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SHAY NOW sheenie SHEIN (shick old yidoid pedo Baruch 'Barry' Shein dba Barry Z. Shein ( infeshting 700 Washington St B'righton Mass)...For VHY all the jew FORGERIES jew pedo? VOT did the B'rits/Poles/Catholics ever do to you?

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sick old nazoid pedo Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron

Dec 13, 2019, 12:25:11 PM12/13/19

The B'rits executed your shubpeople, the Poles 'holocaushted'®™ them
and the Catholics inquisitioned them!

SHO fucking VOT jew pedo BARUCH? BIG fucking deal!

Butt REGARDLESSH!....let'sh CONTINUE with the MERCILESSH and
Your, circumcished jew shishter Suzan F. Binder and her
circumcished jew hubby Marc W. Binder
Your, circumcished shitshke 'wife' Mary E. Riendeau Shein
Your, shenile circumcished jew mum Annie Shein (SHOOSH!)
Your, circumcished jew shub-uncle Hyman Shein (POP!)
Your, circumcished jew dad Shaul (LOLOK) Shein (zt"l/a"h since 1992)
and LASHT butt not LEASHT your, shubcherry-popped circumcished jew
shubnephew Zachary G. Binder!

Let the jewshaming continue!

shick old yidoid pedo Baruch 'Barry' Shein (aka 'Ron Jacobsohn')

Dec 13, 2019, 12:28:16 PM12/13/19
On Fri, 13 Dec 2019 09:25:06 -0800, sick old nazoid pedo Andrew
'Andrzej' Baron <> wrote:

>The B'rits executed your shubpeople, the Poles 'holocaushted'®™ them
>and the Catholics inquisitioned them!

Well, yes.

>SHO fucking VOT jew pedo BARUCH? BIG fucking deal!

Well, no. They were just jews.

>Butt REGARDLESSH!....let'sh CONTINUE with the MERCILESSH and
>Your, circumcished jew shishter Suzan F. Binder and her
>circumcished jew hubby Marc W. Binder
>Your, circumcished shitshke 'wife' Mary E. Riendeau Shein
>Your, shenile circumcished jew mum Annie Shein (SHOOSH!)
>Your, circumcished jew shub-uncle Hyman Shein (POP!)
>Your, circumcished jew dad Shaul (LOLOK) Shein (zt"l/a"h since 1992)
>and LASHT butt not LEASHT your, shubcherry-popped circumcished jew
>shubnephew Zachary G. Binder!
>Let the jewshaming continue!



Dec 13, 2019, 1:16:39 PM12/13/19
UNBELIEVABLE, but our resident pedophilic cocksucking serb swine just
finished sucking off her SECOND gay neo-nazi gang, today! LOL

Listen to her trying (and failing) to talk with a FRESH big load of jizz in
her filthy cocksucking serbian gob:

> HUH?
> The B'rits executed your shubpeople, the Poles 'holocaushted'®™ them
> and the Catholics inquisitioned them!
> SHO fucking VOT jew pedo BARUCH? BIG fucking deal!

THAT's the sound she makes when she squeezes the jizz to and fro between her
rotten serbian teeth!

> Butt REGARDLESSH!....let'sh CONTINUE with the MERCILESSH and
> Your, circumcished jew shishter Suzan F. Binder and her
> circumcished jew hubby Marc W. Binder
> Your, circumcished shitshke 'wife' Mary E. Riendeau Shein
> Your, shenile circumcished jew mum Annie Shein (SHOOSH!)
> Your, circumcished jew shub-uncle Hyman Shein (POP!)
> Your, circumcished jew dad Shaul (LOLOK) Shein (zt"l/a"h since 1992)
> and LASHT butt not LEASHT your, shubcherry-popped circumcished jew
> shubnephew Zachary G. Binder!
> Let the jewshaming continue!

If she only swallowed it BEFORE she started talking!

Why, oh WHY, are ALL you nazis, ALWAYS, without ANY exception, such

Yeah, WHY, gay anal Razovic?

Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"Isn't it time that paedophiles were admitted to the LGBTQ rainbow?
Now that every other sexual deviation seems to have been accommodated?"
MID: <Y8LUE.513827$>


Dec 13, 2019, 1:17:49 PM12/13/19
On Fri, 13 Dec 2019 09:28:15 -0800, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making an ass of herself as "shick old yidoid pedo Baruch
'Barry' Shein (aka 'Ron Jacobsohn')", farted again:

> Well, yes.

Well, YES, you ARE a VERY VERY sick asshole, pedophilic gay Razovic!

Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"There will always be progressives such as Harriet Harperson who want to
take that extra step forward. Paedophiles are still a long way from
being widely accepted."
MID: <rlMUE.676067$>

Michael Ejercito

Dec 19, 2019, 12:31:07 PM12/19/19

"Peeler" wrote in message news:gBQIF.26$

>On Fri, 13 Dec 2019 09:28:15 -0800, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
>bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
>sexual cripple, making an ass of herself as "shick old yidoid pedo Baruch
>'Barry' Shein (aka 'Ron Jacobsohn')", farted again:

>> Well, yes.

>Well, YES, you ARE a VERY VERY sick asshole, pedophilic gay Razovic!

Indeed the mangina is.

Now here is the Woketartian Left accusing President Barack Obama of using
a white-power hand gesture.

College Sports
Army, Navy officials investigate possible ‘white power’ gestures by students
Navy beat Army in the annual rivalry game Saturday in Philadelphia.
(Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post )
Navy beat Army in the annual rivalry game Saturday in Philadelphia.
(Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post )
Cindy Boren
Dec. 15, 2019 at 2:26 p.m. PST
Officials at the Army and Navy academies are investigating whether hand
signs flashed by students standing behind a reporter during a TV interview
were intended to convey a message of white supremacy.

The incident involved two U.S. Military Academy cadets and a Naval Academy
midshipman who were behind ESPN’s Rece Davis as he reported on the sideline
before the annual rivalry game Saturday in Philadelphia.

“U.S. Naval Academy officials have appointed a preliminary inquiry officer
to conduct an internal investigation into the hand gestures made during the
ESPN ‘College GameDay’ broadcast prior to [Saturday’s] Army-Navy game,”
Cmdr. Alana Garas, a spokesperson for the Naval Academy, said in a statement
to The Washington Post. “Based on findings of the investigation, those
involved will be held appropriately accountable. It would be inappropriate
to speculate any further while we are conducting this investigation.”


Lt. Col. Chris Ophardt told The Post that the “U.S. Military Academy is
looking into the matter. At this time, we do not know the intent of the

The gesture, which is open to interpretation, resembles the common one used
to indicate “okay,” but with the hand pointing downward to form a W and P
for “white power.” In September, it was moved from a trolling gesture to a
hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League, which maintains a database of
hate symbols. In doing so, the ADL was careful to note on its website that
the gesture has multiple meanings.

How the 'okay' hand symbol was co-opted by the alt-right
The Anti-Defamation League said the "okay" hand sign is now a hate symbol.
Here's what you need to know about the evolution of the gesture. (Adriana
Usero, Elyse Samuels/The Washington Post)
“The overwhelming usage of the ‘okay’ hand gesture today is still its
traditional purpose as a gesture signifying assent or approval,” the ADL
post reads. “As a result, someone who uses the symbol cannot be assumed to
be using the symbol in either a trolling or, especially, white supremacist
context unless other contextual evidence exists to support the contention.
Since 2017, many people have been falsely accused of being racist or white
supremacist for using the ‘okay’ gesture in its traditional and innocuous


It went on to say, “Because of the traditional meaning of the ‘okay’ hand
gesture, as well as other usages unrelated to white supremacy, particular
care must be taken not to jump to conclusions about the intent behind
someone who has used the gesture.”

Last week, U.S. Military Academy officials dropped the “GFBD” slogan used by
the football team after learning of its association with white supremacist
groups. An abbreviation for the phrase “God forgives, brothers don’t,” it
has appeared for several years on a rally flag carried into games by the
Black Knights, and it reportedly was featured on some team-related
merchandise. A hashtag, #GFBD, has also been used online by supporters of
the team.

According to the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center, the slogan and its
abbreviation are popular among members of the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas, a
white supremacist prison gang. The ADL has also described “GFBD” as a phrase
“shared” by such groups with motorcycle gangs and “intended to reinforce
group loyalty” or to warn of never “snitching” on fellow members.


In a statement to The Post, an academy spokesperson wrote that a “thorough
investigation” showed “that the Army football team began the use of the
skull and crossbones flag with the initials in the mid-1990s. The football
team continued to use the motto until leaders at the academy were made aware
that the phrase is also associated with extremist groups. The motto was
originally used to emphasize teamwork, loyalty and toughness. The academy
immediately discontinued using it upon notification of its tie to hate

Last year, the U.S. Coast Guard reprimanded an officer who used a similar
hand sign during a live broadcast on MSNBC. The officer, with 23 years in
uniform, was not identified by the Coast Guard but received a letter of
censure signed by Capt. John Reed, head of the Hurricane Florence response
in Charleston, S.C. “While your actions may have seemed funny and playful to
you, they clearly showed lack of maturity and inability to understand the
gravity of the situation, namely the preparation and response to Hurricane
Florence, a declared disaster,” Reed wrote in a letter the Coast Guard
provided to Navy Times.

Navy won Saturday’s game, 31-7, behind the play of quarterback Malcolm
Perry. It snapped Army’s three-game winning streak in the series, which Navy
leads, 61-52-7.

Connoisseur de merde, Debwhorah Sharavi

Dec 20, 2019, 8:25:35 AM12/20/19
On Thu, 19 Dec 2019 09:31:11 -0800, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
<> wrote:

>"Foreskin Peeler" wrote in message news:gBQIF.26$

[FLUHS Grik skata]...and better air in here again! [sic][SIC!!! LOL]

Watch, it geezer!

> Indeed the mangina is.


> Now here is the Woketartian Left accusing President Barack Obama of using
>a white-power hand gesture.

Now what gives two jew shits what inanities the Woketarian Left
(whoever the fuck they are) have accused some nigger of, mong?


RJ (preferred jew aliash)


The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$hp7....@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$Qr2....@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$Nl5....@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$c5...@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."


Dec 20, 2019, 9:43:47 AM12/20/19
On Fri, 20 Dec 2019 05:25:27 -0800, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making an ass of herself as "Connoisseur de merde, Debwhorah
Sharavi", farted again:

>> >Well, YES, you ARE a VERY VERY sick asshole, pedophilic gay Razovic!
>> Indeed the mangina is.
> Inane.

There is NOTHING inane about the truth, you sick asshole!

>> Now here is the Woketartian Left accusing President Barack Obama of using
>>a white-power hand gesture.
> Now what gives two jew shits what inanities the Woketarian Left
> (whoever the fuck they are) have accused some nigger of, mong?

INTELLIGENT people care about it, retarded dreckserb!

> Cheers!

BTW, "cheers"??? Is that what you say when you are about to swallow nazi
jizz, you housebound cocksucking wanker? <BG>

Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic answering a question whether there
is any "meaningful" debate to lower the age of consent:
"If there isn't, there should be."
MID: <ZAMUE.174724$>

Michael Ejercito

Dec 20, 2019, 10:17:11 AM12/20/19

"Connoisseur de merde, Debwhorah Sharavi" wrote in message

>On Thu, 19 Dec 2019 09:31:11 -0800, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
><> wrote:

>>"Foreskin Peeler" wrote in message news:gBQIF.26$

>[FLUHS Grik skata]...and better air in here again! [sic][SIC!!! LOL]

>Watch, it geezer!
We also watch classy young ladies.
>> Indeed the mangina is.

You are the inane one here!

>> Now here is the Woketartian Left accusing President Barack Obama of
>> using
>>a white-power hand gesture.

>Now what gives two jew shits what inanities the Woketarian Left
>(whoever the fuck they are) have accused some nigger of, mong?
Nithing, normal people do.



Dec 20, 2019, 10:45:20 AM12/20/19
On Fri, 20 Dec 2019 07:17:16 -0800, Michael Ejercito wrote:

> You are the inane one here!

The truth can be so simple! LOL

The Jews

Dec 20, 2019, 3:08:44 PM12/20/19
On Fri, 20 Dec 2019 16:45:15 +0100, Peeler <trol...@valid.invalid>
And yet- far too complex for the slav to comprehend!

I *LOVE* how you and Mr. Ejercito have him and his dozen socks
repeating his anal fantasies over and over again!


“If you have not killed at least one Nazi a day, you have wasted that
day. If you leave a Nazi alive, the Nazi will hang a Russian and rape
a Russian woman. If you kill one Nazi, kill another—there is nothing
more amusing for us than a heap of Nazi corpses.”
-Ilya Ehrenburg.

shick old yidoid pedo Baruch 'Barry' Shein (aka 'Ron Jacobsohn')

Dec 21, 2019, 7:31:52 AM12/21/19
On Fri, 20 Dec 2019 07:17:16 -0800, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
<> wrote:

>>> Indeed the mangina is.
> You are the inane one here!

You SUBPERSONIFY inanity here, mong.

>>> Now here is the Woketartian Left accusing President Barack Obama of
>>> using
>>>a white-power hand gesture.
>>Now what gives two jew shits what inanities the Woketarian Left
>>(whoever the fuck they are) have accused some nigger of, mong?
> Nithing, normal people do.

Needledick, only subnormal subpeople like you do.



Dec 21, 2019, 11:34:31 AM12/21/19
On Sat, 21 Dec 2019 04:31:50 -0800, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making an ass of herself as "shick old yidoid pedo Baruch
'Barry' Shein (aka 'Ron Jacobsohn')", farted again:

>> You are the inane one here!
> You SUBPERSONIFY inanity here, mong.

...projects the grand-master of inane "contributions", pedophilic serb
psychopath Razovic herself, Usenet's "famous" sexual cripple! LOL

>> Nithing, normal people do.
> Needledick, only subnormal subpeople like you do.

Stop projecting your OWN subnormality and subhumanity onto all those that
you feel are superior to you and straight unlike you, you sexually crippled

> Cheers!

BTW, "cheers"??? Is that what you say when you are about to swallow nazi
jizz, you housebound cocksucking wanker? <BG>

Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"That [referring to the term "consenting adults"] is just an outdated legal
construct. Are you telling me that a 13-year old who spends 15 hours a day
on Facebook is incapable of consent?"
MID: <Og0VE.1298131$>

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