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Not Dead, In Jail, or a Slave? Thank a Liberal.

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no leída,
6 jul 2010, 8:08:35 p.m.6/7/10
Conservatives keep ridiculing Liberalism and all things Liberals.
You'd have to be a real idiot to keep listening to them, because
nothing of any value can be derived from Conservatives.

If you listen to them for just one minute (and they are on ALL the
media networks, it's impossible to avoid them). Sort of like a
horrible plague, you will immediately start feeling the effects of
your own brains being sucked out, by the most powerful vacuum cleaner
in the universe. Swwoooch! Plunk! Empty. Like you just had a
lobotomy, with nothing inside your hollow head, just like there's
nothing inside their heads. It's a horrible spreading plague, across
the country, sucking out everyone's brains.

Conservatives don't believe in evolution, they don't believe in global
warming... Hell, they don't even believe in education. And if you
start making any sense, when you talk to them, they just get nasty,
pull out their gun, and then threaten to overthrow the government.
It's time for you to get a lobotomy too.

Truth be told, if it wasn't for us Liberals, there would never be such
a thing as Civil Rights, or Women's Rights, and there would never have
been someone like Barack Obama (or even Sarah Palin coming so close to
the Presidency). If it was up to the Conservatives, these people
would never have even been allowed to run for office.

It is us Liberals who created Social Security, whereas the
Conservative Republicans visciously opposed the whole concept of any
type of assistance to Americans struggling to survive in the aftermath
of the last Great economic Depression, a Depression which the
Republicans caused. When Social Security was created, back in 1935,
Republicans voted unanimously against it.

It is us Liberals, post John F. Kennedy, who created Medicare and
Medicaid. We did this for you, so that you and your loved ones can
benefit. As a result, we HAVE all benefitted mightily over the
years. No longer would older Americans be denied the healing miracle
of modern medicine. You can thank us Liberals for doing the heavy
work in creating this absolutely wonderful, life-saving concept.

Reagan ridiculed Medicare as “the advance wave of socialism". And
then he predicted that "Medicare would compel Americans to spend their
sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it
was like in America when men were free. ”

It was us Liberals who ended legalized racial segregation and gender
discrimination. It was us Liberals who created Head Start and legal
services and the food stamp program.

There was a time when the air was so polluted and full of smog,
especially in big cities such as Los Angeles, that you could not even
see in front of you, but us Liberals fought for cleaner air, with wise
government regulations, eventually the air got cleaner, noticeably
cleaner, and lives were saved.

And who could forget the time when an entire river was so polluted and
full of sludge and dirt that it actually caught on fire.

And then there was a time when Lake Michigan was swarmed full of ugly
poisoned dead fish floating towards the beach shores of Chicago, and
us Liberals fought to implement pollution control laws, now those
waters are safe to fish in and safe to swim in and safe to drink.
There was a time when people across the country got sick and
hospitalized for drinking tap water, but that doesn't happen any more,
thanks to us Liberals.

Because of us Liberals, your food is safer, your work place is safer,
your children’s clothing and toys are safer, and your ability to go to
college is much much easier.

I can go on, but I would be spending all day, and all night, and all
year, and way beyond that, filling up endless encyclopedias to point
the many many ways that the quality of American lives has improved
vastly, because of us Liberals.

As that bumper sticker so adroitly puts it:

Not dead, in jail, or a slave? Thank a Liberal.

Abel Malcolm


no leída,
6 jul 2010, 9:58:03 p.m.6/7/10

Dead,in jail or a slave?? You must be a liberal.

Se borró el mensaje


no leída,
7 jul 2010, 5:42:08 p.m.7/7/10
On Jul 7, 5:25 pm, Mr.B1ack <> wrote:
> You might consider taking the "slave" part
> out of the thread title .....  :-)

He's talking about -liberals-, not racist conservative southern

Brian Wraith

no leída,
7 jul 2010, 5:43:40 p.m.7/7/10
On 7/7/2010 2:25 PM, Mr.B1ack wrote:
> You might consider taking the "slave" part
> out of the thread title ..... :-)

Yes, honest Abe would roll in his grave.

Buster Norris

no leída,
7 jul 2010, 10:13:44 p.m.7/7/10
On Wed, 7 Jul 2010 14:42:08 -0700 (PDT), SilentOtto
<> wrote:

The famous MonkeyOtto chit-chat has gone, replaced with FEAR,
replaced with LOATHING and HATRED............

You can't run,
you can't hide,
we will meet,
I will punish you...........

SissyOtto has nowhere to RUN.........

PussyOtto has nowhere to hide............

RetardOtto can't change the subject..............

CowardOtto is a Buster-BUSTED Coward..................

as EVERYONE watches and points and laughs..............

The COWARD NiggyOtto tried to change the subject................

The COWARD NiggyOtto tried to RUN AWAY!!!!!!!

Everybody saw MonkeyOtto try to run...............

Everybody saw MonkeyOtto try to HIDE..................

Everybody saw MonkeyOtto LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You said I didn't have your address, then you said I did have your
address, NOW EVERYBODY KNOWS YOU'RE A LIAR..........................

Were you lying the 1st time 0R were you lying the 2nd time, SissyOtto?

You challenged me THEN RAN AND HID like a dark brown high school
dropout, PussyOtto......

EVERYBODY sees your cowardice, RetardOtto.........

I'm still waiting on you, NiggerOtto.

Let's do this, COWARD................

I'm right here BOY, in your face BOY, and I'm not leaving

I'm still waiting on you, CowardOtto.

Still waiting on you, NiggerOtto..............................

Mike Jones

no leída,
8 jul 2010, 5:51:29 a.m.8/7/10
Responding to Buster Norris:

Wow! And you not only thought this, but wrote it, and /posted/ it too!

*=( For all your UK news needs.


no leída,
8 jul 2010, 7:36:09 a.m.8/7/10

Patriot GAYmes can't help himself.

Se borró el mensaje

Mike Jones

no leída,
8 jul 2010, 11:52:56 a.m.8/7/10
Responding to SilentOtto:

Oi! Quit associating a racist fuckwit with being gay!

If you mean "Perverted Games", then say so!


no leída,
8 jul 2010, 12:01:48 p.m.8/7/10
On Jul 6, 8:08 pm, Abel <> wrote:
> Conservatives keep ridiculing Liberalism and all things Liberals.
> You'd have to be a real idiot to keep listening to them, because
> nothing of any value can be derived from Conservatives.
> [...]

> And then there was a time when Lake Michigan was swarmed full of ugly
> poisoned dead fish floating towards the beach shores of Chicago, and
> us Liberals fought to implement pollution control laws, now those
> waters are safe to fish in and safe to swim in and safe to drink.
> There was a time when people across the country got sick and
> hospitalized for drinking tap water, but that doesn't happen any more,
> thanks to us Liberals.
> Because of us Liberals, your food is safer, your work place is safer,
> your children’s clothing and toys are safer, and your ability to go to
> college is much much easier.
> I can go on, but I would be spending all day, and all night, and all
> year, and way beyond that, filling up endless encyclopedias to point
> the many many ways that the quality of American lives has improved
> vastly, because of us Liberals.
> As that bumper sticker so adroitly puts it:
> Not dead, in jail, or a slave?  Thank a Liberal.
> Abel Malcolm

Thank a *classical* liberal.. rational people who believed in God,
respected national sovereignty and borders, didn't think that
homosexuals should 'marry', and revoked the charters of companies
whose actions did not benefit their communities or contributed to
election campaigns.

Beware the neocon two-party two-step.

Buster Norris

no leída,
8 jul 2010, 9:48:35 p.m.8/7/10

Buster Norris

no leída,
8 jul 2010, 9:51:14 p.m.8/7/10

Brits are so sissy..........................


Ray Fischer

no leída,
8 jul 2010, 11:31:58 p.m.8/7/10
Mr.B1ack <> wrote:
> Who, in most ways, are actually more tolerant
> than todays average 'liberal' ....

Just more of the same hatred and lies. It's all the rightard has.

Ray Fischer

Ray Fischer

no leída,
8 jul 2010, 11:32:48 p.m.8/7/10
lorad <> wrote:
>On Jul 6, 8:08 pm, Abel <> wrote:
>> Conservatives keep ridiculing Liberalism and all things Liberals.
>> You'd have to be a real idiot to keep listening to them, because
>> nothing of any value can be derived from Conservatives.
>> [...]
>> And then there was a time when Lake Michigan was swarmed full of ugly
>> poisoned dead fish floating towards the beach shores of Chicago, and
>> us Liberals fought to implement pollution control laws, now those
>> waters are safe to fish in and safe to swim in and safe to drink.
>> There was a time when people across the country got sick and
>> hospitalized for drinking tap water, but that doesn't happen any more,
>> thanks to us Liberals.
>> Because of us Liberals, your food is safer, your work place is safer,
>> your children’s clothing and toys are safer, and your ability to go to
>> college is much much easier.
>> I can go on, but I would be spending all day, and all night, and all
>> year, and way beyond that, filling up endless encyclopedias to point
>> the many many ways that the quality of American lives has improved
>> vastly, because of us Liberals.
>> As that bumper sticker so adroitly puts it:
>> Not dead, in jail, or a slave?  Thank a Liberal.
>> Abel Malcolm
>Thank a *classical* liberal.. rational people who believed in God,

Many of the nation's founders weren't Christians.

>respected national sovereignty and borders, didn't think that
>homosexuals should 'marry',

And there go the rightard lies.

Ray Fischer

Se borró el mensaje

Mike Jones

no leída,
9 jul 2010, 6:55:03 a.m.9/7/10
Responding to Buster Norris:

Oh boy! When your momma gets home, you are /so/ busted!

Bob LeChevalier

no leída,
9 jul 2010, 8:47:10 a.m.9/7/10
Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>The famous MonkeyOtto chit-chat has gone, replaced with FEAR,
>replaced with LOATHING and HATRED............

That certainly sounds like a good description of the crap that you
post, slime.

Bob LeChevalier - artificial linguist; genealogist Lojban language

Buster Norris

no leída,
9 jul 2010, 10:58:34 p.m.9/7/10
On Fri, 09 Jul 2010 08:47:10 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
<> wrote:

>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>The famous MonkeyOtto chit-chat has gone, replaced with FEAR,
>>replaced with LOATHING and HATRED............
>That certainly sounds like a good description of the crap that you
>post, slime.

Said the LIAR who REALLY is:


Iversen, Frithjov Y (49)
Iversen, Su Y (49)
Iversen, Suyoung (43)
9204 Santayana Dr
Fairfax, VA 22031
(703) 934-4736

Posted from:
The DemocRATs Hall of Shame!

Bob LeChevalier

no leída,
9 jul 2010, 11:29:00 p.m.9/7/10
Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>On Fri, 09 Jul 2010 08:47:10 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
><> wrote:
>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>The famous MonkeyOtto chit-chat has gone, replaced with FEAR,
>>>replaced with LOATHING and HATRED............
>>That certainly sounds like a good description of the crap that you
>>post, slime.
>Said the LIAR who REALLY is:
>Iversen, Frithjov Y (49)
>Iversen, Su Y (49)
>Iversen, Suyoung (43)
>9204 Santayana Dr
>Fairfax, VA 22031
>(703) 934-4736

I've already told you this is bogus, liar.

You can Google my name to find my real address and phone number - it's
not like I hide it.

But in any event, it doesn't change the fact that

>>That certainly sounds like a good description of the crap that you
>>post, slime.


Ray Fischer

no leída,
10 jul 2010, 4:12:37 a.m.10/7/10
Mr.B1ack <> wrote:
> Yea ... that's right ... all lies ... all lies ...

It's what you depend upon. If you're a racist bigot then you
MUST accuse somebody else of being a nazi racist bigot in order
to rationalize your own evil.

Ray Fischer

Buster Norris

no leída,
10 jul 2010, 10:36:18 p.m.10/7/10
On Fri, 09 Jul 2010 23:29:00 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
<> wrote:

>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>On Fri, 09 Jul 2010 08:47:10 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
>><> wrote:
>>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>>The famous MonkeyOtto chit-chat has gone, replaced with FEAR,
>>>>replaced with LOATHING and HATRED............
>>>That certainly sounds like a good description of the crap that you
>>>post, slime.
>>Said the LIAR who REALLY is:
>>Iversen, Frithjov Y (49)
>>Iversen, Su Y (49)
>>Iversen, Suyoung (43)
>>9204 Santayana Dr
>>Fairfax, VA 22031
>>(703) 934-4736
>I've already told you this is bogus, liar.

YOU told me? YOU the Liar? YOU the Proven Liar? YOU the malicious
poster? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>You can Google my name to find my real address and phone number - it's
>not like I hide it.

You mean the REAL "Bob LeChevalier?"

Except YOU aren't him..........

Bob LeChevalier

no leída,
11 jul 2010, 6:52:17 a.m.11/7/10
Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>You mean the REAL "Bob LeChevalier?"
>Except YOU aren't him..........

Alas, you are wrong again, clueless.

Buster Norris

no leída,
12 jul 2010, 12:11:25 a.m.12/7/10
On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 06:52:17 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
<> wrote:

>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>You mean the REAL "Bob LeChevalier?"
>>Except YOU aren't him..........
>Alas, you are wrong again, clueless.

Said the Proven Liar?

Said the malicious poster?


Ray Fischer

no leída,
12 jul 2010, 3:28:49 a.m.12/7/10
Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 06:52:17 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>You mean the REAL "Bob LeChevalier?"
>>>Except YOU aren't him..........
>>Alas, you are wrong again, clueless.
>Said the Proven Liar?

That would be you.

>Said the malicious poster?

Still you.

Ray Fischer

Buster Norris

no leída,
12 jul 2010, 11:37:18 p.m.12/7/10
On 12 Jul 2010 07:28:49 GMT, (Ray Fischer) wrote:

>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 06:52:17 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
>>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>>You mean the REAL "Bob LeChevalier?"
>>>>Except YOU aren't him..........
>>>Alas, you are wrong again, clueless.
>>Said the Proven Liar?
>That would be you.

You can say it, but you can't PROVE it....

>>Said the malicious poster?
>Still you.

I can PROVE it................


Buster Norris

no leída,
13 jul 2010, 12:44:06 a.m.13/7/10
On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 23:37:18 -0400, Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com>

>On 12 Jul 2010 07:28:49 GMT, (Ray Fischer) wrote:
>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 06:52:17 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
>>>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>>>You mean the REAL "Bob LeChevalier?"
>>>>>Except YOU aren't him..........
>>>>Alas, you are wrong again, clueless.
>>>Said the Proven Liar?
>>That would be you.
>You can say it, but you can't PROVE it....

I can say it and blow you at the same time.

Ray Fischer

no leída,
13 jul 2010, 12:45:10 a.m.13/7/10
On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 23:37:18 -0400, Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com>

>On 12 Jul 2010 07:28:49 GMT, (Ray Fischer) wrote:
>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 06:52:17 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
>>>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>>>You mean the REAL "Bob LeChevalier?"
>>>>>Except YOU aren't him..........
>>>>Alas, you are wrong again, clueless.
>>>Said the Proven Liar?
>>That would be you.
>You can say it, but you can't PROVE it....

I can say it and blow you at the same time.

>>>Said the malicious poster?

Ray Fischer

no leída,
13 jul 2010, 3:20:37 a.m.13/7/10
Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
> (Ray Fischer) wrote:
>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 06:52:17 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
>>>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>>>You mean the REAL "Bob LeChevalier?"
>>>>>Except YOU aren't him..........
>>>>Alas, you are wrong again, clueless.
>>>Said the Proven Liar?
>>That would be you.
>You can say it, but you can't PROVE it....

Sure can, pervert.

>>>Said the malicious poster?
>>Still you.
>I can PROVE it................

No you can't.

Ray Fischer

Ray Fischer

no leída,
13 jul 2010, 3:22:19 a.m.13/7/10
Buster Norris <> wrote:
> Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com>

>> (Ray Fischer) wrote:
>>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>>On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 06:52:17 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
>>>>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>>>>You mean the REAL "Bob LeChevalier?"
>>>>>>Except YOU aren't him..........
>>>>>Alas, you are wrong again, clueless.
>>>>Said the Proven Liar?
>>>That would be you.
>>You can say it, but you can't PROVE it....
>I can say it and blow you at the same time.

LOL! The asshole was actually stupid enough to post the exact same
article as a forgey and as his own post.

What a moron. Way to prove that you're a lying coward.

Ray Fischer

Buster Norris

no leída,
13 jul 2010, 10:14:42 p.m.13/7/10
On 13 Jul 2010 07:22:19 GMT, (Ray Fischer) wrote:

>Buster Norris <> wrote:
>> Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com>
>>> (Ray Fischer) wrote:
>>>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>>>On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 06:52:17 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
>>>>>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>>>>>You mean the REAL "Bob LeChevalier?"
>>>>>>>Except YOU aren't him..........
>>>>>>Alas, you are wrong again, clueless.
>>>>>Said the Proven Liar?
>>>>That would be you.
>>>You can say it, but you can't PROVE it....
>>I can say it and blow you at the same time.
>LOL! The asshole was actually stupid enough to post the exact same
>article as a forgey and as his own post.

Why are you forging me AND yourself, dumbass!?!?!?!


Buster Norris

no leída,
13 jul 2010, 10:17:42 p.m.13/7/10
On 13 Jul 2010 07:20:37 GMT, (Ray Fischer) wrote:

>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>> (Ray Fischer) wrote:
>>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>>On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 06:52:17 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
>>>>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>>>>You mean the REAL "Bob LeChevalier?"
>>>>>>Except YOU aren't him..........
>>>>>Alas, you are wrong again, clueless.
>>>>Said the Proven Liar?
>>>That would be you.
>>You can say it, but you can't PROVE it....

>Of course I can't, I'm a circus clown making a fool of
>myself for tips.

Knew that............................

>>>>Said the malicious poster?
>>>Still you.
>>I can PROVE it................

>I know you can and that's why I am afraid of you.

Knew that too..............................

Ray Fischer

no leída,
13 jul 2010, 11:13:58 p.m.13/7/10
Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>Of course I can't, I'm a circus clown making a fool of
>myself for tips.

And you're proud to be a sleazebag liar, too.

Ray Fischer

Ray Fischer

no leída,
14 jul 2010, 10:31:45 p.m.14/7/10
On Tue, 13 Jul 2010 22:14:42 -0400, Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com>

>On 13 Jul 2010 07:22:19 GMT, (Ray Fischer) wrote:
>>Buster Norris <> wrote:
>>> Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com>
>>>> (Ray Fischer) wrote:
>>>>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>>>>On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 06:52:17 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
>>>>>>>Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>You mean the REAL "Bob LeChevalier?"
>>>>>>>>Except YOU aren't him..........
>>>>>>>Alas, you are wrong again, clueless.
>>>>>>Said the Proven Liar?
>>>>>That would be you.
>>>>You can say it, but you can't PROVE it....
>>>I can say it and blow you at the same time.
>>LOL! The asshole was actually stupid enough to post the exact same
>>article as a forgey and as his own post.
>Why are you forging me AND yourself, dumbass!?!?!?!

Everybody knows YOU are a forger!

Buster Norris

no leída,
14 jul 2010, 10:33:08 p.m.14/7/10
On 14 Jul 2010 03:13:58 GMT, (Ray Fischer) wrote:
>I'm a circus clown making a fool of myself for tips.
>And I'm proud to be a sleazebag liar, too.

Knew that...........

Ray Fischer

no leída,
15 jul 2010, 1:09:28 a.m.15/7/10
Another buster norris forgery

Ray Fischer

Buster Norris

no leída,
15 jul 2010, 11:26:21 p.m.15/7/10
On 15 Jul 2010 05:09:28 GMT, (Ray Fischer) wrote:

Stop forging on me, asshole!

Ray Fischer

no leída,
15 jul 2010, 11:27:21 p.m.15/7/10
On Wed, 14 Jul 2010 22:33:08 -0400, Buster Norris <Bus...@Buster.Com>

>On 14 Jul 2010 03:13:58 GMT, (Ray Fischer) wrote:

I hate you!

Ray Fischer

no leída,
16 jul 2010, 2:44:21 a.m.16/7/10
Another buster norris forgery

Ray Fischer

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