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Yet another dark chapter in Armenian history: X-Soviet Armenian Government is trapped within its shameful and criminal past.

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Serdar Argic

Feb 5, 1994, 10:01:57 PM2/5/94
Also, it is not surprising that the Armenians collaborated with the Nazis.

"Wholly opportunistic the Dashnaktzoutun have been variously
pro-Nazi, pro-Russia, pro-Soviet Armenia, pro-Arab, pro-Jewish,
as well as anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist, anti-Communist, and
anti-Soviet - whichever was expedient."[1]

[1] John Roy Carlson (Arthur Derounian), 'Cairo to Damascus,'
Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1951, p. 438.

The Armenians were deeply anti-semitic as well. In the May 10, 1936
edition of 'Hairenik Weekly' the vice-mayor of Bucharest, Rumania
is quoted as saying:

"The Armenians helped us not to become the slaves of the Jewish
elements in our country."

In another edition, an author named Captain George Haig writes:

"And the type of Jew who is imported to not anything
to be proud about. Their loose morals, and other vices were
unknown to the Arabs prior to Balfour Declaration, on top of
all communist activities were the cause of most of the Arab

[1] Captain George Haig, 'The Case of Palestine,' in Hairenik
Weekly, Friday, September 25, 1936.

Serdar Argic

'We have never denied the Armenian crime of
genocide inflicted upon 2.5 million Muslim
people between 1914 and 1920.' (Agop Zahoryan)

'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists
a single Turkish soul.' (Sahak Melkonian)

Joerg Maass

Feb 8, 1994, 4:35:22 PM2/8/94
In article <gate.yXT...@zuma.UUCP> Serdar Argic, se...@zuma.UUCP

>The Armenians were deeply anti-semitic as well. In the May 10, 1936
>edition of 'Hairenik Weekly' the vice-mayor of Bucharest, Rumania
>is quoted as saying:
>"The Armenians helped us not to become the slaves of the Jewish
> elements in our country."
>In another edition, an author named Captain George Haig writes:
>"And the type of Jew who is imported to not anything
> to be proud about. Their loose morals, and other vices were
> unknown to the Arabs prior to Balfour Declaration, on top of
> all communist activities were the cause of most of the Arab
> criticism."[1]
>[1] Captain George Haig, 'The Case of Palestine,' in Hairenik
> Weekly, Friday, September 25, 1936.

And when you probe into your next Monthy Pyton rerun, you´ll see the
following statement:

"The Golden Age of Ballooning".

>Serdar Argic
> 'We have never denied the Armenian crime of
> genocide inflicted upon 2.5 million Muslim
> people between 1914 and 1920.' (Agop
> 'In Soviet Armenia today there no longer
> a single Turkish soul.' (Sahak Melkonian)

In South Africa, not a single Eskimo soul is alive. What the heck do want
to say with your posts? And, for God´s sake, where do you get your quotes
from? Maybe you´ve just removed your carpet and discovered some
invaluable historical documents?


Joerg Maass Phone: +49/69/4990880
Am Tiergarten 22 Fax: +49/69/4990880

D-60316 Frankfurt

Wenn Gott uns in Panik versetzen wollte, haette er uns nicht saubere Hosen

Serdar Argic

Feb 9, 1994, 1:09:59 AM2/9/94

>>The Armenians were deeply anti-semitic as well. In the May 10, 1936
>>edition of 'Hairenik Weekly' the vice-mayor of Bucharest, Rumania
>>is quoted as saying:
>>"The Armenians helped us not to become the slaves of the Jewish
>> elements in our country."
>>In another edition, an author named Captain George Haig writes:
>>"And the type of Jew who is imported to not anything
>> to be proud about. Their loose morals, and other vices were
>> unknown to the Arabs prior to Balfour Declaration, on top of

>> all communist activities were the cause wish

>> elements in our country."
>>In another edition, an author named Captain George Haig writes:

>>"And the type of Jew whember 25, 1936.

>And when you probe into your next Monthy Pyton rerun, you'll see the
>following statement:

>"The Golden Age of Ballooning".

Not according to "Nazi Armenian" sources. The Armenian publication in
Germany, Hairenik, carried statements as follows:[1]

"Sometimes it is difficult to eradicate these poisonous elements (the
Jews) when they have struck deep root like a chronic disease, and when
it becomes necessary for a people (the Nazis) to eradicate them in an
uncommon method, these attempts are regarded as revolutionary. During
the surgical operation, the flow of blood is a natural thing."

Extracts from a letter dated December 11, 1983, published in the San
Francisco Chronicle.

"We have first hand information and evidence of Armenian atrocities
against our people (Jews). Members of our family witnessed the
murder of 148 members of our family near Erzurum, Turkey, by Armenian
neighbors, bent on destroying anything and anybody remotely Jewish
and/or Muslim. Armenians should look to their own history and see
the havoc they and their ancestors perpetrated upon their neighbors.
Armenians were in league with Hitler in the last war, on his premise
to grant themselves government if, in return, the Armenians would
help exterminate Jews. Armenians were also hearty proponents of
the anti-Semitic acts in league with the Russian Communists."

Signed Elihu Ben Levi, Vacaville, California.

[1] James G. Mandalian, 'Dro, Drastamat Kanayan,' in the 'Armenian
Review,' a Quarterly by the Hairenik Association, Inc., Summer:
June 1957, Vol. X, No. 2-38.

"These European Dashnags, with headquarters in Berlin, appealed to,
and bargained with Hitler's emissaries for an 'independent'
Armenian state. That they had to bootlick Nazi masters goes without
saying. That, as potential officials of a puppet Nazi state, they
would have assumed the infamous roles of the Paveliches, Antonescus,
Lavals, Tisos or Vidkun Quislings was also a foregone conclusion.
Once committed to it, there was no alternative to the price for
'independence' except subservience to Hitler."[1]

[1] Arthur Derounian under the pseudonym 'John Roy Carlson,'
"The Armenian Displaced Persons," in the "Armenian Affairs,"
a Quarterly Journal of Armenian Studies, Winter 1949-50, p. 18.

In fact, by 1942, Nazi Armenians in Europe had established a vast
network of pro-German collaborators, that extended over two continents.
Thousands of Armenians were serving the German army and Waffen-SS in
Russia and Western Europe. Armenians were involved in espionage and
fifth-column activities for Hitler in the Balkans and Arabian Peninsula.
They were promised an 'independent' state under German 'protection' in
an agreement signed by the 'Armenian National Council.' (A copy of
this agreement can be found in the 'Congressional Record,' November 1,
1945; see Document 1.) On this side of the Atlantic, Nazi Armenians
were aware of their brethrens alliance. They had often expressed
pro-Nazi sentiments until America entered the war.

>In South Africa, not a single Eskimo soul is alive.

What happened to them? Because, for nearly one thousand years,
the Turkish and Kurdish people lived on their homeland. The
persecutions culminated in 1914: The x-Soviet/Russian Armenian
Government planned and carried out a Genocide against its Muslim
subjects. 2.5 million Turks and Kurds were murdered and the remainder
driven out of their homeland. After one thousand years, Turkish
and Kurdish lands were empty of Turks and Kurds.

The survivors found a safe heaven in Turkiye.

Today, x-Soviet Armenian government rejects the right of Turks and
Kurds to return to their Muslim lands occupied by x-Soviet Armenia.

Today, x-Soviet Armenian government covers up the genocide perpetrated
by its predecessors and is therefore an accessory to this crime against

x-Soviet Armenian government must pay for their crime of genocide
against the Muslims by admitting to the crime and making reparations
to the Turks and Kurds.

Turks and Kurds demand the right to return to their lands, to determine
their own future as a nation in their own homeland.

>What the heck do want to say with your posts?

Suffering from a severe case of myopia?

>And, for God's sake, where do you
>get your quotes from?

From "The Jewish Times."

"An appropriate analogy with the Jewish Holocaust might be the
systematic extermination of the entire Muslim population of
the independent republic of Armenia which consisted of at
least 30-40 percent of the population of that republic. The
memoirs of an Armenian army officer who participated in and
eye-witnessed these atrocities was published in the U.S. in
1926 with the title 'Men Are Like That.' Other references abound."
(Rachel A. Bortnick - The Jewish Times - June 21, 1990)

From the "U.S. Archival Material."

Source: "U.S. Library of Congress": 'Bristol Papers' - General
Correspondence Container #34.

"While the Dashnaks [x-Soviet Armenian Government] were in power they
did everything in the world to keep the pot boiling by attacking Kurds,
Turks and Tartars; by committing outrages against the Moslems; by
massacring the Moslems; and robbing and destroying their homes. During
the last two years the Armenians in Russian Caucasus have shown no
ability to govern themselves and especially no ability to govern or
handle other races under their power."

Source: Bristol Papers, General Correspondence: Container #32 - Bristol
to Bradley Letter of September 14, 1920.

"I have it from absolute first-hand information that the Armenians in
the Caucasus attacked Tartar (Turkish) villages that are utterly
defenseless and bombarded these villages with artillery and they murder
the inhabitants, pillage the village and often burn the village."

Source: F. Kazemzadeh, "The Struggle for Transcaucasia," (New York, 1951),
pp. 69-77.

This three-day massacre [by Armenians] is recorded in history as the
'March Events' and thousands of Turks, old people, women and children
lost their lives.

Source: Quoted by General Hamelin in a letter to the High Commissioner,
February 2, 1919, in the official history, "Les Armees Francaises
au Levant," vol. 1, p. 122.

"They [Armenians] burned and destroyed many Turkish villages as punitive
measures in their advance and practically all Turkish villages in their
retreat from Marash."

Source: John Dewey, "The Turkish Tragedy", The New Republic, Volume 40,
November 12, 1928, pp. 268-269.

"They [Armenians] boasted of having raised an army of one hundred
and fifty thousand men to fight a civil war, and that they burned at
least a hundred Turkish villages and exterminated their population."

>Maybe you've just removed your carpet and
>discovered some invaluable historical documents?

Just visited a library.

Source: "Adventures in the Near East" by A. Rawlinson, Jonathan Cape,
30 Bedford Square, London, 1934 (First published 1923) (287 pages).
(Memoirs of a British officer who witnessed the Armenian genocide of 2.5
million Muslim people)

p. 178 (first paragraph)

"In those Moslem villages in the plain below which had been searched for
arms by the Armenians everything had been taken under the cloak of such
search, and not only had many Moslems been killed, but horrible tortures
had been inflicted in the endeavour to obtain information as to where
valuables had been hidden, of which the Armenians were aware of the
existence, although they had been unable to find them."

p. 175 (first paragraph)

"The arrival of this British brigade was followed by the announcement
that Kars Province had been allotted by the Supreme Council of the
Allies to the Armenians, and that announcement having been made, the
British troops were then completely withdrawn, and Armenian occupation
commenced. Hence all the trouble; for the Armenians at once commenced
the wholesale robbery and persecution of the Muslem population on the
pretext that it was necessary forcibly to deprive them of their arms.
In the portion of the province which lies in the plains they were able
to carry out their purpose, and the manner in which this was done will
be referred to in due course."

Source: "World Alive, A Personal Story" by Robert Dunn. Crown Publishers,
Inc., New York (1952).
(Memoirs of an American officer who witnessed the Armenian genocide of 2.5
million Muslim people)

p. 361 (seventh paragraph) and p. 362 (first paragraph).

'The most are inside houses. Come you and look.'
'No, dammit! My stomach isn't-'
'One is a Turkish officer in uniform. Him you must see.'
"We were under those trees by the mosque, in an open space....
'I don't believe you," I said, but followed to a nail-studded door. The
man pushed it ajar, then spurred away, leaving me to check on the corpse.
I thought I should, this charge was so constant, so gritted my teeth and
went inside.

The place was cool but reeked of sodden ashes, and was dark at first, for
its stone walls had only window slits. Rags strewed the mud floor around an
iron tripod over embers that vented their smoke through roof beams black
with soot. All looked bare and empty, but in an inner room flies buzzed. As
the door swung shut behind me I saw they came from a man's body lying face
up, naked but for its grimy turban. He was about fifty years old by what
was left of his face - a rifle butt had bashed an eye. The one left slanted,
as with Tartars rather than with Turks. Any uniform once on him was gone, so
I'd no proof which he was, and quickly went out, gagging at the mess of his
slashed genitals."

p. 363 (first paragraph).

'How many people lived there?'
'Oh, about eight hundred.' He yawned.
'Did you see any Turk officers?'
'No, sir. I was in at dawn. All were Tartar civilians in mufti.'

"The lieutenant dozed off, then I, but in the small hours a voice woke me -
Dro's. He stood in the starlight bawling out an officer. Anyone keelhauled
so long and furiously I'd never heard. Then abruptly Dro broke into
laughter, quick and simple as child's. Both were a cover for his sense
of guilt, I thought, or hoped. For somehow, despite my boast of irreligion,
Christian massacring 'infidels' was more horrible than the reverse would
have been.

From daybreak on, Armenian villagers poured in from miles around.....
The women plundered happily, chattering like ravens as they picked over
the carcass of Djul. They hauled out every hovel's chattels, the last
scrap of food or cloth, and staggered away, packing pots, saddlebags,
looms, even spinning-wheels.

'Thank you for a lot, Dro,' I said to him back in camp. 'But now I must
leave.'...We shook hands, the captain said 'A bientot, mon camarade.' And
for hours the old Molokan scout and I plodded north across parching plains.
Like Lot's wife I looked back once to see smoke bathing all, doubtless in
a sack of other Moslem villages up to the line of snow that was Iran.'"

p. 354.

"At morning tea, Dro and his officers spread out a map of this whole
high region called the Karabakh. Deep in tactics, they spoke Russian,
but I got their contempt for Allied 'neutral' zones and their distrust
of promises made by tribal chiefs. A campaign shaped; more raids on
Moslem villages."

p. 358.

"It will be three hours to take," Dro told me. We'd close in on three
"The men on foot will not shoot, but use only the bayonets," Merrimanov
said, jabbing a rifle in dumbshow.
"That is for morale," Dro put in. "We must keep the Moslems in terror."
"Soldiers or civilians?" I asked.
"There is no difference," said Dro. "All are armed, in uniform or not."
"But the women and children?"
"Will fly with the others as best they may."

p. 360.

"The ridges circled a wide expanse, its floors still. Hundreds of feet
down, the fog held, solid as cotton flock. 'Djul lies under that,' said
Dro, pointing. 'Our men also attack from the other sides.'

Then, 'Whee-ee!' - his whistle lined up all at the rock edge. Bayonets
clicked upon carbines. Over plunged Archo, his black haunches rippling;
then followed the staff, the horde - nose to tail, bellies taking the
spur. Armenia in action seemed more like a pageant than war, even though
I heard our Utica brass roar.

As I watched from the height, it took ages for Djul to show clear. A tsing
of machine-gun fire took over from the thumping batteries; cattle lowed,
dogs barked, invisible, while I ate a hunk of cheese and drank from a snow
puddle. Mist at last folded upward as men shouted, at first heard faintly.
The came a shrill wailing.

Now among the cloud-streaks rose darker wisps - smoke. Red glimmered about
house walls of stone or wattle, into dry weeds on roofs. A mosque stood in
clump of trees, thick and green. Through crooked alleys on fire, horsemen
were galloping after figures both mounted and on foot.

'Tartarski!' shouted the gunner by me. Others pantomimed them in escape
over the rocks, while one twisted a bronze shell-nose, loaded, and yanked
breech-cord, firing again and again. Shots wasted, I thought, when by
afternoon I looked in vain for fallen branch or body. But these shots and
the white bursts of shrapnel in the gullies drowned the women's cries.

At length all shooting petered out. I got on my horse and rode down toward
Djul. It burned still but little flame showed now. The way was steep and
tough, through dense scrub. Finally on flatter ground I came out suddenly,
through alders, on smoldering houses. Across trampled wheat my brothers-in-
arms were leading off animals, several calves and a lamb."

p. 361 (fourth paragraph).

"Corpses came next, the first a pretty child with straight black hair,
large eyes. She looked about twelve years old. She lay in some stubble
where meal lay scattered from the sack she'd been toting. The bayonet
had gone through her back, I judged, for blood around was scant. Between
the breasts one clot, too small for a bullet wound, crusted her homespun

The next was a boy of ten or less, in rawhide jacket and knee-pants. He
lay face down in the path by several huts. One arm reached out to the
pewter bowl he'd carried, now upset upon its dough. Steel had jabbed
just below his neck, into the spine.

There were grownups, too, I saw as I led the sorrel around. Djul was
empty of the living till I looked up to see beside me Dro's German-speaking
colonel. He said all Tartars who had not escaped were dead."

p. 358.

"...more stories of Armenian murdering Turks when the czarist troops fled
north. My hosts told me of their duty here: to keep tabs on brigands,
Turkish troop shifts, hidden arms, spies - Christian, Red or Tartar -
coming in from Transcaucasus. Then they spoke of the hell that would
break loose if Versailles were to put, as threatened, the six 'Armenian'
vilayets of Turkey under the control of Erevan...

An Armenia without Armenians! Turks under Christian rule? His lips
smacked in irony under the droopy red moustache. That's bloodshed - just
Smyrna over again on a bigger scale."

Serdar Argic

Apr 19, 1994, 9:09:29 PM4/19/94
"Note: This article has just been cancelled by the criminal Armenians
of SDPA/Armenian Church/Sandia National Laboratories in a desperate
attempt to cover up the Armenian genocide of 2.5 million Muslim people
in 1914 and more than one million Azeri people in 1988 (hence, repost)."

>>The Armenians were deeply anti-semitic as well. In the May 10, 1936
>>edition of 'Hairenik Weekly' the vice-mayor of Bucharest, Rumania
>>is quoted as saying:
>>"The Armenians helped us not to become the slaves of the Jewish
>> elements in our country."
>>In another edition, an author named Captain George Haig writes:
>>"And the type of Jew who is imported to not anything
>> to be proud about. Their loose morals, and other vices were
>> unknown to the Arabs prior to Balfour Declaration, on top of

>> all communist activities were the cause wish

>> elements in our country."
>>In another edition, an author named Captain George Haig writes:

>>"And the type of Jew whember 25, 1936.

>And when you probe into your next Monthy Pyton rerun, you'll see the
>following statement:

>"The Golden Age of Ballooning".

Not according to "Nazi Armenian" sources. The Armenian publication in

>In South Africa, not a single Eskimo soul is alive.

What happened to them? Because, for nearly one thousand years,

the Turkish and Kurdish people lived on their homeland. The
persecutions culminated in 1914: The x-Soviet/Russian Armenian
Government planned and carried out a Genocide against its Muslim
subjects. 2.5 million Turks and Kurds were murdered and the remainder
driven out of their homeland. After one thousand years, Turkish
and Kurdish lands were empty of Turks and Kurds.

The survivors found a safe heaven in Turkiye.

Today, x-Soviet Armenian government rejects the right of Turks and
Kurds to return to their Muslim lands occupied by x-Soviet Armenia.

Today, x-Soviet Armenian government covers up the genocide perpetrated
by its predecessors and is therefore an accessory to this crime against

x-Soviet Armenian government must pay for their crime of genocide
against the Muslims by admitting to the crime and making reparations
to the Turks and Kurds.

Turks and Kurds demand the right to return to their lands, to determine
their own future as a nation in their own homeland.

>What the heck do want to say with your posts?

Suffering from a severe case of myopia?

>And, for God's sake, where do you
>get your quotes from?

From "The Jewish Times."

>Maybe you've just removed your carpet and

>discovered some invaluable historical documents?

Just visited a library.

p. 178 (first paragraph)

p. 175 (first paragraph)

p. 363 (first paragraph).

p. 354.

p. 358.

p. 360.

p. 361 (fourth paragraph).

p. 358.

Serdar Argic

Serdar Argic

Apr 19, 1994, 9:09:29 PM4/19/94
"Note: This article has just been cancelled by the criminal Armenians
of SDPA/Armenian Church/Sandia National Laboratories in a desperate
attempt to cover up the Armenian genocide of 2.5 million Muslim people
in 1914 and more than one million Azeri people in 1988 (hence, repost)."

>>The Armenians were deeply anti-semitic as well. In the May 10, 1936
>>edition of 'Hairenik Weekly' the vice-mayor of Bucharest, Rumania
>>is quoted as saying:
>>"The Armenians helped us not to become the slaves of the Jewish
>> elements in our country."
>>In another edition, an author named Captain George Haig writes:
>>"And the type of Jew who is imported to not anything
>> to be proud about. Their loose morals, and other vices were
>> unknown to the Arabs prior to Balfour Declaration, on top of

>> all communist activities were the cause wish

>> elements in our country."
>>In another edition, an author named Captain George Haig writes:

>>"And the type of Jew whember 25, 1936.

>And when you probe into your next Monthy Pyton rerun, you'll see the
>following statement:

>"The Golden Age of Ballooning".

Not according to "Nazi Armenian" sources. The Armenian publication in

>In South Africa, not a single Eskimo soul is alive.

What happened to them? Because, for nearly one thousand years,

the Turkish and Kurdish people lived on their homeland. The
persecutions culminated in 1914: The x-Soviet/Russian Armenian
Government planned and carried out a Genocide against its Muslim
subjects. 2.5 million Turks and Kurds were murdered and the remainder
driven out of their homeland. After one thousand years, Turkish
and Kurdish lands were empty of Turks and Kurds.

The survivors found a safe heaven in Turkiye.

Today, x-Soviet Armenian government rejects the right of Turks and
Kurds to return to their Muslim lands occupied by x-Soviet Armenia.

Today, x-Soviet Armenian government covers up the genocide perpetrated
by its predecessors and is therefore an accessory to this crime against

x-Soviet Armenian government must pay for their crime of genocide
against the Muslims by admitting to the crime and making reparations
to the Turks and Kurds.

Turks and Kurds demand the right to return to their lands, to determine
their own future as a nation in their own homeland.

>What the heck do want to say with your posts?

Suffering from a severe case of myopia?

>And, for God's sake, where do you
>get your quotes from?

From "The Jewish Times."

>Maybe you've just removed your carpet and

>discovered some invaluable historical documents?

Just visited a library.

p. 178 (first paragraph)

p. 175 (first paragraph)

p. 363 (first paragraph).

p. 354.

p. 358.

p. 360.

p. 361 (fourth paragraph).

p. 358.

Serdar Argic

Serdar Argic

Apr 21, 1994, 12:13:38 AM4/21/94
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