it backfired,
they actually triggered a moment of humanity and frustration from a
person who we elected to make decisions for us.

I don't know if you could say I was thanking Democrats for their
unwavering hate and arrogance or blaming them for it, but either way it
was typical of the conniving, duplicitous Democrats to try to use the
nations pain to attempt to increase their own power. Trump may have
answered that scripted and calculated Democrat talking point with an off
the cuff show of humanity.

Either way, Trump made the Democrats look like chumps again. It may be
Trump is just a good person or he's a f*ing genius, either way he keeps
coming out on top when the Democrats connive and whine and pout in public.


Mar 2, 2018, 1:01:57 PM3/2/18
So you trust Trump to stand up to the
Democrats and you also trust Trump to speak
up FOR the Democrats?

That says more about you than him......

> I consider Trumps genuine display of sympathy and helplessness and
> frustration to be genuine and of great value.

The only people Trump shows sympathy for
are the porn stars he throws gobs of money
at to shut them up.

Mr. B1ack

Mar 2, 2018, 9:01:46 PM3/2/18
On Fri, 2 Mar 2018 10:11:07 -0500, #BeamMeUpScotty
<> wrote:

>On 03/02/2018 09:27 AM, Bradley K. Sherman wrote:
>> |
>> | The pain in Tucker Carlson's face was obvious tonight as he
>> | had to admit that Saint Donnie the Trump had made a
>> | terrible, terrible error in yesterday's meeting when he
>> | said, "Take the guns first, go through due process second."
>> |
>> | Of course, that's because we all know entire bodies would
>> | be lit on fire if President Obama had said anything close
>> | to that, which Tucker was forced to admit.
>> |
>> | After noting that Trump also went after Republicans for
>> | being tools of the NRA, Tucker asked, "Now, I mean, how
>> | honest do you want to be? Imagine if Barack Obama had said
>> | that? Just ignore due process and start confiscating guns?"
>> |
>> | "Obama would have been denounced as a dictator," he
>> | admitted.
>> | ...
>> <>
>> --bks
>Trump is being egged on by Democrats.... that was a stupid thing to
>say. The Constitution is always the most important thing. Liberals
>whining is always least important but in the face of tragedy emotions
>are high and rhetoric flows like vinegar.

Trump also likes to play the Dems ... offer something
they want paired with something they can't stand. When
they reject the package it proves they really don't care
about "X" . The DACA-funding + Wall thing was a good

In THIS case though, there IS a real issue. We don't want
nutters/terrorists/felons to have guns ... but there's little in
the way of law to accomplish that in a *timely fashion*.

Bear in mind that hair-trigger laws WILL be abused by
both citizens and state ... just fire off a baseless accusation
and watch the system attack your victim. This is a serious
problem. "Well, I heard him say he wants to shoot-up the
mall/school/whatever ..." and that persons civil rights all
go down the toilet. Angry girlfriends, parted friends, biz
competitors, anti-gunners ... ANYBODY can abuse the
proposed system with relative impunity - so they WILL.
During Mao's "cultural revolution" all it took was an
accusation of "counterrevolutionary thinking" ......

Mr. Cruz was a long-term problem case with input from
numerous agencies and entities. In his case some kind
of protective action may have been possible even under
the current laws. Of course nobody wanted to take the
responsibility/expense/liability so .......

I expect Trump will modify/clarify his statement tomorrow.
To trash civil rights without due process ... you just don't
do that ... and facilitating laws may be just as bad. There
just isn't any real fix for this stuff other than to convince
people that mass slaughter is *bad* ..... and that'd sound
too much like "establishment" for many lefties.

Mr. B1ack

Mar 3, 2018, 7:43:50 PM3/3/18
On Fri, 2 Mar 2018 10:11:07 -0500, #BeamMeUpScotty
<> wrote:

>On 03/02/2018 09:27 AM, Bradley K. Sherman wrote:
>> |
>> | The pain in Tucker Carlson's face was obvious tonight as he
>> | had to admit that Saint Donnie the Trump had made a
>> | terrible, terrible error in yesterday's meeting when he
>> | said, "Take the guns first, go through due process second."
>> |
>> | Of course, that's because we all know entire bodies would
>> | be lit on fire if President Obama had said anything close
>> | to that, which Tucker was forced to admit.
>> |
>> | After noting that Trump also went after Republicans for
>> | being tools of the NRA, Tucker asked, "Now, I mean, how
>> | honest do you want to be? Imagine if Barack Obama had said
>> | that? Just ignore due process and start confiscating guns?"
>> |
>> | "Obama would have been denounced as a dictator," he
>> | admitted.
>> | ...
>> <>
>> --bks
>Trump is being egged on by Democrats.... that was a stupid thing to
>say. The Constitution is always the most important thing. Liberals
>whining is always least important but in the face of tragedy emotions
>are high and rhetoric flows like vinegar.

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