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Teabagger shoots Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., 12 Others; Some Dead

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Johnny Asia

Jan 8, 2011, 3:12:52 PM1/8/11
2:57 p.m. ET: Darci Slaten, spokeswoman at University Medical Center
in Tucson, just told CNN that she can confirm Rep. Giffords was shot
in the head and that she is in surgery now. Several other victims are
also in surgery

Giffords, a Democrat, was first elected in 2006. She has served as
chairwoman of the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee and also
holds seats on the House Science and Technology and Armed Services

She won her third term in a closely contested race against a Tea
Party-sponsored candidate and was one of three Democratic legislators
who reported vandalism at their offices following the March vote on
health care reform.

She is married to Navy Capt. Mark Kelly, a NASA astronaut who is
scheduled to lead a space shuttle mission to the International Space

Johnny Asia

Jan 8, 2011, 3:17:25 PM1/8/11
Sarah Palin put Rep. Giffords on her 2010 �Target List,� and this
graphic from SarahPAC shows Gifford�s district in crosshairs. Any
mystery where this kind of insanity comes from?

While there is no hard evidence at this point to suggest that the
shooting was politically motivated, Matt Yglesias points out that an
anti-Giffords event was held in June with the billing: "Get on Target
for Victory in November. Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office.
Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."


Jan 8, 2011, 3:19:14 PM1/8/11
On Jan 8, 2:12 pm, Johnny Asia <> wrote:
> 2:57 p.m. ET: Darci Slaten, spokeswoman at University Medical Center
> in Tucson, just told CNN that she can confirm Rep. Giffords was shot
> in the head and that she is in surgery now. Several other victims are
> also in surgery
> Giffords, a Democrat, was first elected in 2006. She has served as
> chairwoman of the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee and also
> holds seats on the House Science and Technology and Armed Services
> committees.
> She won her third term in a closely contested race against a Tea
> Party-sponsored candidate and was one of three Democratic legislators
> who reported vandalism at their offices following the March vote on
> health care reform.
> She is married to Navy Capt. Mark Kelly, a NASA astronaut who is
> scheduled to lead a space shuttle mission to the International Space
> Station.

Democrat operative you mean. Trying to make the Tea Party look bad?
You low life scum.;

Johnny Asia

Jan 8, 2011, 3:21:18 PM1/8/11

You goddamn stupid piece of teabagger shit. Former Speaker Skank Nasty Piglosi : Laughing stock of DC

Jan 9, 2011, 3:29:03 PM1/9/11

"Johnny Asia" <> wrote in message

You know the Shooter is an Illegal Alien and or democrap because the media
wont show us his face because he has to be a Black or Hispanic.

The Congresswoman is known for cracking down on illegal immigration, urging
deployment of the National Guard and new technology to protect the Arizona

Before her election to Congress in 2006, the Arizona native served in the
state legislature.

Read more: Former Speaker Skank Nasty Piglosi : Laughing stock of DC

Jan 9, 2011, 3:29:24 PM1/9/11

"Johnny Asia" <> wrote in message

You know the Shooter is an Illegal Alien or a democrap because the media Former Speaker Skank Nasty Piglosi : Laughing stock of DC

Jan 9, 2011, 3:30:05 PM1/9/11

"Johnny Asia" <> wrote in message

You know the Shooter is an Illegal Alien or a democrap because the media
wont show us his face because he has to be a Black or Hispanic.

She was against Illegal aliens & Illegal democraps

Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

Jan 8, 2011, 3:36:19 PM1/8/11

Fuck you.

Eyewitness accounts say the shooter was a YOUNG WHITE MALE.

Tim Crowley

Jan 8, 2011, 3:39:05 PM1/8/11
Her father Spencer Giffords, 75, wept when asked if his 40-year-old
daughter had any enemies.
"Yeah," he told The Post. "The whole tea party."

f. barnes

Jan 8, 2011, 3:42:22 PM1/8/11
On Jan 8, 2:12 pm, Johnny Asia <> wrote:
> 2:57 p.m. ET: Darci Slaten, spokeswoman at University Medical Center
> in Tucson, just told CNN that she can confirm Rep. Giffords was shot
> in the head and that she is in surgery now. Several other victims are
> also in surgery
> Giffords, a Democrat, was first elected in 2006. She has served as
> chairwoman of the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee and also
> holds seats on the House Science and Technology and Armed Services
> committees.
> She won her third term in a closely contested race against a Tea
> Party-sponsored candidate and was one of three Democratic legislators
> who reported vandalism at their offices following the March vote on
> health care reform.
> She is married to Navy Capt. Mark Kelly, a NASA astronaut who is
> scheduled to lead a space shuttle mission to the International Space
> Station.

Reports are that the shooter was in his late teens or early twenties.
So he can't be a tea partier since they are all, without exception,
racist white males over 55 --- or so we are told. Former Speaker Skank Nasty Piglosi : Laughing stock of DC

Jan 9, 2011, 3:42:15 PM1/9/11

"Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names" <> wrote in message

Damn Right ! Former Speaker Skank Nasty Piglosi : Laughing stock of DC

Jan 9, 2011, 3:42:51 PM1/9/11

"Tim Crowley" <> wrote in message

The Congresswoman is known for cracking down on illegal immigration, urging
deployment of the National Guard and new technology to protect the Arizona

Tim Crowley

Jan 8, 2011, 3:50:55 PM1/8/11
The gunman was young, mid-to-late 20s, white, clean-shaven with short
hair and wearing dark clothing and said nothing during the shooting or
while being held down, although he struggled at first. He was "not
particularly well-dressed"; he didn't look like a businessman, but
more of a "fringe character," Rayle said. The sheriff's department
arrived, arrested the gunman and cordoned off the parking lot. Former Speaker Skank Nasty Piglosi : Laughing stock of DC

Jan 9, 2011, 3:55:09 PM1/9/11

"Tim Crowley" <> wrote in message

First Post

Jan 8, 2011, 3:59:11 PM1/8/11

Considering that Giffords is a firm supporter of the 2nd amendment, is
for tighter border security and has even been critical of the current
administration for their lack of action in its regard and is pro life,
it is not very likely that a real tea party member would commit such
an act.
It is also doubtful that it was because she was for Obamacare.
Then again nuts come in all shapes, sizes and political ideaologies.
Hell it may have been just some asshole that was pissed that the rally
screwed with them getting a parking space. Or he may have just wanted
to go blow away a bunch of people.

Several news outlets have reported that the shooter is a white male,
22 years old, BTW.
It was just announced that AP and NBC are reporting that the shooter
is named Jared Laughner and is an Arizona native.

Some have reported, including Fox News, that Laughner was an
Afghanistan war veteran.

Read more:

f. barnes

Jan 8, 2011, 4:02:54 PM1/8/11
On Jan 9, 2:42 pm, "Former Speaker Skank Nasty Piglosi : Laughing

stock of DC" <Skankk00k> wrote:
> "Tim Crowley" <> wrote in message

> The Congresswoman is known for cracking down on illegal immigration, urging
> deployment of the National Guard and new technology to protect the Arizona
> border.

She is also Jewish, so the shooter could be one of those young
American pro-Palestine crazies and/or maybe he is Muslim.


Jan 8, 2011, 5:02:16 PM1/8/11

I am surprised that it hasn't been called an act of domestic terrorism
and that they are not making plans to ship the suspects to Gitmo. Why
is that?


The Christ

Jan 8, 2011, 5:08:39 PM1/8/11

The Christ

Jan 8, 2011, 5:11:28 PM1/8/11
> She is also Jewish, so the shooter could be one of those young
> American pro-Palestine crazies and/or maybe he is Muslim.

Eyewitnesses have described Laughner as "young, mid-to-late 20s,
white, clean-shaven with short hair and wearing dark clothing."

Jan. 08, 2011
Doctor: 9-year-old Girl Died In Tucson Shooting Involving Ariz. US
Rep. Giffords
* Share

(AP) TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - Doctor: 9-year-old girl died in Tucson
shooting involving Ariz. US Rep. Giffords

Ramon F Herrera

Jan 8, 2011, 5:17:13 PM1/8/11
On Jan 8, 2:12 pm, Johnny Asia <> wrote:
> 2:57 p.m. ET: Darci Slaten, spokeswoman at University Medical Center
> in Tucson, just told CNN that she can confirm Rep. Giffords was shot
> in the head and that she is in surgery now. Several other victims are
> also in surgery
> Giffords, a Democrat, was first elected in 2006. She has served as
> chairwoman of the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee and also
> holds seats on the House Science and Technology and Armed Services
> committees.
> She won her third term in a closely contested race against a Tea
> Party-sponsored candidate and was one of three Democratic legislators
> who reported vandalism at their offices following the March vote on
> health care reform.
> She is married to Navy Capt. Mark Kelly, a NASA astronaut who is
> scheduled to lead a space shuttle mission to the International Space
> Station.

The US could take one lesson from the Venezuelan experience. Hugo
Chavez says something bad about the Jews one day, and the following
day Jew folks are beat up and synagogues vandalized.

Any resemblance to 1930's Germany is not coincidental, nor is any
resemblance to the hateful fringe that has taken over the GOP.


Well Done

Jan 8, 2011, 5:27:35 PM1/8/11
So, daddy is pretty much a dipshit, then...
): "I may make you feel, but I can't make you think" :(
(: Off the monitor, through the modem, nothing but net :)

Tater Gumfries

Jan 8, 2011, 5:27:58 PM1/8/11

No, we ain't told any such thing. Go ahead and provide one link. Just


Rock Brentwood

Jan 8, 2011, 5:48:20 PM1/8/11
On Jan 8, 2:17 pm, Ramon F Herrera <> wrote:
> The US could take one lesson from the Venezuelan experience. Hugo
> Chavez says something bad about the Jews one day, and the following
> day Jew folks are beat up and synagogues vandalized.
> Any resemblance to 1930's Germany is not coincidental, nor is any
> resemblance to the hateful fringe that has taken over the GOP.

The relevant analogy is the United States in the 1850's.

This, along with other "individual acts" (like the attack on the IRS
building by plane) are the nascent acts of a Civil War.

This is what a Civil War is, what it involves and what it means. A war
by the people against the people, its government and those in it. It
is no more or less insane than any other war. It means that even
beautiful angels can die. We're not yet there, but when we get there
-- this is just a taste of what will come.

The only reason we don't yet call it an actual Civil War, is because
the anger being felt by much of the population over what this country
has turned into and become [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] has not
yet congealed into a single cohesive stand by any large group; "Tea
Party" notwithstanding.

[1] A massive debt that makes a Ponzi scam look like a picnic in
[2] Registries where once there were none
[3] Corporations and unions given unlimited powers to impose their
views in election cycles, including foreign-owned entities
[4] ID requirements suddenly cropping up for everything since the
early to mid 1990's
[5] A de facto Life Tax (i.e. individual mandate) being imposed, etc.)
[6] A semi-permanent state of war that was never formally declared in
any Declaration of War issued by Congress
[7] Paranoia on the borders that rivals that of Rome in the 4th and
5th centuries
[8] A complete state of stagnation in the creative arts (e.g. every
other show on TV is now a CSI, reality TV; every other movie is a
sequel); also rivalling Rome at its end
[9] A de facto 15% flat tax on anyone who is self-employed, no matter
how much in subsistence they are, that only a few years ago in the
1980's was under 10%. That's what drove the man who attacked the IRS
building -- with justification -- by plane.
]10] The Guilding-up of major industries (medical: AMA, legal: ABA,
entertainment: SAG) that effectively blocks entry except by those who
are corralled into the "pay for play" scam known as degree
requirements (it used to be that ABA allowed the self-educated, like
Lincoln, to take the qualifying exam).
[11] The invalid extension of patents to mathematical objects, such as
software, effectively guilding up the computer end of the
entertainment and media industry, blocking entry into the field by new
developers not already locked into the corporate oligopoly. Even the
Standards (JPEG, MPEG, SQL) are pay to play.


Jan 8, 2011, 7:47:50 PM1/8/11
Johnny Asia wrote:

> You goddamn stupid piece of teabagger shit.

caitieparker @antderosa: As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal.
& oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy."

God Bless America...God Damn Rev J. Wright and his white hating black
panther buddies.

Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant' is like calling a
drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'

"The Police acted stupidly"...Urkel Husein before taking time to learn
the facts.

Q...What does Barack Hussein Obama and Osama bin Laden have in common? >

A...They both have friends that bombed the Pentagon.

"forget the truck...everybody can buy a truck."...Urkel Obama

Not in your economy Mr. Urkel Obama

"Navy corpse-man"...Urkel Obama (three times)

"We don't begrudge success. But I do think at a
certain point you've made enough money." -Urkel Obama

Liberal slogan: "Cool-Aid Cool-Aid, tastes great, Cool-Aid Cool-Aid,
can't wait"

Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm

Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
liberals...morons electing morons.

Sex offender? Rapist? Child molester? Pedophile? Deal in child porn? Any
or all of these and not in jail? Thank a lib, especially a lib judge.


Jan 8, 2011, 7:50:27 PM1/8/11
Former Speaker Skank Nasty Piglosi : Laughing stock of DC wrote:
> "Tim Crowley" <> wrote in message
> The Congresswoman is known for cracking down on illegal immigration, urging
> deployment of the National Guard and new technology to protect the Arizona
> border.

Cracking down on illegal immigration, deployment of NG troops and
protecting the border. All the things that dim-witted wet-pantie libs hate.


Jan 8, 2011, 8:35:23 PM1/8/11

People who allegedly know Jared Loughner seem to disagree with the
title of your post. The shooter has been described as a radical
leftist, not a Tea Party sympathizer.

No surprise though that Democrat liars like you are trying to get
people to believe otherwise.

The truth is that at this time there is no definitive information.

But it is clear that he killed a very conservative judge, one
allegedly appointed by Bush, and a 9 year old child. Not exactly the
targets of conservatives or Tea Party members. In fact, he seemed to
have killed rather indiscriminately.

I have to wonder if Loughner isn't just a typical Democrat drug
addict. Perhaps he gets high on psychotropic drugs, and does his
"conscience dreaming" under the influence. There has even been a
report that he failed a urinalysis test for the military. Drugs?

Another observation about the coverage of this event. We hear very
little about the conservative white male judge who was killed, or the
9 year old child. Several others were also killed, but all we hear
about on the news is Gabrielle Gifford, who is apparently going to
live. Gifford is being lionized as this just too-good-to-be-true
saint. A pro-choice saint who has a 100% favorability rating from the
baby murderers at NARAL. Ah yes, true Obamanation values.


Jan 8, 2011, 9:40:55 PM1/8/11
On Jan 8, 8:35 pm, Lifsabsurd <> wrote:
> On Jan 8, 2:17 pm, Johnny Asia <> wrote:
> >   Sarah Palin put Rep. Giffords on her 2010 Target List, and this
> > graphic from SarahPAC shows Gifford s district in crosshairs. Any
> > mystery where this kind of insanity comes from?
> >
> > While there is no hard evidence at this point to suggest that the
> > shooting was politically motivated, Matt Yglesias points out that an
> > anti-Giffords event was held in June with the billing: "Get on Target
> > for Victory in November. Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office.
> > Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."
> >
> People who allegedly know Jared Loughner seem to disagree with the
> title of your post.  The shooter has been described as a radical
> leftist, not a Tea Party sympathizer.

> No surprise though that Democrat liars like you are trying to get
> people to believe otherwise.
> The truth is that at this time there is no definitive information.
> But it is clear that he killed a very conservative judge, one
> allegedly appointed by Bush, and a 9 year old child.  Not exactly the
> targets of conservatives or Tea Party members.  In fact, he seemed to
> have killed rather indiscriminately.
> I have to wonder if Loughner isn't just a typical Democrat drug
> addict.  Perhaps he gets high on psychotropic drugs, and does his
> "conscience dreaming" under the influence.  There has even been a
> report that he failed a urinalysis test for the military.  Drugs?
> Another observation about the coverage of this event.  We hear very
> little about the conservative white male judge who was killed, or the
> 9 year old child.  Several others were also killed, but all we hear
> about on the news is Gabrielle Gifford, who is apparently going to
> live.  Gifford is being lionized as this just too-good-to-be-true
> saint. A pro-choice saint who has a 100% favorability rating from the
> baby murderers at NARAL.  Ah yes, true Obamanation values.

His FB shows 3 interests in this order: Tea Party, Patriots, Sarah
He also appears as a member-follower of SARAHPAC.
SARAHPAC posted a poster on their web with cross-hairs on politicians
who need to be "taken out" and that included Gifford.
There are target hairs on Gifford, and Palin said she had to be the
first to go.
So, as usual, it's a Republican Teabagger.
Get your facts straight.
Name calling is the last hold-out of a person who has no idea about
what s/he is talking about (as usual).


Jan 9, 2011, 12:00:23 PM1/9/11
On Sat, 08 Jan 2011 15:12:52 -0500, Johnny Asia
<> wrote:

>2:57 p.m. ET: Darci Slaten, spokeswoman at University Medical Center
>in Tucson, just told CNN that she can confirm Rep. Giffords was shot
>in the head and that she is in surgery now. Several other victims are
>also in surgery
>Giffords, a Democrat, was first elected in 2006. She has served as
>chairwoman of the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee and also
>holds seats on the House Science and Technology and Armed Services
>She won her third term in a closely contested race against a Tea
>Party-sponsored candidate and was one of three Democratic legislators
>who reported vandalism at their offices following the March vote on
>health care reform.
>She is married to Navy Capt. Mark Kelly, a NASA astronaut who is
>scheduled to lead a space shuttle mission to the International Space


Evidence this person was a "teabagger"? It's pathetic of you to jump
to such a conclusion.

Buh Satan Bush

Jan 9, 2011, 12:16:41 PM1/9/11

"NoBody" <> wrote in message

You denial is typical of the whole GOP Palin had a gun target on her..

Ray Fischer

Jan 9, 2011, 3:29:10 PM1/9/11
NoBody <> wrote:
>Evidence this person was a "teabagger"? It's pathetic of you to jump
>to such a conclusion.

"Irony anybody?"

Ray Fischer | Mendacracy (n.) government by lying | The new GOP ideal


Jan 10, 2011, 6:09:41 AM1/10/11
On 09 Jan 2011 20:29:10 GMT, (Ray Fischer) wrote:

>NoBody <> wrote:
>>Evidence this person was a "teabagger"? It's pathetic of you to jump
>>to such a conclusion.
>"Irony anybody?"

None demonstrated by you.

Ray Fischer

Jan 11, 2011, 2:23:54 AM1/11/11

Ooo! A twofer! "Irony anybody?"

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