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Repeal OCare Now - It'll Pressure Quick Replacement

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Mr. B1ack

Jul 18, 2017, 8:14:34 AM7/18/17
Just END ObamaCare now.

Argue over the replacement plan later.

Deadlines are useful for focusing the
tiny little legislative mind.

While he really shouldn't, Trump COULD
sabotage key bits of OCare by XO, making
it sure to implode real soon. The burden,
and urgency, of fabricating a usable replacement
would then be on the legislature - get it done
QUICK before the mid-terms loom too close :-)

Jul 18, 2017, 8:53:55 AM7/18/17

Fakey's Puppy Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛

Jul 18, 2017, 9:24:35 AM7/18/17
On Tue, 18 Jul 2017 08:14:27 -0400, LO AND BEHOLD; "Mr. B1ack
<>" determined that the following was of great
importance and subsequently decided to freely share it with us in
then you can maybe get that single-payer universal health care that you always wanted?



"You just made puppy whistle's sig line longer." - Janithor


"If I have a complaint about the (Southern Poverty) Law Center's description (of the alt-right movement), it is the phrase "heavy use of social media," which implies the alt-right is a real-world movement which uses a lot of social media. This is backwards: it is an online movement which occasionally appears in the real world. Where it gets punched." - Jason Rhode


"I think we should destroy every last fucking mosque in America." - "Checkmate, DoW #1" <Lunatic...@The.Edge> proves for us that white males are violent in Message-ID: <>


Golden Killfile, June 2005
KOTM, November 2006
Bob Allisat Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, November 2006
Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, November 2006
Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, September 2007
Tony Sidaway Memorial "Drama Queen" Award, November 2006
Busted Urinal Award, April 2007
Order of the Holey Sockpuppet, September 2007
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, September 2006
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, April 2008
Tinfoil Sombrero, February 2007
AUK Mascot, September 2007
Putting the Awards Out of Order to Screw With the OCD Fuckheads, March 2016

Buzzsaw Checkerling

Jul 18, 2017, 9:28:16 AM7/18/17
A Psychotic Moron:



Jul 18, 2017, 9:39:59 AM7/18/17
"Mr. B1ack" wrote in message

> Just END ObamaCare now.
> Argue over the replacement plan later.

Apparently there's already a CBO score for that: 32 million would lose
insurance, and on average, premiums for those with insurance would double.

> Deadlines are useful for focusing the tiny little legislative mind.

The deadline that most people think that House members are focused on is
November 8, 2018 ... but it's not ... they're all focused on the closing
date for nominations for their primaries.

> While he really shouldn't, Trump COULD sabotage key bits of OCare by XO,
> making it sure to implode real soon. The burden, and urgency, of
> fabricating a usable replacement would then be on the legislature - get it
> done QUICK before the mid-terms loom too close :-)

It may already be too close: healthcare has chewed up a lot of legislative
time, and there's still a budget and a debt ceiling limit to get done this
year (platinum coin, anyone?), and at some point congress will need to move
on to other things.

Jul 18, 2017, 10:26:15 AM7/18/17
finish one good and go to the next one...jz

Mr. B1ack

Jul 18, 2017, 11:48:15 AM7/18/17
On Tue, 18 Jul 2017 08:24:32 -0500, Fakey's Puppy Whistle Holder
Emeritus ?? <ro...@> wrote:

>On Tue, 18 Jul 2017 08:14:27 -0400, LO AND BEHOLD; "Mr. B1ack
><>" determined that the following was of great
>importance and subsequently decided to freely share it with us in
>>Just END ObamaCare now.
>>Argue over the replacement plan later.
>>Deadlines are useful for focusing the tiny little legislative mind.
>>While he really shouldn't, Trump COULD sabotage key bits of OCare by XO,
>>making it sure to implode real soon. The burden, and urgency, of
>>fabricating a usable replacement would then be on the legislature - get
>>it done QUICK before the mid-terms loom too close :-)
>then you can maybe get that single-payer universal health care that you always wanted?

"Single payer", in the USA, would be "slavery to the State"
(and every special-interest, do-gooder, activist and social
engineer too).

As such, to be avoided at all costs.

Other countries are, well, other countries. They think a
bit different. But HERE ... we couldn't do SP/NHS without
fucking it up big time.

So, I'd rather see a crater in the ground where OCare once
stood than to further "socialize" our medical system.

Rudy Canoza

Jul 18, 2017, 11:51:05 AM7/18/17
[followups vandalism by cocksucker repaired]

On 7/18/2017 6:28 AM, Buzzsaw Checkerling wrote:
> A Psychotic Moron:
>> *ploink*<

People who announce kill-filing are the most insecure, squat-to-piss
little bitches in existence.

Mr. B1ack

Jul 18, 2017, 11:51:15 AM7/18/17
On Tue, 18 Jul 2017 13:28:14 +0000 (UTC), "Buzzsaw Checkerling"
<> wrote:

>A Psychotic Moron:

Oh ... he thinks OCare is Heaven's front porch, that
all it needs are more subsidies, and more, and more,
forever and ever, and it'll be just *perfect*. Anybody
elses plan is corrupt, evil, cruel and will therefore fail.


Jul 18, 2017, 11:56:25 AM7/18/17
That's a pretty good description of the problem....

That's Karma


Jul 18, 2017, 12:36:21 PM7/18/17
If Trumpcare ever passes ...

"Everyone's going to be covered - some by insurance. Some by the sheets the
coroners place over them because they can't afford health care."
- The Daily Show

Buzzsaw Checkerling

Jul 18, 2017, 4:34:05 PM7/18/17
Mr. B1ack wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Jul 2017 13:28:14 +0000 (UTC), "Buzzsaw Checkerling"
> <> wrote:
> > A Psychotic Moron:
> >
> > > *ploink*<
> Oh ... he thinks OCare is Heaven's front porch, that
> all it needs are more subsidies, and more, and more,
> forever and ever, and it'll be just perfect. Anybody
> elses plan is corrupt, evil, cruel and will therefore fail.

HAHAHAHAHAHA... your first three words gave this POS too much credit.

"The U.S. Senate gave John F. Kelly the great honor of confirming him
on January 20, 2017 and he was immediately sworn in as the 5th U.S.
Secretary of Homeland Security."

Buzzsaw Checkerling

Jul 18, 2017, 5:40:30 PM7/18/17
One MAJOR thing is missing from that description: The American Citizen.

There's a video going around where dopey college kids are protesting
Trump. They're asked some questions: "Which countries are part of the
'Travel Ban'?" / "What is Socialism?".

These kids, as dumb as they are, have nothing to do but sit in a
classroom and be brainwashed by Socialist profs and then attempt to
take what's thrown at them and synthesize that into some rational

They can not.

The average American citizen STILL get most of their "news" from the
big three legacy networks (ABC, CBS, NBC), the 2 big newspapers
(NYTimes, WashPost).

The American Citizen does not pay attention, he/she simply reacts to

Doing what is described above will result in ALL of the aforementioned
media concerns SCREAM that Republicans are causing American to 1) get
sicker, 2) die from not being medically covered, 3) go broke trying to
handle the cost of getting sick / having surgeries.

Republican Congress Critters (as cowardly and as stupid as they are)
will then lose control of both the House and the Senate.

NOW... holding a VOTE in the US Senate to repeal ObamaCare (knowing
that nothing will happen) _IS_ the only way to go now.

OCare will not end, but Senators will be on record for the vote(s).

"Dr. Thomas E. Price was sworn in as the 23rd U.S. Secretary of Health
and Human Services on February 10, 2017."

Governor Swill

Jul 19, 2017, 9:16:55 PM7/19/17
On Tue, 18 Jul 2017 08:14:27 -0400, Mr. B1ack <>
What the GOP will do is repeal the funding sources for it, taxes and
fines and such while keeping in the benefits like preexisting
conditions. This fits the GOP fiscal pattern. Spend without a way to
pay for it.

Budgeted deficits are expected to slowly decline and hover around half
a trillion through 2022. But if the GOP manages to pass another major
tax cut, watch the deficit explode!

President Eisenhower, April 16th, 1953:

"Every gun that’s made, every warship launched,
every rocket fired represents, in the final sense,
a theft from those who hunger and are not fed,
those who are cold and are not clothed."

Mr. B1ack

Jul 19, 2017, 10:07:59 PM7/19/17
On Wed, 19 Jul 2017 21:16:53 -0400, Governor Swill
<> wrote:

>On Tue, 18 Jul 2017 08:14:27 -0400, Mr. B1ack <>
>>Just END ObamaCare now.
>>Argue over the replacement plan later.
>>Deadlines are useful for focusing the
>>tiny little legislative mind.
>>While he really shouldn't, Trump COULD
>>sabotage key bits of OCare by XO, making
>>it sure to implode real soon. The burden,
>>and urgency, of fabricating a usable replacement
>>would then be on the legislature - get it done
>>QUICK before the mid-terms loom too close :-)
>What the GOP will do is repeal the funding sources for it, taxes and
>fines and such while keeping in the benefits like preexisting
>conditions. This fits the GOP fiscal pattern. Spend without a way to
>pay for it.
>Budgeted deficits are expected to slowly decline and hover around half
>a trillion through 2022. But if the GOP manages to pass another major
>tax cut, watch the deficit explode!

Tax cuts have *theoretical* perks ... they *should* stimulate
the biz/investment base and with those new and improved
revenue steams any losses from the tax cuts will be rather
short lived - followed by gain.

That's the theory.

Now in the 1800s theory would translate into practice quite
well. We were a rapidly-developing nation with vast natural
and human resources while most of the world was still
quite primitive. We'd buy their raw resources cheap and
then sell 'em back the value-added products for a lot more.

If you needed good stuff, europe/America were where
you'd HAVE to buy. (WW2 temporarily created a similar
situation because we were the only un-blasted industrial
country remaining).

But for the 2000's ... I think we need to be more careful
about tax cuts. Our ability to make money isn't what it
used to be - too many competitors now. The Reaganesque
notion of "borrow to build" won't deliver like it did back in
that post-WW2 timeframe.

"Careful" doesn't mean NO cuts ... it just means cuts
that are better thought-out, more targeted, more sure
to deliver. Put money into boats that WILL rise.

But before you overly critique the GOP/Reagan errors,
it's worth noting that the Dems think nuking "the rich"
with taxes is a great idea. It's not ... that's just over-
loading those few floating boats, guarenteeing
underperformance or maybe just sending them to
the bottom. Then there's no money for anybody.
Got a "How To Build a Dung Hut" manual around
anywhere ?

Unfortunately, both the GOP and DNC mantras have
become something like religions - unbacked feel-good
notions, but ones you may not question lest you be
accused of heresy. This guarentees the perpetuation
of the faults for a long time to come.

As we tend to see-saw back and forth between these
religions on a fairly regular basis ... well ... I guess that
means we're doubly screwed - the worst of both.

Governor Swill

Jul 20, 2017, 12:13:06 AM7/20/17
On Tue, 18 Jul 2017 09:39:53 -0400, "M.I.Wakefield" <>
A prayer for John McCain. I'll bet his replacement won't be as
concerned about the bill as about getting in good with the party
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