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Nov 12, 2015, 5:04:01 PM11/12/15
The president of the University of Missouri, Tim Wolfe, had to go. He had to
go because he benefitted from "white privilege." That, at least, was the
victorious argument of the intellectual heavyweights of Concerned Student
1950, who insisted that Wolfe acknowledge his "white privilege" before
leaving office in a handwritten - not typed, dammit! - letter.

This raises some rather obvious questions, like: What is "white privilege"?
Why is it that Tim Wolfe's "white privilege" mattered while that of Missouri
football coach Gary Pinkel (salary: $3.1 million for helping men in pads hit
each other) and Assistant Professor Melissa Click (gets paid to study Lady
Gaga and 50 Shades of Grey) does not? Why is it that "white privilege" only
manifests when the left wants it to manifest? Why do low-IQ dolts make up
terms that only apply in Cloud Cuckoo Land, but that we all have to pretend
to care about? Was Western civilization truly built brick by brick so that
those same low-IQ dolts could mewl about their feelings?

You know, the simple questions.

But let's just start with that first question. What is "white privilege"?

We might as well use the definition recommended by the Southern Poverty Law
Center, the left's favorite radical think tank dedicated to mislabeling all
conservatives racist, sexist, bigoted and homophobic. These are the
intellectual heavyweights of a movement that brags about its associations
with Katy Perry and the Kardashians. On their website,, they
recommend teaching children the definition of "white privilege" from
Jennifer Holladay's massively popular bestseller White Anti-Racist Activism:
A Personal Roadmap. Here's that definition:

White skin privilege is not something that white people necessarily do,
create or enjoy on purpose. Unlike the more overt individual and
institutional manifestations of racism described above, white skin privilege
is a transparent preference for whiteness that saturates our society. White
skin privilege serves several functions. First, it provides white people
with "perks" that we do not earn and that people of color do not enjoy.
Second, it creates real advantages for us. White people are immune to a lot
of challenges. Finally, white privilege shapes the world in which we live -
the way that we navigate and interact with one another and with the world.

Ah, well then. That solves that.

"White privilege" is something that attaches to you, rather like thetans in
Scientology. "White privilege" gives you societal superpowers. You get perks
such as - and no, I am not making this up - "the flesh-colored band-aid
generally matches my skin tone," and, "complimentary [hotel] shampoo
generally works with the texture of my hair." Some might say that more white
people live in America than black people, and that therefore, companies
cater to their market. But no - that is just your "white privilege talking."

You also get advantages from "white privilege." These advantages include
skin color not working "against me in terms of how people perceive my
financial responsibility, style of dress, public speaking skills or job
performance." So, for example, "white privilege" means I, as a white man
(well, a Jewish man, but close enough), will receive government-subsidized
mortgage loans without proper credit in order to rectify past racial
imbalances; or that critique of my shabby dress will be dismissed as covert
racism; or that my speaking skills will be touted even if I bloviate and
stumble off teleprompter; or that I'll be protected, as a white man, from
firing in special ways thanks to my race. Oh, wait, perhaps those examples
are poorly chosen.

Other advantages of "white privilege" include people "not assum[ing] that I
got where I am professionally because of my race (or because of affirmative
action programs)," mainly because there are no affirmative action programs
for white people, while people of color now routinely get admitted to top
universities across the country with inferior statistical qualifications.
So, given the choice between getting into Yale with a lower score and being
able to bitch about a black guy getting into Yale with a lower score,
clearly more Americans would choose the latter. That's "white privilege."

Another advantage: "Store security personnel or law enforcement officers do
not harass me, pull me over or follow me because of my race." That may be
true, although there are no statistical studies proving it and my own
personal checkbook is filled with speeding tickets. But that could also have
to do with heavier police presence in low-income, high-crime neighborhoods,
which are disproportionately non-white. Oops, there's that damn "white
privilege" presenting facts again.

But never mind the advantages - "white privilege" also is a worldview. That
worldview says that white people "made [America] what it is" and that
national monuments feature lots of white people. You might think that's
because white Christian males founded the country, or because the majority
of the American population has been white and Christian since its founding,
or because white Christian males were central to the vast majority of major
changes to American society, or because America's movement toward racial and
gender equality has accelerated since those monuments were built. But that's
just your "white privilege" talking.

Like Scientology's thetans, you can pay a price to remove the "white
privilege" soul-leeches. That price: self-abnegation at the feet of anyone
who claims you have "white privilege." How will you know if you do have such
"white privilege"? You'll be told you do by your victimhood-hierarchy
superiors. That's your privilege. If you're truly a beneficiary of "white
privilege," you'll know it by all the people telling you to accept that you
are an arrogant person undeserving of your success, a secret racist, and
subject to demands of every sort from those who are not beneficiaries of
"white privilege." Your benefits may even include being fired for the color
of your skin, like Tim Wolfe.

How exciting.

Well, now you know what "white privilege" is. The question is: what will you
do to repent?


Nov 12, 2015, 6:20:19 PM11/12/15

"DoD" <> wrote in message
> The president of the University of Missouri, Tim Wolfe, had to go. He had
> to go because he benefitted from "white privilege." That, at least, was
> the victorious argument of the intellectual heavyweights of Concerned
> Student 1950, who insisted that Wolfe acknowledge his "white privilege"
> before leaving office in a handwritten - not typed, dammit! - letter.
> This raises some rather obvious questions, like: What is "white
> privilege"?

Short answer:

"White privilege is being held responsible for the acts of your ancestors by
people who take no responsibility of the acts of their children."


Nov 12, 2015, 6:38:49 PM11/12/15

"Scout" <> wrote in message
NICE Scout!!! Love it.


Nov 12, 2015, 7:36:51 PM11/12/15

"DoD" <> wrote in message
Yep, a quote I saw just a couple of days ago, but I'm not sure who the
original author was.

One Party System

Nov 12, 2015, 8:05:27 PM11/12/15
"DoD" <> wrote in news:n23287$s2h$


It's racist bullshit promulgated by enemies of a civil, productive society.

There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient
to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an
easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to
make themselves prominent before the public.

Booker T. Washington

Klaus Schadenfreude

Nov 12, 2015, 9:15:22 PM11/12/15
I guess it could also be "not assumed by Democrats to be too helpless
and stupid to support oneself, like they do with blacks, Hispanics,
women, etc."


Nov 12, 2015, 11:41:23 PM11/12/15
Nah. It's : "I'm white, therefore your master".

aa #1981
EAC Chief Food Inspector, Bacon Division


Nov 13, 2015, 12:35:02 AM11/13/15
Nah. It's I'm a white liberal and therefore the things I order you to do
under threat of punishment are for your own good and because I care.


___ ___ ___ ___
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/:/\:\ \:|__| /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/ |:| /\__\ \:\/:/ /
\:\~\:\/:/ / \:\~\:\ \/__/ \/__|:|/:/ / \::/ /
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\:\/:/ / \:\ \/__/ |::/ /
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~~ \/__/ \/__/


Nov 13, 2015, 12:50:50 AM11/13/15

<> wrote in message
> On Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 3:04:02 PM UTC-7, DoD wrote:

> Breitbart? Really?
> He couldn't have been fired for being a recipient of white privilege
> because all white people HAVE white privilege, based on the fact that
> they're white.
> That includes Ben Shapiro.
> White privilege just exists. That you and Ben don't know what it is, is a
> product of white privilege.
> Don't feel bad. A lot of white liberals don't understand what it is,
> either.

Milt is too stupid to understand that he is the cause of a lot of blacks
living as an underclass.

Nov 13, 2015, 1:08:03 AM11/13/15
On Thu, 12 Nov 2015 18:15:14 -0800, Klaus Schadenfreude
<> wrote:

>>"White privilege is being held responsible for the acts of your ancestors by
>>people who take no responsibility of the acts of their children."
>I guess it could also be "not assumed by Democrats to be too helpless
>and stupid to support oneself, like they do with blacks, Hispanics,
>women, etc."

The poor, the immigrants (illegal or not)---pay MORE of their money in
taxes compared to (say), Schitt Rumney in relation to their income

After necessary bills are paid---the taxes on what little is left is
anywhere from 6 to 20%

Look up what a $60,000,000 a year executive makes, and pays compared
to the total income

You're simply not smart enough to argue anything---are you?

"These gentlemen are the moral equivalents of America’s
founding fathers.

Ronald Regan introducing the Mujahideen leaders, 1985).

Nov 13, 2015, 1:09:09 AM11/13/15
On Fri, 13 Nov 2015 00:35:00 -0500, benj <> wrote:

>>> "White privilege is being held responsible for the acts of your
>>> ancestors by people who take no responsibility of the acts of their
>>> children."
>> Nah. It's : "I'm white, therefore your master".
>Nah. It's I'm a white liberal and therefore the things I order you to do
>under threat of punishment are for your own good and because I care.

Actually, that IS a fairly decent synopsis of the elitism of the right
when it comes to formulating policy and direction of the nation.


Nov 13, 2015, 4:58:43 AM11/13/15
On 11/13/2015 12:09 AM, wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Nov 2015 00:35:00 -0500, benj <> wrote:
>>>> "White privilege is being held responsible for the acts of your
>>>> ancestors by people who take no responsibility of the acts of their
>>>> children."
>>> Nah. It's : "I'm white, therefore your master".
>> Nah. It's I'm a white liberal and therefore the things I order you to do
>> under threat of punishment are for your own good and because I care.
> Actually, that IS a fairly decent synopsis of the elitism of the right
> when it comes to formulating policy and direction of the nation.

Sounds like Obama care to me!n--
It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard
the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all
ages who mean to govern well, but *They mean to govern*. They promise to
be good masters, *but they mean to be masters*. Daniel Webster

Klaus Schadenfreude

Nov 13, 2015, 6:30:23 AM11/13/15
On Thu, 12 Nov 2015 23:08:02 -0700, wrote:

>On Thu, 12 Nov 2015 18:15:14 -0800, Klaus Schadenfreude
><> wrote:
>>>"White privilege is being held responsible for the acts of your ancestors by
>>>people who take no responsibility of the acts of their children."
>>I guess it could also be "not assumed by Democrats to be too helpless
>>and stupid to support oneself, like they do with blacks, Hispanics,
>>women, etc."
>The poor, the immigrants (illegal or not)---pay MORE of their money in
>taxes compared to (say), Schitt Rumney in relation to their income

<yawn> The rich pay the most income taxes. That's a fact. We support
low-life scum like you.

>"These gentlemen are the moral equivalents of America’s
>founding fathers.
> Ronald Regan introducing the Mujahideen leaders, 1985).

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will
eventually come to believe it."
-Joseph Goebbels
Nazi Minister of Propaganda and Gary Roselle's hero.

"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success
unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must
confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over."
-Joseph Goebbels
Nazi Minister of Propaganda and Gary Roselle's hero.

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they
will believe it.
-A. Hitler, Goebbels' employer

Mr. B1ack

Nov 14, 2015, 2:05:15 AM11/14/15
"White priviledge" is a concept invented by
upper-class left-wing "whites" to promote
agitation and voter-allegiance amongst
poor "blacks".


Nov 14, 2015, 5:47:28 PM11/14/15

"Olrik" <> wrote in message
If that were the case, then couldn't they simply be told to shut up?

Oh, that's right, they can't be. So much for your opinion.

Rüdy Canôza

Nov 14, 2015, 6:07:08 PM11/14/15
On 11/12/2015 2:03 PM, DoD wrote:
> [...]

It's left-wing swearing. That's all it is.


Nov 15, 2015, 1:01:09 AM11/15/15
They were. In the end, it did not succeed.

> Oh, that's right, they can't be. So much for your opinion.


Nov 15, 2015, 1:06:35 AM11/15/15

"Olrik" <> wrote in message
> Le 2015-11-14 17:47, Scout a écrit :
>> "Olrik" <> wrote in message
>> news:n23ph8$vt6$
>>> Le 2015-11-12 18:20, Scout a écrit :
>>>> "DoD" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:n23287$s2h$
>>>>> The president of the University of Missouri, Tim Wolfe, had to go. He
>>>>> had to go because he benefitted from "white privilege." That, at
>>>>> least, was the victorious argument of the intellectual heavyweights of
>>>>> Concerned Student 1950, who insisted that Wolfe acknowledge his "white
>>>>> privilege" before leaving office in a handwritten - not typed, dammit!
>>>>> - letter.
>>>>> This raises some rather obvious questions, like: What is "white
>>>>> privilege"?
>>>> Short answer:
>>>> "White privilege is being held responsible for the acts of your
>>>> ancestors by people who take no responsibility of the acts of their
>>>> children."
>>> Nah. It's : "I'm white, therefore your master".
>> If that were the case, then couldn't they simply be told to shut up?
> They were. In the end, it did not succeed.

LOL.... That was stupid.

Don't Touch Me There

Nov 15, 2015, 1:59:58 AM11/15/15
On 11/12/2015 8:41 PM, Olrik wrote:
> Le 2015-11-12 18:20, Scout a écrit :
>> "DoD" <> wrote in message
>> news:n23287$s2h$
>>> The president of the University of Missouri, Tim Wolfe, had to go. He
>>> had to go because he benefitted from "white privilege." That, at
>>> least, was the victorious argument of the intellectual heavyweights of
>>> Concerned Student 1950, who insisted that Wolfe acknowledge his "white
>>> privilege" before leaving office in a handwritten - not typed, dammit!
>>> - letter.
>>> This raises some rather obvious questions, like: What is "white
>>> privilege"?
>> Short answer:
>> "White privilege is being held responsible for the acts of your
>> ancestors by people who take no responsibility of the acts of their
>> children."
> Nah. It's

No, he had it right the first time.

Fuck off with your "a écrit" bullshit, enculeur de mouches. You are a
native English speaker posting to English speaking newsgroups
*exclusively*. Change your fucking newsreader, cocksucker.


Nov 15, 2015, 10:35:22 AM11/15/15

"Olrik" <> wrote in message
> Le 2015-11-14 17:47, Scout a écrit :
>> "Olrik" <> wrote in message
>> news:n23ph8$vt6$
>>> Le 2015-11-12 18:20, Scout a écrit :
>>>> "DoD" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:n23287$s2h$
>>>>> The president of the University of Missouri, Tim Wolfe, had to go. He
>>>>> had to go because he benefitted from "white privilege." That, at
>>>>> least, was the victorious argument of the intellectual heavyweights of
>>>>> Concerned Student 1950, who insisted that Wolfe acknowledge his "white
>>>>> privilege" before leaving office in a handwritten - not typed, dammit!
>>>>> - letter.
>>>>> This raises some rather obvious questions, like: What is "white
>>>>> privilege"?
>>>> Short answer:
>>>> "White privilege is being held responsible for the acts of your
>>>> ancestors by people who take no responsibility of the acts of their
>>>> children."
>>> Nah. It's : "I'm white, therefore your master".
>> If that were the case, then couldn't they simply be told to shut up?
> They were. In the end, it did not succeed.

See? Whites aren't their masters.

>> Oh, that's right, they can't be. So much for your opinion.


One Party System

Nov 15, 2015, 11:28:34 AM11/15/15
"DoD" <> wrote in news:n23287$s2h$


A lie.

Mel Schacher

Nov 15, 2015, 11:58:44 AM11/15/15

"One Party System" wrote in message

"DoD" <> wrote in news:n23287$s2h$


A lie.

Pretty much the same as black lives matters.

Rüdy Canôza

Nov 15, 2015, 3:28:47 PM11/15/15
On 11/12/2015 10:08 PM, wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Nov 2015 18:15:14 -0800, Klaus Schadenfreude
> <> wrote:
>>> "White privilege is being held responsible for the acts of your ancestors by
>>> people who take no responsibility of the acts of their children."
>> I guess it could also be "not assumed by Democrats to be too helpless
>> and stupid to support oneself, like they do with blacks, Hispanics,
>> women, etc."
> The poor, the immigrants

Fuck off.

"White privilege" is just left-wing racism running rampant. It can't
even be called a dog whistle to their base, being as overt as it is.

Rüdy Canôza

Nov 15, 2015, 3:29:36 PM11/15/15
On 11/12/2015 10:09 PM, wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Nov 2015 00:35:00 -0500, benj <> wrote:
>>>> "White privilege is being held responsible for the acts of your
>>>> ancestors by people who take no responsibility of the acts of their
>>>> children."
>>> Nah. It's : "I'm white, therefore your master".
>> Nah. It's I'm a white liberal and therefore the things I order you to do
>> under threat of punishment are for your own good and because I care.
> Actually,

Actually, he captured it perfectly, Roselles.

It's just a bullshit rationale for government oppression of people due
to their race.

Nov 15, 2015, 7:33:25 PM11/15/15
On Sun, 15 Nov 2015 12:28:45 -0800, Rüdy Canôza <ru...@ph.con> wrote:

>Fuck off.
>"White privilege" is just left-wing racism running rampant.

It's a Conservative "thing" you mindless idiot

Are you trying to get PAJAMATURDS title of "net-Idiot"?


Nov 15, 2015, 9:41:58 PM11/15/15
Make me, résidu de fausse couche.

Rüdy Canôza

Nov 15, 2015, 9:43:02 PM11/15/15
On 11/15/2015 4:33 PM, wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Nov 2015 12:28:45 -0800, Rüdy Canôza <ru...@ph.con> wrote:
>> Fuck off.
>> "White privilege" is just left-wing racism running rampant.
> It's a

It's a left-wing swearword; nothing more.

It's what leftists way when they have their pig snouts shoved in the
shit of black pathology. It is the black pathology that explains their
failure, not "white privilege."

Not in dispute.

Rüdy Canôza

Nov 15, 2015, 10:22:00 PM11/15/15
On 11/15/2015 6:41 PM, Olrik wrote:
> Le 2015-11-15 01:59, Don't Touch Me There a écrit :

No, Don't Touch Me There *wrote*, you fucking fake francophone. Change
your fucking news client, cocksucker. You're a native English speaker
responding to an English-language newsgroup. You adjust.

>> On 11/12/2015 8:41 PM, Olrik wrote:
>>> Le 2015-11-12 18:20, Scout a écrit :
>>>> "DoD" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:n23287$s2h$
>>>>> The president of the University of Missouri, Tim Wolfe, had to go. He
>>>>> had to go because he benefitted from "white privilege." That, at
>>>>> least, was the victorious argument of the intellectual heavyweights of
>>>>> Concerned Student 1950, who insisted that Wolfe acknowledge his "white
>>>>> privilege" before leaving office in a handwritten - not typed, dammit!
>>>>> - letter.
>>>>> This raises some rather obvious questions, like: What is "white
>>>>> privilege"?
>>>> Short answer:
>>>> "White privilege is being held responsible for the acts of your
>>>> ancestors by people who take no responsibility of the acts of their
>>>> children."
>>> Nah. It's
>> No, he had it right the first time.
>> Fuck off with your "a écrit" bullshit, enculeur de mouches. You are a
>> native English speaker posting to English speaking newsgroups
>> *exclusively*. Change your fucking newsreader, cocksucker.
> Make me

You concede defeat, salaud fils de putain.

I'm right. You're a native English speaker being pretentious. You need
to have your teeth beat in.

Jul 29, 2017, 3:26:10 AM7/29/17
On Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 5:04:01 PM UTC-5, DoD wrote:
> The president of the University of Missouri, Tim Wolfe, had to go. He had to
> go because he benefitted from "white privilege." That, at least, was the
> victorious argument of the intellectual heavyweights of Concerned Student
> 1950, who insisted that Wolfe acknowledge his "white privilege" before
> leaving office in a handwritten - not typed, dammit! - letter.
> This raises some rather obvious questions, like: What is "white privilege"?
> Why is it that Tim Wolfe's "white privilege" mattered while that of Missouri
> football coach Gary Pinkel (salary: $3.1 million for helping men in pads hit
> each other) and Assistant Professor Melissa Click (gets paid to study Lady
> Gaga and 50 Shades of Grey) does not? Why is it that "white privilege" only
> manifests when the left wants it to manifest? Why do low-IQ dolts make up
> terms that only apply in Cloud Cuckoo Land, but that we all have to pretend
> to care about? Was Western civilization truly built brick by brick so that
> those same low-IQ dolts could mewl about their feelings?
> You know, the simple questions.
> But let's just start with that first question. What is "white privilege"?
> We might as well use the definition recommended by the Southern Poverty Law
> Center, the left's favorite radical think tank dedicated to mislabeling all
> conservatives racist, sexist, bigoted and homophobic. These are the
> intellectual heavyweights of a movement that brags about its associations
> with Katy Perry and the Kardashians. On their website,, they
> recommend teaching children the definition of "white privilege" from
> Jennifer Holladay's massively popular bestseller White Anti-Racist Activism:
> A Personal Roadmap. Here's that definition:
> White skin privilege is not something that white people necessarily do,
> create or enjoy on purpose. Unlike the more overt individual and
> institutional manifestations of racism described above, white skin privilege
> is a transparent preference for whiteness that saturates our society. White
> skin privilege serves several functions. First, it provides white people
> with "perks" that we do not earn and that people of color do not enjoy.
> Second, it creates real advantages for us. White people are immune to a lot
> of challenges. Finally, white privilege shapes the world in which we live -
> the way that we navigate and interact with one another and with the world.
> Ah, well then. That solves that.
> "White privilege" is something that attaches to you, rather like thetans in
> Scientology. "White privilege" gives you societal superpowers. You get perks
> such as - and no, I am not making this up - "the flesh-colored band-aid
> generally matches my skin tone," and, "complimentary [hotel] shampoo
> generally works with the texture of my hair." Some might say that more white
> people live in America than black people, and that therefore, companies
> cater to their market. But no - that is just your "white privilege talking."
> You also get advantages from "white privilege." These advantages include
> skin color not working "against me in terms of how people perceive my
> financial responsibility, style of dress, public speaking skills or job
> performance." So, for example, "white privilege" means I, as a white man
> (well, a Jewish man, but close enough), will receive government-subsidized
> mortgage loans without proper credit in order to rectify past racial
> imbalances; or that critique of my shabby dress will be dismissed as covert
> racism; or that my speaking skills will be touted even if I bloviate and
> stumble off teleprompter; or that I'll be protected, as a white man, from
> firing in special ways thanks to my race. Oh, wait, perhaps those examples
> are poorly chosen.
> Other advantages of "white privilege" include people "not assum[ing] that I
> got where I am professionally because of my race (or because of affirmative
> action programs)," mainly because there are no affirmative action programs
> for white people, while people of color now routinely get admitted to top
> universities across the country with inferior statistical qualifications.
> So, given the choice between getting into Yale with a lower score and being
> able to bitch about a black guy getting into Yale with a lower score,
> clearly more Americans would choose the latter. That's "white privilege."
> Another advantage: "Store security personnel or law enforcement officers do
> not harass me, pull me over or follow me because of my race." That may be
> true, although there are no statistical studies proving it and my own
> personal checkbook is filled with speeding tickets. But that could also have
> to do with heavier police presence in low-income, high-crime neighborhoods,
> which are disproportionately non-white. Oops, there's that damn "white
> privilege" presenting facts again.
> But never mind the advantages - "white privilege" also is a worldview. That
> worldview says that white people "made [America] what it is" and that
> national monuments feature lots of white people. You might think that's
> because white Christian males founded the country, or because the majority
> of the American population has been white and Christian since its founding,
> or because white Christian males were central to the vast majority of major
> changes to American society, or because America's movement toward racial and
> gender equality has accelerated since those monuments were built. But that's
> just your "white privilege" talking.
> Like Scientology's thetans, you can pay a price to remove the "white
> privilege" soul-leeches. That price: self-abnegation at the feet of anyone
> who claims you have "white privilege." How will you know if you do have such
> "white privilege"? You'll be told you do by your victimhood-hierarchy
> superiors. That's your privilege. If you're truly a beneficiary of "white
> privilege," you'll know it by all the people telling you to accept that you
> are an arrogant person undeserving of your success, a secret racist, and
> subject to demands of every sort from those who are not beneficiaries of
> "white privilege." Your benefits may even include being fired for the color
> of your skin, like Tim Wolfe.
> How exciting.
> Well, now you know what "white privilege" is. The question is: what will you
> do to repent?

What will I do to repent? Answer: Not a fucking thing. In fact, I'm going to avidly and enthusiastically celebrate my whiteness, and be proud of the many accomplishments of my race throughout history which far outstripped those of any people of color. I will not feel an ounce of guilt or remorse, lose one minute of sleep, or even pretend to have any sympathy for "the struggle" of minorities who routinely glorify and espouse promiscuous, misogynistic and thuggish culture while denigrating education and intelligence as "selling out". Now I am going to go eat white turkey on white bread with white mayo and wash it down with some nice white milk, then whitewash my backyard fence.

Black Cultural Contributions

Jul 30, 2017, 5:24:42 PM7/30/17
In article <04d4189f-8bdc-4d8a-8484->
You're talking about niggers, right?


Jul 31, 2017, 5:50:17 PM7/31/17
> What is "white privilege"?

White Privilege?

When I can walk into my HR department after being disciplined by a black
supervisor and claim racism to keep my job and get the supervisor fired.
Then you can say I have White privilege.

When I can get a job over someone else who is more qualified because I am
white, then you can claim White privilege.

When I can get anyone in trouble just by saying that they hate me because I
am White, then you can claim White privilege.

When I can get a business boycotted by claiming that they hate whites, then
you can claim White privilege.

When I can get thousands of thugs to set fires because a White man was
killed by a black police officer, then you can claim White privilege.

When I can claim that a man that beat me in a fair fight is racist and call
it a hate crime, then you can claim White privilege.

White Privilege = receiving benefits for appropriate behavior within the
culture that sprang within white founded nations.

No White Privilege = receiving punishments for behavior deemed inappropriate
by cultural norms that sprang within white founded nations.

It is just that simple.

You must ACT white to receive the benefits of the civilization WHITES
crafted. This is OUR civilization, nor yours. It's cultural traditions,
laws, and lifeways are based on OUR shared history, not yours. It really is
just that simple. Negroes want the benefits of society yet refuse abide by
the cultural norms that gave rise to that society.

So long as Negroes act like Negroes, give in their toddler like impulses,
take what does not belong to them, butcher the language, rape in impunity,
use violence without regard to consequences, abandon education for
hedonistic pleasures, they fail to receive the benefits we, whites, have
crafted of communal living over the last 2000+ years of trial and error.

As evidenced by the overflowing prisons, the rates of failure to educate
Negroes as we have our own, the decay of the cities we bequeathed unto them,
Negroes seem to have ZERO desire to live as whites knowing the benefits that
would ensue.

Since the snivel rights tantrums, Negroes have been free to chart their own
course. Gone is the harsh hand of evil whitey telling them what they must
do. What do see with that freedom? Do we see glittering examples of negro
achievement? Do we even see a status-quo of negro life before the snivel
rights tantrum? No, the freedom the snivel rights tantrums brought has given
way to an embrace of African ways and the consequences of such existing in a
white fabricated world - Detroit and countless other ruined places negro
infest stand as rotting testaments to the failure of multiculturalism.

White privilege is a drug to prevent Negroes from seeing the truth, that
their own feral like behavior precludes them from functioning within a
society that has long since seen the folly of such and has long standing
cultural traditions preventing such actions.

However, if white privilege is as you desire it to be, then leave our
nations. Be gone from the lands we settled while you were locked in bondage,
forced you into adapting to against your will, that continues to rail
against you at every turn. Cease flooding our shores knowing such privilege
exists. Take the post-Neolithic knowledge we have bestowed upon you and
built up your ancestral homelands currently and still wallowing in filth,
corruption, superstition, and starvation. Create nations of towering
achievements and instill negro privilege your citizens.

"Those who rewrite history attempt to hide their own disgrace." - Vladimir
Putin, January 28th, 2015

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