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Sorry But Jeff Sessions Absolutely Did NOT Perjure Himself Under Oath When Asked About Russia

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Mar 2, 2017, 2:06:21 PM3/2/17

Some of the same liberal law professors and journalists who thought Hillary
should be President after lying to Congress about hiding emails and who also
praised Clapper's "independence" after he repeatedly lied to Congress about
NSA spying, now attack Attorney General Sessions under a bogus claim of
"lying" to Congress. There is no basis to suggest Sessions committed any
crime at all for doing his job as a Senator on the Armed Services Committee.

Sessions, as a Senator on the Armed Services Committee, met with over 20
ambassadors in 2016. One of them was the Russian ambassador. There is no
evidence, at all, Sessions met with the ambassador to review Trump campaign
strategy, or anything of the sort. The suggestion that our Senators should
not be meeting with representatives of foreign governments is ludicrous,
especially coming from people who championed the Clinton Foundation meeting
with foreign governments frequently to fund their Clinton Foundation and
personal enrichment.

The criminal law only prohibits lying to Congress under two statutes - 18
USC 1621 ands 18 USC 1001. Section 1621 requires a person "willfully and
contrary" to a sworn oath "subscribe a material matter" which is both false
and the person knows to be false. Section 1001 is basically the same,
without certain tribunal prerequisites: it also requires the government
prove a person willfully made a materially false statement. This requires
three elements: first, a false statement; second, the false statement be
"material"; and third, the false statement be made "knowingly" and
"willfully." A statement is not false if it can be interpreted in an
innocent manner. A statement is not material if it is not particularly
relevant to the subject of the inquiry. Willfully is a very high standard of
proof: it requires the person know they are committing the crime, and do so
anyway. None of the three exist as to Sessions.

There was strong evidence Hillary Clinton made false statements to Congress
about a range of subjects concerning the emails, and evidence she knew they
were false. She still was not prosecuted, and Professors like Laurence Tribe
recommended her for the Presidency. There was strong evidence James Clapper
lied to Congress about the NSA spying on Americans, and he was not
prosecuted, but promoted by President Obama, without complaint from many of
these same liberal lawyers, professors and journalists. Yet, these same
"lawyers" and "journalists" now attack Sessions for what is manifestly not a
criminal act, and for which they never demanded any inquiry of either
Clinton or Clapper.

Their only claim against Sessions is that Sessions, while Senator, talked to
the Russian ambassador a whopping 2 times in 2016. That's called doing his
job. Senator Franken, during the Attorney General confirmation proceedings,
talked about "ties to Russia" and asked if Senator Session had discussed the
Trump campaign "with Russian government officials." Sessions answered he had
not. Sessions has no "ties with Russia" and there is no evidence he
discussed the Trump campaign with any Russian official. The attempt to
conflate Sessions doing his job as a Senator - meeting with ambassadors - as
meaning he must have talked about campaign tactics or the campaign at all is
patently ludicrous.

Here is the key exchange: Franken asked about "a continuing exchange of
information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries
for the Russian government." Sessions answered: "I'm not aware of any of
those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that
campaign and I did not have communications with Russians, and I'm unable to
comment on it." Anyone reading the actual exchange can see Sessions was
referring to no communications "as a surrogate" just as the question's very
long pre-amble specifically referenced the focus of the question to that
subject matter. Nothing about Sessions' answer was false, nor could it be
construed to be materially false or willfully false, or even false at all.

Notably, Senator Franken chose not to ask Sessions about his contacts with
Russian officials over the years in his duties as a Senator on the Armed
Services Committee. Sessions' first meeting of the Russian ambassador was in
public, and likely known to Franken and others. Franken could not have
interpreted Sessions' answer as anything but an answer to the question asked
about campaign contacts with Russian government officials, which no evidence
supports ever occurring. Indeed, given what Franken knew, one might fairly
ask a different question: why did Franken avoid that specific question? Was
it because he's a lousy Senator, like he was a mediocre comedian? Maybe. Or
Maybe it's because Franken knew the answer would undermine Franken's
argument? Or maybe it was because Franken was planning on mis-using the
answer to attack Sessions later?

What next? Senator, have you now, or have you ever been, someone who ever
talks with Russians? GUILTY! Doing your job is now considered a crime by the
same people on the left who excused actual crime by their Presidential
candidate and Presidential appointee. This question needs to be asked of the
Sessions smear operators: do you have no shame?

Rudy Canoza

Mar 2, 2017, 2:35:58 PM3/2/17
On 3/2/2017 11:06 AM, doddering old fuck lied:
> Some of the same liberal law professors and journalists who thought
> Hillary should be President after lying to Congress about hiding emails
> and who also praised Clapper's "independence" after he repeatedly lied
> to Congress about NSA spying, now attack Attorney General Sessions under
> a bogus claim of "lying" to Congress. There is no basis to suggest
> Sessions committed any crime at all for doing his job as a Senator on
> the Armed Services Committee.

Fuck off, doddering old fuck. Republicans said that Clinton perjured
herself in testifying to Congress about her e-mail server during the
Benghazi witch-hunt.

If she did, then Sessions did.

I really, *REALLY* hope that fuckwit stooge *weak* Duce, Trumpolini,
digs in his heels over Sessions, because it's going to hamstring the
cocksucker as long as he stands by his Klansman attorney-general, and
that's a good thing. Then, if he throws the Grand Kleagle under the
bus, the way he did Flynn, it will only serve to make Trumpolini look
weaker still.

This is almost as good as Watergate, but we're not even two months into
Trumpolini's crippled term!


Mar 2, 2017, 2:59:44 PM3/2/17

"Rudy Canoza" <c...@philhendrie.con> wrote in message
I think it is time for some spring cleaning!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting
for a about 5 months
now for this little sawed off homunculus to grow up and get it out of his
system that Trump
beat him senseless with a little pouting... But it looks like the pouting
will continue and I don't
want to see anymore of his ceaseless senseless sucking.... dovidenja baby
gurl.... lol...

Rudy Canoza

Mar 2, 2017, 3:01:59 PM3/2/17
And the doddering old fat fuck throws in the towel. Excellent! Now I
won't see any more of his incoherent bawling.

Rudy Canoza

Mar 2, 2017, 3:19:04 PM3/2/17
On 3/2/2017 12:05 PM, PIBB wrote:
> On 19:06 2 Mar 2017, DoD wrote:
>> What next? Senator, have you now, or have you ever been, someone
>> who ever talks with Russians? GUILTY!
> Just like Michael Flynn (and Bill Clinton), Jeff Sessions' biggest
> mistake was lying under oath.

Exactly. The issue is not that the Grand Kleagle Jeff Sessions spoke
with Russians - the issue is that he lied and said he didn't.

Here are the facts: the Grand Kleagle *did* speak with Russians, and he
spoke with them specifically about their meddling in our election to
Trumpolini's benefit. Then he lied to Congress and said he never spoke
with them at all, when it was obvious there was going to be a
congressional investigation into the extent and nature of Russian
meddling in our election. Now he is intending to conduct - that is, to
derail and suppress - the Department of Justice investigation into the
very meddling in which he was a willing participant.

In an ethical administration, Sessions already would have resigned or
been fired. In the Trumpolini regime, they will dig in their heels.

As I said earlier, Trumpolini is *fucked* either way. If he ditches the
Grand Kleagle now, he looks *weak* and feckless. If stands by him for a
long time, he is hamstrung in a lot of other things he wants to do, and
then he *still* looks *WEAK* and feckless when he bows to the
invevitable. Sad! <chuckle>

How much longer do you think this will go on before someone leaks that
the Grand Kleagle Sessions *specifically* discussed Russian efforts to
meddle in our election with the the Russian ambassador? Heh heh heh...

john simmons

Mar 2, 2017, 3:45:07 PM3/2/17
ambassadors and senators should heve confidentiality to speak with one another....jon


Mar 2, 2017, 8:11:21 PM3/2/17
On Thu, 2 Mar 2017 13:06:18 -0600, "DoD" <>
why would you be surprised?
i'm always amazed that anyone expects any lefty to tell the truth



Mar 2, 2017, 8:38:42 PM3/2/17

"abelard" <> wrote in message
I am not surprised about that.... I am surprised this hasn't reached the
Guinness Book of World records
for the longest temper tantrum....

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